RFC 9067 Routing Policy YANG Data Model October 2021
Qu, et al. Standards Track [Page]
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
Standards Track
Y. Qu
J. Tantsura
A. Lindem
X. Liu
Volta Networks

RFC 9067

A YANG Data Model for Routing Policy


This document defines a YANG data model for configuring and managing routing policies in a vendor-neutral way. The model provides a generic routing policy framework that can be extended for specific routing protocols using the YANG 'augment' mechanism.

Status of This Memo

This is an Internet Standards Track document.

This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It represents the consensus of the IETF community. It has received public review and has been approved for publication by the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG). Further information on Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 7841.

Information about the current status of this document, any errata, and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9067.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

This document describes a YANG data model [RFC7950] for routing policy configuration based on operational usage and best practices in a variety of service provider networks. The model is intended to be vendor neutral to allow operators to manage policy configuration consistently in environments with routers supplied by multiple vendors.

The YANG modules in this document conform to the Network Management Datastore Architecture (NMDA) [RFC8342].

1.1. Goals and Approach

This model does not aim to be feature complete; it is a subset of the policy configuration parameters available in a variety of vendor implementations but supports widely used constructs for managing how routes are imported, exported, and modified across different routing protocols. The model development approach has been to examine actual policy configurations in use across several operator networks. Hence, the focus is on enabling policy configuration capabilities and structure that are in wide use.

Despite the differences in details of policy expressions and conventions in various vendor implementations, the model reflects the observation that a relatively simple condition-action approach can be readily mapped to several existing vendor implementations and also gives operators a familiar and straightforward way to express policy. A side effect of this design decision is that other methods for expressing policies are not considered.

Consistent with the goal to produce a data model that is vendor neutral, only policy expressions that are deemed to be widely available in prevalent implementations are included in the model. Those configuration items that are only available from a single implementation are omitted from the model with the expectation they will be available in separate vendor-provided modules that augment the current model.

2. Terminology and Notation

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

Routing policy:
A routing policy defines how routes are imported, exported, modified, and advertised between routing protocol instances or within a single routing protocol instance.
Policy chain:
A policy chain is a sequence of policy definitions. They can be referenced from different contexts.
Policy statement:
Policy statements consist of a set of conditions and actions (either of which may be empty).

The following terms are defined in [RFC8342]:

The following terms are defined in [RFC7950]:

2.1. Tree Diagrams

Tree diagrams used in this document follow the notation defined in [RFC8340].

2.2. Prefixes in Data Node Names

In this document, names of data nodes, actions, and other data model objects are often used without a prefix if it is clear in which YANG module each name is defined given the context. Otherwise, names are prefixed using the standard prefix associated with the corresponding YANG module, as shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Prefixes and Corresponding YANG Modules
Prefix YANG module Reference
if ietf-interfaces [RFC8343]
rt ietf-routing [RFC8349]
yang ietf-yang-types [RFC6991]
inet ietf-inet-types [RFC6991]

3. Model Overview

The routing policy module has three main parts:

The module makes use of the standard Internet types, such as IP addresses, autonomous system numbers, etc., defined in RFC 6991 [RFC6991].

4. Route Policy Expression

Policies are expressed as a sequence of top-level policy definitions, each of which consists of a sequence of policy statements. Policy statements in turn consist of simple condition-action tuples. Conditions may include multiple match or comparison operations, and similarly, actions may include multiple changes to route attributes or indicate a final disposition of accepting or rejecting the route. This structure is shown below.

  +--rw routing-policy
     +--rw policy-definitions
        +--ro match-modified-attributes?   boolean
        +--rw policy-definition* [name]
           +--rw name          string
           +--rw statements
              +--rw statement* [name]
                 +--rw name          string
                 +--rw conditions
                 |     ...
                 +--rw actions

4.1. Defined Sets for Policy Matching

The model provides a collection of generic sets that can be used for matching in policy conditions. These sets are applicable for route selection across multiple routing protocols. They may be further augmented by protocol-specific models that have their own defined sets. The defined sets include:

prefix sets:
Each prefix set defines a set of IP prefixes, each with an associated IP prefix and netmask range (or exact length).
neighbor sets:
Each neighbor set defines a set of neighboring nodes by their IP addresses. A neighbor set is used for selecting routes based on the neighbors advertising the routes.
tag sets:
Each tag set defines a set of generic tag values that can be used in matches for selecting routes.

The model structure for defined sets is shown below.

    +--rw routing-policy
       +--rw defined-sets
       |  +--rw prefix-sets
       |  |  +--rw prefix-set* [name]
       |  |     +--rw name        string
       |  |     +--rw mode?       enumeration
       |  |     +--rw prefixes
       |  |        +--rw prefix-list* [ip-prefix mask-length-lower
       |  |                            mask-length-upper]
       |  |           +--rw ip-prefix           inet:ip-prefix
       |  |           +--rw mask-length-lower    uint8
       |  |           +--rw mask-length-upper    uint8
       |  +--rw neighbor-sets
       |  |  +--rw neighbor-set* [name]
       |  |     +--rw name       string
       |  |     +--rw address*   inet:ip-address
       |  +--rw tag-sets
       |     +--rw tag-set* [name]
       |        +--rw name         string
       |        +--rw tag-value*   tag-type

4.2. Policy Conditions

Policy statements consist of a set of conditions and actions (either of which may be empty). Conditions are used to match route attributes against a defined set (e.g., a prefix set) or to compare attributes against a specific value.

Match conditions may be further modified using the match-set-options configuration, which allows network operators to change the behavior of a match. Three options are supported:

Match is true only if the given value matches all members of the set.
Match is true if the given value matches any member of the set.
Match is true if the given value does not match any member of the given set.

Not all options are appropriate for matching against all defined sets (e.g., match 'all' in a prefix set does not make sense). In the model, a restricted set of match options is used where applicable.

Comparison conditions may similarly use options to change how route attributes should be tested, e.g., for equality or inequality, against a given value.

While most policy conditions will be added by individual routing protocol models via augmentation, this routing policy model includes several generic match conditions and the ability to test which protocol or mechanism installed a route (e.g., BGP, IGP, static, etc.). The conditions included in the model are shown below.

  +--rw routing-policy
     +--rw policy-definitions
        +--rw policy-definition* [name]
           +--rw name          string
           +--rw statements
              +--rw statement* [name]
                 +--rw conditions
                 |  +--rw call-policy?
                 |  +--rw source-protocol?
                 |  +--rw match-interface
                 |  |  +--rw interface?
                 |  +--rw match-prefix-set
                 |  |  +--rw prefix-set?
                 |  |  +--rw match-set-options?
                 |  +--rw match-neighbor-set
                 |  |  +--rw neighbor-set?
                 |  +--rw match-tag-set
                 |  |  +--rw tag-set?
                 |  |  +--rw match-set-options?
                 |  +--rw match-route-type
                 |     +--rw route-type*

4.3. Policy Actions

When policy conditions are satisfied, policy actions are used to set various attributes of the route being processed or to indicate the final disposition of the route, i.e., accept or reject.

Similar to policy conditions, the routing policy model includes generic actions in addition to the basic route disposition actions. These are shown below.

  +--rw routing-policy
     +--rw policy-definitions
        +--rw policy-definition* [name]
           +--rw statements
              +--rw statement* [name]
                 +--rw actions
                    +--rw policy-result?   policy-result-type
                    +--rw set-metric
                    |  +--rw metric-modification?
                    |  |         metric-modification-type
                    |  +--rw metric?                 uint32
                    +--rw set-metric-type
                    |  +--rw metric-type?   identityref
                    +--rw set-route-level
                    |  +--rw route-level?   identityref
                    +--rw set-route-preference?      uint16
                    +--rw set-tag?               tag-type
                    +--rw set-application-tag?   tag-type

4.4. Policy Subroutines

Policy 'subroutines' (or nested policies) are supported by allowing policy statement conditions to reference other policy definitions using the call-policy configuration. Called policies apply their conditions and actions before returning to the calling policy statement and resuming evaluation. The outcome of the called policy affects the evaluation of the calling policy. If the called policy results in an accept-route, then the subroutine returns an effective Boolean true value to the calling policy. For the calling policy, this is equivalent to a condition statement evaluating to a true value, thus the calling party continues in its evaluation of the policy (see Section 5). Note that the called policy may also modify attributes of the route in its action statements. Similarly, a reject-route action returns false, and the calling policy evaluation will be affected accordingly. When the end of the subroutine policy statements is reached, the default route disposition action is returned (i.e., Boolean false for reject-route). Consequently, a subroutine cannot explicitly accept or reject a route. Rather, the called policy returns Boolean true if its outcome is accept-route or Boolean false if its outcome is reject-route. Route acceptance or rejection is solely determined by the top-level policy.

Note that the called policy may itself call other policies (subject to implementation limitations). The model does not prescribe a nesting depth because this varies among implementations. For example, an implementation may only support a single level of subroutine recursion. As with any routing policy construction, care must be taken with nested policies to ensure that the effective return value results in the intended behavior. Nested policies are a convenience in many routing policy constructions, but creating policies nested beyond a small number of levels (e.g., two to three) is discouraged. Also, implementations MUST perform validation to ensure that there is no recursion among nested routing policies.

5. Policy Evaluation

Evaluation of each policy definition proceeds by evaluating its individual policy statements in the order that they are defined. When all the condition statements in a policy statement are satisfied, the corresponding action statements are executed. If the actions include either accept-route or reject-route actions, evaluation of the current policy definition stops, and no further policy statement is evaluated. If there are multiple policies in the policy chain, subsequent policies are not evaluated. Policy chains are sequences of policy definitions (as described in Section 4).

If the conditions are not satisfied, then evaluation proceeds to the next policy statement. If none of the policy statement conditions are satisfied, then evaluation of the current policy definition stops, and the next policy definition in the chain is evaluated. When the end of the policy chain is reached, the default route disposition action is performed (i.e., reject-route unless an alternate default action is specified for the chain).

Whether the route's pre-policy attributes are used for testing policy statement conditions is dependent on the implementation-specific value of the match-modified-attributes leaf. If match-modified-attributes is false and actions modify route attributes, these modifications are not used for policy statement conditions. Conversely, if match-modified-attributes is true and actions modify the policy application-specific attributes, the attributes as modified by the policy are used for policy condition statements.

6. Applying Routing Policy

Routing policy is applied by defining and attaching policy chains in various routing contexts. Policy chains are sequences of policy definitions (described in Section 4). They can be referenced from different contexts. For example, a policy chain could be associated with a routing protocol and used to control its interaction with its protocol peers, or it could be used to control the interaction between a routing protocol and the local routing information base. A policy chain has an associated direction (import or export) with respect to the context in which it is referenced.

The routing policy model defines an apply-policy grouping that can be imported and used by other models. As shown below, it allows definition of import and export policy chains, as well as specifies the default route disposition to be used when no policy definition in the chain results in a final decision.

      +--rw apply-policy
      |  +--rw import-policy*
      |  +--rw default-import-policy?   default-policy-type
      |  +--rw export-policy*
      |  +--rw default-export-policy?   default-policy-type

The default policy defined by the model is to reject the route for both import and export policies.

7. YANG Module and Tree

7.1. Routing Policy Model Tree

The tree of the routing policy model is shown below.

module: ietf-routing-policy
  +--rw routing-policy
     +--rw defined-sets
     |  +--rw prefix-sets
     |  |  +--rw prefix-set* [name mode]
     |  |     +--rw name        string
     |  |     +--rw mode        enumeration
     |  |     +--rw prefixes
     |  |        +--rw prefix-list* [ip-prefix mask-length-lower
     |  |                            mask-length-upper]
     |  |           +--rw ip-prefix            inet:ip-prefix
     |  |           +--rw mask-length-lower    uint8
     |  |           +--rw mask-length-upper    uint8
     |  +--rw neighbor-sets
     |  |  +--rw neighbor-set* [name]
     |  |     +--rw name       string
     |  |     +--rw address*   inet:ip-address
     |  +--rw tag-sets
     |     +--rw tag-set* [name]
     |        +--rw name         string
     |        +--rw tag-value*   tag-type
     +--rw policy-definitions
        +--ro match-modified-attributes?   boolean
        +--rw policy-definition* [name]
           +--rw name          string
           +--rw statements
              +--rw statement* [name]
                 +--rw name          string
                 +--rw conditions
                 |  +--rw call-policy?       -> ../../../../../..
                 |                           /policy-definitions
                 |                           /policy-definition/name
                 |  +--rw source-protocol?      identityref
                 |  +--rw match-interface
                 |  |  +--rw interface?      if:interface-ref
                 |  +--rw match-prefix-set
                 |  |  +--rw prefix-set?     -> ../../../../../../..
                 |  |                        /defined-sets
                 |  |                        /prefix-sets
                 |  |                        /prefix-set/name
                 |  |  +--rw match-set-options?
                 |  |                        match-set-options-type
                 |  +--rw match-neighbor-set
                 |  |  +--rw neighbor-set?   -> ../../../../../../..
                 |  |                        /defined-sets
                 |  |                        /neighbor-sets
                 |  |                        /neighbor-set/name
                 |  +--rw match-tag-set
                 |  |  +--rw tag-set?        -> ../../../../../../..
                 |  |                        /defined-sets/tag-sets
                 |  |                        /tag-set/name
                 |  |  +--rw match-set-options?
                 |  |                        match-set-options-type
                 |  +--rw match-route-type
                 |     +--rw route-type*     identityref
                 +--rw actions
                    +--rw policy-result?         policy-result-type
                    +--rw set-metric
                    |  +--rw metric-modification?
                    |                        metric-modification-type
                    |  +--rw metric?                uint32
                    +--rw set-metric-type
                    |  +--rw metric-type?   identityref
                    +--rw set-route-level
                    |  +--rw route-level?   identityref
                    +--rw set-route-preference?        uint16
                    +--rw set-tag?               tag-type
                    +--rw set-application-tag?   tag-type

7.2. Routing Policy Model

The following RFCs are not referenced in the document text but are referenced in the ietf-routing-policy.yang module: [RFC2328], [RFC3101], [RFC5130], [RFC5302], [RFC6991], and [RFC8343].

<CODE BEGINS> file "ietf-routing-policy@2021-10-11.yang"

module ietf-routing-policy {
  yang-version 1.1;
  namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-routing-policy";
  prefix rt-pol;

  import ietf-inet-types {
    prefix inet;
      "RFC 6991: Common YANG Data Types";
  import ietf-yang-types {
    prefix yang;
      "RFC 6991: Common YANG Data Types";
  import ietf-interfaces {
    prefix if;
      "RFC 8343: A YANG Data Model for Interface
  import ietf-routing {
    prefix rt;
      "RFC 8349: A YANG Data Model for Routing
                 Management (NMDA Version)";

    "IETF RTGWG - Routing Area Working Group";
    "WG Web:   <https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/rtgwg/>
     WG List:  <mailto: rtgwg@ietf.org>

     Editors:  Yingzhen Qu
               <mailto: yingzhen.qu@futurewei.com>
               Jeff Tantsura
               <mailto: jefftant.ietf@gmail.com>
               Acee Lindem
               <mailto: acee@cisco.com>
               Xufeng Liu
               <mailto: xufeng.liu.ietf@gmail.com>";
    "This module describes a YANG data model for routing policy
     configuration. It is a limited subset of all of the policy
     configuration parameters available in the variety of vendor
     implementations, but supports widely used constructs for
     managing how routes are imported, exported, modified, and
     advertised across different routing protocol instances or
     within a single routing protocol instance.  This module is
     intended to be used in conjunction with routing protocol
     configuration modules (e.g., BGP) defined in other models.

     This YANG module conforms to the Network Management
     Datastore Architecture (NMDA), as described in RFC 8342.

     The key words 'MUST', 'MUST NOT', 'REQUIRED', 'SHALL', 'SHALL
     'MAY', and 'OPTIONAL' in this document are to be interpreted as
     described in BCP 14 (RFC 2119) (RFC 8174) when, and only when,
     they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

     Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
     authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
     without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to
     the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set
     forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions
     Relating to IETF Documents

     This version of this YANG module is part of RFC 9067;
     see the RFC itself for full legal notices.";

    "RFC 9067: A YANG Data Model for Routing Policy.";

  revision 2021-10-11 {
      "Initial revision.";
      "RFC 9067: A YANG Data Model for Routing Policy.";

  /* Identities */

  identity metric-type {
      "Base identity for route metric types.";

  identity ospf-type-1-metric {
    base metric-type;
      "Identity for the OSPF type 1 external metric types.  It
       is only applicable to OSPF routes.";
      "RFC 2328: OSPF Version 2";

  identity ospf-type-2-metric {
    base metric-type;
      "Identity for the OSPF type 2 external metric types.  It
       is only applicable to OSPF routes.";
      "RFC 2328: OSPF Version 2";

  identity isis-internal-metric {
    base metric-type;
      "Identity for the IS-IS internal metric types.  It is only
       applicable to IS-IS routes.";
      "RFC 5302: Domain-Wide Prefix Distribution with
       Two-Level IS-IS";

  identity isis-external-metric {
    base metric-type;
      "Identity for the IS-IS external metric types.  It is only
       applicable to IS-IS routes.";
      "RFC 5302: Domain-Wide Prefix Distribution with
       Two-Level IS-IS";

  identity route-level {
      "Base identity for route import level.";

  identity ospf-normal {
    base route-level;
      "Identity for OSPF importation into normal areas.
       It is only applicable to routes imported
       into the OSPF protocol.";
      "RFC 2328: OSPF Version 2";

  identity ospf-nssa-only {
    base route-level;
      "Identity for the OSPF Not-So-Stubby Area (NSSA) area
       importation.  It is only applicable to routes imported
       into the OSPF protocol.";
      "RFC 3101: The OSPF Not-So-Stubby Area (NSSA) Option";

  identity ospf-normal-nssa {
    base route-level;
      "Identity for OSPF importation into both normal and NSSA
       areas.  It is only applicable to routes imported into
       the OSPF protocol.";
      "RFC 3101: The OSPF Not-So-Stubby Area (NSSA) Option";

  identity isis-level-1 {
    base route-level;
      "Identity for IS-IS Level 1 area importation.  It is only
       applicable to routes imported into the IS-IS protocol.";
      "RFC 5302: Domain-Wide Prefix Distribution with
       Two-Level IS-IS";

  identity isis-level-2 {
    base route-level;
      "Identity for IS-IS Level 2 area importation.  It is only
       applicable to routes imported into the IS-IS protocol.";
      "RFC 5302: Domain-Wide Prefix Distribution with
       Two-Level IS-IS";

  identity isis-level-1-2 {
    base route-level;
      "Identity for IS-IS importation into both Level 1 and Level 2
       areas.  It is only applicable to routes imported into the
       IS-IS protocol.";
      "RFC 5302: Domain-Wide Prefix Distribution with
       Two-Level IS-IS";

  identity proto-route-type {
      "Base identity for route type within a protocol.";

  identity isis-level-1-type {
    base proto-route-type;
      "Identity for IS-IS Level 1 route type.  It is only
       applicable to IS-IS routes.";
      "RFC 5302: Domain-Wide Prefix Distribution with
       Two-Level IS-IS";

  identity isis-level-2-type {
    base proto-route-type;
      "Identity for IS-IS Level 2 route type.  It is only
       applicable to IS-IS routes.";
      "RFC 5302: Domain-Wide Prefix Distribution with
       Two-Level IS-IS";

  identity ospf-internal-type {
    base proto-route-type;
      "Identity for OSPF intra-area or inter-area route type.
       It is only applicable to OSPF routes.";
      "RFC 2328: OSPF Version 2";

  identity ospf-external-type {
    base proto-route-type;
      "Identity for OSPF external type 1/2 route type.
       It is only applicable to OSPF routes.";
      "RFC 2328: OSPF Version 2";

  identity ospf-external-t1-type {
    base ospf-external-type;
      "Identity for OSPF external type 1 route type.
       It is only applicable to OSPF routes.";
      "RFC 2328: OSPF Version 2";

  identity ospf-external-t2-type {
    base ospf-external-type;
      "Identity for OSPF external type 2 route type.
       It is only applicable to OSPF routes.";
      "RFC 2328: OSPF Version 2";

  identity ospf-nssa-type {
    base proto-route-type;
      "Identity for OSPF NSSA type 1/2 route type.
       It is only applicable to OSPF routes.";
      "RFC 3101: The OSPF Not-So-Stubby Area (NSSA) Option";

  identity ospf-nssa-t1-type {
    base ospf-nssa-type;
      "Identity for OSPF NSSA type 1 route type.
       It is only applicable to OSPF routes.";
      "RFC 3101: The OSPF Not-So-Stubby Area (NSSA) Option";

  identity ospf-nssa-t2-type {
    base ospf-nssa-type;
      "Identity for OSPF NSSA type 2 route type.
       It is only applicable to OSPF routes.";
      "RFC 3101: The OSPF Not-So-Stubby Area (NSSA) Option";

  identity bgp-internal {
    base proto-route-type;
      "Identity for routes learned from internal BGP (IBGP).
       It is only applicable to BGP routes.";
      "RFC 4271: A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)";

  identity bgp-external {
    base proto-route-type;
      "Identity for routes learned from external BGP (EBGP).
       It is only applicable to BGP routes.";
      "RFC 4271: A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)";

  /* Type Definitions */

  typedef default-policy-type {
    type enumeration {
      enum accept-route {
          "Default policy to accept the route.";
      enum reject-route {
          "Default policy to reject the route.";
      "Type used to specify route disposition in
       a policy chain.  This typedef is used in
       the default import and export policy.";

  typedef policy-result-type {
    type enumeration {
      enum accept-route {
          "Policy accepts the route.";
      enum reject-route {
          "Policy rejects the route.";
      "Type used to specify route disposition in
       a policy chain.";

  typedef tag-type {
    type union {
      type uint32;
      type yang:hex-string;
      "Type for expressing route tags on a local system,
       including IS-IS and OSPF; may be expressed as either decimal
       or hexadecimal integer.";
      "RFC 2328: OSPF Version 2
       RFC 5130: A Policy Control Mechanism in IS-IS Using
                 Administrative Tags";

  typedef match-set-options-type {
    type enumeration {
      enum any {
          "Match is true if given value matches any member
           of the defined set.";
      enum all {
          "Match is true if given value matches all
           members of the defined set.";
      enum invert {
          "Match is true if given value does not match any
           member of the defined set.";
    default "any";
      "Options that govern the behavior of a match statement.  The
       default behavior is any, i.e., the given value matches any
       of the members of the defined set.";

  typedef metric-modification-type {
    type enumeration {
      enum set-metric {
          "Set the metric to the specified value.";
      enum add-metric {
          "Add the specified value to the existing metric.
           If the result overflows the maximum metric
           (0xffffffff), set the metric to the maximum.";
      enum subtract-metric {
          "Subtract the specified value from the existing metric.  If
           the result is less than 0, set the metric to 0.";
      "Type used to specify how to set the metric given the
       specified value.";

  /* Groupings */

  grouping prefix {
      "Configuration data for a prefix definition.

       The combination of mask-length-lower and mask-length-upper
       define a range for the mask length or single 'exact'
       length if mask-length-lower and mask-length-upper are

       Example: through would be
       expressed as prefix:,

       Example: (an exact match) would be
       expressed as prefix:,

       Example: 2001:DB8::/32 through 2001:DB8::/64 would be
       expressed as prefix: 2001:DB8::/32,
    leaf ip-prefix {
      type inet:ip-prefix;
      mandatory true;
        "The IP prefix represented as an IPv6 or IPv4 network
         number followed by a prefix length with an intervening
         slash character as a delimiter.  All members of the
         prefix-set MUST be of the same address family as the
         prefix-set mode.";
    leaf mask-length-lower {
      type uint8 {
        range "0..128";
        "Mask length range lower bound.  It MUST NOT be less than
         the prefix length defined in ip-prefix.";
    leaf mask-length-upper {
      type uint8 {
        range "1..128";
      must '../mask-length-upper >= ../mask-length-lower' {
        error-message "The upper bound MUST NOT be less "
                    + "than lower bound.";
        "Mask length range upper bound.  It MUST NOT be less than
         lower bound.";

  grouping match-set-options-group {
      "Grouping containing options relating to how a particular set
       will be matched.";
    leaf match-set-options {
      type match-set-options-type;
        "Optional parameter that governs the behavior of the
         match operation.";

  grouping match-set-options-restricted-group {
      "Grouping for a restricted set of match operation
    leaf match-set-options {
      type match-set-options-type {
        enum any {
            "Match is true if given value matches any
             member of the defined set.";
        enum invert {
            "Match is true if given value does not match
             any member of the defined set.";
        "Optional parameter that governs the behavior of the
         match operation.  This leaf only supports
         the 'any' and 'invert' match options.
         Matching on 'all' is not supported.";

  grouping apply-policy-group {
      "Top-level container for routing policy applications.  This
       grouping is intended to be used in routing models where
    container apply-policy {
        "Anchor point for routing policies in the model.
         Import and export policies are with respect to the local
         routing table, i.e., export (send) and import (receive),
         depending on the context.";
      leaf-list import-policy {
        type leafref {
          path "/rt-pol:routing-policy/rt-pol:policy-definitions/"
             + "rt-pol:policy-definition/rt-pol:name";
          require-instance true;
        ordered-by user;
          "List of policy names in sequence to be applied on
           receiving redistributed routes from another routing
           protocol or receiving a routing update in the current
           context, e.g., for the current peer group, neighbor,
           address family, etc.";
      leaf default-import-policy {
        type default-policy-type;
        default "reject-route";
          "Explicitly set a default policy if no policy definition
           in the import policy chain is satisfied.";
      leaf-list export-policy {
        type leafref {
          path "/rt-pol:routing-policy/rt-pol:policy-definitions/"
             + "rt-pol:policy-definition/rt-pol:name";
          require-instance true;
        ordered-by user;
          "List of policy names in sequence to be applied on
           redistributing routes from one routing protocol to another
           or sending a routing update in the current context, e.g.,
           for the current peer group, neighbor, address family,
      leaf default-export-policy {
        type default-policy-type;
        default "reject-route";
          "Explicitly set a default policy if no policy definition
           in the export policy chain is satisfied.";

  container routing-policy {
      "Top-level container for all routing policy.";
    container defined-sets {
        "Predefined sets of attributes used in policy match
      container prefix-sets {
          "Data definitions for a list of IPv4 or IPv6
           prefixes that are matched as part of a policy.";
        list prefix-set {
          key "name mode";
            "List of the defined prefix sets";
          leaf name {
            type string;
              "Name of the prefix set; this is used as a label to
               reference the set in match conditions.";
          leaf mode {
            type enumeration {
              enum ipv4 {
                  "Prefix set contains IPv4 prefixes only.";
              enum ipv6 {
                  "Prefix set contains IPv6 prefixes only.";
              "Indicates the mode of the prefix set in terms of
               which address families (IPv4 or IPv6) are present.
               The mode provides a hint; all prefixes MUST be of
               the indicated type.  The device MUST validate
               all prefixes and reject the configuration if there
               is a discrepancy.";
          container prefixes {
              "Container for the list of prefixes in a policy
               prefix list.  Since individual prefixes do not have
               unique actions, the order in which the prefix in
               prefix-list are matched has no impact on the outcome
               and is left to the implementation.  A given prefix-set
               condition is satisfied if the input prefix matches
               any of the prefixes in the prefix-set.";
            list prefix-list {
              key "ip-prefix mask-length-lower mask-length-upper";
                "List of prefixes in the prefix set.";
              uses prefix;
      container neighbor-sets {
          "Data definition for a list of IPv4 or IPv6
           neighbors that can be matched in a routing policy.";
        list neighbor-set {
          key "name";
            "List of defined neighbor sets for use in policies.";
          leaf name {
            type string;
              "Name of the neighbor set; this is used as a label
               to reference the set in match conditions.";
          leaf-list address {
            type inet:ip-address;
              "List of IP addresses in the neighbor set.";
      container tag-sets {
          "Data definitions for a list of tags that can
           be matched in policies.";
        list tag-set {
          key "name";
            "List of tag set definitions.";
          leaf name {
            type string;
              "Name of the tag set; this is used as a label to
               reference the set in match conditions.";
          leaf-list tag-value {
            type tag-type;
              "Value of the tag set member.";
    container policy-definitions {
        "Enclosing container for the list of top-level policy
      leaf match-modified-attributes {
        type boolean;
        config false;
          "This boolean value dictates whether matches are performed
           on the actual route attributes or route attributes
           modified by policy statements preceding the match.";
      list policy-definition {
        key "name";
          "List of top-level policy definitions, keyed by unique
           name.  These policy definitions are expected to be
           referenced (by name) in policy chains specified in
           import or export configuration statements.";
        leaf name {
          type string;
            "Name of the top-level policy definition; this name
             is used in references to the current policy.";
        container statements {
            "Enclosing container for policy statements.";
          list statement {
            key "name";
            ordered-by user;
              "Policy statements group conditions and actions
               within a policy definition.  They are evaluated in
               the order specified.";
            leaf name {
              type string;
                "Name of the policy statement.";
            container conditions {
                "Condition statements for the current policy
              leaf call-policy {
                type leafref {
                  path "../../../../../../"
                     + "rt-pol:policy-definitions/"
                     + "rt-pol:policy-definition/rt-pol:name";
                  require-instance true;
                  "Applies the statements from the specified policy
                   definition and then returns control to the current
                   policy statement.  Note that the called policy
                   may itself call other policies (subject to
                   implementation limitations).  This is intended to
                   provide a policy 'subroutine' capability.  The
                   called policy SHOULD contain an explicit or a
                   default route disposition that returns an
                   effective true (accept-route) or false
                   (reject-route); otherwise, the behavior may be
                   ambiguous. The call-policy MUST NOT have been
                   previously called without returning (i.e.,
                   recursion is not allowed).";
              leaf source-protocol {
                type identityref {
                  base rt:control-plane-protocol;
                  "Condition to check the protocol / method used to
                   install the route into the local routing table.";
              container match-interface {
                leaf interface {
                  type if:interface-ref;
                    "Reference to a base interface.";
                  "Container for interface match conditions";
              container match-prefix-set {
                leaf prefix-set {
                  type leafref {
                    path "../../../../../../../defined-sets/"
                       + "prefix-sets/prefix-set/name";
                    "References a defined prefix set.";
                uses match-set-options-restricted-group;
                  "Match a referenced prefix-set according to the
                   logic defined in the match-set-options leaf.";
              container match-neighbor-set {
                leaf neighbor-set {
                  type leafref {
                    path "../../../../../../../defined-sets/"
                       + "neighbor-sets/neighbor-set/name";
                    require-instance true;
                    "References a defined neighbor set.";
                  "Match a referenced neighbor set.";
              container match-tag-set {
                leaf tag-set {
                  type leafref {
                    path "../../../../../../../defined-sets/"
                       + "tag-sets/tag-set/name";
                    require-instance true;
                    "References a defined tag set.";
                uses match-set-options-group;
                  "Match a referenced tag set according to the logic
                   defined in the match-set-options leaf.";
              container match-route-type {
                  "This container provides route-type match
                leaf-list route-type {
                  type identityref {
                    base proto-route-type;
                    "Condition to check the protocol-specific type
                     of route.  This is normally used during route
                     importation to select routes or to set
                     protocol-specific attributes based on the route
            container actions {
                "Top-level container for policy action
              leaf policy-result {
                type policy-result-type;
                  "Select the final disposition for the route,
                   either accept or reject.";
              container set-metric {
                leaf metric-modification {
                  type metric-modification-type;
                    "Indicates how to modify the metric.";
                leaf metric {
                  type uint32;
                    "Metric value to set, add, or subtract.";
                  "Set the metric for the route.";
              container set-metric-type {
                leaf metric-type {
                  type identityref {
                    base metric-type;
                    "Route metric type.";
                  "Set the metric type for the route.";
              container set-route-level {
                leaf route-level {
                  type identityref {
                    base route-level;
                    "Route import level.";
                  "Set the level for importation or
                   exportation of routes.";
              leaf set-route-preference {
                type uint16;
                  "Set the preference for the route.  It is also
                   known as 'administrative distance' and allows for
                   selecting the preferred route among routes with
                   the same destination prefix.  A smaller value is
                   more preferred.";
              leaf set-tag {
                type tag-type;
                  "Set the tag for the route.";
              leaf set-application-tag {
                type tag-type;
                  "Set the application tag for the route.
                   The application-specific tag is an additional tag
                   that can be used by applications that require
                   semantics and/or policy different from that of the
                   tag.  For example, the tag is usually
                   automatically advertised in OSPF AS-External Link
                   State Advertisements (LSAs) while this
                   application-specific tag is not advertised


8. Security Considerations

The YANG module specified in this document defines a schema for data that is designed to be accessed via network management protocols such as NETCONF [RFC6241] or RESTCONF [RFC8040]. The lowest NETCONF layer is the secure transport layer, and the mandatory-to-implement secure transport is Secure Shell (SSH) [RFC6242]. The lowest RESTCONF layer is HTTPS, and the mandatory-to-implement secure transport is TLS [RFC8446].

The Network Configuration Access Control Model (NACM) [RFC8341] provides the means to restrict access for particular NETCONF or RESTCONF users to a preconfigured subset of all available NETCONF or RESTCONF protocol operations and content.

There are a number of data nodes defined in this YANG module that are writable/creatable/deletable (i.e., config true, which is the default). These data nodes may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments. Write operations (e.g., edit-config) to these data nodes without proper protection can have a negative effect on network operations. These are the subtrees and data nodes and their sensitivity/vulnerability:

Modification to prefix sets could result in a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack. An attacker may try to modify prefix sets and redirect or drop traffic. Redirection of traffic could be used as part of a more elaborate attack to either collect sensitive information or masquerade a service. Additionally, a control plane DoS attack could be accomplished by allowing a large number of routes to be leaked into a routing protocol domain (e.g., BGP).
Modification to the neighbor sets could be used to mount a DoS attack or more elaborate attack as with prefix sets. For example, a DoS attack could be mounted by changing the neighbor set from which routes are accepted.
Modification to the tag sets could be used to mount a DoS attack. Routes with certain tags might be redirected or dropped. The implications are similar to prefix sets and neighbor sets. However, the attack may be more difficult to detect as the routing policy usage of route tags and intent must be understood to recognize the breach. Conversely, the implications of prefix set or neighbor set modification are easier to recognize.
Modification to the conditions could be used to mount a DoS attack or other attack. An attacker may change a policy condition and redirect or drop traffic. As with prefix sets, neighbor sets, or tag sets, traffic redirection could be used as part of a more elaborate attack.
Modification to actions could be used to mount a DoS attack or other attack. Traffic may be redirected or dropped. As with prefix sets, neighbor sets, or tag sets, traffic redirection could be used as part of a more elaborate attack. Additionally, route attributes may be changed to mount a second-level attack that is more difficult to detect.

Some of the readable data nodes in the YANG module may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments. It is thus important to control read access (e.g., via get, get-config, or notification) to these data nodes. These are the subtrees and data nodes and their sensitivity/vulnerability:

Knowledge of these data nodes can be used to ascertain which local prefixes are susceptible to a DoS attack.
Knowledge of these data nodes can be used to ascertain local neighbors against whom to mount a DoS attack.
Knowledge of these data nodes can be used to attack the local router with a DoS attack. Additionally, policies and their attendant conditions and actions should be considered proprietary and disclosure could be used to ascertain partners, customers, and suppliers. Furthermore, the policies themselves could represent intellectual property and disclosure could diminish their corresponding business advantage.

Routing policy configuration has a significant impact on network operations, and as such, other YANG data models that reference routing policies are also susceptible to vulnerabilities relating to the YANG data nodes specified above.

9. IANA Considerations

IANA has registered the following URI in the "ns" subregistry of the "IETF XML Registry" [RFC3688]:

Registrant Contact:
N/A; the requested URI is an XML namespace.

IANA has registered the following YANG module in the "YANG Module Names" subregistry [RFC6020] within the "YANG Parameters" registry:

Maintained by IANA?
RFC 9067

10. References

10.1. Normative References

Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2119>.
Moy, J., "OSPF Version 2", STD 54, RFC 2328, DOI 10.17487/RFC2328, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2328>.
Murphy, P., "The OSPF Not-So-Stubby Area (NSSA) Option", RFC 3101, DOI 10.17487/RFC3101, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3101>.
Mealling, M., "The IETF XML Registry", BCP 81, RFC 3688, DOI 10.17487/RFC3688, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3688>.
Rekhter, Y., Ed., Li, T., Ed., and S. Hares, Ed., "A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)", RFC 4271, DOI 10.17487/RFC4271, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc4271>.
Previdi, S., Shand, M., Ed., and C. Martin, "A Policy Control Mechanism in IS-IS Using Administrative Tags", RFC 5130, DOI 10.17487/RFC5130, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5130>.
Li, T., Smit, H., and T. Przygienda, "Domain-Wide Prefix Distribution with Two-Level IS-IS", RFC 5302, DOI 10.17487/RFC5302, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5302>.
Bjorklund, M., Ed., "YANG - A Data Modeling Language for the Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF)", RFC 6020, DOI 10.17487/RFC6020, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6020>.
Enns, R., Ed., Bjorklund, M., Ed., Schoenwaelder, J., Ed., and A. Bierman, Ed., "Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF)", RFC 6241, DOI 10.17487/RFC6241, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6241>.
Wasserman, M., "Using the NETCONF Protocol over Secure Shell (SSH)", RFC 6242, DOI 10.17487/RFC6242, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6242>.
Schoenwaelder, J., Ed., "Common YANG Data Types", RFC 6991, DOI 10.17487/RFC6991, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6991>.
Bjorklund, M., Ed., "The YANG 1.1 Data Modeling Language", RFC 7950, DOI 10.17487/RFC7950, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7950>.
Bierman, A., Bjorklund, M., and K. Watsen, "RESTCONF Protocol", RFC 8040, DOI 10.17487/RFC8040, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8040>.
Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8174>.
Bjorklund, M. and L. Berger, Ed., "YANG Tree Diagrams", BCP 215, RFC 8340, DOI 10.17487/RFC8340, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8340>.
Bierman, A. and M. Bjorklund, "Network Configuration Access Control Model", STD 91, RFC 8341, DOI 10.17487/RFC8341, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8341>.
Bjorklund, M., Schoenwaelder, J., Shafer, P., Watsen, K., and R. Wilton, "Network Management Datastore Architecture (NMDA)", RFC 8342, DOI 10.17487/RFC8342, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8342>.
Bjorklund, M., "A YANG Data Model for Interface Management", RFC 8343, DOI 10.17487/RFC8343, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8343>.
Lhotka, L., Lindem, A., and Y. Qu, "A YANG Data Model for Routing Management (NMDA Version)", RFC 8349, DOI 10.17487/RFC8349, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8349>.
Rescorla, E., "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3", RFC 8446, DOI 10.17487/RFC8446, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8446>.

10.2. Informative References

Jethanandani, M., Patel, K., Hares, S., and J. Haas, "BGP YANG Model for Service Provider Networks", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-idr-bgp-model-09, , <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-idr-bgp-model-09>.
Bray, T., Paoli, J., Sperberg-McQueen, M., Maler, E., Yergeau, F., and J. Cowan, "Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 (Second Edition)", W3C Consortium Recommendation REC-xml11-20060816, , <https://www.w3.org/TR/2006/REC-xml11-20060816>.

Appendix A. Routing Protocol-Specific Policies

Routing models that require the ability to apply routing policy may augment the routing policy model with protocol or other specific policy configuration. The routing policy model assumes that additional defined sets, conditions, and actions may all be added by other models.

The example below illustrates how another data model can augment parts of this routing policy data model. It uses specific examples from draft-ietf-idr-bgp-model-09 to show in a concrete manner how the different pieces fit together. This example is not normative with respect to [IDR-BGP-MODEL]. The model similarly augments BGP-specific conditions and actions in the corresponding sections of the routing policy model. In the example below, the XPath prefix "bp:" specifies import from the ietf-bgp-policy sub-module and the XPath prefix "bt:" specifies import from the ietf-bgp-types sub-module [IDR-BGP-MODEL].

module: ietf-routing-policy
  +--rw routing-policy
     +--rw defined-sets
     |  +--rw prefix-sets
     |  |  +--rw prefix-set* [name]
     |  |     +--rw name        string
     |  |     +--rw mode?       enumeration
     |  |     +--rw prefixes
     |  |        +--rw prefix-list* [ip-prefix mask-length-lower
     |  |                            mask-length-upper]
     |  |           +--rw ip-prefix            inet:ip-prefix
     |  |           +--rw mask-length-lower    uint8
     |  |           +--rw mask-length-upper    uint8
     |  +--rw neighbor-sets
     |  |  +--rw neighbor-set* [name]
     |  |     +--rw name       string
     |  |     +--rw address*   inet:ip-address
     |  +--rw tag-sets
     |  |  +--rw tag-set* [name]
     |  |     +--rw name         string
     |  |     +--rw tag-value*   tag-type
     |  +--rw bp:bgp-defined-sets
     |     +--rw bp:community-sets
     |     |  +--rw bp:community-set* [name]
     |     |     +--rw bp:name      string
     |     |     +--rw bp:member*   union
     |     +--rw bp:ext-community-sets
     |     |  +--rw bp:ext-community-set* [name]
     |     |     +--rw bp:name      string
     |     |     +--rw bp:member*   union
     |     +--rw bp:as-path-sets
     |        +--rw bp:as-path-set* [name]
     |           +--rw bp:name      string
     |           +--rw bp:member*   string
     +--rw policy-definitions
        +--ro match-modified-attributes?   boolean
        +--rw policy-definition* [name]
           +--rw name          string
           +--rw statements
              +--rw statement* [name]
                 +--rw name          string
                 +--rw conditions
                 |  +--rw call-policy?
                 |  +--rw source-protocol?          identityref
                 |  +--rw match-interface
                 |  |  +--rw interface?        if:interface-ref
                 |  +--rw match-prefix-set
                 |  |  +--rw prefix-set?       prefix-set/name
                 |  |  +--rw match-set-options?
                 |  |                         match-set-options-type
                 |  +--rw match-neighbor-set
                 |  |  +--rw neighbor-set?
                 |  +--rw match-tag-set
                 |  |  +--rw tag-set?
                 |  |  +--rw match-set-options?
                 |  |                         match-set-options-type
                 |  +--rw match-route-type
                 |     +--rw route-type*     identityref
                 |  +--rw bp:bgp-conditions
                 |     +--rw bp:med-eq?       uint32
                 |     +--rw bp:origin-eq?    bt:bgp-origin-attr-type
                 |     +--rw bp:next-hop-in*  inet:ip-address-no-zone
                 |     +--rw bp:afi-safi-in*  identityref
                 |     +--rw bp:local-pref-eq?  uint32
                 |     +--rw bp:route-type?     enumeration
                 |     +--rw bp:community-count
                 |     +--rw bp:as-path-length
                 |     +--rw bp:match-community-set
                 |     |  +--rw bp:community-set?
                 |     |  +--rw bp:match-set-options?
                 |     +--rw bp:match-ext-community-set
                 |     |  +--rw bp:ext-community-set?
                 |     |  +--rw bp:match-set-options?
                 |     +--rw bp:match-as-path-set
                 |        +--rw bp:as-path-set?
                 |        +--rw bp:match-set-options?
                 +--rw actions
                    +--rw policy-result?         policy-result-type
                    +--rw set-metric
                    |  +--rw metric-modification?
                    |  +--rw metric?                uint32
                    +--rw set-metric-type
                    |  +--rw metric-type?   identityref
                    +--rw set-route-level
                    |  +--rw route-level?   identityref
                    +--rw set-route-preference?        uint16
                    +--rw set-tag?               tag-type
                    +--rw set-application-tag?   tag-type
                    +--rw bp:bgp-actions
                       +--rw bp:set-route-origin?
                       |                    bt:bgp-origin-attr-type
                       +--rw bp:set-local-pref?   uint32
                       +--rw bp:set-next-hop?     bgp-next-hop-type
                       +--rw bp:set-med?          bgp-set-med-type
                       +--rw bp:set-as-path-prepend
                       |  +--rw bp:repeat-n?   uint8
                       +--rw bp:set-community
                       |  +--rw bp:method?      enumeration
                       |  +--rw bp:options?
                       |  +--rw bp:inline
                       |  |  +--rw bp:communities*   union
                       |  +--rw bp:reference
                       |     +--rw bp:community-set-ref?
                       +--rw bp:set-ext-community
                          +--rw bp:method?      enumeration
                          +--rw bp:options?
                          +--rw bp:inline
                          |  +--rw bp:communities*   union
                          +--rw bp:reference
                             +--rw bp:ext-community-set-ref?

Appendix B. Policy Examples

Below, we show examples of XML-encoded configuration data using the routing policy and BGP models to illustrate both how policies are defined and how they can be applied. Note that the XML [W3C.REC-xml11] has been simplified for readability.

The following example shows how prefix set and tag set can be defined. The policy condition is to match a prefix set and a tag set, and the action is to accept routes that match the condition.

  <config xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">




In the following example, all routes in the RIB that have been learned from OSPF advertisements corresponding to OSPF intra-area and inter-area route types should get advertised into IS-IS level 2 advertisements.

<config xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">


The routing policy module defined in this document is based on the OpenConfig route policy model. The authors would like to thank OpenConfig for their contributions, especially those of Anees Shaikh, Rob Shakir, Kevin D'Souza, and Chris Chase.

The authors are grateful for valuable contributions to this document and the associated models from Ebben Aires, Luyuan Fang, Josh George, Stephane Litkowski, Ina Minei, Carl Moberg, Eric Osborne, Steve Padgett, Juergen Schoenwaelder, Jim Uttaro, Russ White, and John Heasley.

Thanks to Mahesh Jethanandani, John Scudder, Alvaro Retana, Chris Bowers, Tom Petch, and Kris Lambrechts for their reviews and comments.

Authors' Addresses

Yingzhen Qu
2330 Central Expressway
Santa Clara, CA 95050
United States of America
Jeff Tantsura
Acee Lindem
301 Midenhall Way
Cary, NC 27513
United States of America
Xufeng Liu
Volta Networks

mirror server hosted at Truenetwork, Russian Federation.