Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                        U. Herberg
Request for Comments: 7939
Obsoletes: 6779                                                  R. Cole
Category: Standards Track                                 US Army CERDEC
ISSN: 2070-1721                                              I. Chakeres
                                                              T. Clausen
                                                     Ecole Polytechnique
                                                             August 2016

 Definition of Managed Objects for the Neighborhood Discovery Protocol


   This document replaces RFC 6779; it contains revisions and extensions
   to the original document.  It defines a portion of the Management
   Information Base (MIB) for use with network management protocols in
   the Internet community.  In particular, it describes objects for
   configuring parameters of the Neighborhood Discovery Protocol (NHDP)
   process on a router.  The extensions described in this document add
   objects and values to support the NHDP optimization specified in RFC
   7466.  The MIB module defined in this document, denoted NHDP-MIB,
   also reports state, performance information, and notifications about
   NHDP.  This additional state and performance information is useful to
   troubleshoot problems and performance issues during neighbor

Status of This Memo

   This is an Internet Standards Track document.

   This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force
   (IETF).  It represents the consensus of the IETF community.  It has
   received public review and has been approved for publication by the
   Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG).  Further information on
   Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 7841.

   Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
   and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at

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RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2016 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.  This document is subject to
   BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF
   Documents ( in effect on the
   date of publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.1.  Differences from RFC 6779 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  The Internet-Standard Management Framework  . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   4.  Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     4.1.  Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     4.2.  Notation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   5.  Structure of the MIB Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     5.1.  Notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
       5.1.1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
       5.1.2.  Notification Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
       5.1.3.  Limiting Frequency of Notifications . . . . . . . . .   5
     5.2.  The Configuration Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     5.3.  The State Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     5.4.  The Performance Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     5.5.  Tables and Indexing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   6.  Relationship to Other MIB Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     6.1.  Relationship to the SNMPv2-MIB  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     6.2.  Relationship to Routing Protocol MIB Modules Relying on
           the NHDP-MIB Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     6.3.  Relationship to the If-MIB  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     6.4.  MIB Modules Required for IMPORTS  . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   7.  Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   8.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  66
   9.  Applicability Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  68
   10. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  69
   11. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  69
     11.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  69
     11.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  71
   Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  72
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  72

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1.  Introduction

   This document defines a portion of the Management Information Base
   (MIB) for use with network management protocols in the Internet
   community.  In particular, it describes objects for configuring
   parameters of the Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
   Discovery Protocol (NHDP) [RFC6130] process on a router.  The MIB
   module defined in this document, denoted NHDP-MIB, also reports
   state, performance information, and notifications about NHDP.  This
   additional state and performance information is useful to
   troubleshoot problems and performance issues during neighbor

1.1.  Differences from RFC 6779

   This document obsoletes [RFC6779], replacing that document as the
   specification of the MIB module for [RFC6130].  This revision to
   [RFC6779] is necessitated by the update to [RFC6130] specified in

   The MIB module for [RFC6130], specified in this document, captures
   the new information and states for each symmetric 2-hop neighbor,
   recorded in the Neighbor Information Base of a router and to be
   reflected in the appropriate tables, introduced by [RFC7466],

   o  Addition of objects nhdpIib2HopSetN2Lost and

   o  Addition of extra value (notconsidered) to nhdp2HopNbrState.

   o  Revised full compliance state.

2.  The Internet-Standard Management Framework

   For a detailed overview of the documents that describe the current
   Internet-Standard Management Framework, please refer to section 7 of
   RFC 3410 [RFC3410].

   Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
   the Management Information Base or MIB.  MIB objects are generally
   accessed through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
   Objects in the MIB are defined using the mechanisms defined in the
   Structure of Management Information (SMI).  This memo specifies a MIB
   module that is compliant to the SMIv2, which is described in STD 58,
   RFC 2578 [RFC2578], STD 58, RFC 2579 [RFC2579] and STD 58, RFC 2580

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3.  Conventions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in

4.  Overview

   [RFC6130] allows a router to discover and track topological
   information of routers up to two hops away by virtue of exchanging
   HELLO messages.  This information is useful for routers running
   various routing and multicast flooding protocols developed within the
   IETF MANET Working Group.

4.1.  Terms

   The following definitions apply throughout this document:

   o  Notification Objects - triggers and associated notification
      messages allowing for asynchronous tracking of predefined events
      on the managed router.

   o  Configuration Objects - switches, tables, and objects that are
      initialized to default settings or set through the management
      interface defined by this MIB module.

   o  State Objects - automatically generated values that define the
      current operating state of the NHDP instance in the router.

   o  Performance Objects - automatically generated values that help to
      assess the performance of the NHDP instance on the router and the
      overall discovery performance within the MANET.

4.2.  Notation

   The same notations as defined in [RFC6130] are used throughout this

5.  Structure of the MIB Module

   This section presents the structure of the NHDP-MIB module.  The MIB
   module is arranged into the following structure:

   o  nhdpNotifications - objects defining NHDP-MIB notifications.

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   o  nhdpObjects - defining objects within this MIB module.  The
      objects are arranged into the following groups:

      *  Configuration Group - defining objects related to the
         configuration of the NHDP instance on the router.

      *  State Group - defining objects that reflect the current state
         of the NHDP instance running on the router.

      *  Performance Group - defining objects that are useful to a
         management station when characterizing the performance of NHDP
         on the router and in the MANET.

   o  nhdpConformance - defining the minimal and maximal conformance
      requirements for implementations of this MIB module.

5.1.  Notifications

   This section describes the use of notifications and mechanisms to
   enhance the ability to manage NHDP routing domains.

5.1.1.  Introduction

   Notifications can be emitted by a router running an instance of this
   specification as a reaction to a specific event.  This allows an
   observer of these events to efficiently determine the source of
   problems or significant changes of configuration or topology, instead
   of polling a possibly large number of routers.

5.1.2.  Notification Generation

   When an exception event occurs, the application notifies the local
   agent, which sends a notification to the appropriate SNMP management
   stations.  The message includes the notification type and may include
   a list of notification-specific variables.  Section 7 contains the
   notification definitions, which includes the variable lists.  At
   least one IP address of the router that originates the notification
   is included in the variable list so that the source of the
   notification may be determined.

5.1.3.  Limiting Frequency of Notifications

   To limit the frequency of notifications, the following additional
   mechanisms are suggested, similar to those in [RFC4750].

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RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016  Ignoring Initial Activity

   The majority of critical events occur when NHDP is first enabled on a
   router, at which time, the symmetric neighbors and 2-hop neighbors of
   the router are discovered.  During this initial period, a potential
   flood of notifications is unnecessary since the events are expected.
   To avoid unnecessary notifications, a router SHOULD NOT originate
   expected notifications until a predefined and administratively
   configured time interval has elapsed.  It is RECOMMENDED that this
   time interval be at least 3 times nhdpHelloInterval so that symmetric
   neighbors are discovered.  The suppression window for notifications
   is started when the nhdpIfStatus transitions from its default value
   of 'false(2)' to 'true(1)'.  Throttling Notifications

   The mechanism for throttling the notifications is the same as in
   [RFC4750] (i.e., the number of transmitted notifications per time is

   Appropriate values for the window time and upper bound are to be
   administratively configured and depend on the deployment of the
   MANET.  If NHDP is deployed on a lossy, wireless medium, sending too
   many notifications in a short time interval may lead to collisions
   and dropped packets.  In particular, in dense deployments of routers
   running NHDP (i.e., where each router has many neighbors), a change
   of the local topology may trigger many notifications at the same
   time.  [RFC4750] recommends "7 traps with a window time of 10
   seconds" as the upper bound.  As NHDP is expected to be deployed in
   more lossy channels than OSPF, it is RECOMMENDED to choose a lower
   threshold for the number of notifications per time than that.
   Specifically, it is RECOMMENDED that the threshold value for the
   objects reflecting the change be set to a value of '10' and the
   DEFAULT values for these objects within the Notifications Group be
   set to this value.  Further, a time window for the change objects is
   defined within this MIB module.  If the number of occurrences exceeds
   the change threshold within the previous change window, then it is
   RECOMMENDED that the notification be sent.  Furthermore, it is
   RECOMMENDED that the value for this window be set to at least 5 times
   the nhdpHelloInterval.

   The following objects are used to define the thresholds and time
   windows for specific notifications defined in the NHDP-MIB module:
   nhdpNbrStateChangeThreshold, nhdpNbrStateChangeWindow,
   nhdp2HopNbrStateChangeThreshold, and nhdp2HopNbrStateChangeWindow.

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RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016  One Notification per Event

   Similar to the mechanism in [RFC4750], only one notification is sent
   per event.

5.2.  The Configuration Group

   The router running NHDP is configured with a set of controls.  The
   authoritative list of configuration controls within the NHDP-MIB
   module are found within the MIB module itself.  Generally, an attempt
   was made in developing the NHDP-MIB module to support all
   configuration objects defined in [RFC6130].  For all of the
   configuration parameters, the same constraints and default values of
   these parameters as defined in [RFC6130] are followed.  Refer to
   [RFC5148] for guidance on setting jitter-related parameters, e.g.,

5.3.  The State Group

   The State Group reports current state information of a router running
   NHDP.  The NHDP-MIB State Group tables were designed to contain the
   complete set of state information defined within the information
   bases specified in Sections 6, 7, and 8 of [RFC6130].

   Two constructs, i.e., TEXTUAL-CONVENTIONs, are defined to support the
   tables in the State Group.  NHDP stores and indexes information
   through sets of (dynamically defined) addresses, i.e., address sets.
   Within SMIv2, it is not possible to index tables with variably
   defined address sets.  Hence, these TEXTUAL-CONVENTIONs are defined
   to provide a local mapping between NHDP-managed address sets and
   SMIv2 table indexing.  These constructs are the NeighborIfIndex and
   NeighborRouterIndex.  These are locally (to the router) defined,
   unique identifiers of virtual neighbors and neighbor interfaces.  Due
   to the nature of NHDP, the local router may have identified distinct
   address sets but is not able to associate these as a single
   interface.  Hence, two or more NeighborIfIndexes pointing to multiple
   distinct address sets may, in fact, be related to a common neighbor
   interface.  This ambiguity may also hold with respect to the
   assignment of the NeighborRouterIndex.  The local MIB agent is
   responsible for managing, aggregating, and retiring the defined
   indexes and for updating MIB tables using these indexes as the local
   router learns more about its neighbors' topologies.  These constructs
   are used to define indexes to the appropriate State Group tables and
   to correlate table entries to address sets, virtual neighbor
   interfaces, and virtual neighbors within the MANET.

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5.4.  The Performance Group

   The Performance Group reports values relevant to system performance.
   Unstable neighbors or 2-hop neighbors and frequent changes of sets
   can have a negative influence on the performance of NHDP.  This MIB
   module defines several objects that can be polled in order to, e.g.,
   calculate histories or monitor frequencies of changes.  This may help
   an observer determining unusual topology changes or other changes
   that affect stability and reliability of the MANET.

5.5.  Tables and Indexing

   The NHDP-MIB module contains a number of tables that record data
   related to:

   o  the local router,

   o  a local MANET interface on the router,

   o  other routers that are one hop removed from the local router,

   o  interfaces on other routers that are one hop removed from the
      local router, and

   o  other routers that are two hops removed from the local router.

   The NHDP-MIB module's tables are indexed via the following

   o  nhdpIfIndex - the IfIndex of the local router on which NHDP is

   o  nhdpDiscIfIndex - a locally managed index representing a known
      interface on a neighboring router.

   o  nhdpDiscRouterIndex - a locally managed index representing an ID
      of a known neighboring router.

   These tables and their indexing are:

   o  nhdpInterfaceTable - describes the configuration of the interfaces
      of this router.  This table has INDEX { nhdpIfIndex }.

   o  nhdpLibLocalIfSetTable - records all network addresses that are
      defined as local interface network addresses on this router.  This
      table has INDEX { nhdpLibLocalIfSetIndex }.

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   o  nhdpLibRemovedIfAddrSetTable - records network addresses that were
      recently used as local interface network addresses on this router
      but have been removed.  This table has INDEX
      { nhdpLibRemovedIfAddrSetIndex }.

   o  nhdpInterfaceStateTable - records state information related to
      specific interfaces of this router.  This table has INDEX
      { nhdpIfIndex }.

   o  nhdpDiscIfSetTable - includes the nhdpDiscRouterIndex of the
      discovered router, the nhdpDiscIfIndex of the discovered
      interface, and the current set of addresses associated with this
      neighbor interface.  This table has INDEX { nhdpDiscIfSetIndex }.

   o  nhdpIibLinkSetTable - for each local interface, records all links
      belonging to other routers that are, or recently were, 1-hop
      neighbors to this router.  This table has INDEX { nhdpIfIndex,
      nhdpDiscIfIndex }.

   o  nhdpIib2HopSetTable - for each local interface, records network
      addresses (one at a time) of symmetric 2-hop neighbors and the
      symmetric links to symmetric 1-hop neighbors of this router
      through which these symmetric 2-hop neighbors can be reached.
      This table has INDEX { nhdpIfIndex, nhdpDiscIfIndex,
      nhdpIib2HopSetIpAddressType, nhdpIib2HopSetIpAddress }.

   o  nhdpNibNeighborSetTable - records all network addresses of each
      1-hop neighbor to this router.  This table has INDEX
      { nhdpDiscRouterIndex }.

   o  nhdpNibLostNeighborSetTable - records network addresses of other
      routers that were recently symmetric 1-hop neighbors to this
      router but are now advertised as lost.  This table has INDEX
      { nhdpDiscRouterIndex }.

   o  nhdpInterfacePerfTable - records performance objects that are
      measured for each local NHDP interface on this router.  This table
      has INDEX { nhdpIfIndex }.

   o  nhdpDiscIfSetPerfTable - records performance objects that are
      measured for each discovered interface of a neighbor of this
      router.  This table has INDEX { nhdpDiscIfIndex }.

   o  nhdpDiscNeighborSetPerfTable - records performance objects that
      are measured for discovered neighbors of this router.  This table
      has INDEX { nhdpDiscRouterIndex }.

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   o  nhdpIib2HopSetPerfTable - records performance objects that are
      measured for discovered 2-hop neighbors of this router.  This
      table has INDEX { nhdpDiscRouterIndex }.

6.  Relationship to Other MIB Modules

   This section specifies the relationship of the MIB module contained
   in this document to other standards, particularly to standards
   containing other MIB modules.  MIB modules and specific definitions
   imported from MIB modules that SHOULD be implemented in conjunction
   with the MIB module contained within this document are identified in
   this section.

6.1.  Relationship to the SNMPv2-MIB

   The System Group in the SNMPv2-MIB module [RFC3418] is defined as
   being mandatory for all systems, and the objects apply to the entity
   as a whole.  The System Group provides identification of the
   management entity and certain other system-wide data.  The NHDP-MIB
   module does not duplicate those objects.

6.2.  Relationship to Routing Protocol MIB Modules Relying on the NHDP-
      MIB Module

   [RFC6130] allows routing protocols to rely on the neighborhood
   information that is discovered by means of HELLO message exchange.
   In order to allow for troubleshooting, fault isolation, and
   management of such routing protocols through a routing protocol MIB
   module, it may be desired to align the State Group tables of the
   NHDP-MIB module and the routing protocol MIB module.  This is
   accomplished through the definition of two TEXTUAL-CONVENTIONs in the
   NHDP-MIB module: the NeighborIfIndex and the NeighborRouterIndex.
   These object types are used to develop indexes into common NHDP-MIB
   module and routing protocol State Group tables.  These objects are
   locally significant but should be locally common to the NHDP-MIB
   module and the routing protocol MIB module implemented on a common
   networked router.  This will allow for improved cross-referencing of
   information across the two MIB modules.

6.3.  Relationship to the If-MIB

   The nhdpInterfaceTable in this MIB module describes the configuration
   of the interfaces of this router that are intended to use MANET
   control protocols.  As such, this table 'sparse augments' the
   ifTable [RFC2863] specifically when NHDP is to be configured to
   operate over this interface.  The interface is identified by the
   ifIndex from the Interfaces Group defined in the Interfaces Group MIB
   module [RFC2863].

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RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

   A conceptual row in the nhdpInterfaceTable exists if and only if
   either the row has been administratively created or there is an
   interface on the managed device that supports and runs NHDP.  This
   implies that for each entry in the nhdpInterfaceTable, there is a
   corresponding entry in the Interface Table where nhdpIfIndex and
   ifIndex are equal.  If that corresponding entry in the Interface
   Table is deleted, then the entry in nhdpInterfaceTable is
   automatically deleted, NHDP is disabled on this interface, and all
   configuration and state information related to this interface is to
   be removed from memory.

6.4.  MIB Modules Required for IMPORTS

   The following NHDP-MIB module IMPORTS objects from SNMPv2-SMI
   [RFC2578], SNMPv2-TC [RFC2579], SNMPv2-CONF [RFC2580], IF-MIB
   and FLOAT-TC-MIB [RFC6340].

7.  Definitions

   This section contains the MIB module defined by the specification.


-- This MIB module defines objects for the management of
-- NHDP (RFC 6130) - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET)
-- Neighborhood Discovery Protocol (NHDP),
-- Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., and J. Dean, January 2011.


    Counter32, Counter64, Integer32, Unsigned32, mib-2,
                 FROM SNMPv2-SMI  -- RFC 2578

    TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue, TimeStamp,
                 FROM SNMPv2-TC  -- RFC 2579

                 FROM SNMPv2-CONF  -- STD 58

                 FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB  -- RFC 3411

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RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

    InetAddressType, InetAddress,
                 FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB  -- RFC 4001

                 FROM IF-MIB  -- RFC 2863

                 FROM FLOAT-TC-MIB  -- RFC 6340

       LAST-UPDATED "201607120000Z" -- 12 July 2016
       ORGANIZATION "IETF MANET Working Group"
       "WG Email:
        WG web page:

        Editors:   Ulrich Herberg
                   United States of America

                   Robert G. Cole
                   US Army CERDEC
                   Space and Terrestrial Communications
                   6010 Frankford Street
                   Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21005
                   United States of America
                   +1 443 395-8744

                   Ian D Chakeres
                   Ellicott City, Maryland 21042
                   United States of America

                   Thomas Heide Clausen
                   Ecole Polytechnique
                   91128 Palaiseau Cedex

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RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

           "This NHDP-MIB module is applicable to routers
            implementing the Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET)
            Neighborhood Discovery Protocol (NHDP)
            defined in RFC 6130.

            Copyright (c) 2016 IETF Trust and the persons identified
            as authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

            Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with
            or without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and
            subject to the license terms contained in, the Simplified
            BSD License set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's
            Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents

       -- revision
       REVISION "201607120000Z" -- 12 July 2016
            "Updated version of this MIB module,
             including updates made to NHDP by
             RFC 7466, published as RFC 7939."
       REVISION "201210221000Z" -- 22 October 2012
            "Initial version of this MIB module,
             published as RFC 6779."
       ::= { mib-2 213 }

-- Top-Level Components of this MIB Module
nhdpNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nhdpMIB 0 }
nhdpObjects       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nhdpMIB 1 }
nhdpConformance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nhdpMIB 2 }

   -- Two new TEXTUAL-CONVENTIONs have been defined in
   -- this MIB module for indexing into the following
   -- tables and indexing into other tables in other MIB modules.
   -- This was necessary because NHDP manages and
   -- indexes based upon dynamic address tuples, i.e.,
   -- address sets, while SMI requires statically
   -- defined indexes for accessing its table rows.
   -- The NeighborIfIndex defines a unique (to the local router)
   -- index referencing a discovered virtual interface on another
   -- neighbor within the MANET.  The NeighborRouterIndex defines a

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   -- unique (to the local router) index referencing a discovered
   -- virtual neighbor within the MANET.
   -- Due to the nature of NHDP,
   -- different indexes may be related to common neighbor
   -- interfaces or common neighbor routers, but the information
   -- obtained through NHDP has not allowed the local router
   -- to relate these virtual objects (i.e., interfaces or routers)
   -- at this point in time.  As more topology information
   -- is gathered by the local router, it may associate
   -- virtual interfaces or routers and collapse these
   -- indexes appropriately.

   -- Multiple addresses can be associated with a
   -- given NeighborIfIndex.  Each NeighborIfIndex is
   -- associated with a NeighborRouterIndex.  Throughout
   -- the nhdpStateObjGroup, the
   -- NeighborIfIndex and the NeighborRouterIndex are used
   -- to define the set of IP Addresses related to a virtual
   -- neighbor interface or virtual neighbor under discussion.

   STATUS       current
      "An arbitrary, locally unique identifier associated with a
       virtual interface of a discovered NHDP neighbor.
       Due to the nature of NHDP, the local router
       may not know if two distinct addresses belong to the
       same interface of a neighbor or to two different
       interfaces.  As the local router gains more
       knowledge of its neighbors, its local view may change, and
       this table will be updated to reflect the local router's
       current understanding, associating address sets to neighbor
       interfaces.  The local router identifies a virtual neighbor
       interface through the receipt of address lists advertised
       through an NHDP HELLO message.

       All objects of type NeighborIfIndex are assigned by the agent
       out of a common number space.

       The value for each discovered virtual neighbor
       interface may not remain constant from
       one re-initialization of the entity's network management
       agent to the next re-initialization.  If the
       local router gains information associating two virtual
       interfaces on a neighbor as a common interface,

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       then the agent MUST aggregate the two address sets to
       a single index chosen from the set of aggregated indexes,
       and it MUST update all tables in this
       MIB module that are indexed by indexes
       of type NeighborIfIndex.  It MAY then reuse freed
       index values following the next agent restart.

       The specific value is meaningful only within a given SNMP
    SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (1..2147483647)

NeighborRouterIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
   STATUS       current
      "An arbitrary, locally unique identifier associated with a
       virtual discovered neighbor (one or two hop).  Due to the
       nature of NHDP, the local router may identify
       multiple virtual neighbors that, in fact, are one and
       the same.  Neighbors that are two hops away with more than
       one advertised address will exhibit this behavior.  As the
       local router's knowledge of its neighbors' topology
       increases, the local router will be able to associate
       multiple virtual neighbor indexes into a single virtual
       neighbor index chosen from the set of aggregated indexes;
       it MUST update all tables in this MIB module indexed by these
       indexes, and it MAY reuse the freed indexes following the
       next agent re-initialization.

       All objects of type NeighborRouterIndex are assigned by
       the agent out of a common number space.

       The NeighborRouterIndex defines a discovered NHDP peer
       virtual neighbor of the local router.
       The value for each discovered virtual neighbor index MUST
       remain constant at least from one re-initialization of
       the entity's network management agent to the next
       re-initialization, except if an application is deleted
       and re-created.

       The specific value is meaningful only within a given SNMP
       entity.  A NeighborRouterIndex value MUST NOT be reused
       until the next agent restart."
    SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (1..2147483647)

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-- nhdpObjects

--    1) Configuration Objects Group
--    2) State Objects Group
--    3) Performance Objects Group
-- nhdpConfigurationObjGrp

-- Contains the NHDP objects that configure specific options
-- that determine the overall performance and operation of
-- NHDP.

nhdpConfigurationObjGrp  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nhdpObjects 1 }

   nhdpInterfaceTable  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF NhdpInterfaceEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The nhdpInterfaceTable describes the
          configuration of the interfaces of this router
          that are intended to use MANET control protocols.
          As such, this table 'sparse augments' the ifTable
          specifically when NHDP is to be configured to
          operate over this interface.  The interface is
          identified by the ifIndex from the Interfaces
          Group defined in the Interfaces Group MIB module.

          A conceptual row in this table exists if and only
          if the row has been administratively created
          or there is an interface on the managed device
          that supports and runs NHDP.

          A row can be administratively created by setting
          rowStatus to 'createAndGo' or 'createAndWait'.
          During the row creation, objects having associated
          DEFVAL clauses are automatically defined by
          the agent if not explicitly administratively defined.

          For each entry in the nhdpInterfaceTable, there is a
          corresponding entry in the Interface Table where
          nhdpIfIndex and ifIndex are equal.  If that corresponding
          entry in the Interface Table is deleted, then the entry in
          the nhdpInterfaceTable is automatically deleted,

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          NHDP is disabled on this interface, and all configuration
          and state information related to this interface is to be
          removed from memory."
         "RFC 2863 - The Interfaces Group MIB, McCloghrie,
          K., and F. Kastenholtz, June 2000"
   ::= { nhdpConfigurationObjGrp 1 }

   nhdpInterfaceEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      NhdpInterfaceEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The nhdpInterfaceEntry describes one NHDP
          local interface configuration as indexed by
          its ifIndex as defined in the Standard MIB II
          Interface Table (RFC 2863).

          The objects in this table are persistent, and when
          written, the device SHOULD save the change to
          nonvolatile storage.  For further information
          on the storage behavior for these objects, refer
          to the description for the nhdpIfRowStatus
      INDEX { nhdpIfIndex }
   ::= { nhdpInterfaceTable 1 }

   NhdpInterfaceEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {

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   nhdpIfIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "This value MUST correspond to an ifIndex referring
          to a valid entry in the Interfaces Table."
         "RFC 2863 - The Interfaces Group MIB, McCloghrie, K.,
          and F. Kastenholtz, June 2000"
   ::= { nhdpInterfaceEntry 1 }

   nhdpIfName  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "The textual name of the interface.  The value of this
          object SHOULD be the name of the interface as assigned by
          the local device.  This can be a text-name, such as 'le0'
          or a simple port number, such as '1',
          depending on the interface-naming syntax of the device.

          If there is no local name or this object is otherwise not
          applicable, then this object contains a zero-length string."
   ::= { nhdpInterfaceEntry 2 }

   nhdpIfStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TruthValue
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current

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         "nhdpIfStatus indicates whether this interface is
          currently running NHDP.  A value of 'true(1)' indicates
          that NHDP is running on this interface.
          A value of 'false(2)' indicates that NHDP is not
          currently running on this interface.  This corresponds
          to the I_manet parameter in the Local Interface Set
          of NHDP."
      DEFVAL { false }
   ::= { nhdpInterfaceEntry 3 }

   -- Interface Parameters - Message Intervals

   nhdpHelloInterval  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32
      UNITS       "milliseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "nhdpHelloInterval corresponds to
          HELLO_INTERVAL of NHDP and represents the
          maximum time between the transmission of two
          successive HELLO messages on this MANET interface.

          Guidance for setting this object may be found
          in Section 5 of the NHDP specification (RFC 6130),
          which indicates that:
             o nhdpHelloInterval > 0
             o nhdpHelloInterval >= nhdpHelloMinInterval"
         "Section 5 on Protocol Parameters and
          Constraints of RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc
          Network (MANET) Neighborhood Discovery
          Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
      DEFVAL { 2000 }
   ::= { nhdpInterfaceEntry 4 }

   nhdpHelloMinInterval  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32
      UNITS       "milliseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current

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         "nhdpHelloMinInterval corresponds to
          HELLO_MIN_INTERVAL of NHDP and represents
          the minimum interval between transmission
          of two successive HELLO messages on this
          MANET interface.

          Guidance for setting this object may be found
          in Section 5 of the NHDP specification (RFC 6130),
          which indicates that:
             o nhdpHelloMinInterval <= nhdpHelloInterval"
         "Section 5 on Protocol Parameters and
          Constraints of RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network
          (MANET) Neighborhood Discovery Protocol (NHDP),
          Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
      DEFVAL { 500 }
   ::= { nhdpInterfaceEntry 5 }

   nhdpRefreshInterval  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32
      UNITS       "milliseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "nhdpRefreshInterval corresponds to
          REFRESH_INTERVAL of NHDP and represents the
          maximum interval between advertisements of
          each 1-hop neighbor network address and its
          status.  Each advertisement is in a HELLO
          message on this MANET interface.

          Guidance for setting this object may be found
          in Section 5 of the NHDP specification (RFC 6130),
          which indicates that:
             o nhdpRefreshInterval >= nhdpHelloInterval"
         "Section 5 on Protocol Parameters and
          Constraints of RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network
          (MANET) Neighborhood Discovery Protocol (NHDP),
          Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
      DEFVAL { 2000 }
   ::= { nhdpInterfaceEntry 6 }

   -- Interface Parameters - Information Validity times

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   nhdpLHoldTime  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32
      UNITS       "milliseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "nhdpLHoldTime corresponds to
          L_HOLD_TIME of NHDP and represents the period
          of advertisement, on this MANET interface, of
          former 1-hop neighbor network addresses as lost
          in HELLO messages, allowing recipients of these
          HELLO messages to accelerate removal of this
          information from their Link Sets.

          Guidance for setting this object may be found
          in Section 5 of the NHDP specification (RFC 6130),
          which indicates that it should be assigned a
          value significantly greater than the refresh
          interval held by nhdpRefreshInterval."
         "Section 5 on Protocol Parameters and
          Constraints of RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network
          (MANET) Neighborhood Discovery Protocol (NHDP),
          Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
      DEFVAL { 6000 }
   ::= { nhdpInterfaceEntry 7 }

   nhdpHHoldTime  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32
      UNITS       "milliseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "nhdpHHoldTime corresponds to
          H_HOLD_TIME of NHDP and is used as the value
          in the VALIDITY_TIME Message TLV included in all
          HELLO messages on this MANET interface.  It is then
          used by each router receiving such a HELLO message
          to indicate the validity of the information taken
          from that HELLO message and recorded in the receiving
          router's Information Bases.

          Guidance for setting this object may be found
          in Section 5 of the NHDP specification (RFC 6130),
          which indicates that it should be assigned a
          value significantly greater than the refresh interval
          held by nhdpRefreshInterval and must be representable
          as described in RFC 5497."

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         "RFC 5497 - Representing Multi-Value Time in Mobile Ad
          Hoc Networks (MANETs), Clausen, T., and C. Dearlove,
          March 2009.

          Section 5 on Protocol Parameters and
          Constraints of RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network
          (MANET) Neighborhood Discovery Protocol (NHDP),
          Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
      DEFVAL { 6000 }
   ::= { nhdpInterfaceEntry 8 }

   -- Interface Parameters - Link Quality

   nhdpHystAcceptQuality  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Float32TC
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "nhdpHystAcceptQuality corresponds to
          HYST_ACCEPT of NHDP and represents the link
          quality threshold at or above which a link becomes
          usable, if it was not already so.

          Guidance for setting this object may be found
          in Section 5 of the NHDP specification (RFC 6130),
          which indicates that:
             o 0 <= nhdpHystRejectQuality
                 <= nhdpHystAcceptQuality <= 1.0

          The default value for this object is 1.0. According to
          RFC 6340:
             Since these textual conventions are defined in terms
             of the OCTET STRING type, the SMI's mechanisms for
             formally setting range constraints are not available.
             MIB designers using these textual conventions will need
             to use DESCRIPTION clauses to spell out any applicable
             range constraints beyond those implied by the underlying
             IEEE types.
          Therefore, this object does not have a DEFVAL clause."
         "Section 5 on Protocol Parameters and
          Constraints of RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network
          (MANET) Neighborhood Discovery Protocol (NHDP),
          Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
--    DEFVAL { 1.0 }   see DESCRIPTION

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   ::= { nhdpInterfaceEntry 9 }

   nhdpHystRejectQuality  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Float32TC
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "nhdpHystRejectQuality corresponds to
          HYST_REJECT of NHDP and represents the
          link quality threshold below which a
          link becomes unusable, if it was not
          already so.

          Guidance for setting this object may be found
          in Section 5 of the NHDP specification (RFC 6130),
          which indicates that:
             o 0 <= nhdpHystRejectQuality
                 <= nhdpHystAcceptQuality <= 1.0

          The default value for this object is 0.0. According to
          RFC 6340:
             Since these textual conventions are defined in terms
             of the OCTET STRING type, the SMI's mechanisms for
             formally setting range constraints are not available.
             MIB designers using these textual conventions will need
             to use DESCRIPTION clauses to spell out any applicable
             range constraints beyond those implied by the underlying
             IEEE types.
          Therefore, this object does not have a DEFVAL clause."
         "Section 5 on Protocol Parameters and
          Constraints of RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network
          (MANET) Neighborhood Discovery Protocol (NHDP),
          Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
--    DEFVAL { 0.0 }   see DESCRIPTION
   ::= { nhdpInterfaceEntry 10 }

   nhdpInitialQuality  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Float32TC
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "nhdpInitialQuality corresponds to
          INITIAL_QUALITY of NHDP and represents the
          initial quality of a newly identified link.

          Guidance for setting this object may be found
          in Section 5 of the NHDP specification (RFC 6130),

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          which indicates that:
             o 0 <= nhdpInitialQuality <= 1.0

          The default value for this object is 1.0. According to
          RFC 6340:
             Since these textual conventions are defined in terms
             of the OCTET STRING type, the SMI's mechanisms for
             formally setting range constraints are not available.
             MIB designers using these textual conventions will need
             to use DESCRIPTION clauses to spell out any applicable
             range constraints beyond those implied by the underlying
             IEEE types.
          Therefore, this object does not have a DEFVAL clause."
         "Section 5 on Protocol Parameters and
          Constraints of RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network
          (MANET) Neighborhood Discovery Protocol (NHDP),
          Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
--    DEFVAL { 1.0 }   see DESCRIPTION
   ::= { nhdpInterfaceEntry 11 }

   nhdpInitialPending  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TruthValue
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "nhdpInitialPending corresponds to
          INITIAL_PENDING of NHDP.  If the value of this object
          is 'true(1)', then a newly identified link is considered
          pending and is not usable until the link quality
          has reached or exceeded the nhdpHystAcceptQuality

          Guidance for setting this object may be found
          in Section 5 of the NHDP specification (RFC 6130),
          which indicates that:
             o If nhdpInitialQuality >= nhdpHystAcceptQuality,
               then nhdpInitialPending := false(2).
             o If nhdpInitialQuality < nhdpHystRejectQuality,
               then nhdpInitialPending := true(1)."
         "Section 5 on Protocol Parameters and
          Constraints of RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network
          (MANET) Neighborhood Discovery Protocol (NHDP),
          Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
      DEFVAL { false }
   ::= { nhdpInterfaceEntry 12 }

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   -- Interface Parameters - Jitter
   nhdpHpMaxJitter  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32
      UNITS       "milliseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "nhdpHpMaxJitter corresponds to
          HP_MAXJITTER of NHDP and represents the
          value of MAXJITTER used in RFC 5148 for
          periodically generated HELLO messages on
          this MANET interface.

          Guidance for setting this object may be found
          in Section 5 of RFC 5148, which indicates that:
             o nhdpHpMaxJitter <= nhdpHelloInterval / 2
             o nhdpHpMaxJitter should not be greater
               than nhdpHelloInterval / 4
             o If nhdpMinHelloInterval > 0, then
               nhdpHpMaxJitter <= nhdpHelloMinInterval; and
               nhdpHpMaxJitter should not be greater than
               nhdpHelloMinInterval / 2"
         "Section 5 of RFC 5148 - Jitter Considerations in
          Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs),
          Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., and B. Adamson, February 2008"
      DEFVAL { 500 }
   ::= { nhdpInterfaceEntry 13 }

   nhdpHtMaxJitter  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32
      UNITS       "milliseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "nhdpHtMaxJitter corresponds to
          HT_MAXJITTER of NHDP and represents the
          value of MAXJITTER used in RFC 5148 for
          externally triggered HELLO messages on this
          MANET interface.

          Guidance for setting this object may be found
          in Section 5 of RFC 5148, which indicates that:
             o nhdpHtMaxJitter <= nhdpHelloInterval / 2

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             o nhdpHtMaxJitter should not be greater
               than nhdpHelloInterval / 4
             o If nhdpMinHelloInterval > 0, then
               nhdpHtMaxJitter <= nhdpHelloMinInterval; and
               nhdpHtMaxJitter should not be greater than
               nhdpHelloMinInterval / 2"
         "Section 5 of RFC 5148 - Jitter Considerations in
          Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs),
          Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., and B. Adamson, February 2008"
      DEFVAL { 500 }
   ::= { nhdpInterfaceEntry 14 }

   nhdpIfRowStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      RowStatus
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "This object permits management of the table
          by facilitating actions such as row creation,
          construction, and destruction.  The value of
          this object has no effect on whether other
          objects in this conceptual row can be

          An entry may not exist in the 'active(1)' state unless all
          objects in the entry have a defined appropriate value.  For
          objects with DEFVAL clauses, the management station
          does not need to specify the value of this object in order
          for the row to transit to the 'active(1)' state; the default
          value for this object is used.  For objects that do not
          have DEFVAL clauses, the value of this object prior
          to this row transitioning to the 'active(1)' state MUST be
          administratively specified.

          When this object transitions to 'active(1)', all objects
          in this row SHOULD be written to nonvolatile (stable)
          storage.  Read-create objects in this row MAY be modified.
          When an object in a row with nhdpIfRowStatus of 'active(1)'
          is changed, then the updated value MUST be reflected in NHDP,
          and this new object value MUST be written to nonvolatile

          If the value of this object is not equal to 'active(1)',
          all associated entries in the nhdpLibLocalIfSetTable,
          nhdpInterfaceStateTable, nhdpIibLinkSetTable, and
          nhdpInterfacePerfTable MUST be deleted."

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         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
      DEFVAL { active }
   ::= { nhdpInterfaceEntry 15 }

   -- Router Parameters - Information Validity Time
   nhdpNHoldTime  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32
      UNITS       "milliseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
      STATUS      current
         "nhdpNHoldTime corresponds to
          N_HOLD_TIME of NHDP and is used as the period
          during which former 1-hop neighbor network
          addresses are advertised as lost in HELLO
          messages, allowing recipients of these HELLO
          messages to accelerate removal of this information
          from their 2-Hop Sets.

          This object is persistent, and when written,
          the entity SHOULD save the change to
          nonvolatile storage."
         "Section 5 on Protocol Parameters and
          Constraints of RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network
          (MANET) Neighborhood Discovery Protocol (NHDP),
          Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
      DEFVAL { 6000 }
   ::= { nhdpConfigurationObjGrp 2 }

   nhdpIHoldTime  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32
      UNITS       "milliseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
      STATUS      current
         "nhdpIHoldTime corresponds to
          I_HOLD_TIME of NHDP and represents the period
          for which a recently used local interface network
          address is recorded.

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          This object is persistent, and when written,
          the entity SHOULD save the change to
          nonvolatile storage."
         "Section 5 on Protocol Parameters and
          Constraints of RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network
          (MANET) Neighborhood Discovery Protocol (NHDP),
          Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
      DEFVAL { 6000 }
   ::= { nhdpConfigurationObjGrp 3 }

   -- A router's Local Information Base (LIB)
   -- Local Interface Set Table

   nhdpLibLocalIfSetTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF NhdpLibLocalIfSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "A router's Local Interface Set records all
          network addresses that are defined as local
          MANET interface network addresses.
          As such, this table 'sparse augments' the
          nhdpInterfaceTable when network addresses are
          being defined for the interfaces existing within
          the nhdpInterfaceTable.  The local interface
          is defined by the nhdpIfIndex.

          The Local Interface Set consists of Local Interface
          Address Tuples per MANET interface and their prefix
          lengths (in order to determine the network addresses
          related to the interface).

          A conceptual row in this table exists if and only
          if one has been administratively created.  This can be done
          by setting rowStatus to 'createAndGo' or 'createAndWait'.

          Further guidance on the addition or removal of
          local addresses and network addresses is found
          in Section 9 of RFC 6130."
          "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
           Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
           C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpConfigurationObjGrp 4 }

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   nhdpLibLocalIfSetEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      NhdpLibLocalIfSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "A router's Local Interface Set consists
          of Local Interface Tuples for each network

          The objects in this table are persistent, and when
          written, the device SHOULD save the change to
          nonvolatile storage.  For further information
          on the storage behavior for these objects, refer
          to the description for the nhdpLibLocalIfSetRowStatus
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
      INDEX { nhdpLibLocalIfSetIndex }
   ::= { nhdpLibLocalIfSetTable 1 }

   NhdpLibLocalIfSetEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {

   nhdpLibLocalIfSetIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The index for this table.  Necessary
          because multiple addresses may be associated
          with a given nhdpIfIndex."

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         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpLibLocalIfSetEntry 1 }

   nhdpLibLocalIfSetIfIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "Specifies the local nhdpIfIndex for which this
          IP address was added."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpLibLocalIfSetEntry 2 }

   nhdpLibLocalIfSetIpAddrType  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressType
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "The type of the nhdpLibLocalIfSetIpAddr
          in the InetAddress MIB (RFC 4001).

          Only the values 'ipv4(1)' and
          'ipv6(2)' are supported."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpLibLocalIfSetEntry 3 }

   nhdpLibLocalIfSetIpAddr  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE(4|16))
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "nhdpLibLocalIfSetIpAddr is an
          address of an interface of
          this router.

          This object is interpreted according to
          the setting of nhdpLibLocalIfSetIpAddrType."

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         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
         C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpLibLocalIfSetEntry 4 }

   nhdpLibLocalIfSetIpAddrPrefixLen  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressPrefixLength
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "Indicates the number of leading one bits that
          form the mask.  The mask is logically ANDed
          to the nhdpLibLocalIfSetIpAddr to determine
          the address prefix.  A row match is true
          if the address used as an index falls within
          the network address range defined by the
          address prefix."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpLibLocalIfSetEntry 5 }

   nhdpLibLocalIfSetRowStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      RowStatus
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "This object permits management of the table
          by facilitating actions such as row creation,
          construction, and destruction.  The value of
          this object has no effect on whether other
          objects in this conceptual row can be

          An entry may not exist in the 'active(1)' state unless all
          read-create objects in the entry have a defined
          appropriate value.  As no objects in this table have
          DEFVAL clauses, the management station MUST specify
          the values of all read-create objects prior to this row
          transitioning to the 'active(1)' state.

          When this object transitions to 'active(1)', all objects
          in this row SHOULD be written to nonvolatile (stable)
          storage.  Read-create objects in this row MAY be modified.
          When an object in a row with nhdpIfRowStatus of 'active(1)'
          is changed, then the updated value MUST be reflected in NHDP,

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RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

          and this new object value MUST be written to nonvolatile
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
      DEFVAL { notReady }
    ::= { nhdpLibLocalIfSetEntry 6 }

   -- Removed Interface Addr Set Table

   nhdpLibRemovedIfAddrSetTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF NhdpLibRemovedIfAddrSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "A router's Removed Interface Address Set records
          network addresses that were recently used as local
          interface network addresses.  If a router's interface
          network addresses are immutable, then the Removed
          Interface Address Set is always empty and may be omitted.
          It consists of Removed Interface Address Tuples, one
          per network address."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpConfigurationObjGrp 5 }

   nhdpLibRemovedIfAddrSetEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      NhdpLibRemovedIfAddrSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "A router's Removed Interface Address Set consists
          of Removed Interface Address Tuples, one per network

          (IR_local_iface_addr, IR_time)

          The association between these addresses and the
          router's Interface is found in RFC 4293 (ipAddressTable)"

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 32]

RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

         "RFC 4293 - Management Information Base for the Internet
          Protocol (IP), S. Routhier, Ed., April 2006.

          RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
      INDEX { nhdpLibRemovedIfAddrSetIndex }
   ::= { nhdpLibRemovedIfAddrSetTable 1 }

   NhdpLibRemovedIfAddrSetEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {

   nhdpLibRemovedIfAddrSetIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The index for this table.  Necessary
          because multiple addresses may be associated
          with a given nhdpIfIndex."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpLibRemovedIfAddrSetEntry 1 }

   nhdpLibRemovedIfAddrSetIpAddrType  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressType
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "The type of the nhdpLibRemovedIfAddrSetIpAddr
          in the InetAddress MIB (RFC 4001).

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 33]

RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

          Only the values 'ipv4(1)' and
          'ipv6(2)' are supported."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpLibRemovedIfAddrSetEntry 2 }

   nhdpLibRemovedIfAddrSetIpAddr  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE(4|16))
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "nhdpLibRemovedIfAddrSetIpAddr is a
          recently used address of an interface of
          this router."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpLibRemovedIfAddrSetEntry 3 }

   nhdpLibRemovedIfAddrSetIpAddrPrefixLen  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressPrefixLength
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "Indicates the number of leading one bits that
          form the mask.  The mask is logically ANDed
          to the nhdpLibRemovedIfAddrSetIpAddr to determine
          the address prefix.  A row match is true
          if the address used as an index falls within
          the network address range defined by the
          address prefix."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpLibRemovedIfAddrSetEntry 4 }

   nhdpLibRemovedIfAddrSetIfIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "Specifies the local IfIndex from which this
          IP address was recently removed."

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 34]

RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpLibRemovedIfAddrSetEntry 5 }

   nhdpLibRemovedIfAddrSetIRTime  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TimeStamp
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "nhdpLibRemovedIfAddrSetIRTime specifies the value
          of sysUpTime when this entry should expire and be
          removed from the nhdpLibRemovedIfAddrSetTable."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpLibRemovedIfAddrSetEntry 6 }

-- nhdpStateObjGrp

-- Contains information describing the current state of the NHDP
-- process on this router.

nhdpStateObjGrp  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nhdpObjects 2 }

   nhdpUpTime  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TimeStamp
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "The value of sysUpTime at the time the current NHDP
          process was initialized."
   ::= { nhdpStateObjGrp 1 }

   nhdpInterfaceStateTable  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF NhdpInterfaceStateEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "nhdpInterfaceStateTable lists state information
          related to specific interfaces of this router.
          The value of nhdpIfIndex is an ifIndex from the
          Interfaces Group defined in the Interfaces Group

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 35]

RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

          The objects in this table are persistent, and when
          written, the entity SHOULD save the change to
          nonvolatile storage."
         "RFC 2863 - The Interfaces Group MIB, McCloghrie,
          K., and F. Kastenholtz, June 2000"
   ::= { nhdpStateObjGrp 2 }

   nhdpInterfaceStateEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      NhdpInterfaceStateEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "nhdpInterfaceStateEntry describes one NHDP
          local interface state as indexed by
          its nhdpIfIndex."
      INDEX { nhdpIfIndex }
   ::= { nhdpInterfaceStateTable 1 }

   NhdpInterfaceStateEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {

   nhdpIfStateUpTime  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TimeStamp
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "The value of the sysUpTime when
          NHDP was last initialized on this
          MANET interface."
   ::= { nhdpInterfaceStateEntry 1 }

   -- This table allows for the mapping between discovered
   -- remote interfaces and routers and their addresses.

   nhdpDiscIfSetTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF NhdpDiscIfSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
      STATUS       current
         "A router's set of discovered interfaces on
          neighboring routers."

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 36]

RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpStateObjGrp 3 }

   nhdpDiscIfSetEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      NhdpDiscIfSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The entries include the nhdpDiscRouterIndex of
          the discovered router, the nhdpDiscIfIndex
          of the discovered interface, and the
          current set of addresses associated
          with this neighbor interface.  The
          nhdpDiscIfIndex uniquely identifies
          the remote interface address sets
          through this table.  It does not need
          to be unique across the MANET but MUST
          be locally unique within this router."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
      INDEX { nhdpDiscIfSetIndex }
   ::= { nhdpDiscIfSetTable 1 }

   NhdpDiscIfSetEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {

   nhdpDiscIfSetIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 37]

RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

         "The index for this table.  Necessary
          because multiple addresses may be associated
          with a given nhdpDiscIfIndex."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpDiscIfSetEntry 1 }

   nhdpDiscIfIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      NeighborIfIndex
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "The NHDP interface index (locally created)
          of a neighbor's interface.  Used for cross-
          indexing into other NHDP tables and other
          MIB modules."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpDiscIfSetEntry 2 }

   nhdpDiscRouterIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      NeighborRouterIndex
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "The NHDP neighbor index (locally created)
          of a neighboring router.  Used for cross-
          indexing into other NHDP tables and other
          MIB modules."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpDiscIfSetEntry 3 }

   nhdpDiscIfSetIpAddrType  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressType
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "The type of the nhdpDiscIfSetIpAddr
          in the InetAddress MIB (RFC 4001).

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 38]

RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

          Only the values 'ipv4(1)' and
          'ipv6(2)' are supported."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpDiscIfSetEntry 4 }

   nhdpDiscIfSetIpAddr  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE(4|16))
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "The nhdpDiscIfSetIpAddr is a
          recently used address of a neighbor
          of this router."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpDiscIfSetEntry 5 }

   nhdpDiscIfSetIpAddrPrefixLen  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressPrefixLength
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "Indicates the number of leading one bits that
          form the mask.  The mask is logically ANDed
          to the nhdpDiscIfSetIpAddr to determine
          the address prefix.  A row match is true
          if the address used as an index falls within
          the network address range defined by the
          address prefix."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpDiscIfSetEntry 6 }

   -- Interface Information Base (IIB)

   -- Link Set

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RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

   nhdpIibLinkSetTable  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF NhdpIibLinkSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "A Link Set of an interface records all links
          from other routers that are, or recently
          were, 1-hop neighbors."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpStateObjGrp 4 }

   nhdpIibLinkSetEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      NhdpIibLinkSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "A Link Set consists of Link Tuples, each
          representing a single link indexed by the
          local and remote interface pair:

          (L_neighbor_iface_addr_list, L_HEARD_time,
           L_SYM_time, L_quality, L_pending,
           L_lost, L_time).

          The local interface is indexed via the
          nhdpIfIndex.  The 1-hop interface is
          indexed via the nhdpDiscIfIndex.  There
          SHOULD be an entry in this table for each
          local interface and associated 1-hop
          neighbor reachable on this local interface.

          Note that L_quality is not included in the
          entries below, because updates may be
          required too frequently."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
      INDEX { nhdpIfIndex,
              nhdpDiscIfIndex }
   ::= { nhdpIibLinkSetTable 1 }

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RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

   NhdpIibLinkSetEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {

   nhdpIibLinkSetLHeardTime  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TimeStamp
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "nhdpIibLinkSetLHeardTime corresponds
          to L_HEARD_time of NHDP and represents the
          time up to which the MANET interface of the
          1-hop neighbor would be considered heard if
          not considering link quality."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpIibLinkSetEntry 1 }

   nhdpIibLinkSetLSymTime  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TimeStamp
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "nhdpIibLinkSetLSymTime corresponds
          to L_SYM_time of NHDP and represents the time
          up to which the link to the 1-hop neighbor
          would be considered symmetric if not considering
          link quality."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpIibLinkSetEntry 2 }

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RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

   nhdpIibLinkSetLPending  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TruthValue
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "nhdpIibLinkSetLPending corresponds
          to L_pending of NHDP and is a boolean flag,
          describing if a link is considered pending
          (i.e., a candidate, but not yet established,
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpIibLinkSetEntry 3 }

   nhdpIibLinkSetLLost  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TruthValue
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "nhdpIibLinkSetLLost corresponds
          to L_lost of NHDP and is a boolean flag,
          describing if a link is considered lost due
          to low link quality."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpIibLinkSetEntry 4 }

   nhdpIibLinkSetLTime  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TimeStamp
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "nhdpIibLinkSetLTime specifies the value
          of sysUpTime when this entry should expire and be
          removed from the nhdpIibLinkSetTable."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpIibLinkSetEntry 5 }

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 42]

RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

   -- 2-Hop Set
   nhdpIib2HopSetTable  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF NhdpIib2HopSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "A 2-Hop Set of an interface records network
          addresses of symmetric 2-hop neighbors and
          the symmetric links to symmetric 1-hop neighbors
          through which these symmetric 2-hop neighbors
          can be reached.  It consists of 2-Hop Tuples."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpStateObjGrp 5 }

   nhdpIib2HopSetEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      NhdpIib2HopSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "nhdpIib2HopSetTable consists of 2-Hop Tuples, each
          representing a single network address of a symmetric
          2-hop neighbor and a single MANET interface of a
          symmetric 1-hop neighbor.

           N2_2hop_addr, N2_lost, N2_time).

          The entries include:
            - the 2-hop neighbor addresses
              ('N2_neighbor_iface_addr_list'), which
              act as the table index,
            - the associated symmetric 1-hop
              neighbor address set ('N2_2hop_addr'), designated
              through nhdpDiscIfIndex,
            - a flag indicating if the 1-hop neighbor
              through which this 2-hop neighbor is reachable
              ('N2_lost') is considered lost due to link quality,
              or not,
            - and the expiration time ('N2_time').

          The nhdpIfIndex in the INDEX is the interface index of
          the local interface through which these 2-hop addresses
          are accessible.  The nhdpDiscIfIndex in the INDEX

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 43]

RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

          represents the 1-hop neighbor interface through which
          these 2-hop neighbor addresses are reachable."

         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011
          RFC 7466 - An Optimization for the Mobile Ad Hoc
          Network (MANET) Neighborhood Discovery Protocol (NHDP),
          Dearlove, C., and T. Clausen, March 2015"
      INDEX { nhdpIfIndex,
   ::= { nhdpIib2HopSetTable 1 }

   NhdpIib2HopSetEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {

   nhdpIib2HopSetIpAddressType  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressType
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The type of the nhdpIib2HopSetIpAddress
          in the InetAddress MIB module (RFC 4001).

          Only the values 'ipv4(1)' and
          'ipv6(2)' are supported."

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 44]

RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpIib2HopSetEntry 1 }

   nhdpIib2HopSetIpAddress  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE(4|16))
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "nhdpIib2HopSetIpAddr corresponds
          to N2_2hop_addr of NHDP and is a network
          address of a symmetric 2-hop neighbor that
          has a symmetric link (using any MANET
          interface) to the indicated symmetric
          1-hop neighbor."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpIib2HopSetEntry 2 }

   nhdpIib2HopSetIpAddrPrefixLen  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressPrefixLength
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "Indicates the number of leading one bits that
          form the mask.  The mask is logically ANDed
          to the nhdpIib2HopSetIpAddress to determine
          the address prefix.  A row match is true
          if the address used as an index falls within
          the network address range defined by the
          address prefix."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpIib2HopSetEntry 3 }

   nhdpIib2HopSet1HopIfIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      NeighborIfIndex
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "nhdpIib2HopSet1HopIfIndex is
          nhdpDiscIfIndex of the 1-hop

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 45]

RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

          neighbor that communicated the ipAddress
          of the 2-hop neighbor in this row entry."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpIib2HopSetEntry 4 }

   nhdpIib2HopSetN2Time  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TimeStamp
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "nhdpIib2HopSetN2Time specifies the value
          of sysUpTime when this entry should expire and be
          removed from the nhdpIib2HopSetTable."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpIib2HopSetEntry 5 }

      nhdpIib2HopSetN2Lost OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX          TruthValue
      MAX-ACCESS      read-only
      STATUS          current
         "nhdpIib2HopSetN2Lost corresponds to N2_lost of NHDP and
          is a boolean flag, describing if for a 2-Hop Tuple, the
          corresponding Link Tuple currently is considered lost
          due to link quality."

         "RFC 7466 - An Optimization for the Mobile Ad Hoc
          Network (MANET) Neighborhood Discovery Protocol (NHDP),
          Dearlove, C., and T. Clausen, March 2015"
   ::= {nhdpIib2HopSetEntry 6}

   -- Neighbor Information Base (NIB)
   -- Each router maintains a Neighbor Information Base
   -- that records information about addresses of
   -- current and recently symmetric 1-hop neighbors.

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 46]

RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

   -- Neighbor Set
   --     The Neighbor Set Table is small because
   --     most of the corresponding information is found
   --     in the nhdpDiscoveredIfTable above.

   nhdpNibNeighborSetTable  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF NhdpNibNeighborSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
      STATUS       current
         "A router's Neighbor Set records all
          network addresses of each 1-hop
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpStateObjGrp 6 }

   nhdpNibNeighborSetEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      NhdpNibNeighborSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "A router's Neighbor Set consists
          of Neighbor Tuples, each representing
          a single 1-hop neighbor:

          (N_neighbor_addr_list, N_symmetric)"
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
      INDEX { nhdpDiscRouterIndex }
   ::= { nhdpNibNeighborSetTable 1 }

   NhdpNibNeighborSetEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {

   nhdpNibNeighborSetNSymmetric  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TruthValue
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 47]

RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

      STATUS      current
         "nhdpNibNeighborNSymmetric corresponds
          to N_symmetric of NHDP and is a boolean flag,
          describing if this is a symmetric 1-hop neighbor."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpNibNeighborSetEntry 1 }

   -- Lost Neighbor Set
   nhdpNibLostNeighborSetTable  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF NhdpNibLostNeighborSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "A router's Lost Neighbor Set records network
          addresses of routers that were recently
          symmetric 1-hop neighbors but are now
          advertised as lost."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpStateObjGrp 7 }

   nhdpNibLostNeighborSetEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      NhdpNibLostNeighborSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "A router's Lost Neighbor Set consists of
          Lost Neighbor Tuples, each representing a
          single such network address:

          (NL_neighbor_addr, NL_time)"
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
      INDEX { nhdpDiscRouterIndex }
   ::= { nhdpNibLostNeighborSetTable 1 }

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 48]

RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

   NhdpNibLostNeighborSetEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {

   nhdpNibLostNeighborSetNLTime  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TimeStamp
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
          specifies the value of sysUpTime when this entry
          should expire and be removed from the
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpNibLostNeighborSetEntry 1 }

-- nhdpPerformanceObjGrp
-- Contains objects that help to characterize the performance of
-- the NHDP process, typically counters.
nhdpPerformanceObjGrp  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nhdpObjects 3 }

  -- Objects per local interface

  nhdpInterfacePerfTable  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF NhdpInterfacePerfEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "This table summarizes performance objects that are
          measured per local NHDP interface.
          nhdpIfPerfCounterDiscontinuityTime indicates
          the most recent occasion at which any one or more
          of this interface's counters listed in this table
          suffered a discontinuity."

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 49]

RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpPerformanceObjGrp 1 }

   nhdpInterfacePerfEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      NhdpInterfacePerfEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "A single entry contains performance counters for
          a local NHDP interface."
      INDEX { nhdpIfIndex }
   ::= { nhdpInterfacePerfTable 1 }

   NhdpInterfacePerfEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {

   nhdpIfHelloMessageXmits  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "messages"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter is incremented each time a HELLO
          message has been transmitted on that interface."

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   ::= { nhdpInterfacePerfEntry 1 }

   nhdpIfHelloMessageRecvd  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "messages"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter is incremented each time a HELLO
          message has been received on that interface."
   ::= { nhdpInterfacePerfEntry 2 }

   nhdpIfHelloMessageXmitAccumulatedSize  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter64
      UNITS       "octets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter is incremented by the number of octets in
          a HELLO message each time a HELLO message has been sent."
   ::= { nhdpInterfacePerfEntry 3 }

   nhdpIfHelloMessageRecvdAccumulatedSize  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter64
      UNITS       "octets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter is incremented by the number of octets in
          a HELLO message each time a HELLO message has been received."
   ::= { nhdpInterfacePerfEntry 4 }

   nhdpIfHelloMessageTriggeredXmits  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "messages"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter is incremented each time a triggered
          HELLO message has been sent."
   ::= { nhdpInterfacePerfEntry 5 }

   nhdpIfHelloMessagePeriodicXmits  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "messages"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current

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         "A counter is incremented each time a periodic
          HELLO message has been sent."
   ::= { nhdpInterfacePerfEntry 6 }

   nhdpIfHelloMessageXmitAccumulatedSymmetricNeighborCount  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "neighbors"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter is incremented by the number of advertised
          symmetric neighbors in a HELLO each time a HELLO
          message has been sent."
   ::= { nhdpInterfacePerfEntry 7 }

   nhdpIfHelloMessageXmitAccumulatedHeardNeighborCount  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "neighbors"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter is incremented by the number of advertised
          heard neighbors in a HELLO each time a HELLO
          message has been sent."
   ::= { nhdpInterfacePerfEntry 8 }

   nhdpIfHelloMessageXmitAccumulatedLostNeighborCount  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "neighbors"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter is incremented by the number of advertised
          lost neighbors in a HELLO each time a HELLO
          message has been sent."
   ::= { nhdpInterfacePerfEntry 9 }

   nhdpIfPerfCounterDiscontinuityTime  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TimeStamp
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which
          any one or more of this interface's counters suffered a
          discontinuity.  If no such discontinuities have occurred
          since the last reinitialization of the local management
          subsystem, then this object contains a zero value."
   ::= { nhdpInterfacePerfEntry 10 }

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   -- Objects per discovered neighbor interface
   nhdpDiscIfSetPerfTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF NhdpDiscIfSetPerfEntry
      MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
      STATUS       current
         "A router's set of performance properties for
          each discovered interface of a neighbor."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpPerformanceObjGrp 2 }

   nhdpDiscIfSetPerfEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      NhdpDiscIfSetPerfEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "There is an entry for each discovered
          interface of a neighbor."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
      INDEX { nhdpDiscIfIndex }
   ::= { nhdpDiscIfSetPerfTable 1 }

   NhdpDiscIfSetPerfEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {

   nhdpDiscIfRecvdPackets  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "packets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This counter increments each
          time this router receives a packet from that interface
          of the neighbor."

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RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
         C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpDiscIfSetPerfEntry 1 }

   nhdpDiscIfExpectedPackets  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "packets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This counter increments by the number
          of missed packets from this neighbor based
          on the packet sequence number each time this
          router receives a packet from that interface
          of the neighbor."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpDiscIfSetPerfEntry 2 }

   -- Objects concerning the Neighbor Set
   nhdpNibNeighborSetChanges  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "changes"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This counter increments each time the Neighbor Set changes.
          A change occurs whenever a new Neighbor Tuple has been
          added, a Neighbor Tuple has been removed, or any entry of
          a Neighbor Tuple has been modified."
   ::= { nhdpPerformanceObjGrp 3 }

   -- Objects per discovered neighbor
   nhdpDiscNeighborSetPerfTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF NhdpDiscNeighborSetPerfEntry
      MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
      STATUS       current

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         "A router's set of discovered neighbors and
          their properties."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpPerformanceObjGrp 4 }

   nhdpDiscNeighborSetPerfEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      NhdpDiscNeighborSetPerfEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The entries include the nhdpDiscRouterIndex of
          the discovered router as well as performance
          objects related to changes of the Neighbor
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
      INDEX { nhdpDiscRouterIndex }
   ::= { nhdpDiscNeighborSetPerfTable 1 }

   NhdpDiscNeighborSetPerfEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {

   nhdpDiscNeighborNibNeighborSetChanges  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "changes"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This object returns the number of changes
          to the given Neighbor Tuple."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpDiscNeighborSetPerfEntry 1 }

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   nhdpDiscNeighborNibNeighborSetUpTime  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TimeStamp
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This object returns the sysUpTime when a new
          nhdpNibNeighborSetEntry has been created for a
          particular nhdpNibNeighborSetRouterIndex."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpDiscNeighborSetPerfEntry 2 }

   nhdpDiscNeighborNibNeighborSetReachableLinkChanges  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "changes"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This object counts each time the neighbor changes
          the interface(s) over which it is reachable.
          A change in the set of Link Tuples corresponding
          to the appropriate Neighbor Tuple is registered,
          i.e., a corresponding Link Tuple is added or removed
          from the set of all corresponding Link Tuples."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpDiscNeighborSetPerfEntry 3 }

   -- Objects per discovered 2-hop neighbor
   nhdpIib2HopSetPerfTable  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF NhdpIib2HopSetPerfEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "This table contains performance objects per
          discovered 2-hop neighbor."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpPerformanceObjGrp 5 }

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   nhdpIib2HopSetPerfEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      NhdpIib2HopSetPerfEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The entries contain performance objects per
          discovered 2-hop neighbor."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
      INDEX { nhdpDiscRouterIndex }
   ::= { nhdpIib2HopSetPerfTable 1 }

   NhdpIib2HopSetPerfEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {

   nhdpIib2HopSetPerfChanges  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "changes"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This object counts the changes of the union of all
          N2_neighbor_iface_addr_list of 2-Hop Tuples with an
          N2_2hop_addr equal to one of the given 2-hop
          neighbor's addresses."
         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpIib2HopSetPerfEntry 1 }

   nhdpIib2HopSetPerfUpTime  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TimeStamp
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This object returns the sysUpTime
          when the 2-Hop Tuple
          corresponding to the given 2-hop neighbor IP address
          was registered in the nhdpIib2HopSetTable."

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         "RFC 6130 - Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (NHDP), Clausen, T., Dearlove,
          C., and J. Dean, April 2011"
   ::= { nhdpIib2HopSetPerfEntry 2 }

-- nhdpNotifications

nhdpNotificationsObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nhdpNotifications 0 }
nhdpNotificationsControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nhdpNotifications 1 }
nhdpNotificationsStates  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nhdpNotifications 2 }

   -- nhdpNotificationsObjects

   nhdpNbrStateChange  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
      OBJECTS { nhdpIfName,  -- The originator of the notification.
               nhdpNbrState  -- The new state
      STATUS       current
         "nhdpNbrStateChange is a notification sent when
          more than nhdpNbrStateChangeThreshold neighbors change
          their status (i.e., 'down(0)', 'asymmetric(1)', or
          'symmetric(2)') within a time window of
   ::= { nhdpNotificationsObjects 1 }

   nhdp2HopNbrStateChange  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
      OBJECTS { nhdpIfName,      -- The originator
                                 -- of the notification
               nhdp2HopNbrState  -- The new state
      STATUS      current
         "nhdp2HopNbrStateChange is a notification sent
          when more than nhdp2HopNbrStateChangeThreshold 2-hop
          neighbors change their nhdp2HopNbrState
          within a time window of
   ::= { nhdpNotificationsObjects 2 }

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   nhdpIfStateChange  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
      OBJECTS { nhdpIfName,  -- The local interface
               nhdpIfStatus  -- The new status
      STATUS       current
         "nhdpIfStateChange is a notification sent when
          nhdpIfStatus has changed on this interface."
   ::= { nhdpNotificationsObjects 3 }

   -- nhdpNotificationsControl

   nhdpNbrStateChangeThreshold  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..255)
      UNITS       "changes"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
      STATUS      current
         "A threshold value for the
          nhdpNbrStateChange object.  If the
          number of occurrences exceeds this threshold
          within the previous nhdpNbrStateChangeWindow,
          then the nhdpNbrStateChange notification
          is to be sent.

          It is recommended that the value of this
          threshold be set to at least 10 and higher
          in dense topologies with frequent expected
          topology changes."
      DEFVAL { 10 }
   ::= { nhdpNotificationsControl 1 }

   nhdpNbrStateChangeWindow  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TimeTicks
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
      STATUS      current
         "A time window for the
          nhdpNbrStateChange object.  If the
          number of occurrences exceeds the
          within the previous nhdpNbrStateChangeWindow,
          then the nhdpNbrStateChange notification
          is to be sent.

          It is recommended that the value for this
          window be set to at least 5 times the

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          This object represents the time in hundredths
          of a second."
      DEFVAL { 1000 }
   ::= { nhdpNotificationsControl 2 }

   nhdp2HopNbrStateChangeThreshold  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..255)
      UNITS       "changes"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
      STATUS      current
         "A threshold value for the
          nhdp2HopNbrStateChange object.  If the
          number of occurrences exceeds this threshold
          within the previous nhdp2HopNbrStateChangeWindow,
          then the nhdp2HopNbrStateChange notification
          is to be sent.

          It is recommended that the value of this
          threshold be set to at least 10 and higher
          when topologies are expected to be highly dynamic."
      DEFVAL { 10 }
   ::= { nhdpNotificationsControl 3 }

   nhdp2HopNbrStateChangeWindow  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TimeTicks
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
      STATUS      current
         "A time window for the
          nhdp2HopNbrStateChange object.  If the
          number of occurrences exceeds the
          within the previous nhdp2HopNbrStateChangeWindow,
          then the nhdp2HopNbrStateChange notification
          is to be sent.

          It is recommended that the value for this
          window be set to at least 5 times

          This object represents the time in hundredths
          of a second."
      DEFVAL { 1000 }
   ::= { nhdpNotificationsControl 4 }

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    -- nhdpNotificationStates

   nhdpNbrState OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      INTEGER {
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "NHDP neighbor states.  In NHDP, it is not
          necessary to remove Protocol Tuples from Protocol Sets
          at the exact time indicated, only to behave as if the
          Protocol Tuples were removed at that time.  This case is
          indicated here as 'down(0)', all other cases being
          indicated as 'asymmetric(1)' or 'symmetric(2)'.  If 'down(0)',
          the direct neighbor is also added to the
   ::= { nhdpNotificationsStates 1 }

  nhdp2HopNbrState  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      INTEGER {
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
        "NHDP 2-hop neighbor states.  In NHDP, it is not necessary
         to remove Protocol Tuples from Protocol Sets at the
         exact time indicated, only to behave as if the Protocol
         Tuples were removed at that time.  This case is indicated
         here as 'down(0)'; otherwise, it is either 'up(1)', if
         N2_lost for the 2-Hop Tuple is equal to false, or
         'notconsidered(2)' otherwise."
     ::= { nhdpNotificationsStates 2 }

-- nhdpConformance information

nhdpCompliances       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nhdpConformance 1 }
nhdpMIBGroups         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nhdpConformance 2 }

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RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

   -- Compliance Statements
   nhdpBasicCompliance  MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      STATUS      current
         "The basic implementation requirements for
          managed network entities that implement
      MODULE -- this module
      MANDATORY-GROUPS { nhdpConfigurationGroup }
   ::= { nhdpCompliances 1 }

   nhdpFullCompliance2  MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      STATUS      current
         "The full implementation requirements for
          managed network entities that implement
      MODULE -- this module
      MANDATORY-GROUPS { nhdpConfigurationGroup,
   ::= { nhdpCompliances 3 }

-- Units of Conformance

   nhdpConfigurationGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {

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      STATUS      current
         "Set of NHDP configuration objects implemented
          in this module."
   ::= { nhdpMIBGroups 2 }

   nhdpPerformanceGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
      STATUS      current
         "Set of NHDP performance objects implemented
          in this module."
   ::= { nhdpMIBGroups 4 }

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RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

   nhdpNotificationObjectGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
      STATUS      current
         "Set of NHDP notification objects implemented
          in this module."
   ::= { nhdpMIBGroups 5 }

   nhdpNotificationGroup  NOTIFICATION-GROUP
      STATUS      current
         "Set of NHDP notifications implemented
          in this module."
   ::= { nhdpMIBGroups 6 }

   nhdpStateGroup2  OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {

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RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

      STATUS      current
         "Set of NHDP state objects implemented
          in this module."
   ::= { nhdpMIBGroups 7 }

-- Deprecated compliance statements and groups

   nhdpFullCompliance  MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      STATUS      deprecated
         "The full implementation requirements for
          managed network entities that implement

          For version-independence, this compliance statement
          is deprecated in favor of nhdpFullCompliance2."
      MODULE -- this module
      MANDATORY-GROUPS { nhdpConfigurationGroup,
   ::= { nhdpCompliances 2 }

   nhdpStateGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {

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RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

      STATUS      deprecated
         "Set of NHDP state objects implemented
          in this module.

          For version-independence, this compliance statement
          is deprecated in favor of nhdpStateGroup2."
   ::= { nhdpMIBGroups 3 }


8.  Security Considerations

   This MIB module defines objects for the configuration, monitoring,
   and notification of the Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood
   Discovery Protocol (NHDP) [RFC6130].  NHDP allows routers to acquire
   topological information up to two hops away by virtue of exchanging
   HELLO messages.  The information acquired by NHDP may be used by
   routing protocols.  The neighborhood information, exchanged between
   routers using NHDP, serves these routing protocols as a baseline for
   calculating paths to all destinations in the MANET, relay set
   selection for network-wide transmissions, etc.

   There are a number of management objects defined in this MIB module
   with a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write and/or read-create.  Such
   objects may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network
   environments.  The support for SET operations in a non-secure
   environment without proper protection opens devices to attack.  These
   are the tables and objects and their sensitivity/vulnerability:

   o  nhdpIfStatus - This writable object turns on or off the NHDP
      process for the specified interface.  If disabled, higher-level
      protocol functions, e.g., routing, would fail, causing network-
      wide disruptions.

   o  nhdpHelloInterval, nhdpHelloMinInterval, and nhdpRefreshInterval -
      These writable objects control the rate at which HELLO messages
      are sent on an interface.  If set at too high a rate, this could
      represent a form of denial-of-service (DoS) attack by overloading
      interface resources.

   o  nhdpHystAcceptQuality, nhdpHystRejectQuality, nhdpInitialQuality,
      and nhdpInitialPending - These writable objects affect the
      perceived quality of the NHDP links and hence the overall
      stability of the network.  If improperly set, these settings could
      result in network-wide disruptions.

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RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

   o  nhdpInterfaceTable - This table contains writable objects that
      affect the overall performance and stability of the NHDP process.
      Failure of the NHDP process would result in network-wide failure.
      Particularly sensitive objects from this table are discussed in
      the previous list items.  This is the only table in the NHDP-MIB
      module with writable objects.

   Some of the readable objects in this MIB module (i.e., objects with a
   MAX-ACCESS other than not-accessible) may be considered sensitive or
   vulnerable in some network environments.  It is thus important to
   control even GET and/or NOTIFY access to these objects and possibly
   to even encrypt the values of these objects when sending them over
   the network via SNMP.  These are the tables and objects and their

   o  nhdpDiscIfSetTable - The object contains information on discovered
      neighbors, specifically their IP address in the
      nhdpDiscIfSetIpAddr object.  This information provides an
      adversary broad information on the members of the MANET, located
      within this single table.  This information can be used to
      expedite attacks on the other members of the MANET without having
      to go through a laborious discovery process on their own.  This
      object is the index into the table and has a MAX-ACCESS of
      'not-accessible'.  However, this information can be exposed using
      SNMP operations.

   MANET technology is often deployed to support communications of
   emergency services or military tactical applications.  In these
   applications, it is imperative to maintain the proper operation of
   the communications network and to protect sensitive information
   related to its operation.  Therefore, it is RECOMMENDED to provide
   support for the Transport Security Model (TSM) [RFC5591] in
   combination with TLS/DTLS [RFC6353].

   SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 did not include adequate security.
   Even if the network itself is secure (for example by using IPsec),
   there is no control as to who on the secure network is allowed to
   access and GET/SET (read/change/create/delete) the objects in this
   MIB module.

   Implementations SHOULD provide the security features described by the
   SNMPv3 framework (see [RFC3410]), and implementations claiming
   compliance to the SNMPv3 standard MUST include full support for
   authentication and privacy via the User-based Security Model (USM)
   [RFC3414] with the AES cipher algorithm [RFC3826].  Implementations
   MAY also provide support for the Transport Security Model (TSM)
   [RFC5591] in combination with a secure transport such as SSH
   [RFC5592] or TLS/DTLS [RFC6353].

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RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

   Further, deployment of SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 is NOT
   RECOMMENDED.  Instead, it is RECOMMENDED to deploy SNMPv3 and to
   enable cryptographic security.  It is then a customer/operator
   responsibility to ensure that the SNMP entity giving access to an
   instance of this MIB module is properly configured to give access to
   the objects only to those principals (users) that have legitimate
   rights to indeed GET or SET (change/create/delete) them.

9.  Applicability Statement

   This document describes objects for configuring parameters of the
   Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood Discovery Protocol (NHDP)
   [RFC6130] process on a router.  This MIB module, denoted NHDP-MIB,
   also reports state, performance information, and notifications.  This
   section provides some examples of how this MIB module can be used in
   MANET network deployments.

   NHDP is designed to allow routers to automatically discover and track
   routers one hop remote (denoted "neighbors") and routers two hops
   remote (denoted "2-hop neighbors").  This information is used by
   other MANET protocols in operation on the router to perform routing,
   multicast forwarding, and other functions with ad hoc and mobile
   networks.  In the following, three example scenarios are listed where
   this MIB module is useful:

   o  For a Parking Lot Initial Configuration Situation - It is common
      for the vehicles comprising the MANET being forward deployed at a
      remote location, e.g., the site of a natural disaster, to be off-
      loaded in a parking lot where an initial configuration of the
      networking devices is performed.  The configuration is loaded into
      the devices from a fixed location Network Operations Center (NOC)
      at the parking lot, and the vehicles are stationary at the parking
      lot while the configuration changes are made.  Standards-based
      methods for configuration management from the co-located NOC are
      necessary for this deployment option.

   o  For Mobile Vehicles with Low-Bandwidth Satellite Link to a Fixed
      NOC - Here, the vehicles carrying the MANET routers carry multiple
      wireless interfaces, one of which is a relatively low-bandwidth,
      on-the-move satellite connection that interconnects a fix NOC to
      the nodes of the MANET.  Standards-based methods for monitoring
      and fault management from the fixed NOC are necessary for this
      deployment option.

   o  For Fixed NOC and Mobile Local Manager in Larger Vehicles - for
      larger vehicles, a hierarchical network management arrangement is
      useful.  Centralized network management is performed from a fixed
      NOC while local management is performed locally from within the

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RFC 7939                      The NHDP-MIB                   August 2016

      vehicles.  Standards-based methods for configuration, monitoring,
      and fault management are necessary for this deployment option.

10.  IANA Considerations

   The MIB module in this document uses the following IANA-assigned
   OBJECT IDENTIFIER value recorded in the SMI Numbers registry:

         Description       OBJECT IDENTIFIER value
         -----------       -----------------------
         NHDP-MIB          { mib-2 213 }

11.  References

11.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC2578]  McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Structure of Management Information
              Version 2 (SMIv2)", STD 58, RFC 2578,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2578, April 1999,

   [RFC2579]  McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Textual Conventions for SMIv2",
              STD 58, RFC 2579, DOI 10.17487/RFC2579, April 1999,

   [RFC2580]  McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Conformance Statements for SMIv2",
              STD 58, RFC 2580, DOI 10.17487/RFC2580, April 1999,

   [RFC2863]  McCloghrie, K. and F. Kastenholz, "The Interfaces Group
              MIB", RFC 2863, DOI 10.17487/RFC2863, June 2000,

   [RFC3414]  Blumenthal, U. and B. Wijnen, "User-based Security Model
              (USM) for version 3 of the Simple Network Management
              Protocol (SNMPv3)", STD 62, RFC 3414,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3414, December 2002,

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   [RFC3418]  Presuhn, R., Ed., "Management Information Base (MIB) for
              the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)", STD 62,
              RFC 3418, DOI 10.17487/RFC3418, December 2002,

   [RFC3826]  Blumenthal, U., Maino, F., and K. McCloghrie, "The
              Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Cipher Algorithm in the
              SNMP User-based Security Model", RFC 3826,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3826, June 2004,

   [RFC4001]  Daniele, M., Haberman, B., Routhier, S., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, "Textual Conventions for Internet Network
              Addresses", RFC 4001, DOI 10.17487/RFC4001, February 2005,

   [RFC5591]  Harrington, D. and W. Hardaker, "Transport Security Model
              for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)",
              STD 78, RFC 5591, DOI 10.17487/RFC5591, June 2009,

   [RFC5592]  Harrington, D., Salowey, J., and W. Hardaker, "Secure
              Shell Transport Model for the Simple Network Management
              Protocol (SNMP)", RFC 5592, DOI 10.17487/RFC5592, June
              2009, <>.

   [RFC6130]  Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., and J. Dean, "Mobile Ad Hoc
              Network (MANET) Neighborhood Discovery Protocol (NHDP)",
              RFC 6130, DOI 10.17487/RFC6130, April 2011,

   [RFC6340]  Presuhn, R., "Textual Conventions for the Representation
              of Floating-Point Numbers", RFC 6340,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6340, August 2011,

   [RFC6353]  Hardaker, W., "Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport
              Model for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)",
              STD 78, RFC 6353, DOI 10.17487/RFC6353, July 2011,

   [RFC7466]  Dearlove, C. and T. Clausen, "An Optimization for the
              Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood Discovery
              Protocol (NHDP)", RFC 7466, DOI 10.17487/RFC7466, March
              2015, <>.

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11.2.  Informative References

   [RFC3410]  Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D., and B. Stewart,
              "Introduction and Applicability Statements for Internet-
              Standard Management Framework", RFC 3410,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3410, December 2002,

   [RFC3411]  Harrington, D., Presuhn, R., and B. Wijnen, "An
              Architecture for Describing Simple Network Management
              Protocol (SNMP) Management Frameworks", STD 62, RFC 3411,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3411, December 2002,

   [RFC4750]  Joyal, D., Ed., Galecki, P., Ed., Giacalone, S., Ed.,
              Coltun, R., and F. Baker, "OSPF Version 2 Management
              Information Base", RFC 4750, DOI 10.17487/RFC4750,
              December 2006, <>.

   [RFC5148]  Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., and B. Adamson, "Jitter
              Considerations in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs)",
              RFC 5148, DOI 10.17487/RFC5148, February 2008,

   [RFC6779]  Herberg, U., Cole, R., and I. Chakeres, "Definition of
              Managed Objects for the Neighborhood Discovery Protocol",
              RFC 6779, DOI 10.17487/RFC6779, October 2012,

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   The authors wish to thank Benoit Claise, Elwyn Davies, Justin Dean,
   Adrian Farrel, Joel Halpern, Michael MacFaden, Al Morton, and Thomas
   Nadeau for their detailed reviews and insightful comments regarding
   RFC 6779 and this document.

   This MIB document uses the template authored by D.  Harrington, which
   is based on contributions from the MIB Doctors, especially Juergen
   Schoenwaelder, Dave Perkins, C.M. Heard, and Randy Presuhn.

Authors' Addresses

   Ulrich Herberg
   United States of America


   Robert G. Cole
   Space and Terrestrial Communications
   6010 Frankford Road
   Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland  21005
   United States of America

   Phone: +1 443 395-8744

   Ian D Chakeres
   Ellicott City, Maryland  21042
   United States of America


   Thomas Heide Clausen
   Ecole Polytechnique

   Phone: +33 6 6058 9349

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