Internet Architecture Board (IAB)                            N. Brownlee
Request for Comments: 7996                    The University of Auckland
Category: Informational                                    December 2016
ISSN: 2070-1721

                   SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC


   This document specifies SVG 1.2 RFC -- an SVG profile for use in
   diagrams that may appear in RFCs -- and considers some of the issues
   concerning the creation and use of such diagrams.

Status of This Memo

   This document is not an Internet Standards Track specification; it is
   published for informational purposes.

   This document is a product of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB)
   and represents information that the IAB has deemed valuable to
   provide for permanent record.  It represents the consensus of the
   Internet Architecture Board (IAB).  Documents approved for
   publication by the IAB are not a candidate for any level of Internet
   Standard; see Section 2 of RFC 7841.

   Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
   and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2016 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.

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RFC 7996           SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC      December 2016

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction ....................................................2
   2. SVG 1.2 RFC: An SVG Profile for RFCs ............................3
      2.1. Elements, Properties, and Attributes Allowed in
           SVG 1.2 RFC ................................................4
   3. How to Create SVG Drawings ......................................7
   4. Accessibility Considerations ....................................7
   5. Examples of Diagrams Common in RFCs .............................8
      5.1. Packet Layout Diagrams .....................................8
      5.2. Sequence Diagrams (1) ......................................8
      5.3. Sequence Diagrams (2) ......................................8
   6. Security Considerations .........................................8
   7. References ......................................................9
      7.1. Normative References .......................................9
      7.2. Informative References .....................................9
   Appendix A. RELAX NG Compact (RNC) Schema for SVG 1.2 RFC .........11
   IAB Members at the Time of Approval ...............................53
   Acknowledgements ..................................................53
   Author's Address ..................................................53

1.  Introduction

   Over the last few years, the RFC Editor has worked with the Internet
   community to develop specifications for changes in the format of
   RFCs.  An outline of the resulting specifications was published as
   [RFC6949] in May 2013.  Since then, a Design Team has been working
   with the RFC Editor to flesh out those specifications.  One aspect of
   the changes is to allow line drawings in RFCs; [RFC6949] says

      Graphics may include ASCII art and a more complex form to be
      defined, such as SVG line art [SVG].  Color and grayscale will not
      be accepted.  RFCs must correctly display in monochromatic black-
      and-white to allow for monochrome displays, black-and-white
      printing, and support for visual disabilities.

   SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) has been developed by W3C, the World
   Wide Web Consortium; its current standard is SVG 1.1 Full
   [W3C.REC-SVG11-20110816].  This document defines SVG 1.2 RFC, an SVG
   profile (i.e., a subset of SVG) that is suitable for RFC line

   Note that in RFCs, the text provides normative descriptions of
   protocols, systems, etc.  Diagrams may be used to help explain
   concepts more clearly, but they provide supporting details and should
   not be considered to be complete specifications in themselves.

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   The details (particularly any vocabularies) described in this
   document are expected to change based on experience gained in
   implementing the new publication toolsets.  Revised documents will be
   published capturing those changes as the toolsets are completed.
   Other implementers must not expect those changes to remain backwards-
   compatible with the details described in this document.

2.  SVG 1.2 RFC: An SVG Profile for RFCs

   As a starting point for SVG 1.2 RFC, the Design Team decided to use
   SVG Tiny 1.2 (also referred to as "SVG 1.2 Tiny")
   [W3C.REC-SVGTiny12-20081222].  SVG 1.2 Tiny is an SVG subset intended
   to be implemented on small, mobile devices such as cell phones and
   smartphones.  That should allow RFCs to be rendered well on such
   devices, especially those that have small screens.  However, RFCs are
   self-contained documents that do not change once they are published.
   The use of SVG drawings in RFCs is intended to allow authors to
   create drawings that are simple to produce and are easier to
   understand than our traditional "ASCII art" ones.  In short, we are
   also trying to improve access to the content in RFCs, so SVG drawings
   need to be kept as simple as possible.

   Appendix A (below) provides a complete RELAX NG Compact (RNC) schema
   [RNG-HOME] for SVG 1.2 RFC.  It is derived from the SVG 1.2 schema,
   and is the formal definition of SVG 1.2 RFC.  The remainder of this
   section gives a simplified -- i.e., easier to read and understand --
   overview of SVG 1.2 RFC.

   SVG can provide a complete User Interface, but within RFCs, all we
   need are simple diagrams that do not change once the RFC is
   published.  Therefore, SVG 1.2 RFC does not allow anything from the
   following sections in SVG Tiny 1.2 [W3C.REC-SVGTiny12-20081222]:

   12  Multimedia
   13  Interactivity
   15  Scripting
   16  Animation
   18  Metadata
   19  Extensibility

   Note that SVG Tiny 1.2 elements may have many properties or
   attributes that are needed to support aspects of the above sections.
   Those are not allowed in SVG 1.2 RFC.

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RFC 7996           SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC      December 2016

   We now consider these other sections in SVG Tiny 1.2

    9 Basic Shapes

   10 Text
        Everything in this section is allowed in SVG 1.2 RFC.

   11 Painting: Filling, Stroking, Colors and Paint Servers
        Anything relating to 'color' is not allowed in SVG 1.2 RFC;
        everything else is allowed.  This is a requirement documented in

   14 Linking
        SVG Tiny 1.2 allows Internationalized Resource Identifiers
        (IRIs) in references.  In SVG 1.2 RFC, such links must be ASCII
        only.  That should not cause problems, since one can just use
        the URI form of any IRI.  Authors should try to use links only
        to URIs that are long-term stable.

   17 Fonts
        SVG 1.2 RFC only allows 'serif', 'sans-serif', and 'monospace'
        generic font families from the WebFonts facility, described in
        Section 15 ("Fonts") of the W3C Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 2.1
        document [W3C.REC-CSS2-20110607].  In particular, the SVG 'font'
        element is not allowed.

2.1.  Elements, Properties, and Attributes Allowed in SVG 1.2 RFC

   This section discusses elements, properties, and attributes selected
   for SVG 1.2 RFC from [W3C.REC-SVGTiny12-20081222].

   In the list below, elements and properties are listed on the
   left, and their allowed values are given in parentheses on the

   <color> is the list of allowed colors, a black-and-white
           subset of the SVG color names.

   <style> is a set of CSS attributes that are commonly used (by SVG
           drawing applications).  They are not part of SVG Tiny 1.2
           but are included here for compatibility.  Note that

           - There is no guarantee that any renderer will implement
             all the CSS attributes a drawing application may use.

           - Authors will need to consider the compatibility of their
             drawings with rendering devices.

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RFC 7996           SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC      December 2016


     svg              (version=1.2, baseProfile=tiny, width, viewBox,
                       preserveAspectRatio, snapshotTime, height,
                       id, role)
     g                (label, class, id, role, fill, <style>, transform)
     defs             (id, role, fill)
     title            (id, role)
     desc             (id, role)
     a                (id, role, fill, transform)
     use              (x, y, href, xlink:href, id, role,
                       fill, transform)

     rect             (x, y, width, height, rx, ry, stroke-miterlimit,
                       id, role, fill, <style>, transform)
     circle           (cx, cy, r, id, role, fill, <style>, transform)
     ellipse          (cx, cy, rx, ry, id, role,
                       fill, <style>, transform)
     line             (x1, y1, x2, y2, id, role, fill, transform)
     polyline         (points, id, role, fill, transform)
     polygon          (points, id, role, fill, <style>, transform)
     text             (x, y, rotate, space, id, role, fill, <style>,
     tspan            (x, y, id, role, fill)
     textArea         (x, y, width, height, auto, id, role, fill,
     tbreak           (id, role)

     solidColor       (id, role, fill)
     linearGradient   (gradientUnits, x1, y1, x2, y2, id, role, fill)
     radialGradient   (gradientUnits, cx, cy, r, id, role, fill)
     stop             (id, role, fill)
     path             (d, pathLength, stroke-miterlimit,
                       id, role, fill, <style>, transform)

   Properties: (most allow "inherit" as a value)

     <style>          (font-family, font-weight, font-style,
                       font-variant, direction, unicode-bidi,
                       text-anchor, fill, fill-rule)

     <color>          (black, white, #000000, #ffffff, #FFFFFF)

     stroke           (<color>, none, currentColor)
     stroke-linecap   (butt, round, square)
     stroke-linejoin  (miter, round, bevel)

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     vector-effect    (non-scaling-stroke, none)
     viewport-fill    (none, currentColor)

     display          (inline, block, list-item, run-in, compact,
                       marker, table, inline-table, table-row-group,
                       table-header-group, table-footer-group,
                       table-row, table-column-group,
                       table-column, table-cell, table-caption,
     visibility       (visible, hidden, collapse)
     color-rendering  (auto, optimizeSpeed, optimizeQuality)
     shape-rendering  (auto, optimizeSpeed, crispEdges,
     text-rendering   (auto, optimizeSpeed, optimizeLegibility,
     buffered-rendering  (auto, dynamic, static)

     solid-color    (currentColor, <color>)
     color          (currentColor, <color>)
     stop-color     (currentColor, <color>)

     line-increment (auto)
     text-align     (start, end, center)
     display-align  (auto, before, center, after)

     font-family    (serif, sans-serif, monospace)
     font-weight    (normal, bold, bolder, lighter)
     font-style     (normal, italic, oblique)
     font-variant   (normal, small-caps)
     direction      (ltr, rtl)
     unicode-bidi   (normal, embed, bidi-override)
     text-anchor    (start, middle, end)
     fill           (none, <color>)
     fill-rule      (nonzero, evenodd)

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3.  How to Create SVG Drawings

   Many drawing packages can be used to create SVG drawings -- for
   example, Open Source packages Inkscape and Dia.  Be aware that such
   packages may use SVG elements or attributes that are not allowed in
   SVG 1.2 RFC.

   o  For example, the 'marker' attribute is often used to place symbols
      such as arrowheads on lines, but 'marker' is not allowed in
      SVG 1.2 Tiny or SVG 1.2 RFC.  In such cases, one has to draw the
      arrowhead in another, simpler way.

   o  SVG clip paths are used to define a shape; objects outside that
      shape become invisible.  The 'clipPath' element is not allowed in
      SVG 1.2 Tiny or SVG 1.2 RFC.

   Diagrams produced with these packages may contain elements, their
   attributes or properties, or values of attributes or properties that
   are not allowed in SVG 1.2 RFC.  We will need to provide a tool to
   either (1) strip out anything that is not allowed in SVG 1.2 RFC or
   (2) replace disallowed values (e.g., replace 'Sans' with 'sans-serif'
   as an allowed value for 'font-family').  Experience with a simple
   test version of a tool for this has shown that such deletion and
   replacement can be effective for making SVG files from drawing
   packages conform to SVG 1.2 RFC, without visibly changing the
   diagrams they produce.

   The tool described above can also be used by authors simply to check
   that their diagrams conform to SVG 1.2 RFC.  To help with this, if
   visible changes do occur, the tool should produce a list of
   non-allowed keywords and the context in which they were found.

   To include a diagram in an RFC, the xml2rfc (v3) tool will need to
   provide a way to include SVG drawings in Internet-Drafts, as
   described in Section 2.5 of [RFC7991].

4.  Accessibility Considerations

   One of the long-term goals for RFCs is to make them more accessible,
   e.g., to sight-impaired readers.  For diagrams, it would be useful
   for authors to provide alternative forms of the diagram, so that
   voice-reading software could be used to "talk through" the diagram.
   Simply reading the SVG code for a complex diagram seems unlikely
   to work.

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RFC 7996           SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC      December 2016

   SVG 1.2 RFC allows SVG's 'title' and 'desc' elements.  'title'
   provides a brief text caption for an SVG object (much like a figure
   caption), and 'desc' provides a longer text description of what the
   object actually represents.  As well, the SVG 'role' attribute can be
   used to indicate to a browser how an SVG object is to be interpreted.
   Good suggestions on how to use these elements are given in

   ARIA is a W3C Recommendation for using SVG to create (as the name
   "ARIA" indicates) "Accessible Rich Internet Applications".  A helpful
   introduction to ARIA is provided by [SVG-ARIA-PRIMER], while
   [SVG-USING-ARIA] gives examples of how to use ARIA to enhance SVG

5.  Examples of Diagrams Common in RFCs

   Another way to create SVG drawings is to write programs to draw them.
   For example, using Python and its svgwrite module is a pleasant
   environment (for those who like writing code); this section presents
   a few examples of diagrams created in this way.  Note that they are
   merely examples of typical diagrams from RFCs.

   The SVG diagrams for this section, along with an HTML version of this
   document that includes the SVG diagrams, can be seen at

5.1.  Packet Layout Diagrams

   Example: Figure 3 from [RFC793].

5.2.  Sequence Diagrams (1)

   Example: Figure 6 from [ExpTrustedProxy].

5.3.  Sequence Diagrams (2)

   Example: Figure 3 from [RFC4321].

6.  Security Considerations

   This document does not introduce any security considerations on
   its own.

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7.  References

7.1.  Normative References

   [RFC6949]  Flanagan, H. and N. Brownlee, "RFC Series Format
              Requirements and Future Development", RFC 6949,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6949, May 2013,

              Andersson, O., Berjon, R., Dahlstrom, E., Emmons, A.,
              Ferraiolo, J., Grasso, A., Hardy, V., Hayman, S., Jackson,
              D., Lilley, C., McCormack, C., Neumann, A., Northway, C.,
              Quint, A., Ramani, N., Schepers, D., and A. Shellshear,
              "Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Tiny 1.2 Specification",
              World Wide Web Consortium Recommendation
              REC-SVGTiny12-20081222, December 2008,

              Bos, B., Celik, T., Hickson, I., and H. Lie, "Cascading
              Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS 2.1) Specification",
              World Wide Web Consortium Recommendation
              REC-CSS2-20110607, June 2011,

7.2.  Informative References

              Dahlstrom, E., Dengler, P., Grasso, A., Lilley, C.,
              McCormack, C., Schepers, D., Watt, J., Ferraiolo, J.,
              Fujisawa, J., and D. Jackson, "Scalable Vector Graphics
              (SVG) 1.1 (Second Edition)", World Wide Web Consortium
              Recommendation REC-SVG11-20110816, August 2011,

              Watson, L., "Tips for Creating Accessible SVG", May 2014,

              Pappas, L., Schwerdtfeger, R., and M. Cooper,
              "WAI-ARIA 1.0 Primer", World Wide Web Consortium
              Working Draft, September 2010,

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RFC 7996           SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC      December 2016

              Watson, L., "Using ARIA to enhance SVG accessibility",
              The Paciello Group, December 2013,

   [RFC7991]  Hoffman, P., "The "xml2rfc" Version 3 Vocabulary",
              RFC 7991, DOI 10.17487/RFC7991, December 2016,

              Brownlee, N., "Index of /materials/format/svg",

   [RFC793]   Postel, J., "Transmission Control Protocol", STD 7,
              RFC 793, DOI 10.17487/RFC0793, September 1981,

              Loreto, S., Mattsson, J., Skog, R., Spaak, H., Bourg, G.,
              Druta, D., and M. Hafeez, "Explicit Trusted Proxy in
              HTTP/2.0", Work in Progress,
              draft-loreto-httpbis-trusted-proxy20-01, February 2014.

   [RFC4321]  Sparks, R., "Problems Identified Associated with the
              Session Initiation Protocol's (SIP) Non-INVITE
              Transaction", RFC 4321, DOI 10.17487/RFC4321,
              January 2006, <>.

   [RNG-HOME] Murata, M., "RELAX NG home page", February 2014,

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Appendix A.  RELAX NG Compact (RNC) Schema for SVG 1.2 RFC

   The following RNC schema can be used to check whether an SVG file
   conforms to SVG 1.2 RFC.  For example, if this schema were contained
   in a file called SVG-1.2-RFC.rnc, the following command will test
   whether SVG file diagram.svg is a conformant SVG 1.2 RFC drawing.

   jing -c SVG-1.2-RFC.rnc diagram.svg

   The RNC schema included below is available on the RFC Editor website
   <>.  The
   website is considered definitive should there be any discrepancies.

#---  SVG 1.2 RFC RNC schema; Nevil Brownlee, Thu 26 Jan 2016 (NZST)

default namespace = ""
namespace ns1 = ""

rfc-color = (  # SVG-1.2-RFC doesn't allow color or grayscale
  "black" | "white" | "#000000" | "#FFFFFF" | "#ffffff" | "inherit" )
start = svg
svg =
  element svg {
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute fill-rule { "inherit" | "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?,
        attribute stroke { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-dashoffset { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-linecap {
          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-linejoin {
          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-miterlimit { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {
          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute unicode-bidi {
          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"

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     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute solid-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"
        attribute line-increment { "auto" | "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute stop-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stop-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-size { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-style {
          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"
        attribute font-variant { "normal" | "small-caps" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute font-weight {
          | "bold"
          | "bolder"
          | "lighter"
        attribute text-anchor {
          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"
        attribute text-align {
          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute width { xsd:string }?,
    attribute height { xsd:string }?,
    attribute preserveAspectRatio {
      xsd:string { pattern = "\s*(none|xMidYMid)\s*(meet)?\s*" }
    attribute viewBox { text }?,

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    attribute zoomAndPan { "disable" }?,
    attribute version {
      xsd:string "1.2"
    attribute baseProfile {
      xsd:string "tiny"
    attribute contentScriptType { xsd:string }?,
    attribute snapshotTime { xsd:string "none" | xsd:string }?,
    attribute timelineBegin {
      xsd:string "onLoad" | xsd:string "onStart"
    attribute playbackOrder {
      xsd:string "all" | xsd:string "forwardOnly"
     | svgTitle
     | path
     | rect
     | circle
     | line
     | ellipse
     | polyline
     | polygon
     | solidColor
     | textArea
     | linearGradient
     | radialGradient
     | \text
     | g
     | defs
     | use
     | a)*
desc =
  element desc {
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,

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    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute requiredFeatures { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredExtensions { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFormats { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFonts { xsd:string }?,
    attribute systemLanguage { xsd:string }?,
    ((attribute display {
        | "block"
        | "list-item"
        | "run-in"
        | "compact"
        | "marker"
        | "table"
        | "inline-table"
        | "table-row-group"
        | "table-header-group"
        | "table-footer-group"
        | "table-row"
        | "table-column-group"
        | "table-column"
        | "table-cell"
        | "table-caption"
        | "none"
        | "inherit"
      attribute visibility { "visible" | "hidden" | "collapse"
        | "inherit" }?,
      attribute image-rendering {
        "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
      attribute shape-rendering {
        | "optimizeSpeed"
        | "crispEdges"
        | "geometricPrecision"
        | "inherit"
      attribute text-rendering {
        | "optimizeSpeed"
        | "optimizeLegibility"
        | "geometricPrecision"
        | "inherit"
      attribute buffered-rendering {

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        "auto" | "dynamic" | "static" | "inherit"
     & (attribute viewport-fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute viewport-fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)),
svgTitle =
  element title {
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute requiredFeatures { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredExtensions { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFormats { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFonts { xsd:string }?,
    attribute systemLanguage { xsd:string }?,
    ((attribute display {
        | "block"
        | "list-item"
        | "run-in"
        | "compact"
        | "marker"
        | "table"
        | "inline-table"
        | "table-row-group"
        | "table-header-group"
        | "table-footer-group"
        | "table-row"
        | "table-column-group"
        | "table-column"
        | "table-cell"
        | "table-caption"
        | "none"
        | "inherit"

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      attribute visibility { "visible" | "hidden"
        | "collapse" | "inherit" }?,
      attribute image-rendering {
        "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
      attribute shape-rendering {
        | "optimizeSpeed"
        | "crispEdges"
        | "geometricPrecision"
        | "inherit"
      attribute text-rendering {
        | "optimizeSpeed"
        | "optimizeLegibility"
        | "geometricPrecision"
        | "inherit"
      attribute buffered-rendering {
        "auto" | "dynamic" | "static" | "inherit"
     & (attribute viewport-fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute viewport-fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)),
path =
  element path {
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute transform { xsd:string | "none" }?,
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute fill-rule { "inherit" | "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?,

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RFC 7996           SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC      December 2016

        attribute stroke { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-dashoffset { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-linecap {
          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-linejoin {
          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-miterlimit { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {
          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute unicode-bidi {
          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"
     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute solid-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"
        attribute line-increment { "auto" | "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute stop-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stop-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-size { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-style {
          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"
        attribute font-variant { "normal" | "small-caps" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute font-weight {
          | "bold"
          | "bolder"
          | "lighter"
          | "inherit"
        attribute text-anchor {
          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"
        attribute text-align {
          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"

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RFC 7996           SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC      December 2016

    attribute requiredFeatures { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredExtensions { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFormats { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFonts { xsd:string }?,
    attribute systemLanguage { xsd:string }?,
    attribute d { xsd:string }?,
    attribute pathLength { xsd:string }?,
    attribute style { xsd:string }?,  # Added to SVG-1.2-RFC (Inkscape)
     | svgTitle)*
rect =
  element rect {
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute transform { xsd:string | "none" }?,
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute fill-rule { "inherit" | "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?,
        attribute stroke { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-dashoffset { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-linecap {
          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-linejoin {
          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-miterlimit { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {
          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"

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RFC 7996           SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC      December 2016

     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute unicode-bidi {
          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"
     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute solid-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"
        attribute line-increment { "auto" | "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute stop-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stop-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-size { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-style {
          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"
        attribute font-variant { "normal" | "small-caps" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute font-weight {
          | "bold"
          | "bolder"
          | "lighter"
          | "inherit"
        attribute text-anchor {
          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"
        attribute text-align {
          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"
    attribute requiredFeatures { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredExtensions { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFormats { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFonts { xsd:string }?,
    attribute systemLanguage { xsd:string }?,
    attribute x { xsd:string }?,
    attribute y { xsd:string }?,
    attribute width { xsd:string }?,
    attribute height { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rx { xsd:string }?,
    attribute ry { xsd:string }?,
    attribute style { xsd:string }?,  # Added to SVG-1.2-RFC (Inkscape)

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     | svgTitle)*
circle =
  element circle {
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute transform { xsd:string | "none" }?,
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute fill-rule { "inherit" | "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?,
        attribute stroke { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-dashoffset { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-linecap {
          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-linejoin {
          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-miterlimit { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {
          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute unicode-bidi {
          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"
     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute solid-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)

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     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"
        attribute line-increment { "auto" | "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute stop-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stop-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-size { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-style {
          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"
        attribute font-variant { "normal" | "small-caps" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute font-weight {
          | "bold"
          | "bolder"
          | "lighter"
          | "inherit"
        attribute text-anchor {
          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"
        attribute text-align {
          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"
    attribute requiredFeatures { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredExtensions { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFormats { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFonts { xsd:string }?,
    attribute systemLanguage { xsd:string }?,
    attribute cx { xsd:string }?,
    attribute cy { xsd:string }?,
    attribute r { xsd:string }?,
    attribute style { xsd:string }?,  # Added to SVG-1.2-RFC (Inkscape)
     | svgTitle)*
line =
  element line {
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,

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    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute transform { xsd:string | "none" }?,
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute fill-rule { "inherit" | "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?,
        attribute stroke { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-dashoffset { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-linecap {
          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-linejoin {
          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-miterlimit { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {
          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute unicode-bidi {
          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"
     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute solid-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"
        attribute line-increment { "auto" | "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute stop-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stop-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-size { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-style {
          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"
        attribute font-variant { "normal" | "small-caps" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute font-weight {

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RFC 7996           SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC      December 2016

          | "bold"
          | "bolder"
          | "lighter"
          | "inherit"
        attribute text-anchor {
          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"
        attribute text-align {
          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"
    attribute requiredFeatures { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredExtensions { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFormats { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFonts { xsd:string }?,
    attribute systemLanguage { xsd:string }?,
    attribute x1 { xsd:string }?,
    attribute y1 { xsd:string }?,
    attribute x2 { xsd:string }?,
    attribute y2 { xsd:string }?,
     | svgTitle)*
ellipse =
  element ellipse {
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute transform { xsd:string | "none" }?,
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute fill-rule { "inherit" | "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?,
        attribute stroke { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,

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RFC 7996           SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC      December 2016

        attribute stroke-dashoffset { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-linecap {
          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-linejoin {
          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-miterlimit { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {
          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute unicode-bidi {
          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"
     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute solid-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"
        attribute line-increment { "auto" | "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute stop-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stop-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-size { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-style {
          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"
        attribute font-variant { "normal" | "small-caps" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute font-weight {
          | "bold"
          | "bolder"
          | "lighter"
          | "inherit"
        attribute text-anchor {
          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"
        attribute text-align {
          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"
    attribute requiredFeatures { xsd:string }?,

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RFC 7996           SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC      December 2016

    attribute requiredExtensions { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFormats { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFonts { xsd:string }?,
    attribute systemLanguage { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rx { xsd:string }?,
    attribute ry { xsd:string }?,
    attribute cx { xsd:string }?,
    attribute cy { xsd:string }?,
    attribute style { xsd:string }?,  # Added to SVG-1.2-RFC (Inkscape)
     | svgTitle)*
polyline =
  element polyline {
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute transform { xsd:string | "none" }?,
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute fill-rule { "inherit" | "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?,
        attribute stroke { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-dashoffset { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-linecap {
          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-linejoin {
          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-miterlimit { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {
          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"

Brownlee                      Informational                    [Page 25]

RFC 7996           SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC      December 2016

     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute unicode-bidi {
          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"
     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute solid-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"
        attribute line-increment { "auto" | "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute stop-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stop-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-size { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-style {
          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"
        attribute font-variant { "normal" | "small-caps" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute font-weight {
          | "bold"
          | "bolder"
          | "lighter"
          | "inherit"
        attribute text-anchor {
          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"
        attribute text-align {
          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"
    attribute requiredFeatures { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredExtensions { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFormats { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFonts { xsd:string }?,
    attribute systemLanguage { xsd:string }?,
    attribute points { xsd:string }?,
     | svgTitle)*
polygon =
  element polygon {
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,

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RFC 7996           SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC      December 2016

    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute transform { xsd:string | "none" }?,
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute fill-rule { "inherit" | "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?,
        attribute stroke { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-dashoffset { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-linecap {
          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-linejoin {
          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-miterlimit { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {
          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute unicode-bidi {
          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"
     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute solid-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"
        attribute line-increment { "auto" | "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute stop-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stop-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)

Brownlee                      Informational                    [Page 27]

RFC 7996           SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC      December 2016

     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-size { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-style {
          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"
        attribute font-variant { "normal" | "small-caps" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute font-weight {
          | "bold"
          | "bolder"
          | "lighter"
          | "inherit"
        attribute text-anchor {
          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"
        attribute text-align {
          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"
    attribute requiredFeatures { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredExtensions { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFormats { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFonts { xsd:string }?,
    attribute systemLanguage { xsd:string }?,
    attribute points { xsd:string }?,
    attribute style { xsd:string }?,  # Added to SVG-1.2-RFC (Inkscape)
     | svgTitle)*
solidColor =
  element solidColor {
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute fill-rule { "inherit" | "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?,
        attribute stroke { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-dashoffset { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-linecap {
          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-linejoin {
          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-miterlimit { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {

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RFC 7996           SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC      December 2016

          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute unicode-bidi {
          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"
     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute solid-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"
        attribute line-increment { "auto" | "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute stop-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stop-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-size { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-style {
          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"
        attribute font-variant { "normal" | "small-caps" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute font-weight {
          | "bold"
          | "bolder"
          | "lighter"
          | "inherit"
        attribute text-anchor {
          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"
        attribute text-align {
          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,

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    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
     | svgTitle)*
textArea =
  element textArea {
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute fill-rule { "inherit" | "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?,
        attribute stroke { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-dashoffset { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-linecap {
          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-linejoin {
          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-miterlimit { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {
          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute unicode-bidi {
          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"
     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute solid-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"
        attribute line-increment { "auto" | "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute stop-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stop-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-size { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-style {
          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"
        attribute font-variant { "normal" | "small-caps" | "inherit" }?,

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        attribute font-weight {
          | "bold"
          | "bolder"
          | "lighter"
          | "inherit"
        attribute text-anchor {
          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"
        attribute text-align {
          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute requiredFeatures { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredExtensions { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFormats { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFonts { xsd:string }?,
    attribute systemLanguage { xsd:string }?,
    attribute transform { xsd:string | "none" }?,
    attribute x { xsd:string }?,
    attribute y { xsd:string }?,
    attribute width { xsd:string | "auto" }?,
    attribute height { xsd:string | "auto" }?,
     | desc
     | svgTitle
     | tspan_2
     | text
     | a_2)+
linearGradient =
  element linearGradient {
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,

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      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute fill-rule { "inherit" | "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?,
        attribute stroke { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-dashoffset { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-linecap {
          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-linejoin {
          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-miterlimit { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {
          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute unicode-bidi {
          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"
     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute solid-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"
        attribute line-increment { "auto" | "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute stop-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stop-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-size { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-style {
          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"
        attribute font-variant { "normal" | "small-caps" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute font-weight {
          | "bold"
          | "bolder"
          | "lighter"
          | "inherit"
        attribute text-anchor {
          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"

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        attribute text-align {
          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"
    attribute gradientUnits { "userSpaceOnUse" | "objectBoundingBox" }?,
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute x1 { xsd:string }?,
    attribute y1 { xsd:string }?,
    attribute x2 { xsd:string }?,
    attribute y2 { xsd:string }?,
     | svgTitle)*
radialGradient =
  element radialGradient {
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute fill-rule { "inherit" | "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?,
        attribute stroke { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-dashoffset { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-linecap {
          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-linejoin {
          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-miterlimit { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {
          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"

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     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute unicode-bidi {
          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"
     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute solid-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"
        attribute line-increment { "auto" | "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute stop-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stop-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-size { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-style {
          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"
        attribute font-variant { "normal" | "small-caps" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute font-weight {
          | "bold"
          | "bolder"
          | "lighter"
          | "inherit"
        attribute text-anchor {
          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"
        attribute text-align {
          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"
    attribute gradientUnits { "userSpaceOnUse" | "objectBoundingBox" }?,
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,

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    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute cx { xsd:string }?,
    attribute cy { xsd:string }?,
    attribute r { xsd:string }?,
     | svgTitle)*
\text =
  element text {
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute fill-rule { "inherit" | "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?,
        attribute stroke { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-dashoffset { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-linecap {
          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-linejoin {
          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-miterlimit { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {
          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute unicode-bidi {
          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"
     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute solid-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"
        attribute line-increment { "auto" | "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute stop-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stop-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-size { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-style {
          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"

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        attribute font-variant { "normal" | "small-caps" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute font-weight {
          | "bold"
          | "bolder"
          | "lighter"
          | "inherit"
        attribute text-anchor {
          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"
        attribute text-align {
          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute requiredFeatures { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredExtensions { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFormats { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFonts { xsd:string }?,
    attribute systemLanguage { xsd:string }?,
    attribute transform { xsd:string | "none" }?,
    attribute x { xsd:string }?,
    attribute y { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rotate { xsd:string }?,
    attribute style { xsd:string }?,  # Added to SVG-1.2-RFC (Inkscape)
     | svgTitle
     | tspan_2
     | text
     | a_2)+
g =
  element g {

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RFC 7996           SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC      December 2016

    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute fill-rule { "inherit" | "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?,
        attribute stroke { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-dashoffset { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-linecap {
          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-linejoin {
          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-miterlimit { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {
          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute unicode-bidi {
          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"
     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute solid-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"
        attribute line-increment { "auto" | "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute stop-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stop-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-size { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-style {
          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"
        attribute font-variant { "normal" | "small-caps" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute font-weight {
          | "bold"
          | "bolder"
          | "lighter"
          | "inherit"
        attribute text-anchor {

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RFC 7996           SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC      December 2016

          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"
        attribute text-align {
          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute requiredFeatures { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredExtensions { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFormats { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFonts { xsd:string }?,
    attribute systemLanguage { xsd:string }?,
    attribute transform { xsd:string | "none" }?,
    attribute style { xsd:string }?,
        # Added to SVG-1.2-RFC (for Inkscape)
    attribute visibility {
      "visible" | "hidden" | "collapse" | "inherit" }?,
        # Added to SVG-1.2-RFC (for LibreOffice)
     | svgTitle
     | path
     | rect
     | circle
     | line
     | ellipse
     | polyline
     | polygon
     | solidColor
     | textArea
     | linearGradient
     | radialGradient
     | \text
     | g
     | defs
     | use

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RFC 7996           SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC      December 2016

     | a)*
defs =
  element defs {
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute fill-rule { "inherit" | "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?,
        attribute stroke { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-dashoffset { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-linecap {
          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-linejoin {
          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-miterlimit { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {
          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute unicode-bidi {
          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"
     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute solid-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"
        attribute line-increment { "auto" | "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute stop-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stop-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-size { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-style {
          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"
        attribute font-variant { "normal" | "small-caps" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute font-weight {
          | "bold"
          | "bolder"

Brownlee                      Informational                    [Page 39]

RFC 7996           SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC      December 2016

          | "lighter"
          | "inherit"
        attribute text-anchor {
          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"
        attribute text-align {
          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
     | svgTitle
     | path
     | rect
     | circle
     | line
     | ellipse
     | polyline
     | polygon
     | solidColor
     | textArea
     | linearGradient
     | radialGradient
     | \text
     | g
     | defs
     | use
     | a)*
use =
  element use {
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,

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RFC 7996           SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC      December 2016

        attribute fill-rule { "inherit" | "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?,
        attribute stroke { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-dashoffset { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-linecap {
          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-linejoin {
          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-miterlimit { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {
          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute unicode-bidi {
          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"
     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute solid-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"
        attribute line-increment { "auto" | "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute stop-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stop-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-size { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-style {
          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"
        attribute font-variant { "normal" | "small-caps" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute font-weight {
          | "bold"
          | "bolder"
          | "lighter"
          | "inherit"
        attribute text-anchor {
          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"
        attribute text-align {

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RFC 7996           SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC      December 2016

          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute requiredFeatures { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredExtensions { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFormats { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFonts { xsd:string }?,
    attribute systemLanguage { xsd:string }?,
    attribute transform { xsd:string | "none" }?,
    attribute ns1:show { "embed" }?,
    attribute ns1:actuate { "onLoad" }?,
    attribute ns1:type { "simple" }?,
    attribute ns1:role { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute ns1:arcrole { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute ns1:title { text }?,
    attribute ns1:href { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute x { xsd:string }?,
    attribute y { xsd:string }?,
     | svgTitle)*
a =
  element a {
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,

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    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute requiredFeatures { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredExtensions { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFormats { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFonts { xsd:string }?,
    attribute systemLanguage { xsd:string }?,
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute fill-rule { "inherit" | "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?,
        attribute stroke { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-dashoffset { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-linecap {
          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-linejoin {
          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-miterlimit { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {
          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute unicode-bidi {
          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"
     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute solid-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"
        attribute line-increment { "auto" | "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute stop-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stop-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-size { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-style {
          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"

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        attribute font-variant { "normal" | "small-caps" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute font-weight {
          | "bold"
          | "bolder"
          | "lighter"
          | "inherit"
        attribute text-anchor {
          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"
        attribute text-align {
          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"
    attribute transform { xsd:string | "none" }?,
    attribute ns1:show { "new" | "replace" }?,
    attribute ns1:actuate { "onRequest" }?,
    attribute ns1:type { "simple" }?,
    attribute ns1:role { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute ns1:arcrole { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute ns1:title { text }?,
    attribute ns1:href { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute target {
      "_replace" | "_self" | "_parent" | "_top" | "_blank" | xsd:Name
     | svgTitle
     | path
     | rect
     | circle
     | line
     | ellipse
     | polyline
     | polygon
     | solidColor
     | textArea
     | linearGradient
     | radialGradient
     | \text
     | g
     | defs
     | use)*
stop =
  element stop {
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,

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        attribute fill-rule { "inherit" | "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?,
        attribute stroke { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-dashoffset { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-linecap {
          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-linejoin {
          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-miterlimit { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {
          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute unicode-bidi {
          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"
     & (attribute solid-color { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute solid-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"
        attribute line-increment { "auto" | "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute stop-color { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stop-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-size { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-style {
          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"
        attribute font-variant { "normal" | "small-caps" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute font-weight {
          | "bold"
          | "bolder"
          | "lighter"
          | "inherit"
        attribute text-anchor {
          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"
        attribute text-align {

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RFC 7996           SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC      December 2016

          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute offset { xsd:string }?,
     | svgTitle)*
tspan =
  element tspan {
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute fill-rule { "inherit" | "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?,
        attribute stroke { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-dashoffset { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-linecap {
          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-linejoin {
          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-miterlimit { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {
          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute unicode-bidi {
          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"

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     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute solid-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"
        attribute line-increment { "auto" | "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute stop-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stop-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-size { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-style {
          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"
        attribute font-variant { "normal" | "small-caps" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute font-weight {
          | "bold"
          | "bolder"
          | "lighter"
          | "inherit"
        attribute text-anchor {
          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"
        attribute text-align {
          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute requiredFeatures { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredExtensions { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFormats { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFonts { xsd:string }?,
    attribute systemLanguage { xsd:string }?,

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    attribute x { xsd:string }?,  # For SVG-1.2-RFC
    attribute y { xsd:string }?,
     | desc
     | svgTitle
     | tspan_2
     | text
     | a_2)+
tspan_2 =
  element tspan {
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute fill-rule { "inherit" | "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?,
        attribute stroke { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-dashoffset { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-linecap {
          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-linejoin {
          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-miterlimit { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {
          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute unicode-bidi {
          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"
     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute solid-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"
        attribute line-increment { "auto" | "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute stop-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stop-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-size { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-style {

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RFC 7996           SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC      December 2016

          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"
        attribute font-variant { "normal" | "small-caps" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute font-weight {
          | "bold"
          | "bolder"
          | "lighter"
          | "inherit"
        attribute text-anchor {
          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"
        attribute text-align {
          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute requiredFeatures { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredExtensions { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFormats { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFonts { xsd:string }?,
    attribute systemLanguage { xsd:string }?,
    attribute x { xsd:string }?,  # For SVG-1.2-RFC
    attribute y { xsd:string }?,
     | svgTitle
     | tspan_2
     | text
     | a_2)+
a_2 =
  element a {
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,

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    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute requiredFeatures { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredExtensions { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFormats { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFonts { xsd:string }?,
    attribute systemLanguage { xsd:string }?,
    ((attribute fill-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
      attribute stroke-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute fill { "none" | rfc-color }?,
        attribute fill-rule { "inherit" | "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?,
        attribute stroke { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stroke-dasharray { "inherit" | "none" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-dashoffset { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-linecap {
          "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-linejoin {
          "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit"
        attribute stroke-miterlimit { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute stroke-width { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute color-rendering {
          "auto" | "optimizeSpeed" | "optimizeQuality" | "inherit"
     & attribute vector-effect {
         "none" | "non-scaling-stroke" | "inherit"
     & (attribute direction { "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute unicode-bidi {
          "normal" | "embed" | "bidi-override" | "inherit"
     & (attribute solid-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute solid-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute display-align {
          "auto" | "before" | "center" | "after" | "inherit"

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RFC 7996           SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC      December 2016

        attribute line-increment { "auto" | "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute stop-color { rfc-color }?,
        attribute stop-opacity { "inherit" | xsd:string }?)
     & (attribute font-family { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-size { "inherit" | xsd:string }?,
        attribute font-style {
          "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "inherit"
        attribute font-variant { "normal" | "small-caps" | "inherit" }?,
        attribute font-weight {
          | "bold"
          | "bolder"
          | "lighter"
          | "inherit"
        attribute text-anchor {
          "start" | "middle" | "end" | "inherit"
        attribute text-align {
          "start" | "center" | "end" | "inherit"
    attribute transform { xsd:string | "none" }?,
    attribute ns1:show { "new" | "replace" }?,
    attribute ns1:actuate { "onRequest" }?,
    attribute ns1:type { "simple" }?,
    attribute ns1:role { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute ns1:arcrole { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute ns1:title { text }?,
    attribute ns1:href { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute target {
      "_replace" | "_self" | "_parent" | "_top" | "_blank" | xsd:Name
     | svgTitle
     | tspan_2
     | text)+
tbreak =
  element tbreak {
    (attribute id { xsd:NCName }
     | attribute xml:id { xsd:NCName })?,
    attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI | xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:lang { xsd:language? }?,
    attribute class { xsd:NMTOKENS }?,
    attribute role { xsd:string }?,
    attribute rel { xsd:string }?,

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RFC 7996           SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC      December 2016

    attribute rev { xsd:string }?,
    attribute typeof { xsd:string }?,
    attribute content { xsd:string }?,
    attribute datatype { xsd:string }?,
    attribute resource { xsd:string }?,
    attribute about { xsd:string }?,
    attribute property { xsd:string }?,
    attribute xml:space { "default" | "preserve" }?,
    attribute requiredFeatures { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredExtensions { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFormats { xsd:string }?,
    attribute requiredFonts { xsd:string }?,
    attribute systemLanguage { xsd:string }?

#---  End of SVG 1.2 RFC RNC schema

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RFC 7996           SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC      December 2016

IAB Members at the Time of Approval

   The IAB members at the time this memo was approved were
   (in alphabetical order):

      Jari Arkko
      Ralph Droms
      Ted Hardie
      Joe Hildebrand
      Russ Housley
      Lee Howard
      Erik Nordmark
      Robert Sparks
      Andrew Sullivan
      Dave Thaler
      Martin Thomson
      Brian Trammell
      Suzanne Woolf


   Thanks to the RSE and the Design Team members for their helpful
   comments and suggestions for SVG 1.2 RFC.  Thanks also to the wider
   IETF community for their input.

Author's Address

   Nevil Brownlee
   The University of Auckland


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