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por Mark Nielsen

Sobre el autor:
Mark Nielsen works at AudioBoomerang.com which creates, delivers, and tracks personalized multimedia email, web, and newsletter campaigns. He works as a consultant delivering end products to AudioBoomerang.com clients, such as advanced customized statistical reports used for demographic or pyschological profiles for future campaigns. In his spare time, he writes articles relating to Free Software (GPL) or Free Literature (FDL) and is involved with the non-profit learning center eastmont.net.


Plugins y Mozilla 1.0



How I setup Mozilla 1.0 for Real Player, Acrobat, Flash, and a generic plug-in Plugger.

_________________ _________________ _________________



The purpose of this article is just to show how I installed various plugins with Mozilla. Getting all the basic plugins to work is one of the last things (besides a spellchecker) which I need to make it so I never use Netscape again. I installed Mozilla 1.0 at /usr/local/mozilla and created a file called "/usr/bin/mozilla" with the following contents:
#export XENVIRONMENT=/usr/local/mozilla/Netscape.ad
export NPX_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/local/Acrobat4/Browsers/intellinux
export PATH=/usr/local/Acrobat4/bin:$PATH

Real Player

Real Player was pretty easy. Just download the free Real Player and copy raclass.zip and rpnp.so to the mozilla plugins directory.  

Flash Player

I downloaded the Flash Player and copied libflashplayer.so into the mozilla plugins directory.  

Acrobat Reader

This was a little more complicated, but I was thrilled when I got a pdf document embedded into a webpage.
  1. Install Acrobat at "/usr/local/Acrobat4".
  2. Copy nppdf.so into the mozilla plugins directory.
  3. mv /usr/bin/mozilla /usr/bin/mozilla_old
  4. Create a /usr/bin/mozilla script with the following content:
    export NPX_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/local/Acrobat4/Browsers/intellinux
    export PATH=/usr/local/Acrobat4/bin:$PATH
  5. chmod 755 /usr/bin/mozilla


Plugger is a really cool plugin that connects your browser to all sorts of stuff like audio files, postscript, excel document, word document, etc. Follow the instructions on how to install Plugger. At the end of the instructions, copy plugger.so into the mozilla plugins directory. I was using a RedHat 7.2 system.

After I installed plugger, I got the following to work:

Plugin At first After installing more software
Quicktime no Yes, after I installed xanim. Very slow.
AVI no Yes, after I installed xanim. Very slow.
MPG no Yes, after I installed xanim. Very slow.
FLI no Yes, after I installed xanim. Very slow.
WAV yes as external  
Basic Audio no no
MIDI yes  
Soundtracker yes  
MPEG audio FIle yes  
MPEG_url file yes as external  
Commadore no Yes, after I installed /usr/local/bin/sidplay
PNG yes, but mozilla already did this.  
TIFF yes  
Sun Raster yes  
MS Bitmap yes  
Postscript yes  
Acrobat yes, but I already got it to work.  
MS Word yes  
MS Excel yes  


None, other than this is great and I am glad I finally don't need Netscape for anything (I never really used it anymore anyways). The only thing I might recommend is not to use plugger for videos ,like mpeg, as it was just too slow. Gtv was much faster for mpeg compared to using plugger and xanim.  


  1. http://fredrik.hubbe.net/plugger.htm l
  2. http://fredrik.hubbe.net/plugge r/test.html

Copyright © 6/2002 Mark Nielsen


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