Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                        U. Herberg
Request for Comments: 7184               Fujitsu Laboratories of America
Category: Standards Track                                        R. Cole
ISSN: 2070-1721                                           US Army CERDEC
                                                              T. Clausen
                                                LIX, Ecole Polytechnique
                                                              April 2014

                   Definition of Managed Objects for
          the Optimized Link State Routing Protocol Version 2


   This document defines the Management Information Base (MIB) module
   for configuring and managing the Optimized Link State Routing
   Protocol version 2 (OLSRv2).  The OLSRv2-MIB module is structured
   into configuration information, state information, performance
   information, and notifications.  This additional state and
   performance information is useful for troubleshooting problems and
   performance issues of the routing protocol.  Two levels of compliance
   allow this MIB module to be deployed on constrained routers.

Status of This Memo

   This is an Internet Standards Track document.

   This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force
   (IETF).  It represents the consensus of the IETF community.  It has
   received public review and has been approved for publication by the
   Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG).  Further information on
   Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 5741.

   Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
   and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2014 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction ....................................................2
   2. The Internet-Standard Management Framework ......................3
   3. Conventions .....................................................3
   4. Overview ........................................................3
      4.1. Terms ......................................................4
   5. Structure of the MIB Module .....................................4
      5.1. The Configuration Group ....................................5
      5.2. The State Group ............................................5
      5.3. The Performance Group ......................................5
      5.4. The Notifications Group ....................................5
      5.5. Tables and Indexing ........................................6
   6. Relationship to Other MIB Modules ...............................9
      6.1. Relationship to the SNMPv2-MIB .............................9
      6.2. Relationship to the NHDP-MIB ...............................9
      6.3. MIB Modules Required for IMPORTS ...........................9
   7. Definitions ....................................................10
   8. Security Considerations ........................................77
   9. Applicability Statement ........................................80
   10. IANA Considerations ...........................................81
   11. Acknowledgements ..............................................81
   12. References ....................................................82
      12.1. Normative References .....................................82
      12.2. Informative References ...................................83
   Appendix A. IANAolsrv2LinkMetricType-MIB ..........................84

1.  Introduction

   This document defines the Management Information Base (MIB) module
   for configuring and managing the Optimized Link State Routing
   Protocol version 2 (OLSRv2).  The OLSRv2-MIB module is structured
   into configuration information, state information, performance
   information, and notifications.  In addition to configuration, this
   additional state and performance information is useful for
   troubleshooting problems and performance issues of the routing
   protocol.  Different levels of compliance allow implementers to use
   smaller subsets of all defined objects, allowing for this MIB module
   to be deployed on more constrained routers.

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2.  The Internet-Standard Management Framework

   For a detailed overview of the documents that describe the current
   Internet-Standard Management Framework, please refer to Section 7 of

   Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
   the Management Information Base or MIB.  MIB objects are generally
   accessed through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
   Objects in the MIB module are defined using the mechanisms defined in
   the Structure of Management Information (SMI).  This document
   specifies a MIB module that is compliant to the SMIv2, which is
   described in STD 58, [RFC2578], STD 58, [RFC2579] and STD 58

3.  Conventions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in

4.  Overview

   The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol version 2 (OLSRv2)
   [RFC7181] is a table-driven, proactive routing protocol, i.e., it
   exchanges topology information with other routers in the network
   periodically.  OLSRv2 is an optimization of the classical link state
   routing protocol.  Its key concept is that of multipoint relays
   (MPRs).  Each router selects a set of its neighbor routers (which
   "cover" all of its symmetrically connected 2-hop neighbor routers) as
   MPRs.  MPRs are then used to achieve both flooding reduction and
   topology reduction.

   This document provides management and control capabilities of an
   OLSRv2 instance, allowing management applications to monitor the
   state and performance of an OLSRv2 router, as well as to change
   settings of the OLSRv2 instance (e.g., router or interface parameters
   such as message intervals, etc.).

   As OLSRv2 relies on the neighborhood information discovered by the
   "Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood Discovery Protocol
   (NHDP)" [RFC6130], the OLSRv2-MIB module is aligned with the NHDP-MIB
   module [RFC6779] and augments several of the tables and objects in
   the NHDP-MIB.  In particular, common indexes for router interfaces
   and discovered neighbors are used, as described in Section 5.2.

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4.1.  Terms

   The following definitions apply throughout this document:

   o  Configuration Objects - switches, tables, and objects that are
      initialized to default settings or set through the management
      interface defined by this MIB module.

   o  State Objects - automatically generated values that define the
      current operating state of the OLSRv2 protocol instance in the

   o  Performance Objects - automatically generated values that help an
      administrator or automated tool to assess the performance of the
      OLSRv2 process on the router.

   o  Notification Objects - objects that define triggers and associated
      notification messages allowing for asynchronous tracking of
      predefined events on the managed router.

5.  Structure of the MIB Module

   This section presents the structure of the OLSRv2-MIB module.  The
   objects are arranged into the following structure:

   o  olsrv2MIBObjects - defines objects forming the basis for the
      OLSRv2-MIB module.  These objects are divided up by function into
      the following groups:

      *  Configuration Group - defining objects related to the
         configuration of the OLSRv2 instance on the router.

      *  State Group - defining objects that reflect the current state
         of the OLSRv2 instance running on the router.

      *  Performance Group - defining objects that are useful to a
         management system when characterizing the performance of OLSRv2
         on the router and in the MANET.

   o  olsrv2MIBNotifications - objects defining OLSRv2-MIB module

   o  olsrv2MIBConformance - defining the minimal and maximal
      conformance requirements for implementations of this MIB module.

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5.1.  The Configuration Group

   The OLSRv2 router is configured with a set of controls.  The
   authoritative list of configuration controls within the OLSRv2-MIB
   module is found within the MIB module itself.  Generally, an attempt
   was made in developing the OLSRv2-MIB module to support all
   configuration objects defined in [RFC7181].  For all of the
   configuration parameters, the same constraints and default values of
   these parameters as defined in [RFC7181] are followed.

5.2.  The State Group

   The State Group reports current state information of a router running
   [RFC7181].  The OLSRv2-MIB module State Group tables were designed to
   contain the complete set of state information defined within the
   Information Bases in [RFC7181].

   The OLSRv2-MIB module State Group tables are constructed as
   extensions to the corresponding tables within the State Group of the
   NHDP-MIB module [RFC6779].  Use of the AUGMENTS clause is made, when
   possible, to accomplish these table extensions.  Further, the State
   Group tables defined in this MIB module are aligned with the
   corresponding tables in the NHDP-MIB module [RFC6779], as described
   in Section 6.2.

5.3.  The Performance Group

   The Performance Group reports values relevant to system performance.
   Frequent changes of sets or frequent recalculation of the Routing Set
   or the MPRs can have a negative influence on the performance of
   OLSRv2.  This MIB module defines several objects that can be polled,
   e.g., in order to calculate histories or monitor frequencies of
   changes.  This may help the network administrator to determine
   unusual topology changes or other changes that affect stability and
   reliability of the MANET.  One such framework is specified in REPORT-

5.4.  The Notifications Group

   The Notifications Group contains Control
   (olsrv2NotificationsControl), Objects (olsrv2NotificationsObjects),
   and States (olsrv2NotificationsStates), where the Control contains
   definitions of objects to control the frequency of notifications
   being generated.  The Objects define the supported notifications, and
   the State is used to define additional information to be carried
   within the notifications.

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   The olsrv2NotificationsObjects sub-tree contains the list of
   notifications supported within the OLSRv2-MIB module and their
   intended purpose or utility.

   The same mechanisms for improving the network performance by reducing
   the number of notifications apply as defined in Section 5.1 of
   [RFC6779].  The following objects are used to define the thresholds
   and time windows for specific notifications defined in the NHDP-MIB
   module: olsrv2RoutingSetRecalculationCountThreshold,
   olsrv2MPRSetRecalculationCountThreshold, and

5.5.  Tables and Indexing

   The OLSRv2-MIB module's tables are indexed by the following

   o  nhdpIfIndex - the ifIndex of the local router on which NHDP is
      configured.  This is defined in the NHDP-MIB.

   o  nhdpDiscIfIndex - a locally managed index representing a known
      interface on a neighboring router.  This is defined in the NHDP-

   o  nhdpDiscRouterIndex - a locally managed index representing an ID
      of a known neighboring router.  This is defined in the NHDP-MIB.

   o  {olsrv2LibOrigSetIpAddrType, olsrv2LibOrigSetIpAddr} - this index
      (pair) uniquely identifies recently used originator addresses
      found within the olsrv2LibOrigSetTable.

   o  {olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetIpAddrType, olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetIpAddr,
      olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetIpAddrPrefixLen} - this index (triplet)
      uniquely identifies local attached networks reachable through
      local (non-OLSRv2) interfaces on this router.  These are recorded
      in the olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetTable.

   o  {olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetIpAddrType,
      olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetIpAddr} - this index (pair) uniquely
      identifies each router in the network that transmits Topology
      Control (TC) messages received by this router.  These records are
      recorded in the olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetIpAddr.

   o  {olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetFromOrigIpAddrType,
      olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetToOrigIpAddr} - this index (quadruplet)

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      uniquely identifies discovered links within the network recorded
      by this router.  Information associated with each link is stored
      in the olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetTable.

   o  {olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetFromOrigIpAddrType,
      olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetFromDestIpAddr} - this index
      (quadruplet) uniquely identifies reachable addresses within the
      network and the router's advertising of these addresses.  This
      information is stored in the

   o  {olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetOrigIpAddrType,
      olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetNetIpAddrPrefixLen} - this index
      (quintuplet) uniquely identifies the networks (which may be
      outside the MANET) and the routers through which these networks
      can be reached.  This information is stored in the

   o  {olsrv2TibRoutingSetDestIpAddrType, olsrv2TibRoutingSetDestIpAddr,
      olsrv2TibRoutingSetDestIpAddrPrefixLen} - this index (triplet)
      uniquely identifies the address of a reachable destination in the
      network.  This indexes the olsrv2TibRoutingSetTable, which
      contains the next-hop information to reach the indexed addresses.

   These tables and their indexing are:

   o  olsrv2InterfaceTable - describes the OLSRv2 status on the NHDP
      interfaces of this router.  This table augments nhdpInterfaceEntry
      and, as such, it is indexed by the {nhdpIfIndex} from the NHDP-

   o  olsrv2IibLinkSetTable - records all links from other routers that
      are, or recently were, 1-hop neighbors.  This table augments
      nhdpIibLinkSetEntry and, as such, it is indexed by nhdpIfIndex and

   o  olsrv2Iib2HopSetTable - records network addresses of symmetric
      2-hop neighbors and the links to the associated 1-hop neighbors.
      This table augments nhdpIib2HopSetEntry and, as such, it is
      indexed by {nhdpIfIndex, nhdpDiscIfIndex,
      nhdpIib2HopSetIpAddressType, nhdpIib2HopSetIpAddress}.

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   o  olsrv2LibOrigSetTable - records addresses that were recently used
      as originator addresses by this router.  This table is indexed by
      {olsrv2LibOrigSetIpAddrType, olsrv2LibOrigSetIpAddr}.

   o  olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetTable - records its local non-OLSRv2
      interfaces via which it can act as a gateway to other networks.
      This table is indexed by {olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetIpAddrType,

   o  olsrv2NibNeighborSetTable - records all network addresses of each
      1-hop neighbor.  This table augments nhdpNibNeighborSetEntry and,
      as such, it is indexed by the {nhdpDiscRouterIndex}.

   o  olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetTable - records information describing
      each remote router in the network that transmits TC messages.
      This table is indexed by {olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetIpAddrType,

   o  olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetTable - records topology information
      about the network.  This table is indexed by

   o  olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetTable - records topology
      information about the routable addresses within the MANET and via
      which routers they may be reached.  This table is indexed by

   o  olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetTable - records information about networks
      (which may be outside the MANET) attached to other routers and
      their routable addresses.  This table is indexed by

   o  olsrv2TibRoutingSetTable - records the first hop along a selected
      path to each destination for which any such path is known.  This
      table is indexed by {olsrv2TibRoutingSetDestIpAddrType,

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   o  olsrv2InterfacePerfTable - records performance counters for each
      active OLSRv2 interface on this device.  This table augments
      nhdpInterfacePerfEntry and, as such, it is indexed by
      {nhdpIfIndex} from the NHDP-MIB.

6.  Relationship to Other MIB Modules

   This section specifies the relationship of the MIB modules contained
   in this document to other standards, particularly to standards
   containing other MIB modules.  MIB modules and specific definitions
   imported from MIB modules that SHOULD be implemented in conjunction
   with the MIB module contained within this document are identified in
   this section.

6.1.  Relationship to the SNMPv2-MIB

   The System group in the SNMPv2-MIB module [RFC3418] is defined as
   being mandatory for all systems, and the objects apply to the entity
   as a whole.  The System group provides identification of the
   management entity and certain other system-wide data.  The OLSRv2-MIB
   module does not duplicate those objects.

6.2.  Relationship to the NHDP-MIB

   OLSRv2 depends on the neighborhood information that is discovered by
   [RFC6130].  An instance of OLSRv2 MUST have an associated instance of
   NHDP running on the same device for proper operations of the
   discovery and routing system.  In order for the OLSRv2-MIB module to
   correctly populate the objects relating to discovered neighbors, the
   State Group tables of the NHDP-MIB module [RFC6779] are aligned with
   the State Group tables of this MIB module.  This is accomplished
   through the use of the AUGMENTS capability of SMIv2 (where
   appropriate).  This will allow for cross referencing of information
   between the two MIB modules within a given SNMP context.

6.3.  MIB Modules Required for IMPORTS

   The following OLSRv2-MIB module IMPORTS objects from NHDP-MIB
   [RFC6779], SNMPv2-SMI [RFC2578], SNMPv2-TC [RFC2579], SNMPv2-CONF
   [RFC2580], IF-MIB [RFC2863], and INET-ADDRESS-MIB [RFC4001].  The
   OLSRv2-MIB module also IMPORTS objects from the
   IANAolsrv2LinkMetricType-MIB, which is available at <http://>.

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7.  Definitions

   This section contains the OLSRv2-MIB module defined by the



      MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Counter32, Counter64,
      Integer32, Unsigned32, mib-2, TimeTicks,
               FROM SNMPv2-SMI -- RFC 2578

      TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TimeStamp, TruthValue
               FROM SNMPv2-TC -- RFC 2579

               FROM SNMPv2-CONF -- STD 58

      InetAddressType, InetAddress,
               FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB -- RFC 4001

      nhdpIibLinkSetEntry, nhdpIib2HopSetEntry,
      nhdpNibNeighborSetEntry, nhdpInterfacePerfEntry
               FROM NHDP-MIB -- RFC 6779


      LAST-UPDATED "201404090000Z"   -- 09 April 2014
         "WG E-Mail:

          WG Chairs:

          Editors:   Ulrich Herberg
                     Fujitsu Laboratories of America
                     1240 East Arques Avenue
                     Sunnyvale, CA 94085

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014


                     Thomas Heide Clausen
                     Ecole Polytechnique
                     91128 Palaiseau Cedex

                     Robert G. Cole
                     US Army CERDEC
                     Space and Terrestrial Communications
                     6010 Frankford Street
                     Bldg 6010, Room 453H
                     Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005
                     Phone: +1 443 395-8744

         "This OLSRv2-MIB module is applicable to routers
          implementing the Optimized Link State Routing
          Protocol version 2 (OLSRv2) defined in RFC 7181.

          Copyright (c) 2014 IETF Trust and the persons
          identified as authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

          Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with
          or without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and
          subject to the license terms contained in, the Simplified
          BSD License set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's
          Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents

          This version of this MIB module is part of RFC 7184; see
          the RFC itself for full legal notices."

        -- Revision History
        REVISION    "201404090000Z"   -- 09 April 2014
         "Initial version of this MIB module,
          published as RFC 7184."

        ::= { mib-2 219 }

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Olsrv2MetricValueCompressedFormTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
   STATUS      current
      "OLSRv2 Metrics are expressed in terms of a Link Metric
       Compressed Form within the OLSRv2 protocol.  This textual
       convention defines the syntax of the metric objects
       consistent with the definitions of the OLSRv2 Link
       Metric Compressed Form in Section 6.2 of RFC 7181.

       The 12-bit compressed form of a link metric uses a modified
       form of a representation with an 8-bit mantissa (denoted a)
       and a 4-bit exponent (denoted b).  Note that if represented
       as the 12-bit value 256b+a, then the ordering of those 12-bit
       values is identical to the ordering of the represented values.

       The value so represented is (257+a)2^b - 256, where ^ denotes
       exponentiation.  This has a minimum value
       (when a = 0 and b = 0) of MINIMUM_METRIC = 1 and a maximum
       value (when a = 255 and b = 15) of MAXIMUM_METRIC = 2^24 - 256.

       Hence, the metric values so represented range from 1 to
       16776960.  The special value of 0 is reserved for the
       UNKNOWN_METRIC value.

       If a network manager sets the metric value 'm' through the
       MIB module, then the OLSRv2 code can both use this value
       and derive a compressed representation of 'm' (as used in
       messages) as specified in Section 6.2 of RFC7181.
       The value 'm' is persistently stored by the MIB module.
       If the MIB module is pulling this metric's value from some other
       source, e.g., the protocol instance, then this value is stored
       as is."
   SYNTAX  Unsigned32 (0..16776960)

Olsrv2TimeValueCompressedForm32TC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
   STATUS      current
      "OLSRv2 time values may be expressed in terms of a compressed
       form within the OLSRv2 protocol.  This textual convention
       defines the syntax of the time objects defined in terms of
       an integer number of milliseconds, consistent with the
       definitions of the 8-bit exponent-mantissa compressed form

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       defined in Section 5 of RFC 5497.  Time values with this
       representation are defined in terms of a constant C, which
       is represented in terms of seconds.  The constant C
       (time granularity) is used as specified in RFC 5497.
       It MUST be the same as is used by NHDP (RFC 6130).

       The 8-bit compressed form of a time value uses a modified
       form of a representation with a 3-bit mantissa (denoted a)
       and a 5-bit exponent (denoted b).  Note that if represented
       as the 8-bit value 8b+a, then the ordering of those 8-bit
       values is identical to the ordering of the represented values.

       The minimum time value that can be represented in this manner
       is C.  The maximum time value that can be represented in
       this manner is 15 * 2^28 * C, 15*268,435,456 * C,
       4,026,531,840 * C, or about 45 days if, for example,
       C = 1/1024 second.

       This TEXTUAL-CONVENTION limits the maximum value of the
       time granularity constant C to be no greater than 1/1024
       seconds due to its use of the Unsigned32 syntax limiting
       the maximum number of milliseconds to no more than

       When OLSRv2 uses this 8-bit exponent-mantissa compressed
       form, this object value MUST be translated from the
       integer form represented in this MIB module into the
       exponent-mantissa form for the OLSRv2 protocol to use
       according to the algorithm defined in Section 5 of
       RFC 5497 for finding the next larger time value within
       the exponent-mantissa format.

       If a network manager sets the time value 't' through the
       MIB module, then the OLSRv2 code can derive
       'compressed_t' = T(a,b) according to the algorithm
       in RFC 5497 and 'compressed_t' is the value represented
       in the OLSRv2 messages.  But, the value 't' is persistently
       stored by the MIB module.  If the MIB module is pulling
       this time parameter from some other source that is using
       the compressed form, i.e., the protocol instance, then
       this value is stored as is, after converting from
       number of time constants C into number of milliseconds."
   SYNTAX  Unsigned32 (1..3932160000)

   STATUS      current
      "Controls the operation of the OLSRv2

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       protocol on the device or a specific interface.
       For example, for an interface, 'enabled' indicates
       that OLSRv2 is permitted to operate,
       and 'disabled' indicates that it is not."
      enabled (1),
      disabled (2)

   STATUS    current
      "A willingness value that evaluates to the
       device's interest in participating in
       a particular function, process, or behavior.

       The willingness ranges from a low value of
       WILL_NEVER(0) to a high value of
       WILL_ALWAYS(15).  For each parameter x,
       there is an associated willingness value
       W(x) such that WILL_NEVER < W(x) <= WILL_ALWAYS."
   SYNTAX   Unsigned32 (0..15)

-- Top-Level Object Identifier Assignments

olsrv2MIBNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { manetOlsrv2MIB 0 }
olsrv2MIBObjects       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { manetOlsrv2MIB 1 }
olsrv2MIBConformance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { manetOlsrv2MIB 2 }

-- olsrv2ConfigurationGroup

--    Contains the OLSRv2 objects that configure specific
--    options that determine the overall performance and operation
--    of the OLSRv2 routing process.

olsrv2ConfigurationGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {olsrv2MIBObjects 1}

   olsrv2AdminStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Olsrv2StatusTC
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
      STATUS      current

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         "The configured status of the OLSRv2 process
          on this device.  'enabled(1)' means that
          OLSRv2 is configured to run on this device.
          'disabled(2)' mean that the OLSRv2 process
          is configured off.

          Operation of the OLSRv2 protocol
          requires the operation of the Neighborhood
          Discovery Protocol (RFC 6130).  Hence, this
          object cannot have a status of 'enabled'
          unless at least one interface on the device
          is a MANET interface with NHDP enabled on that
          interface.  If a network manager attempts to
          set this object to 'enabled' when no interfaces
          on this device have NHDP enabled, the device
          MUST fail the set with inconsistentValue.
          If all device interfaces running NHDP become
          disabled or removed, then the
          olsrv2AdminStatus MUST be 'disabled'.

          If the network manager, or other means, sets
          this object to 'disabled', then the associated
          interface specific objects, i.e., the
          olsrv2InterfaceAdminStatus objects MUST all
          be 'disabled'.

          This object is persistent, and when written,
          the entity SHOULD save the change to
          non-volatile storage."
      DEFVAL { disabled }
   ::= { olsrv2ConfigurationGroup 1 }

   olsrv2InterfaceTable  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Olsrv2InterfaceEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The olsrv2InterfaceTable describes the OLSRv2
          status on the NHDP interfaces of this router.
          As such, this table augments the nhdpInterfaceTable
          defined in the NHDP-MIB (RFC 6779).  NHDP interfaces
          are explicitly defined by network management, command
          line interface (CLI) or other means for interfaces on
          the device that are intended to run MANET protocols.
          The olsrv2InterfaceTable contains a single object: the
          olsrv2InterfaceAdminStatus object.  This
          object is set by network management, or by

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          other means, e.g., CLI.

          A conceptual row in this table exists if and only
          if a corresponding entry in the nhdpInterfaceTable
          exists.  If the corresponding entry with nhdpIfIndex
          value is deleted from the nhdpInterfaceTable, then
          the entry in this table is automatically deleted and
          OLSRv2 is disabled on this interface,
          and all configuration and state information
          related to this interface is to be removed
          from memory.

          The olsrv2InterfaceAdminStatus can only be
          'enabled' if the corresponding olsrv2AdminStatus
          object is also set to 'enabled'."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2ConfigurationGroup 2 }

   olsrv2InterfaceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Olsrv2InterfaceEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The olsrv2InterfaceEntry describes one OLSRv2
          local interface configuration as indexed by
          its nhdpIfIndex, as defined in the
          NHDP-MIB (RFC 6779).

          The objects in this table are persistent, and when
          written, the device SHOULD save the change to
          non-volatile storage.  For further information
          on the storage behavior for these objects, refer
          to the description for the nhdpIfRowStatus
          object in the NHDP-MIB (RFC6779)."
         "RFC 6779 - Definition of Managed Objects for
          the Neighborhood Discovery Protocol,
          Herberg, U., Cole, R.G., and I. Chakeres,
          October 2012"
      AUGMENTS { nhdpInterfaceEntry }
   ::= { olsrv2InterfaceTable 1 }

   Olsrv2InterfaceEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014


   olsrv2InterfaceAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Olsrv2StatusTC
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "The OLSRv2 interface's administrative status.
          The value 'enabled(1)' denotes that the interface
          is permitted to participate in the OLSRv2 routing
          process.  The value 'disabled(2)' denotes that
          the interface is not permitted to participate
          in the OLSRv2 routing process.

          The configuration objects for the OLSRv2 routing
          process, other than the administrative status objects,
          are common to all interfaces on this device.
          As such, the OLSRv2 configuration objects are globally
          defined for the device and are not contained within
          the olsrv2InterfaceTable."
      DEFVAL { disabled }
   ::= { olsrv2InterfaceEntry 1 }

   olsrv2OrigIpAddrType  OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      InetAddressType { ipv4(1) , ipv6(2) }
       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
       STATUS      current
          "The type of the olsrv2OrigIpAddr, as defined
           in the InetAddress MIB module (RFC 4001).

           Only the values 'ipv4(1)' and
           'ipv6(2)' are supported."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2ConfigurationGroup 3 }

   olsrv2OrigIpAddr  OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE(4|16))
       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
       STATUS      current
          "The router's originator address.  An address that
           is unique (within the MANET) to this router.

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 17]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

           This object is persistent, and when written,
           the entity SHOULD save the change to
           non-volatile storage."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2ConfigurationGroup 4 }

   -- Local History Times

   olsrv2OHoldTime  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32
      UNITS       "milliseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
      STATUS      current
         "olsrv2OHoldTime corresponds to
         O_HOLD_TIME of OLSRv2, and represents the
         time for which a recently used and replaced
         originator address is used to recognize the router's
         own messages.

         Guidance for setting this object may be found
         in Section 5 of the OLSRv2 specification (RFC 7181),
         which indicates that:
             o  olsrv2OHoldTime > 0

         This object is persistent, and when written,
         the entity SHOULD save the change to
         non-volatile storage."
         "Section 5 on Protocol Parameters.
          RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
      DEFVAL { 30000 }
   ::= { olsrv2ConfigurationGroup 5 }

   -- Message intervals

   olsrv2TcInterval  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Olsrv2TimeValueCompressedForm32TC

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

      UNITS       "milliseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
      STATUS      current
         "olsrv2TcInterval corresponds to
         TC_INTERVAL of OLSRv2 and represents the
         maximum time between the transmission of
         two successive TC messages by this router.

         Guidance for setting this object may be found
         in Section 5 of the OLSRv2 specification (RFC 7181),
         which indicates that:

             o olsrv2TcInterval > 0
             o olsrv2TcInterval >= olsrv2TcMinInterval

         This object is persistent, and when written,
         the entity SHOULD save the change to
         non-volatile storage."
         "Section 5 on Representing Time.
          RFC 5497 - Representing Multi-Value Time in
          Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs),
          Clausen, T. and C. Dearlove, March 2009.


          Section 5 on Protocol Parameters.
          RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
      DEFVAL { 5000 }
   ::= { olsrv2ConfigurationGroup 6 }

   olsrv2TcMinInterval  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Olsrv2TimeValueCompressedForm32TC
      UNITS       "milliseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
      STATUS      current
         "olsrv2TcMinInterval corresponds to
         TC_MIN_INTERVAL of OLSRv2 and represents
         the minimum interval between transmission of
         two successive TC messages by this router.

         Guidance for setting this object may be found
         in Section 5 of the OLSRv2 specification (RFC 7181),
         which indicates that:

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

             o olsrv2TcInterval >= olsrv2TcMinInterval

         The OLSRv2 protocol may choose to represent this
         time interval in terms of the 8-bit exponent-mantissa
         form defined in Section 5 of RFC 5497.  When this
         is the case, this object value MUST be translated
         from the integer form represented in this
         MIB module into the exponent-mantissa form for the
         OLSRv2 protocol to use according to the algorithm
         defined in Section 5 of RFC 5497 for finding the
         next larger time value within the exponent-mantissa

         This object is persistent, and when written,
         the entity SHOULD save the change to
         non-volatile storage."
         "Section 5 on Representing Time.
          RFC 5497 - Representing Multi-Value Time in
          Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs),
          Clausen, T. and C. Dearlove, March 2009.


          Section 5 on Protocol Parameters.
          RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
      DEFVAL { 1250 }
   ::= { olsrv2ConfigurationGroup 7 }

   -- Advertised information validity times

   olsrv2THoldTime  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Olsrv2TimeValueCompressedForm32TC
      UNITS       "milliseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
      STATUS      current
         "olsrv2THoldTime corresponds to
         T_HOLD_TIME of OLSRv2 and is used as the
         minimum value in the TLV with
         Type = VALIDITY_TIME included in all
         TC messages sent by this router.

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

         Guidance for setting this object may be found
         in Section 5 of the OLSRv2 specification (RFC 7181),
         which indicates that:
             o olsrv2THoldTime >= olsrv2TcInterval
             o If TC messages can be lost, then
               olsrv2THoldTime SHOULD be
               significantly greater than olsrv2TcInterval;
               a value >= 3 x olsrv2TcInterval is RECOMMENDED.

         This object is persistent, and when written,
         the entity SHOULD save the change to
         non-volatile storage."
         "Section 5 on Representing Time.
          RFC 5497 - Representing Multi-Value Time in
          Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs),
          Clausen, T. and C. Dearlove, March 2009.


          Section 5 on Protocol Parameters.
          RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
      DEFVAL { 15000 }
   ::= { olsrv2ConfigurationGroup 8 }

   olsrv2AHoldTime  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Olsrv2TimeValueCompressedForm32TC
      UNITS       "milliseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
      STATUS      current
         "olsrv2AHoldTime corresponds to
         A_HOLD_TIME of OLSRv2 and represents
         the period during which TC messages are sent
         after they no longer have any advertised
         information to report, but are sent in order
         to accelerate outdated information removal by other

         Guidance for setting this object may be found
         in Section 5 of the OLSRv2 specification (RFC 7181),
         which indicates that:
            o If TC messages can be lost, then
              olsrv2AHoldTime SHOULD be
              significantly greater than olsrv2TcInterval;
              a value >= 3 x olsrv2TcInterval is

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014


         This object is persistent, and when written,
         the entity SHOULD save the change to
         non-volatile storage."
         "Section 5 on Representing Time.
          RFC 5497 - Representing Multi-Value Time in
          Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs),
          Clausen, T. and C. Dearlove, March 2009.


          Section 5 on Protocol Parameters.
          RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
      DEFVAL { 15000 }
   ::= { olsrv2ConfigurationGroup 9 }

   -- Received message validity times

   olsrv2RxHoldTime  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32
      UNITS       "milliseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
      STATUS      current
         "olsrv2RxHoldTime corresponds to
          RX_HOLD_TIME of OLSRv2 and represents the period
          after receipt of a message by the appropriate OLSRv2
          interface of this router for which that information
          is recorded, in order that the message is recognized
          as having been previously received on this OLSRv2

          Guidance for setting this object may be found
          in Section 5 of the OLSRv2 specification (RFC 7181),
          which indicates that:
             o olsrv2RxHoldTime > 0
             o This parameter SHOULD be greater
               than the maximum difference in time that a
               message may take to traverse the MANET,
               taking into account any message forwarding
               jitter as well as propagation, queuing,
               and processing delays.

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 22]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

          This object is persistent, and when written,
          the entity SHOULD save the change to
          non-volatile storage."
         "Section 5 on Protocol Parameters.
          RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
      DEFVAL { 30000 }
   ::= { olsrv2ConfigurationGroup 10 }

   olsrv2PHoldTime  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32
      UNITS       "milliseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
      STATUS      current
         "olsrv2PHoldTime corresponds to
          P_HOLD_TIME of OLSRv2 and represents the period
          after receipt of a message that is processed by
          this router for which that information is recorded,
          in order that the message is not processed again
          if received again.

          Guidance for setting this object may be found
          in Section 5 of the OLSRv2 specification (RFC 7181),
          which indicates that:
             o olsrv2PHoldTime > 0
             o This parameter SHOULD be greater
               than the maximum difference in time that a
               message may take to traverse the MANET,
               taking into account any message forwarding
               jitter as well as propagation, queuing,
               and processing delays.

          This object is persistent, and when written,
          the entity SHOULD save the change to
          non-volatile storage."
         "Section 5 on Protocol Parameters.
          RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
      DEFVAL { 30000 }
   ::= { olsrv2ConfigurationGroup 11 }

   olsrv2FHoldTime  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 23]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

      UNITS       "milliseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
      STATUS      current
         "olsrv2FHoldTime corresponds to
          F_HOLD_TIME of OLSRv2 and represents the period
          after receipt of a message that is forwarded by this
          router for which that information is recorded, in order
          that the message is not forwarded again if received again.

          Guidance for setting this object may be found
          in Section 5 of the OLSRv2 specification (RFC 7181),
          which indicates that:
             o olsrv2FHoldTime > 0
             o This parameter SHOULD be greater
               than the maximum difference in time that a
               message may take to traverse the MANET,
               taking into account any message forwarding
               jitter as well as propagation, queuing,
               and processing delays.

          This object is persistent, and when written,
          the entity SHOULD save the change to
          non-volatile storage."
         "Section 5 on Protocol Parameters.
          RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
      DEFVAL { 30000 }
   ::= { olsrv2ConfigurationGroup 12 }

   -- Jitter times

   olsrv2TpMaxJitter  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32
      UNITS       "milliseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
      STATUS      current
         "olsrv2TpMaxJitter corresponds to
          TP_MAXJITTER of OLSRv2 and represents the value
          of MAXJITTER used in RFC 5148 for periodically
          generated TC messages sent by this router.

          For constraints on these parameters, see RFC 5148.

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 24]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

          This object is persistent, and when written,
          the entity SHOULD save the change to
          non-volatile storage."
         "Section 5 on Protocol Parameters.
          RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
      DEFVAL { 500 }
   ::= { olsrv2ConfigurationGroup 13 }

   olsrv2TtMaxJitter  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32
      UNITS       "milliseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
      STATUS      current
         "olsrv2TtMaxJitter corresponds to
          TT_MAXJITTER of OLSRv2 and represents the value
          of MAXJITTER used in RFC 5148 for externally
          triggered TC messages sent by this router.

          For constraints on these parameters, see RFC 5148.

          This object is persistent, and when written,
          the entity SHOULD save the change to
          non-volatile storage."
         "Section 5 on Protocol Parameters.
          RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
      DEFVAL { 500 }
   ::= { olsrv2ConfigurationGroup 14 }

   olsrv2FMaxJitter  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32
      UNITS       "milliseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
      STATUS      current
         "olsrv2FMaxJitter corresponds to
          F_MAXJITTER of OLSRv2 and represents the
          default value of MAXJITTER used in RFC 5148 for
          messages forwarded by this router.

          For constraints on these parameters, see RFC 5148.

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 25]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

          This object is persistent, and when written,
          the entity SHOULD save the change to
          non-volatile storage."
         "Section 5 on Protocol Parameters.
          RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
      DEFVAL { 500 }
   ::= { olsrv2ConfigurationGroup 15 }

   -- Hop limits

   olsrv2TcHopLimit  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..255)
      UNITS       "hops"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
      STATUS      current
         "olsrv2TcHopLimit corresponds to
          TC_HOP_LIMIT of OLSRv2.

          Guidance for setting this object may be found
          in Section 5 of the OLSRv2 specification (RFC 7181),
          which indicates that:
             o The maximum value of
               olsrv2TcHopLimit >= the network diameter
               in hops, a value of 255 is RECOMMENDED.
             o olsrv2TcHopLimit >= 2.

          This object is persistent, and when written,
          the entity SHOULD save the change to
          non-volatile storage."
         "Section 5 on Protocol Parameters.
          RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
       DEFVAL { 255 }
   ::= { olsrv2ConfigurationGroup 16 }

   -- Willingness

   olsrv2WillRouting  OBJECT-TYPE

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

      SYNTAX      WillingnessTC
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
      STATUS      current
         "olsrv2WillRouting corresponds to
          WILL_ROUTING of OLSRv2.

          Guidance for setting this object may be found
          in Section 5 of the OLSRv2 specification (RFC 7181),
          which indicates that:
             o WILL_NEVER (0) <= olsrv2WillRouting <=
                                  WILL_ALWAYS (15)

          This object is persistent, and when written,
          the entity SHOULD save the change to
          non-volatile storage."
         "Section 5 on Protocol Parameters.
          RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
      DEFVAL { 7 }
   ::= { olsrv2ConfigurationGroup 17 }

   olsrv2WillFlooding     OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      WillingnessTC
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
      STATUS      current
         "olsrv2WillFlooding corresponds to
          WILL_FLOODING of OLSRv2.

          Guidance for setting this object may be found
          in Section 5 of the OLSRv2 specification (RFC 7181),
          which indicates that:
             o WILL_NEVER (0) <= olsrv2WillFlooding <=
                                  WILL_ALWAYS (15)

          This object is persistent, and when written,
          the entity SHOULD save the change to
          non-volatile storage."
         "Section 5 on Protocol Parameters.
          RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
      DEFVAL { 7 }
   ::= { olsrv2ConfigurationGroup 18 }

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

   olsrv2LinkMetricType  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      IANAolsrv2LinkMetricTypeTC
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
      STATUS      current
         "olsrv2LinkMetricType corresponds to
          LINK_METRIC_TYPE of OLSRv2.

          If olsrv2LinkMetricType changes, then all
          link metric information recorded by this router
          is invalid.  The router MUST take the
          actions described in Section 5.5.
          'Parameter Change Constraints' and
          Section 17 'Information Base Changes'
          in RFC 7181.

          This object is persistent, and when written,
          the entity SHOULD save the change to
          non-volatile storage."
         "Section 5 on Protocol Parameters.
          RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
      DEFVAL { unknown }
   ::= { olsrv2ConfigurationGroup 19 }

-- olsrv2StateGroup

-- Contains information describing the current state of
-- the OLSRv2 process.

olsrv2StateGroup  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { olsrv2MIBObjects 2 }

   -- Interface Information Base (IIB)

   -- Link Set from RFC 6130, extended by L_in_metric,
   -- L_out_metric, and L_mpr_selector entries for each tuple

   olsrv2IibLinkSetTable OBJECT-TYPE

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 28]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

      SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF Olsrv2IibLinkSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
      STATUS       current
         "A Link Set of an interface records all links
          from other routers that are, or recently
          were, 1-hop neighbors."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2StateGroup 1 }

   olsrv2IibLinkSetEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Olsrv2IibLinkSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "A Link Set consists of Link Tuples, each
          representing a single link indexed by the
          local and remote interface pair.  Each Link Set
          from NHDP is extended by OLSRv2 by the following

          (L_in_metric (olsrv2IibLinkSetInMetricValue),
           L_out_metric (olsrv2IibLinkSetOutMetricValue),
           L_mpr_selector (olsrv2IibLinkSetMprSelector))"
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
      AUGMENTS { nhdpIibLinkSetEntry }
   ::= { olsrv2IibLinkSetTable 1 }

   Olsrv2IibLinkSetEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {

   olsrv2IibLinkSetInMetricValue  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Olsrv2MetricValueCompressedFormTC
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 29]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

         "olsrv2IibLinkSetInMetricValue is the metric of the link
          from the OLSRv2 interface with addresses
          L_neighbor_iface_addr_list to this OLSRv2 interface.
          The L_neighbor_iface_addr_list is identified by
          the nhdpDiscIfIndex, which is an index to the
          nhdpIibLinkSetTable, which this table augments."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2IibLinkSetEntry 1 }

   olsrv2IibLinkSetOutMetricValue  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Olsrv2MetricValueCompressedFormTC
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
      STATUS      current
         "olsrv2IibLinkSetOutMetricValue is the metric of the
          link to the OLSRv2 interface with addresses
          L_neighbor_iface_addr_list from this OLSRv2 interface.
          The L_neighbor_iface_addr_list is identified by
          the nhdpDiscIfIndex, which is an index to the
          nhdpIibLinkSetTable, which this table augments."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2IibLinkSetEntry 2 }

   olsrv2IibLinkSetMprSelector  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TruthValue
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "olsrv2IibLinkSetMprSelector is a boolean flag,
          recording whether this neighbor has selected this router
          as a flooding MPR, i.e., is a flooding MPR selector
          of this router."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2IibLinkSetEntry 3 }

   -- 2-Hop Set; from RFC 6130, extended by OLSRv2 by the
   -- following fields: N2_in_metric, N2_out_metric

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 30]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014


   olsrv2Iib2HopSetTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Olsrv2Iib2HopSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "A 2-Hop Set of an interface records network
          addresses of symmetric 2-hop neighbors, and
          the symmetric links to symmetric 1-hop neighbors
          through which these symmetric 2-hop neighbors
          can be reached.  It consists of 2-Hop Tuples."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2StateGroup 2 }

   olsrv2Iib2HopSetEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Olsrv2Iib2HopSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "olsrv2Iib2HopSetTable consists of 2-Hop Tuples,
          each representing a single network address of
          a symmetric 2-hop neighbor and a single MANET
          interface of a symmetric 1-hop neighbor.
          Each 2-Hop Set from NHDP is extended by
          OLSRv2 by the following fields:

          (N2_in_metric (olsrv2Iib2HopSetInMetricValue),
           N2_out_metric (olsrv2Iib2HopSetOutMetricValue))"
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
      AUGMENTS { nhdpIib2HopSetEntry }
   ::= { olsrv2Iib2HopSetTable 1 }

   Olsrv2Iib2HopSetEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {

   olsrv2Iib2HopSetInMetricValue  OBJECT-TYPE

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 31]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

      SYNTAX      Olsrv2MetricValueCompressedFormTC
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "olsrv2Iib2HopSetInMetricValue is the neighbor
          metric from the router with address
          N2_2hop_iface_addr to the router
          with OLSRv2 interface addresses

          The N2_2hop_iface_addr is identified by the
          nhdpIib2HopSetIpAddress) pair from the
          nhdpIibLinkSetTable, which this table augments.

          The N2_neighbor_iface_addr_list is defined by
          the nhdpDiscIfIndex, which is an index of the
          nhdpIibLinkSetTable, which this table augments."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014.


          RFC 6779 - Definition of Managed Objects for the
          Neighborhood Discovery Process, Herberg, U.,
          Cole, R., and I. Chakeres, October 2012."
   ::= { olsrv2Iib2HopSetEntry 1 }

   olsrv2Iib2HopSetOutMetricValue  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Olsrv2MetricValueCompressedFormTC
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "olsrv2Iib2HopSetOutMetricValue is the neighbor metric
          to the router with address N2_2hop_iface_addr
          from the router with OLSRv2 interface addresses

          The N2_2hop_iface_addr is identified by the
          nhdpIib2HopSetIpAddress) pair from the
          nhdpIibLinkSetTable, which this table augments.

          The N2_neighbor_iface_addr_list is defined by
          the nhdpDiscIfIndex, which is an index of the
          nhdpIibLinkSetTable, which this table augments."

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 32]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014.


          RFC 6779 - Definition of Managed Objects for the
          Neighborhood Discovery Process, Herberg, U.,
          Cole, R., and I. Chakeres, October 2012."
   ::= { olsrv2Iib2HopSetEntry 2 }

   -- Local Information Base  - as defined in RFC 6130,
   -- extended by the addition of an Originator Set,
   -- defined in Section 6.1 and a Local Attached
   -- Network Set, defined in Section 6.2.

   -- Originator Set

   olsrv2LibOrigSetTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Olsrv2LibOrigSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "A router's Originator Set records addresses
          that were recently used as originator addresses
          by this router."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2StateGroup 3 }

   olsrv2LibOrigSetEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Olsrv2LibOrigSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "A router's Originator Set consists of
          Originator Tuples:

          (O_orig_addr (olsrv2LibOrigSetIpAddrType
           and olsrv2LibOrigSetIpAddr),
           O_time (olsrv2LibOrigSetExpireTime))."

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 33]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
      INDEX { olsrv2LibOrigSetIpAddrType,
              olsrv2LibOrigSetIpAddr }
   ::= { olsrv2LibOrigSetTable 1 }

   Olsrv2LibOrigSetEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {

   olsrv2LibOrigSetIpAddrType  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressType { ipv4(1) , ipv6(2) }
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The type of the olsrv2LibOrigSetIpAddr,
          as defined in the InetAddress MIB (RFC4001).

          Only the values 'ipv4(1)' and
          'ipv6(2)' are supported."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2LibOrigSetEntry 1 }

   olsrv2LibOrigSetIpAddr  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE(4|16))
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "An originator address recently employed
          by this router."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2LibOrigSetEntry 2 }

   olsrv2LibOrigSetExpireTime  OBJECT-TYPE

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 34]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

      SYNTAX      TimeStamp
      UNITS      "centiseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "olsrv2LibOrigSetExpireTime specifies the value
          of sysUptime when this entry SHOULD expire and be
          removed from the olsrv2LibOrigSetTable.  This time
          is determined at the time the entry is added,
          derived from the following expression:

             O_time := current time + O_HOLD_TIME

          where O_time is olsrv2LibOrigSetExpireTime,
          current_time is current sysUptime, and
          O_HOLD_TIME is a parameter of the OLSRv2
          protocol.  In the event that the
          O_HOLD_TIME is changed, the
          olsrv2LibOrigSetExpireTime needs to be
          recomputed for each of the entries in this table."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2LibOrigSetEntry 3 }

   -- Local Attached Network Set

   olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "A router's Local Attached Network Set records
          its local non-OLSRv2 interfaces via which it
          can act as a gateway to other networks."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2StateGroup 4 }

   olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 35]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

         "The entries include the Local Attached
          Network Tuples:

          (AL_net_addr (olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetIpAddr),
           AL_dist (olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetDistance),
           AL_metric (olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetMetricValue)


             AL_net_addr is the network address
             of an attached network that can
             be reached via this router.  The
             AL_net_addr is defined in this MIB
             module by the tuple

             AL_dist is the number of hops to
             the network with address AL_net_addr
             from this router.  The AL_dist is
             defined in this MIB module by the
             olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetDistance object.

             AL_metric is the metric of the link to
             the attached network with address
             AL_net_addr from this router.  The
             AL_metric is defined in this MIB module
             by the olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetMetricValue

          OLSRv2 (RFC 7181) defines the rules for managing
          entries within this table, e.g., populating
          and purging entries.  Specific instructions for the
          olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetEntry(s) are found in
          Sections 7.2 and 17 of OLSRv2 (RFC 7181)."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
      INDEX { olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetIpAddrType,
              olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetIpAddrPrefixLen }
   ::= { olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetTable 1 }

   Olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetEntry ::=

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 36]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

      SEQUENCE {

   olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetIpAddrType  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressType { ipv4(1) , ipv6(2) }
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The type of the olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetIpAddr, as defined
          in the InetAddress MIB (RFC 4001).

          Only the values 'ipv4(1)' and
          'ipv6(2)' are supported."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetEntry 1 }

   olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetIpAddr  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE(4|16))
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "This is the network address of an attached
          network that can be reached via this router."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetEntry 2 }

   olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetIpAddrPrefixLen  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressPrefixLength
      UNITS       "bits"
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 37]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

         "Indicates the number of leading one bits that form the
          mask to be logically ANDed with the destination address
          before being compared to the value in the
          olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetIpAddr field."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetEntry 3 }

   olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetDistance  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..255)
      UNITS       "hops"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This object specifies the number of hops
          to the network with address
          olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetIpAddr from this router."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetEntry 4 }

   olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetMetricValue  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Olsrv2MetricValueCompressedFormTC
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This object specifies the metric of the
          link to the attached network with
          address AL_net_addr from this router.  The
          AL_net_addr is defined by the tuple
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2LibLocAttNetSetEntry 5 }

   -- Neighbor Information Base


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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

   -- Neighbor Set - as defined in RFC 6130,
   -- extended by OLSRv2 by the addition of the following
   -- elements to each Neighbor Tuple:
   --     N_orig_addr (olsrv2NibNeighborSetNOrigIpAddrType,
   --                  olsrv2NibNeighborSetNOrigIpAddr)
   --     N_in_metric (olsrv2NibNeighborSetNInMetricValue)
   --     N_out_metric (olsrv2NibNeighborSetNOutMetricValue)
   --     N_will_flooding (olsrv2NibNeighborSetNWillFlooding)
   --     N_will_routing (olsrv2NibNeighborSetNWillRouting)
   --     N_flooding_mpr (olsrv2NibNeighborSetNFloodingMpr)
   --     N_routing_mpr (olsrv2NibNeighborSetNRoutingMpr)
   --     N_mpr_selector (olsrv2NibNeighborSetNMprSelector)
   --     N_advertised (olsrv2NibNeighborSetNAdvertised)

   olsrv2NibNeighborSetTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Olsrv2NibNeighborSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "A router's Neighbor Set records all network
          addresses of each 1-hop neighbor.  It consists
          of Neighbor Tuples, each representing a single
          1-hop neighbor."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
    ::= { olsrv2StateGroup 5 }

    olsrv2NibNeighborSetEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Olsrv2NibNeighborSetEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
          "Each Neighbor Tuple in the Neighbor Set, defined
           in RFC 6130, has these additional elements:
              N_orig_addr (olsrv2NibNeighborSetNOrigIpAddrType,
              N_in_metric (olsrv2NibNeighborSetNInMetricValue)
              N_out_metric (olsrv2NibNeighborSetNOutMetricValue)
              N_will_flooding (olsrv2NibNeighborSetNWillFlooding)
              N_will_routing (olsrv2NibNeighborSetNWillRouting)
              N_flooding_mpr (olsrv2NibNeighborSetNFloodingMpr)
              N_routing_mpr (olsrv2NibNeighborSetNRoutingMpr)
              N_mpr_selector (olsrv2NibNeighborSetNMprSelector)
              N_advertised (olsrv2NibNeighborSetNAdvertised)
           defined here as extensions."

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 39]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
       AUGMENTS { nhdpNibNeighborSetEntry }
   ::= { olsrv2NibNeighborSetTable 1 }

   Olsrv2NibNeighborSetEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {

   olsrv2NibNeighborSetNOrigIpAddrType  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressType { ipv4(1) , ipv6(2) }
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "The type of the olsrv2NibNeighborSetNOrigIpAddr, as defined
          in the InetAddress MIB module (RFC4001).

          Only the values 'ipv4(1)' and
          'ipv6(2)' are supported."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2NibNeighborSetEntry 1 }

   olsrv2NibNeighborSetNOrigIpAddr  OBJECT-TYPE

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 40]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

      SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE(4|16))
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This is the originator IP address of the neighbor
          represented by this table entry."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2NibNeighborSetEntry 2 }

   olsrv2NibNeighborSetNInMetricValue  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Olsrv2MetricValueCompressedFormTC
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This object is the neighbor metric of any
          link from this neighbor to an OLSRv2 interface
          of this router, i.e., the minimum of all corresponding
          L_in_metric (olsrv2IibLinkSetInMetricValue)
          with L_status = SYMMETRIC and
          L_in_metric (olsrv2IibLinkSetInMetricValue) != UNKNOWN_METRIC,
          UNKNOWN_METRIC if there are no such Link Tuples.
          UNKNOWN_METRIC has a value of 0."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2NibNeighborSetEntry 3 }

   olsrv2NibNeighborSetNOutMetricValue  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Olsrv2MetricValueCompressedFormTC
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This object is the neighbor metric of any
          link from an OLSRv2 interface of this router
          to this neighbor, i.e., the minimum of all
          corresponding L_out_metric
          (olsrv2IibLinkSetOutMetricValue) with L_status =
          SYMMETRIC and L_out_metric
          (olsrv2IibLinkSetOutMetricValue) != UNKNOWN_METRIC,
          UNKNOWN_METRIC if there are no such Link Tuples.
          UNKNOWN_METRIC has a value of 0."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 41]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2NibNeighborSetEntry 4 }

   olsrv2NibNeighborSetNWillFlooding  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      WillingnessTC
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This object is the neighbor's willingness to be
          selected as a flooding MPR, in the range from
          WILL_NEVER to WILL_ALWAYS, both inclusive, taking
          the value WILL_NEVER if no OLSRv2 specific
          information is received from this neighbor."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2NibNeighborSetEntry 5 }

   olsrv2NibNeighborSetNWillRouting  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      WillingnessTC
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This object is the neighbor's willingness to be
          selected as a routing MPR, in the range from
          WILL_NEVER to WILL_ALWAYS, both inclusive, taking
          the value WILL_NEVER if no OLSRv2 specific
          information is received from this neighbor."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2NibNeighborSetEntry 6 }

   olsrv2NibNeighborSetNFloodingMpr  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TruthValue
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This object is a boolean flag, recording whether
          this neighbor is selected as a flooding MPR
          by this router."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2NibNeighborSetEntry 7 }

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 42]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

   olsrv2NibNeighborSetNRoutingMpr  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TruthValue
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This object is a boolean flag, recording whether
          this neighbor is selected as a routing MPR
          by this router."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2NibNeighborSetEntry 8 }

   olsrv2NibNeighborSetNMprSelector  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TruthValue
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This object is a boolean flag,
          recording whether this neighbor has selected this router
          as a routing MPR, i.e., is a routing MPR
          selector of this router.

          When set to 'true', then this router is selected as
          a routing MPR by the neighbor router.
          When set to 'false',
          then this router is not selected by the neighbor
          as a routing MPR."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2NibNeighborSetEntry 9 }

   olsrv2NibNeighborSetNAdvertised  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TruthValue
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This object, N_mpr_selector
          (olsrv2NibNeighborSetNMprSelector), is a boolean flag,
          recording whether this router has elected to
          advertise a link to this neighbor in its TC messages."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

   ::= { olsrv2NibNeighborSetEntry 10 }

   olsrv2NibNeighborSetTableAnsn OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65535)
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "Advertised Neighbor Sequence Number (ANSN), is
          a variable, whose value is included in TC messages to
          indicate the freshness of the information transmitted."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2StateGroup 6 }

   -- Topology Information Base - this Information
   -- Base is specific to OLSRv2 and is defined in
   -- Section 10 of RFC 7181.

   -- Advertising Remote Router Set

   olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "A router's Advertising Remote Router Set records
          information describing each remote router in the
          network that transmits TC messages."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2StateGroup 7 }

   olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "A router's Advertised Neighbor Set Table entry
          consists of Advertising Remote Router Tuples:

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 44]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

          (AR_orig_addr (olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetIpAddrType,
           AR_seq_number (olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetMaxSeqNo),
           AR_time (olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetExpireTime).

          Addresses associated with this router are
          found in the NHDP-MIB module's nhdpDiscIfSetTable.

          OLSRv2 (RFC 7181) defines the rules for managing
          entries within this table, e.g., populating
          and purging entries.  Specific instructions for the
          olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetEntry(s) are found in
          Section 10.1 and Section 17 of OLSRv2 (RFC 7181)."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
      INDEX { olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetIpAddrType,
              olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetIpAddr }
   ::= { olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetTable 1 }

   Olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {

   olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetIpAddrType  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressType { ipv4(1) , ipv6(2) }
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The type of the olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetIpAddr,
          as defined in the InetAddress MIB module (RFC4001).

          Only the values 'ipv4(1)' and
          'ipv6(2)' are supported."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetEntry 1 }

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 45]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

   olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetIpAddr  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE(4|16))
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "This is the originator address of a received
          TC message."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetEntry 2 }

   olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetMaxSeqNo  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65535)
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This is the greatest Advertised Neighbor Sequence
          Number (ANSN) in any TC message
          received that originated from the router
          with originator address

          Sequence numbers are used in the OLSRv2 protocol
          for the purpose of discarding 'old' information,
          i.e., messages received out of order.  However,
          with a limited number of bits for representing
          sequence numbers, wraparound (that the sequence
          number is incremented from the maximum possible
          value to zero) will occur.  To prevent this from
          interfering with the operation of this protocol,
          OLSRv2 implementations observe the following when
          determining the ordering of sequence numbers.

          In OLSRv2, MAXVALUE designates one more than the
          largest possible value for a sequence number.
          For a 16-bit sequence number, MAXVALUE is 65536.

          The sequence number S1 is said to be 'greater than'
          the sequence number S2 if:

             o  S1 > S2 AND S1 - S2 < MAXVALUE/2 OR

             o  S2 > S1 AND S2 - S1 > MAXVALUE/2

          When sequence numbers S1 and S2 differ by MAXVALUE/2,
          their ordering cannot be determined.  In this case,

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 46]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

          which should not occur, either ordering may be

          Thus, when comparing two messages, it is possible
          - even in the presence of wraparound - to determine
          which message contains the most recent information."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetEntry 3 }

   olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetExpireTime  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TimeStamp
      UNITS       "centiseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetExpireTime specifies the value
          of sysUptime when this entry SHOULD expire and be
          removed from the olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetTable."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibAdRemoteRouterSetEntry 4 }

   -- Router Topology Set

   olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF Olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
      STATUS       current
         "A router's Router Topology Set records topology
          information about the network."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2StateGroup 8 }

   olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 47]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

         "It consists of Router Topology Tuples:

           TR_seq_number (olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetSeqNo),
           TR_metric (olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetMetricValue),
           TR_time (olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetExpireTime)).

          OLSRv2 (RFC 7181) defines the rules for managing
          entries within this table, e.g., populating
          and purging entries.  Specific instructions for the
          olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetEntry(s) are found in
          Section 10.2 and Section 17 of OLSRv2 (RFC 7181)."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
      INDEX { olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetFromOrigIpAddrType,
              olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetToOrigIpAddr }
   ::= { olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetTable 1 }

   Olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {

   olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetFromOrigIpAddrType  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressType { ipv4(1) , ipv6(2) }

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 48]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The type of the olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetFromOrigIpAddr,
          as defined in the InetAddress MIB module (RFC4001).

          Only the values 'ipv4(1)' and
          'ipv6(2)' are supported."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetEntry 1 }

   olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetFromOrigIpAddr  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE(4|16))
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "This is the originator address of a router that can
          reach the router with originator address TR_to_orig_addr
          in one hop."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetEntry 2 }

   olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetToOrigIpAddrType  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressType { ipv4(1) , ipv6(2) }
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The type of the olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetToOrigIpAddr,
          as defined in the InetAddress MIB module (RFC4001).

          Only the values 'ipv4(1)' and
          'ipv6(2)' are supported."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetEntry 3 }

   olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetToOrigIpAddr  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE(4|16))
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 49]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

         "This is the originator address of a router that can be
          reached by the router with originator address
          TR_to_orig_addr in one hop."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetEntry 4 }

   olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetSeqNo  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65535)
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This is the greatest Advertised Neighbor Sequence
          Number (ANSN) in any TC message
          received that originated from the router
          with originator address TR_from_orig_addr,
          i.e., that contributed to the information
          contained in this Tuple and that is defined by the

          Sequence numbers are used in the OLSRv2 protocol
          for the purpose of discarding 'old' information,
          i.e., messages received out of order.  However,
          with a limited number of bits for representing
          sequence numbers, wraparound (that the sequence
          number is incremented from the maximum possible
          value to zero) will occur.  To prevent this from
          interfering with the operation of this protocol,
          OLSRv2 implementations observe the following when
          determining the ordering of sequence numbers.

          In OLSRv2, MAXVALUE designates one more than the
          largest possible value for a sequence number.
          For a 16-bit sequence number, MAXVALUE is 65536.

          The sequence number S1 is said to be 'greater than'
          the sequence number S2 if:

             o  S1 > S2 AND S1 - S2 < MAXVALUE/2 OR

             o  S2 > S1 AND S2 - S1 > MAXVALUE/2

          When sequence numbers S1 and S2 differ by MAXVALUE/2,

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 50]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

          their ordering cannot be determined.  In this case,
          which should not occur, either ordering may be

          Thus, when comparing two messages, it is possible
          - even in the presence of wraparound - to determine
          which message contains the most recent information."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetEntry 5 }

   olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetMetricValue  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Olsrv2MetricValueCompressedFormTC
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This is the neighbor metric from the router
          with originator address TR_from_orig_addr
          olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetFromOrigIpAddr) to
          the router with originator address TR_to_orig_addr
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetEntry 6 }

   olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetExpireTime  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TimeStamp
      UNITS       "centiseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetExpireTime specifies the value
          of sysUptime when this entry SHOULD expire and be
          removed from the olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetTable."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetEntry 7 }

   -- Routable Address Topology Set

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 51]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014


   olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "A router's Routable Address Topology Set records topology
          information about the routable addresses within the MANET,
          including via which routers they may be reached."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2StateGroup 9 }

   olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "It consists of Router Topology Tuples:

           TA_seq_number (olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetSeqNo)
           TA_metric (olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetMetricValue)
           TA_time (olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetExpireTime)

          OLSRv2 (RFC 7181) defines the rules for managing
          entries within this table, e.g., populating
          and purging entries.  Specific instructions for the
          olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetEntry(s) are found
          in Section 10.3 and Section 17 of OLSRv2 (RFC 7181)."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
      INDEX { olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetFromOrigIpAddrType,
              olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetDestIpAddr }
   ::= { olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetTable 1 }

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 52]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

    Olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetEntry ::=
       SEQUENCE {

   olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetFromOrigIpAddrType  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressType { ipv4(1) , ipv6(2) }
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The type of the
          as defined in the InetAddress MIB module (RFC 4001).

          Only the values 'ipv4(1)' and
          'ipv6(2)' are supported."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetEntry 1 }

   olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetFromOrigIpAddr  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE(4|16))
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "This is the originator address of a router that can
          reach the router with routable address TA_dest_addr
          in one hop."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetEntry 2 }

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 53]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

   olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetDestIpAddrType  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressType { ipv4(1) , ipv6(2) }
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The type of the olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetToOrigIpAddr,
          as defined in the InetAddress MIB module (RFC 4001).

          Only the values 'ipv4(1)' and
          'ipv6(2)' are supported."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetEntry 3 }

   olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetDestIpAddr  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE(4|16))
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "This is a routable address of a router that can be
          reached by the router with originator address
          TA_from_orig_addr in one hop.  The TA_from_orig_addr
          is defined by the tuple
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetEntry 4 }

   olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetSeqNo  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65535)
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This is the greatest Advertised Neighbor Sequence
          Number (ANSN) in any TC message
          received that originated from the router
          with originator address TA_from_orig_addr,
          i.e., that contributed to the information
          contained in this Tuple.  The TA_from_orig_addr
          is defined by the tuple

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 54]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetEntry 5 }

   olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetMetricValue  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Olsrv2MetricValueCompressedFormTC
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This is the neighbor metric from the router
          with originator address TA_from_orig_addr (defined
          by the tuple
          to the router with OLSRv2 interface address TA_dest_addr
          (defined by the tuple
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetEntry 6 }

   olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetExpireTime  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TimeStamp
      UNITS       "centiseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
          specifies the value of sysUptime when this entry
          SHOULD expire and be removed from the
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetEntry 7 }

   -- Attached Network Set

   olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF Olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 55]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

      STATUS       current
         "A router's Attached Network Set records information
          about networks (which may be outside the MANET)
          attached to other routers and their routable addresses."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2StateGroup 10 }

   olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "It consists of Attached Network Tuples:

           AN_seq_number (olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetSeqNo),
           AN_dist (olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetDist),
           AN_metric (olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetMetricValue),
           AN_time (olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetExpireTime)

          OLSRv2 (RFC 7181) defines the rules for managing
          entries within this table, e.g., populating
          and purging entries.  Specific instructions for the
          olsrv2TibRoutableAddressTopologySetEntry(s) are found
          in Section 10.4 and Section 17 of OLSRv2 (RFC 7181)."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
      INDEX { olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetOrigIpAddrType,
              olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetNetIpAddrPrefixLen }
   ::= { olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetTable 1 }

   Olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetEntry ::=

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 56]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

      SEQUENCE {

   olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetOrigIpAddrType  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressType { ipv4(1) , ipv6(2) }
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The type of the olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetOrigIpAddr,
          as defined in the InetAddress MIB module (RFC4001).

          Only the values 'ipv4(1)' and
          'ipv6(2)' are supported."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetEntry 1 }

   olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetOrigIpAddr  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE(4|16))
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "This is the originator address, of type
          olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetOrigIpAddrType, of a
          router that can act as gateway to the
          network with address AN_net_addr.  The
          AN_net_addr is defined by the tuple

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 57]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetEntry 2 }

   olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetNetIpAddrType  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressType { ipv4(1) , ipv6(2) }
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The type of the olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetNetIpAddr,
          as defined in the InetAddress MIB module (RFC 4001).

          Only the values 'ipv4(1)' and
          'ipv6(2)' are supported."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetEntry 3 }

   olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetNetIpAddr  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE(4|16))
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "This is the network address, of type
          olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetNetIpAddrType, of an
          attached network, that may be reached via
          the router with originator address AN_orig_addr.
          The AN_orig_addr is defined by the tuple
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetEntry 4 }

   olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetNetIpAddrPrefixLen  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressPrefixLength
      UNITS       "bits"
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 58]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

         "Indicates the number of leading one bits that form the
          mask to be logically ANDed with the destination address
          before being compared to the value in the
          olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetNetIpAddr field."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetEntry 5 }

   olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetSeqNo  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65535)
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This is the greatest Advertised Neighbor Sequence
          Number (ANSN) in any TC message received
          that originated from the router
          with originator address AN_orig_addr
          (i.e., that contributed to the information
          contained in this Tuple).  The AN_orig_addr
          is defined by the tuple

          Sequence numbers are used in the OLSRv2 protocol
          for the purpose of discarding 'old' information,
          i.e., messages received out of order.  However,
          with a limited number of bits for representing
          sequence numbers, wraparound (that the sequence
          number is incremented from the maximum possible
          value to zero) will occur.  To prevent this from
          interfering with the operation of this protocol,
          the following MUST be observed when determining
          the ordering of sequence numbers.

          The term MAXVALUE designates in the following one
          more than the largest possible value for a sequence
          number.  For a 16-bit sequence number (as are those
          defined in this specification), MAXVALUE is 65536.

          The sequence number S1 is said to be 'greater than'
          the sequence number S2 if:

             o  S1 > S2 AND S1 - S2 < MAXVALUE/2 OR

             o  S2 > S1 AND S2 - S1 > MAXVALUE/2

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 59]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

          When sequence numbers S1 and S2 differ by MAXVALUE/2,
          their ordering cannot be determined.  In this case,
          which should not occur, either ordering may be

          Thus, when comparing two messages, it is possible
          - even in the presence of wraparound - to determine
          which message contains the most recent information."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetEntry 6 }

   olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetDist  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..255)
      UNITS       "hops"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "The number of hops to the network
          with address AN_net_addr from the router with
          originator address AN_orig_addr.
          The AN_orig_addr is defined by the tuple
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetEntry 7 }

   olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetMetricValue  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Olsrv2MetricValueCompressedFormTC
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "The metric of the link from the router with
          originator address AN_orig_addr to the attached
          network with address AN_net_addr.
          The AN_net_addr is defined by the tuple
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 60]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

   ::= { olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetEntry 9 }

   olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetExpireTime  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TimeStamp
      UNITS       "centiseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
          specifies the value of sysUptime when this
          entry SHOULD expire and be removed from the
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibAttNetworksSetEntry 10 }

   -- Routing Set

   olsrv2TibRoutingSetTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF Olsrv2TibRoutingSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
      STATUS       current
         "A router's Routing Set records the first hop along a
          selected path to each destination for which any such
          path is known."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2StateGroup 11 }

   olsrv2TibRoutingSetEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Olsrv2TibRoutingSetEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
          "It consists of Routing Tuples:

           (R_dest_addr, R_next_iface_addr,
            R_local_iface_addr, R_dist, R_metric)"
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 61]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
      INDEX { olsrv2TibRoutingSetDestIpAddrType,
              olsrv2TibRoutingSetDestIpAddrPrefixLen }
   ::= { olsrv2TibRoutingSetTable 1 }

   Olsrv2TibRoutingSetEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {

   olsrv2TibRoutingSetDestIpAddrType  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressType { ipv4(1) , ipv6(2) }
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The type of the olsrv2TibRoutingSetDestIpAddr,
          as defined in the InetAddress MIB module (RFC 4001).

          Only the values 'ipv4(1)' and 'ipv6(2)' are
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibRoutingSetEntry 1 }

   olsrv2TibRoutingSetDestIpAddr  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE(4|16))
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 62]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

         "This is the address of the destination,
          either the address of an interface of
          a destination router or the network
          address of an attached network."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibRoutingSetEntry 2 }

   olsrv2TibRoutingSetDestIpAddrPrefixLen  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressPrefixLength
      UNITS       "bits"
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "Indicates the number of leading one bits that form the
          mask to be logically ANDed with the destination address
          before being compared to the value in the
          olsrv2TibRoutingSetDestIpAddr field.

          Note: This definition needs to be consistent
          with the current forwarding table MIB module description.
          Specifically, it SHOULD allow for longest prefix
          matching of network addresses."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibRoutingSetEntry 3 }

   olsrv2TibRoutingSetNextIfIpAddrType  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressType { ipv4(1) , ipv6(2) }
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "The type of the olsrv2TibRoutingSetNextIfIpAddr,
          as defined in the InetAddress MIB module (RFC 4001).

          Only the values 'ipv4(1)' and
          'ipv6(2)' are supported."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibRoutingSetEntry 4 }

Herberg, et al.              Standards Track                   [Page 63]

RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

   olsrv2TibRoutingSetNextIfIpAddr  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE(4|16))
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This object is the OLSRv2 interface address of the
          next hop on the selected path to the
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibRoutingSetEntry 5 }

   olsrv2TibRoutingSetLocalIfIpAddrType  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressType { ipv4(1) , ipv6(2) }
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "The type of the olsrv2TibRoutingSetLocalIfIpAddr
          and olsrv2TibRoutingSetNextIfIpAddr,
          as defined in the InetAddress MIB module (RFC 4001).

          Only the values 'ipv4(1)' and
          'ipv6(2)' are supported."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibRoutingSetEntry 6 }

   olsrv2TibRoutingSetLocalIfIpAddr  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE(4|16))
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This object is the address of the local OLSRv2
          interface over which a packet must be
          sent to reach the destination by the
          selected path."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibRoutingSetEntry 7 }

   olsrv2TibRoutingSetDist  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..255)

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

      UNITS       "hops"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This object is the number of hops on the selected
          path to the destination."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibRoutingSetEntry 8 }

   olsrv2TibRoutingSetMetricValue  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..4294901760)
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This object is the metric of the route
          to the destination with address R_dest_addr.
          The maximum value of this object can be
          256 times MAXIMUM_METRIC,
          as represented in Olsrv2MetricValueCompressedFormTC, i.e.,
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2TibRoutingSetEntry 9 }

-- OLSRv2 Performance Group

--    Contains objects that help to characterize the
--    performance of the OLSRv2 routing process.

olsrv2PerformanceObjGrp  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {olsrv2MIBObjects 3}

    -- Objects per local interface

   olsrv2InterfacePerfTable  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Olsrv2InterfacePerfEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

         "This table summarizes performance objects that are
          measured per each active local OLSRv2 interface.
          If the olsrv2InterfaceAdminStatus of the interface
          changes to 'disabled', then the row associated with this
          interface SHOULD be removed from this table."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2PerformanceObjGrp 1 }

   olsrv2InterfacePerfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Olsrv2InterfacePerfEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "A single entry contains performance counters for
          each active local OLSRv2 interface."
      AUGMENTS { nhdpInterfacePerfEntry }
   ::= { olsrv2InterfacePerfTable 1 }

   Olsrv2InterfacePerfEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {

   olsrv2IfTcMessageXmits  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "messages"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

         "A counter is incremented each time a TC
          message has been transmitted on that interface."
   ::= { olsrv2InterfacePerfEntry 1 }

   olsrv2IfTcMessageRecvd  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "messages"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter is incremented each time a
          TC message has been received on that interface.
          This excludes all messages that are ignored due to
          OLSRv2 protocol procedures, such as messages
          considered invalid for processing by this router,
          as defined in Section 16.3.1 of OLSRv2 (RFC 7181)."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2InterfacePerfEntry 2 }

   olsrv2IfTcMessageXmitAccumulatedSize  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter64
      UNITS       "octets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter is incremented by the number of octets in
          a TC message each time a TC message has been sent."
   ::= { olsrv2InterfacePerfEntry 3 }

   olsrv2IfTcMessageRecvdAccumulatedSize  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter64
      UNITS       "octets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter is incremented by the number of octets in
          a TC message each time a TC message has been received.
          This excludes all messages that are ignored due to
          OLSRv2 protocol procedures, such as messages
          considered invalid for processing by this router,
          as defined in Section 16.3.1 of OLSRv2 (RFC 7181)."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."

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   ::= { olsrv2InterfacePerfEntry 4 }

   olsrv2IfTcMessageTriggeredXmits  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "messages"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter is incremented each time a triggered
          TC message has been sent."
   ::= { olsrv2InterfacePerfEntry 5 }

   olsrv2IfTcMessagePeriodicXmits  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
       UNITS      "messages"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter is incremented each time a periodic
          TC message has been sent."
   ::= { olsrv2InterfacePerfEntry 6 }

   olsrv2IfTcMessageForwardedXmits  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "messages"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter is incremented each time a
          TC message has been forwarded."
   ::= { olsrv2InterfacePerfEntry 7 }

   olsrv2IfTcMessageXmitAccumulatedMPRSelectorCount OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "advertised MPR selectors"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter is incremented by the number of advertised
          MPR selectors in a TC each time a TC
          message has been sent."
   ::= { olsrv2InterfacePerfEntry 8 }

   -- Objects concerning the Routing Set

   olsrv2RoutingSetRecalculationCount  OBJECT-TYPE

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      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "recalculations"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This counter increments each time the Routing Set has
          been recalculated."
   ::= { olsrv2PerformanceObjGrp 2 }

   -- Objects concerning the MPR set

   olsrv2MPRSetRecalculationCount  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "recalculations"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "This counter increments each time the MPRs
          of this router have been recalculated for
          any of its interfaces."
   ::= { olsrv2PerformanceObjGrp 3 }

-- Notifications

olsrv2NotificationsObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
                                     { olsrv2MIBNotifications 0 }
olsrv2NotificationsControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
                                     { olsrv2MIBNotifications 1 }
olsrv2NotificationsStates  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
                                     { olsrv2MIBNotifications 2 }

   -- olsrv2NotificationsObjects

   olsrv2RouterStatusChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
       OBJECTS { olsrv2OrigIpAddrType, -- The address type of
                                       --    the originator of
                                       --    the notification.
                 olsrv2OrigIpAddr,     -- The originator of
                                       --    the notification.
                 olsrv2AdminStatus     -- The new state.
       STATUS      current

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

          "olsrv2RouterStatusChange is a notification generated
           when the OLSRv2 router changes it status.
           The router status is maintained in the
           olsrv2AdminStatus object."
   ::= { olsrv2NotificationsObjects 1 }

   olsrv2OrigIpAddrChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
      OBJECTS { olsrv2OrigIpAddrType, -- The address type of
                                      --    the originator of
                                      --    the notification.
                olsrv2OrigIpAddr,     -- The originator of
                                      --    the notification.
                olsrv2PreviousOrigIpAddrType, -- The address
                                      -- type of the previous
                                      -- address of
                                      -- the originator of
                                      -- the notification.
                olsrv2PreviousOrigIpAddr  -- The previous
                                      -- address of the
                                      -- originator of
                                      -- the notification.
      STATUS      current
         "olsrv2OrigIpAddrChange is a notification generated when
          the OLSRv2 router changes it originator IP address.
          The notification includes the new and the previous
          originator IP address of the OLSRv2 router."
   ::= { olsrv2NotificationsObjects 2 }

   olsrv2RoutingSetRecalculationCountChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
      OBJECTS { olsrv2OrigIpAddrType, -- The address type of
                                      --   the originator of
                                      --   the notification.
                olsrv2OrigIpAddr,     -- The originator of
                                      --   the notification.
                olsrv2RoutingSetRecalculationCount  -- Number
                                          -- of the
                                          -- Routing Set
                                          -- recalculations.
      STATUS       current
         "The olsrv2RoutingSetRecalculationCountChange
          notification is generated when a significant number of
          Routing Set recalculations have occurred in a short time.
          This notification SHOULD be generated no more than once
          per olsrv2RoutingSetRecalculationCountWindow.

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

          The network administrator SHOULD select
          appropriate values for 'significant number of
          Routing Set recalculations' and 'short time' through
          the settings of the
          and olsrv2RoutingSetRecalculationCountWindow objects."
   ::= { olsrv2NotificationsObjects 3 }

   olsrv2MPRSetRecalculationCountChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
      OBJECTS { olsrv2OrigIpAddrType, -- The address type of
                                      --   the originator of
                                      --   the notification.
                olsrv2OrigIpAddr,     -- The originator of
                                      --   the notification.
                olsrv2MPRSetRecalculationCount  -- Number of
                                      --   MPR set
                                      --   recalculations.
      STATUS       current
         "The olsrv2MPRSetRecalculationCountChange
          notification is generated when a significant
          number of MPR set recalculations occur in
          a short period of time.  This notification
          SHOULD be generated no more than once
          per olsrv2MPRSetRecalculationCountWindow.
          The network administrator SHOULD select
          appropriate values for 'significant number of
          MPR set recalculations' and 'short period of
          time' through the settings of the
          olsrv2MPRSetRecalculationCountThreshold and
          olsrv2MPRSetRecalculationCountWindow objects."
   ::= { olsrv2NotificationsObjects 4 }

   -- olsrv2NotificationsControl

   olsrv2RoutingSetRecalculationCountThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..255)
      UNITS       "recalculations"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
      STATUS      current
         "A threshold value for the
          olsrv2RoutingSetRecalculationCount object.
          If the number of occurrences exceeds this
          threshold within the previous
          then the olsrv2RoutingSetRecalculationCountChange

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

          notification is to be generated.

          It is RECOMMENDED that the value of this
          threshold be set to at least 20 and higher
          in dense topologies with frequent expected
          topology changes."
      DEFVAL { 20 }
   ::= { olsrv2NotificationsControl 1 }

   olsrv2RoutingSetRecalculationCountWindow OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TimeTicks
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
      STATUS      current
         "This object is used to determine whether to generate
          an olsrv2RoutingSetRecalculationCountChange notification.
          This object represents an interval from the present moment,
          extending into the past, expressed in hundredths of
          a second.  If the change in the value of the
          olsrv2RoutingSetRecalculationCount object during
          this interval has exceeded the value of
          olsrv2RoutingSetRecalculationCountThreshold, then
          an olsrv2RoutingSetRecalculationCountChange notification
          is generated.

          It is RECOMMENDED that the value for this
          window be set to at least 5 times the
          nhdpHelloInterval (whose default value is
          2 seconds."
      DEFVAL { 1000 }
   ::= { olsrv2NotificationsControl 2 }

   olsrv2MPRSetRecalculationCountThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..255)
      UNITS       "recalculations"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
      STATUS      current
         "A threshold value for the
          olsrv2MPRSetRecalculationCount object.
          If the number of occurrences exceeds this
          threshold within the previous
          then the
          notification is to be generated.

          It is RECOMMENDED that the value of this

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

          threshold be set to at least 20 and higher
          in dense topologies with frequent expected
          topology changes."
      DEFVAL { 20 }
   ::= { olsrv2NotificationsControl 3 }

   olsrv2MPRSetRecalculationCountWindow OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX       TimeTicks
      MAX-ACCESS   read-write
      STATUS       current
         "This object is used to determine whether to generate
          an olsrv2MPRSetRecalculationCountChange notification.
          This object represents an interval from the present moment,
          extending into the past, expressed in hundredths of
          a second.  If the change in the value of the
          olsrv2MPRSetRecalculationCount object during
          that interval has exceeded the value of
          olsrv2MPRSetRecalculationCountThreshold, then the
          an olsrv2MPRSetRecalculationCountChange notification
          is generated.

          It is RECOMMENDED that the value for this
          window be set to at least 5 times the
      DEFVAL { 1000 }
   ::= { olsrv2NotificationsControl 4 }

   olsrv2PreviousOrigIpAddrType  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressType  { ipv4(1) , ipv6(2) }
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "The type of the olsrv2PreviousOrigIpAddr,
          as defined in the InetAddress MIB module (RFC 4001).

          Only the values 'ipv4(1)' and
          'ipv6(2)' are supported.

          This object MUST have the same persistence
          characteristics as olsrv2PreviousOrigIpAddr."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2NotificationsStates 1 }

   olsrv2PreviousOrigIpAddr  OBJECT-TYPE

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

      SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE(4|16))
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "The previous origination IP address
          of this OLSRv2 router.

          This object SHOULD be updated each time
          the olsrv2OrigIpAddr is modified.

          This object is persistent, and when written,
          the entity SHOULD save the change to
          non-volatile storage."
         "RFC 7181 - The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
          Version 2, Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P.,
          and U. Herberg, April 2014."
   ::= { olsrv2NotificationsStates 2 }

   -- Compliance Statements

   olsrv2Compliances  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { olsrv2MIBConformance 1 }
   olsrv2MIBGroups    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { olsrv2MIBConformance 2 }

   olsrv2BasicCompliance  MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      STATUS current
         "The basic implementation requirements for
          managed network entities that implement
          the OLSRv2 routing process."
      MODULE  -- this module
      MANDATORY-GROUPS { olsrv2ConfigObjectsGroup }
   ::= { olsrv2Compliances 1 }

   olsrv2FullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      STATUS current
         "The full implementation requirements for
          managed network entities that implement
          the OLSRv2 routing process."
      MODULE  -- this module
      MANDATORY-GROUPS { olsrv2ConfigObjectsGroup,
                         olsrv2NotificationsGroup }

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

   ::= { olsrv2Compliances 2 }

   -- Units of Conformance

   olsrv2ConfigObjectsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
      STATUS      current
         "Objects to permit configuration of OLSRv2.
          All of these SHOULD be backed by non-volatile
   ::= { olsrv2MIBGroups 1 }

   olsrv2StateObjectsGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

      STATUS      current
         "Objects to permit monitoring of OLSRv2 state."
   ::= { olsrv2MIBGroups 2 }

   olsrv2PerfObjectsGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
      STATUS      current
         "Objects to support monitoring of OLSRv2 performance."

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

   ::= { olsrv2MIBGroups 3 }

   olsrv2NotificationsObjectsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
      STATUS      current
         "Objects to support the notification types in the
          olsrv2NotificationsGroup.  Some of these appear in
          notification payloads, others serve to control
          notification generation."
   ::= { olsrv2MIBGroups 4 }

   olsrv2NotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
      STATUS current
          "Notification types to support management of OLSRv2."
   ::= { olsrv2MIBGroups 5 }


8.  Security Considerations

   This MIB module defines objects for the configuration, monitoring,
   and notification of the Optimized Link State Routing Protocol version
   2 (OLSRv2) [RFC7181].  OLSRv2 allows routers to acquire topological
   information of the routing domain by exchanging TC messages in order
   to calculate shortest paths to each destination router in the routing

   There are a number of management objects defined in this MIB module
   with a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write and/or read-create.  Such
   objects may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network
   environments.  The support for SET operations in a non-secure

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

   environment without proper protection can have a negative effect on
   network operations.  These are the tables and objects and their

   o  olsrv2TcInterval, olsrv2TcMinInterval - these writable objects
      control the rate at which TC messages are sent.  If set at too
      high a rate, this could represent a form of a DoS attack by
      overloading interface resources.  If set too low, OLSRv2 may not
      converge fast enough to provide accurate routes to all
      destinations in the routing domain.

   o  olsrv2TcHopLimit - defines the hop limit for TC messages.  If set
      too low, messages will not be forwarded beyond the defined scope;
      thus, routers further away from the message originator will not be
      able to construct appropriate topology graphs.

   o  olsrv2OHoldTime, olsrv2THoldTime, olsrv2AHoldTime,
      olsrv2RxHoldTime, olsrv2PHoldTime, olsrv2FHoldTime - define hold
      times for tuples of different Information Bases of OLSRv2.  If set
      too low, information will expire quickly, and may this harm a
      correct operation of the routing protocol.

   o  olsrv2WillFlooding and olsrv2WillRouting - define the willingness
      of this router to become MPR.  If this is set to WILL_NEVER (0),
      the managed router will not forward any TC messages, nor accept a
      selection to become MPR by neighboring routers.  If set to
      WILL_ALWAYS (15), the router will be preferred by neighbors during
      MPR selection and may thus attract more traffic.

   o  olsrv2TpMaxJitter, olsrv2TtMaxJitter, olsrv2FMaxJitter - define
      jitter values for TC message transmission and forwarding.  If set
      too low, control traffic may get lost when collisions occur.

   o  olsrv2LinkMetricType - defines the type of the link metric that a
      router uses (e.g., ETX or hop count).  Whenever this value
      changes, all link metric information recorded by the router is
      invalid, causing a reset of information acquired from other
      routers in the MANET.  Moreover, if olsrv2LinkMetricType on a
      router is set to a value that is not known to other routers in the
      MANET, these routers will not be able to establish routes to that
      router or transiting that router.  Existing routes to the router
      with an olsrv2LinkMetricType unknown to other routers in the MANET
      will be removed.

   Some of the readable objects in this MIB module (i.e., objects with a
   MAX-ACCESS other than not-accessible) may be considered sensitive or
   vulnerable in some network environments.  It is thus important to
   control even GET and/or NOTIFY access to these objects and possibly

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

   to even encrypt the values of these objects when sending them over
   the network via SNMP.  These are the tables and objects and their

   o  olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetTable - The contains information on the
      topology of the MANET, specifically the IP address of the routers
      in the MANET (as identified by
      olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetFromOrigIpAddr and
      olsrv2TibRouterTopologySetToOrigIpAddr objects).  This information
      provides an adversary broad information on the members of the
      MANET, located within this single table.  This information can be
      used to expedite attacks on the other members of the MANET without
      having to go through a laborious discovery process on their own.

   Some of the Tables in this MIB module AUGMENT Tables defined in NHDP-
   MIB [RFC6779].  Hence, care must be taken in configuring access
   control here in order make sure that the permitted permissions
   granted for the AUGMENTing Tables here are consistent with the access
   controls permitted within the NHDP-MIB.  The below list identifies
   the AUGMENTing Tables and their NHDP-MIB counterparts.  It is
   RECOMMENDED that access control policies for these Table pairs are
   consistently set.

   o  The olsrv2InterfaceTable AUGMENTs the nhdpInterfaceTable.

   o  The olsrv2IibLinkSetTable AUGMENTs the nhdpIibLinkSetTable.

   o  The olsrv2Iib2HopSetTable AUGMENTs the nhdpIib2HopSetTable.

   o  The olsrv2NibNeighborSetTable AUGMENTs the

   o  The olsrv2InterfacePerfTable AUGMENTs the nhdpInterfacePerfTable.

   MANET technology is often deployed to support communications of
   emergency services or military tactical applications.  In these
   applications, it is imperative to maintain the proper operation of
   the communications network and to protect sensitive information
   related to its operation.  Therefore, when implementing these
   capabilities, the full use of SNMPv3 cryptographic mechanisms for
   authentication and privacy is RECOMMENDED.

   SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 did not include adequate security.
   Even if the network itself is secure (for example by using IPsec),
   there is no control as to who on the secure network is allowed to
   access and GET/SET (read/change/create/delete) the objects in this
   MIB module.

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

   Implementations SHOULD provide the security features described by the
   SNMPv3 framework (see [RFC3410]), and implementations claiming
   compliance to the SNMPv3 standard MUST include full support for
   authentication and privacy via the User-based Security Model (USM)
   [RFC3414] with the AES cipher algorithm [RFC3826].  Implementations
   MAY also provide support for the Transport Security Model (TSM)
   [RFC5591] in combination with a secure transport such as SSH
   [RFC5592] or TLS/DTLS [RFC6353].

   Further, deployment of SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 is NOT
   RECOMMENDED.  Instead, it is RECOMMENDED to deploy SNMPv3 and to
   enable cryptographic security.  It is then a customer/operator
   responsibility to ensure that the SNMP entity giving access to an
   instance of this MIB module is properly configured to give access to
   the objects only to those principals (users) that have legitimate
   rights to indeed GET or SET (change/create/delete) them.

9.  Applicability Statement

   This document describes objects for configuring parameters of the
   Optimized Link State Routing Protocol version 2 (OLSRv2) [RFC7181]
   process on a router.  This MIB module, denoted OLSRv2-MIB, also
   reports state, performance information, and notifications.  The
   OLSRv2 protocol relies upon information gathered via the Neighborhood
   Discovery Protocol [RFC6130] in order to perform its operations.
   NHDP is managed via the NHDP-MIB [RFC6779].

   MANET deployments can greatly differ in aspects of dynamics of the
   topology, capacity, and loss rates of underlying channels, traffic
   flow directions, memory and CPU capacity of routers, etc.  SNMP, and
   therefore this MIB module, are only applicable for a subset of MANET
   deployments, in particular deployments:

   o  In which routers have enough memory and CPU resources to run SNMP
      and expose the MIB module.

   o  Where a Network Management System (NMS) is defined to which
      notifications are generated and from which routers can be managed.

   o  Where this NMS is reachable from routers in the MANET most of the
      time (as notifications to the NMS and management information from
      the NMS to the router will be lost when connectivity is
      temporarily lost).  This requires that the topology of the MANET
      is only moderately dynamic.

   o  Where the underlying wireless channel supports enough bandwidth to
      run SNMP, and where loss rates of the channel are not exhaustive.

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

   Certain MANET deployments such as community networks with non-mobile
   routers, dynamic topology because of changing link quality, and a
   predefined gateway (that could also serve as NMS), are examples of
   networks applicable for this MIB module.  Other, more constrained
   deployments of MANETs may not be able to run SNMP and require
   different management protocols.

   Some level of configuration, i.e., read-write objects, is desirable
   for OLSRv2 deployments.  Topology-related configuration, such as the
   ability to enable OLSRv2 on new interfaces or initially configure
   OLSRv2 on a router's interfaces through the
   olsrv2InterfaceAdminStatus object, is critical to initial system
   startup.  The OLSRv2 protocol allows for some level of performance
   tuning through various protocol parameters, and this MIB module
   allows for configuration of those protocol parameters through read-
   write objects such as the olsrv2TcHopLimit or the olsrv2FMaxJitter.
   Other read-write objects allow for the control of Notification
   behavior through this MIB module, e.g., the
   olsrv2RoutingSetRecalculationCountThreshold object.  A fuller
   discussion of MANET network management applicability is to be
   provided elsewhere: [MGMT-SNAP] provides a snapshot of OLSRv2-routed
   MANET management as currently deployed, while [MANET-MGMT] is
   intended to provide specific guidelines on MANET network management
   considering the various MIB modules that have been written.

10.  IANA Considerations

   IANA now maintains the IANAolsrv2LinkMetricType-MIB and keeps it
   synchronized with the "LINK_METRIC Address Block TLV Type Extensions"
   registry at <>.

   The MIB modules in this document use the following IANA-assigned
   OBJECT IDENTIFIER values recorded in the SMI Numbers registry:

         Descriptor                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER value
         ----------                       -----------------------
         OLSRv2-MIB                           { mib-2 219 }
         IANA-OLSRv2-LINK-METRIC-TYPE-MIB     { mib-2 221 }

11.  Acknowledgements

   The authors would like to thank Randy Presuhn, Benoit Claise, Adrian
   Farrel, as well as the entire MANET WG for reviews of this document.

   This MIB document uses the template authored by D. Harrington, which
   is based on contributions from the MIB Doctors, especially Juergen
   Schoenwaelder, Dave Perkins, C.M. Heard, and Randy Presuhn.

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

12.  References

12.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]    Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
                Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC2578]    McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
                Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Structure of Management Information
                Version 2 (SMIv2)", STD 58, RFC 2578, April 1999.

   [RFC2579]    McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
                Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Textual Conventions for SMIv2", STD
                58, RFC 2579, April 1999.

   [RFC2580]    McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., and J. Schoenwaelder,
                "Conformance Statements for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2580,
                April 1999.

   [RFC2863]    McCloghrie, K. and F. Kastenholz, "The Interfaces Group
                MIB", RFC 2863, June 2000.

   [RFC3414]    Blumenthal, U. and B. Wijnen, "User-based Security Model
                (USM) for version 3 of the Simple Network Management
                Protocol (SNMPv3)", STD 62, RFC 3414, December 2002.

   [RFC3418]    Presuhn, R., "Management Information Base (MIB) for the
                Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)", STD 62, RFC
                3418, December 2002.

   [RFC3826]    Blumenthal, U., Maino, F., and K. McCloghrie, "The
                Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Cipher Algorithm in
                the SNMP User-based Security Model", RFC 3826, June

   [RFC4001]    Daniele, M., Haberman, B., Routhier, S., and J.
                Schoenwaelder, "Textual Conventions for Internet Network
                Addresses", RFC 4001, February 2005.

   [RFC5591]    Harrington, D. and W. Hardaker, "Transport Security
                Model for the Simple Network Management Protocol
                (SNMP)", RFC 5591, June 2009.

   [RFC5592]    Harrington, D., Salowey, J., and W. Hardaker, "Secure
                Shell Transport Model for the Simple Network Management
                Protocol (SNMP)", RFC 5592, June 2009.

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

   [RFC6130]    Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., and J. Dean, "Mobile Ad Hoc
                Network (MANET) Neighborhood Discovery Protocol (NHDP)",
                RFC 6130, April 2011.

   [RFC6353]    Hardaker, W., "Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport
                Model for the Simple Network Management Protocol
                (SNMP)", RFC 6353, July 2011.

   [RFC6779]    Herberg, U., Cole, R., and I. Chakeres, "Definition of
                Managed Objects for the Neighborhood Discovery
                Protocol", RFC 6779, October 2012.

   [RFC7181]    Clausen, T., Dearlove, C., Jacquet, P., and U. Herberg,
                "The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol Version 2",
                RFC 7181, April 2014.

12.2.  Informative References

   [MANET-MGMT] Nguyen, J., Cole, R., Herberg, U., Yi, J., and J. Dean,
                "Network Management of Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET):
                Architecture, Use Cases, and Applicability", Work in
                Progress, February 2013.

   [MGMT-SNAP]  Clausen, T. and U. Herberg, "Snapshot of OLSRv2-Routed
                MANET Management", Work in Progress, February 2014.

   [REPORT-MIB] Cole, R., Macker, J., and A. Bierman, "Definition of
                Managed Objects for Performance Reporting", Work in
                Progress, November 2012.

   [RFC3410]    Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D., and B. Stewart,
                "Introduction and Applicability Statements for Internet-
                Standard Management Framework", RFC 3410, December 2002.

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

Appendix A.  IANAolsrv2LinkMetricType-MIB

   This document has set up the IANAolsrv2LinkMetricType-MIB module.
   IANA now maintains the IANAolsrv2LinkMetricType-MIB and keeps it
   synchronized with the "LINK_METRIC Address Block TLV Type Extensions"
   registry at <>.  The
   IANA site is the definitive source for this MIB should there be any
   discrepancies (e.g., future updates to the MIB).


       MODULE-IDENTITY, mib-2
                 FROM SNMPv2-SMI
                 FROM SNMPv2-TC;

   ianaolsrv2LinkMetricType MODULE-IDENTITY
       LAST-UPDATED "201404090000Z"  -- 09 April 2014
       CONTACT-INFO "Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

                     Postal: ICANN
                             12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300
                             Los Angeles, CA 90094-2536

                     Tel:    +1 310 301 5800
       DESCRIPTION  "This MIB module defines the
                     IANAolsrv2LinkMetricType Textual
                     Convention, and thus the enumerated values of
                     the olsrv2LinkMetricType object defined in
                     the OLSRv2-MIB."
       REVISION      "201404090000Z"  -- 09 April 2014
       DESCRIPTION   "Initial version of this MIB as published in
                      RFC 7184."

       ::= { mib-2 221 }

   IANAolsrv2LinkMetricTypeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
      STATUS      current
         "This data type is used as the syntax of the
          olsrv2LinkMetricType object in the definition
          of the OLSRv2-MIB module.

          The olsrv2LinkMetricType corresponds to

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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

          LINK_METRIC_TYPE of OLSRv2 (RFC 7181).
          OLSRv2 uses bidirectional additive link metrics
          to determine shortest distance routes (i.e.,
          routes with smallest total of link metric values).

          OLSRv2 has established a registry for the LINK_METRIC_TYPEs
          (denoted 'LINK_METRIC Address Block TLV Type Extensions'):

          This is done in Section 24.5 in OLSRv2 (RFC 7181).
          The LINK_METRIC_TYPE (which has as corresponding
          object in the MIB module olsrv2LinkMetricType)
          corresponds to the type extension of
          the LINK_METRIC TLV that is set up in the
          'LINK_METRIC Address Block TLV Type Extensions' registry.
          Whenever new link metric types are added to that registry,
          IANA MUST update this textual convention accordingly.

          The definition of this textual convention with the
          addition of newly assigned values is published
          periodically by the IANA, in either the Assigned
          Numbers RFC, or some derivative of it specific to
          Internet Network Management number assignments.  (The
          latest arrangements can be obtained by contacting the

          Requests for new values should be made to IANA via
          email ("
                 unknown(0)     -- Link metric meaning assigned
                                --       by administrative action
                                -- 1-223 Unassigned
                                -- 224-255 Reserved for
                                --       Experimental Use


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RFC 7184                     The OLSRv2-MIB                   April 2014

Authors' Addresses

   Ulrich Herberg
   Fujitsu Laboratories of America
   1240 East Arques Avenue
   Sunnyvale, CA  94085


   Robert G. Cole
   6010 Frankford Road, Bldg 6010
   Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland  21005

   Phone: +1 443 395 8744

   Thomas Heide Clausen
   LIX, Ecole Polytechnique
   Palaiseau Cedex  91128

   Phone: +33 6 6058 9349

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