Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                           K. Tata
Request for Comments: 6527                                         Nokia
Obsoletes: 2787                                               March 2012
Category: Standards Track
ISSN: 2070-1721

                   Definitions of Managed Objects for
       the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol Version 3 (VRRPv3)


   This specification defines a portion of the Management Information
   Base (MIB) for use with network management based on the Simple
   Network Management Protocol (SNMP).  In particular, it defines
   objects for configuring, monitoring, and controlling routers that
   employ the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol Version 3 (VRRPv3) for
   both IPv4 and IPv6 as defined in RFC 5798.  This memo obsoletes RFC

Status of This Memo

   This is an Internet Standards Track document.

   This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force
   (IETF).  It represents the consensus of the IETF community.  It has
   received public review and has been approved for publication by the
   Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG).  Further information on
   Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 5741.

   Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
   and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2012 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

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RFC 6527                    VRRP Unified MIB                  March 2012

   This document may contain material from IETF Documents or IETF
   Contributions published or made publicly available before November
   10, 2008.  The person(s) controlling the copyright in some of this
   material may not have granted the IETF Trust the right to allow
   modifications of such material outside the IETF Standards Process.
   Without obtaining an adequate license from the person(s) controlling
   the copyright in such materials, this document may not be modified
   outside the IETF Standards Process, and derivative works of it may
   not be created outside the IETF Standards Process, except to format
   it for publication as an RFC or to translate it into languages other
   than English.

Table of Contents

   1. The Internet-Standard Management Framework ......................2
   2. Introduction ....................................................3
   3. Terminology .....................................................3
   4. Relationship to RFC 2787 ........................................3
   5. Relation to Interface Group (IF-MIB) ............................3
   6. Multi-Stack Implementations .....................................3
   7. Interpretation of RFC 5798 ......................................3
   8. VRRP MIB Structure and Design ...................................4
   9. VRRP Multi-Stack Scenario .......................................4
   10. Definitions ....................................................7
   11. Security Considerations .......................................27
   12. IANA Considerations ...........................................29
   13. Normative References ..........................................29
   14. Informative References ........................................30
   15. Acknowledgments ...............................................31

1.  The Internet-Standard Management Framework

   For a detailed overview of the documents that describe the current
   Internet-Standard Management Framework, please refer to section 7 of
   RFC 3410 [RFC3410].

   Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
   the Management Information Base or MIB.  MIB objects are generally
   accessed through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
   Objects in the MIB are defined using the mechanisms defined in the
   Structure of Management Information (SMI).  This memo specifies a MIB
   module that is compliant to the SMIv2, which is described in STD 58,
   RFC 2578 [RFC2578], STD 58, RFC 2579 [RFC2579] and STD 58, RFC 2580

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2.  Introduction

   This specification defines a portion of the MIB for use with SNMP-
   based network management.  In particular, it defines objects for
   configuring, monitoring, and controlling routers that employ the
   Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol Version 3 (VRRPv3) for both IPv4
   and IPv6 as defined in RFC 5798 [RFC5798].

3.  Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC
   2119 [RFC2119].

4.  Relationship to RFC 2787

   This document obsoletes RFC 2787 [RFC2787].  The major changes in
   this document reflect changes in the VRRP protocol between RFC 2338
   [RFC2338] and RFC 5798 [RFC5798].  This document is also updated to
   conform to current MIB conventions.

5.  Relation to Interface Group (IF-MIB)

   Since a router can be participating in VRRP on one or more
   interfaces, "ifIndex" is used as an index into the tables defined in
   the VRRP MIB.  This MIB module imports ifIndex from the IF-MIB.  At
   this time, the latest version of the IF-MIB is from RFC 2863

6.  Multi-Stack Implementations

   This MIB module is designed to support multi-stack implementations
   that run VRRP over IPv4 and IPv6.  The IP version, Virtual Router
   Identifier (VRID), and ifIndex are used to uniquely identify rows in
   a multi-stack implementation.

7.  Interpretation of RFC 5798

   During the review of this document, it emerged that there are
   different possible interpretations of [RFC5798].  The authors of that
   document and the VRRP working group were unable to reach consensus as
   to which interpretation is correct.  This document makes the
   following assumption:

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      IPv4 and IPv6 virtual routers are treated as two separate logical
      entities and represented as two separate entries in the
      vrrpv3OperationsTable.  This is required due to the undefined
      behavior of the protocol in [RFC5798] in a multi-stack scenario.

8.  VRRP MIB Structure and Design

   This MIB module contains three tables:

   (1)  The vrrpv3OperationsTable contains objects that define the
        operational characteristics of a VRRP router.  Rows in this
        table correspond to instances of virtual routers.

   (2)  The vrrpv3StatisticsTable contains the operating statistics for
        a VRRP router.

   (3)  The vrrpv3AssociatedIpAddrTable contains the addresses of the
        virtual router(s) that a given VRRP router is backing up.

   Tables are indexed on ifIndex, VRID, and the IP version to uniquely
   identify a VRRP router.

   Notifications in this MIB module are controlled using the mechanisms
   defined in [RFC3413].

9.  VRRP Multi-Stack Scenario

   The following section provides examples of how some of the objects in
   this MIB are instantiated.

   The labels in the following tables and diagrams correspond to the
   actual MIB objects as follows:

   if      = IfIndex
   AddrType= vrrpv3OperationsInetAddrType
   VrId    = vrrpv3OperationsVrId
   State   = vrrpv3OperationsStatus
   Prior   = vrrpv3OperationsPriority
   IpAddr  = vrrpv3OperationsMasterIpAddr

   The following figure shows a hypothetical network with two VRRP
   routers, VR1 & VR2, configured with two virtual routers.  Addresses
   in '()' indicate the address of the default gateway for a given host;
   H1 to H4 are IPv4 hosts, and H5 to H8 are IPv6 hosts.  A, B, and C
   are IPv4 addresses, and X, Y, and Z are IPv6 addresses.  In the
   diagram, "Interface" is used in the context defined in IF-MIB.

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                 +------+                      +------+
                 | VR1  |                      |  VR2 |
                 |      |                      |      |
                 +------+                      +------+
                     |                            |
                Intf = I1                    Intf = I2
       IP A          |   IP X         IP B        |    IP Y
       IP C          |                            |    IP Z
       VRID = 1      |   VRID=2       VRID=2      |    VRID = 1
                     |                            |
       ^      ^        ^       ^        ^        ^       ^        ^
       |      |        |       |        |        |       |        |
    (IP A)  (IP A)   (IP B)  (IP B)   (IP X)   (IP X)  (IP Y)   (IP Y)
       |      |        |       |        |        |       |        |
    +----+  +----+  +----+  +----+    +----+   +----+  +----+  +----+
    | H1 |  | H2 |  | H3 |  | H4 |    | H5 |   | H6 |  | H7 |  | H8 |
    +----+  +----+  +----+  +----+    +----+   +----+  +----+  +----+

           -----   MIB Tables For VRRP Router "VR1":   -----


   | if | VrId |AddrType| State | Prior |IpAddr|        |
   | I1 |  01  |    1   |   M   |  255  |   A  |        |
   | I1 |  01  |    2   |   B   | 1-254 |   Y  |        |
   | I1 |  02  |    1   |   B   | 1-254 |   B  |        |
   | I1 |  02  |    2   |   M   |  255  |   X  |        |

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   | if | VrId | AddrType | IP   | RowStat |
   | I1 |  01  |    1     |  A   | active  |
   | I1 |  01  |    1     |  C   | active  |
   | I1 |  01  |    2     |  Y   | active  |
   | I1 |  01  |    2     |  Z   | active  |
   | I1 |  02  |    1     |  B   | active  |
   | I1 |  02  |    2     |  X   | active  |

           -----   MIB Tables For VRRP Router "VR2":   -----


   | if | VrId |AddrType| State | Prior |IpAddr|        |
   | I2 |  01  |    1   |   B   | 1-254 |   A  |        |
   | I2 |  01  |    2   |   M   | 255   |   Y  |        |
   | I2 |  02  |    1   |   M   |  255  |   B  |        |
   | I2 |  02  |    2   |   B   | 1-254 |   X  |        |

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   | if | VrId |AddrType| IP   | RowStat |
   | I2 |  01  |   1    |  A   | active  |
   | I2 |  01  |   1    |  C   | active  |
   | I2 |  01  |   2    |  Y   | active  |
   | I2 |  01  |   2    |  Z   | active  |
   | I2 |  02  |   1    |  B   | active  |
   | I2 |  02  |   2    |  X   | active  |


   1) For "State": M = Master;   B = Backup.
      In the vrrpv3OperationsTable, a "priority" of 255 indicates that
      the respective router owns the IP address, e.g., this IP address
      is native to the router (i.e., "the IP Address Owner").

10.  Definitions

   This MIB module makes reference to the following documents [RFC2578],
   [RFC2579], [RFC2580], [RFC2863], and [RFC4001].


           NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Counter32,
           Integer32, mib-2, Unsigned32,
           Counter64, TimeTicks
               FROM SNMPv2-SMI                 -- RFC2578

           TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, RowStatus,
           MacAddress, TruthValue, TimeStamp,
               FROM SNMPv2-TC                  -- RFC2579

               FROM SNMPv2-CONF                -- RFC2580

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               FROM IF-MIB                     -- RFC2863
           InetAddressType, InetAddress

               FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB;          -- RFC4001

           LAST-UPDATED "201202130000Z"         -- Feb 13, 2012
           ORGANIZATION "IETF VRRP Working Group"
                  "WG E-Mail:

                   Editor:    Kalyan Tata
                              313 Fairchild Dr,
                              Mountain View, CA 94043

               "This MIB describes objects used for managing Virtual
                Router Redundancy Protocol version 3 (VRRPv3).

                Copyright (c) 2012 IETF Trust and the persons
                identified as authors of the code.  All rights

                Redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
                with or without modification, is permitted pursuant
                to, and subject to the license terms contained in,
                the Simplified BSD License set forth in Section
                4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating
                to IETF Documents

                This version of the MIB module is part of RFC 6527.
                Please see the RFC for full legal notices."

           REVISION "201202120000Z"    -- Feb 13, 2012
           DESCRIPTION "Initial version as published in RFC 6527."

           ::= { mib-2 207 }

   -- Textual Conventions

           DISPLAY-HINT "d"
           STATUS       current

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               "The value of the Virtual Router Identifier noted as
               (VRID) in RFC 5798.  This, along with interface index
               (ifIndex) and IP version, serves to uniquely identify
               a virtual router on a given VRRP router."
           REFERENCE "RFC 5798 (Sections 3 and 5.2.3)"
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..255)

   --  VRRPv3 MIB Groups

      vrrpv3Notifications   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vrrpv3MIB 0 }
      vrrpv3Objects         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vrrpv3MIB 1 }
      vrrpv3Conformance     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vrrpv3MIB 2 }

   -- VRRPv3 MIB Objects

      vrrpv3Operations      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vrrpv3Objects 1 }
      vrrpv3Statistics      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vrrpv3Objects 2 }

   --  VRRPv3 Operations Table

       vrrpv3OperationsTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF Vrrpv3OperationsEntry
           MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
           STATUS       current
               "Unified Operations table for a VRRP router that
                consists of a sequence (i.e., one or more conceptual
                rows) of 'vrrpv3OperationsEntry' items each of which
                describe the operational characteristics of a virtual

           ::= { vrrpv3Operations 1 }

       vrrpv3OperationsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       Vrrpv3OperationsEntry
           MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
           STATUS       current
               "An entry in the vrrpv3OperationsTable containing the
                operational characteristics of a virtual router.
                On a VRRP router, a given virtual router is
                identified by a combination of ifIndex, VRID, and
                the IP version.  ifIndex represents an interface of
                the router.

                A row must be created with vrrpv3OperationsStatus
                set to initialize(1) and cannot transition to
                backup(2) or master(3) until

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                vrrpv3OperationsRowStatus is transitioned to

                The information in this table is persistent and when
                written the entity SHOULD save the change to non-
                volatile storage."

           INDEX    { ifIndex, vrrpv3OperationsVrId,
           ::= { vrrpv3OperationsTable 1 }

       Vrrpv3OperationsEntry ::=

           SEQUENCE {
       vrrpv3OperationsVrId OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       Vrrpv3VrIdTC
           MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
           STATUS       current

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               "This object contains the Virtual Router Identifier
           REFERENCE "RFC 4001"
           ::= { vrrpv3OperationsEntry 1 }

       vrrpv3OperationsInetAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       InetAddressType
           MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
           STATUS       current
              "The IP address type of Vrrpv3OperationsEntry and
               Vrrpv3AssociatedIpAddrEntry.  This value determines
               the type for vrrpv3OperationsMasterIpAddr,
               vrrpv3OperationsPrimaryIpAddr, and

                ipv4(1) and ipv6(2) are the only two values supported
                in this MIB module."
           REFERENCE "RFC 4001"
           ::= { vrrpv3OperationsEntry 2 }

       vrrpv3OperationsMasterIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       InetAddress
           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
           STATUS       current
             "The master router's real IP address.  The master router
             would set this address to vrrpv3OperationsPrimaryIpAddr
             while transitioning to master state.  For backup
             routers, this is the IP address listed as the source in
             the VRRP advertisement last received by this virtual
           REFERENCE "RFC 5798"
           ::= { vrrpv3OperationsEntry 3 }

       vrrpv3OperationsPrimaryIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       InetAddress
           MAX-ACCESS   read-create
           STATUS       current
               "In the case where there is more than one IP
               Address (associated IP addresses) for a given
               'ifIndex', this object is used to specify the IP
               address that will become the
               vrrpv3OperationsMasterIpAddr', should the virtual
               router transition from backup state to master."
           ::= { vrrpv3OperationsEntry 4 }

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       vrrpv3OperationsVirtualMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       MacAddress
           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
           STATUS       current
              "The virtual MAC address of the virtual router.
              Although this object can be derived from the
              'vrrpv3OperationsVrId' object, it is defined so that it
              is easily obtainable by a management application and
              can be included in VRRP-related SNMP notifications."
           ::= { vrrpv3OperationsEntry 5 }

       vrrpv3OperationsStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
           STATUS       current

               "The current state of the virtual router.  This object
               has three defined values:

               - 'initialize', which indicates that the
                  virtual router is waiting for a startup event.

               - 'backup', which indicates that the virtual router is
                  monitoring the availability of the master router.

               - 'master', which indicates that the virtual router
                  is forwarding packets for IP addresses that are
                  associated with this router."
           REFERENCE "RFC 5798"
           ::= { vrrpv3OperationsEntry 6 }

       vrrpv3OperationsPriority OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..255)
           MAX-ACCESS   read-create
           STATUS       current
             "This object specifies the priority to be used for the
             virtual router master election process; higher values
             imply higher priority.

             A priority of '0', although not settable, is sent by
             the master router to indicate that this router has

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             ceased to participate in VRRP, and a backup virtual
             router should transition to become a new master.

             A priority of 255 is used for the router that owns the
             associated IP address(es) for VRRP over IPv4 and hence
             is not settable.

             Setting the values of this object to 0 or 255 should be
             rejected by the agents implementing this MIB module.
             For example, an SNMP agent would return 'badValue(3)'
             when a user tries to set the values 0 or 255 for this

           REFERENCE "RFC 5798, Section 6.1"
           DEFVAL       { 100 }
           ::= { vrrpv3OperationsEntry 7 }

       vrrpv3OperationsAddrCount OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       Integer32 (0..255)
           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
           STATUS       current
               "The number of IP addresses that are associated with
               this virtual router.  This number is equal to the
               number of rows in the vrrpv3AssociatedAddrTable that
               correspond to a given ifIndex/VRID/IP version."
           REFERENCE "RFC 5798, Section 6.1"
           ::= { vrrpv3OperationsEntry 8 }

       vrrpv3OperationsAdvInterval OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       TimeInterval (1..4095)
           UNITS        "centiseconds"
           MAX-ACCESS   read-create
           STATUS       current
               "The time interval, in centiseconds, between sending
               advertisement messages.  Only the master router sends
               VRRP advertisements."
           REFERENCE "RFC 5798, Section 6.1"
           DEFVAL       { 100}
           ::= { vrrpv3OperationsEntry 9 }

       vrrpv3OperationsPreemptMode OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       TruthValue
           MAX-ACCESS   read-create
           STATUS       current

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             "Controls whether a higher priority virtual router will
             preempt a lower priority master."
           REFERENCE "RFC 5798, Section 6.1"
           DEFVAL       { true }
           ::= { vrrpv3OperationsEntry 10 }

       vrrpv3OperationsAcceptMode OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       TruthValue
           MAX-ACCESS   read-create
           STATUS       current
              "Controls whether a virtual router in master state
              will accept packets addressed to the address owner's
              IPv6 address as its own if it is not the IPv6 address
              owner.  Default is false(2).
              This object is not relevant for rows representing VRRP
              over IPv4 and should be set to false(2)."
           DEFVAL       { false }
           ::= { vrrpv3OperationsEntry 11 }

       vrrpv3OperationsUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       TimeTicks
           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
           STATUS       current
               "This value represents the amount of time, in
               TimeTicks (hundredth of a second), since this virtual
               router (i.e., the 'vrrpv3OperationsStatus')
               transitioned out of 'initialize'."
           REFERENCE "RFC 5798, Section 6.1"
           ::= { vrrpv3OperationsEntry 12 }

       vrrpv3OperationsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       RowStatus
           MAX-ACCESS   read-create
           STATUS       current
             "The RowStatus variable should be used in accordance to
              installation and removal conventions for conceptual

              To create a row in this table, a manager sets this
              object to either createAndGo(4) or createAndWait(5).
              Until instances of all corresponding columns are
              appropriately configured, the value of the
              corresponding instance of the
              'vrrpv3OperationsRowStatus' column will be read as

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              In particular, a newly created row cannot be made
              active(1) until (minimally) the corresponding instance
              of vrrpv3OperationsInetAddrType, vrrpv3OperationsVrId,
              and vrrpv3OperationsPrimaryIpAddr has been set, and
              there is at least one active row in the
              'vrrpv3AssociatedIpAddrTable' defining an associated
              IP address.

              notInService(2) should be used to administratively
              bring the row down.

              A typical order of operation to add a row is:
              1. Create a row in vrrpv3OperationsTable with
              2. Create one or more corresponding rows in
              3. Populate the vrrpv3OperationsEntry.
              4. Set vrrpv3OperationsRowStatus to active(1).

              A typical order of operation to delete an entry is:
              1. Set vrrpv3OperationsRowStatus to notInService(2).
              2. Set the corresponding rows in
              vrrpv3AssociatedIpAddrTable to destroy(6) to delete
              the entry.
              3. Set vrrpv3OperationsRowStatus to destroy(6) to
              delete the entry."
           ::= { vrrpv3OperationsEntry 13 }

   --  VRRP Associated Address Table

       vrrpv3AssociatedIpAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF Vrrpv3AssociatedIpAddrEntry
           MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
           STATUS       current
               "The table of addresses associated with each virtual
           ::= { vrrpv3Operations 2 }

       vrrpv3AssociatedIpAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       Vrrpv3AssociatedIpAddrEntry
           MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
           STATUS       current
              "An entry in the table contains an IP address that is
              associated with a virtual router.  The number of rows
              for a given IP version, VrID, and ifIndex will equal
              the number of IP addresses associated (e.g., backed up)

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              by the virtual router (equivalent to

              Rows in the table cannot be modified unless the value
              of 'vrrpv3OperationsStatus' for the corresponding entry
              in the vrrpv3OperationsTable has transitioned to

              The information in this table is persistent and when
              written the entity SHOULD save the change to non-
              volatile storage."

           INDEX    { ifIndex, vrrpv3OperationsVrId,
                      vrrpv3AssociatedIpAddrAddress }

           ::= { vrrpv3AssociatedIpAddrTable 1 }

       Vrrpv3AssociatedIpAddrEntry ::=
           SEQUENCE {


       vrrpv3AssociatedIpAddrAddress OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16))
           MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
           STATUS       current
               "The assigned IP addresses that a virtual router is
               responsible for backing up.

               The IP address type is determined by the value of
               vrrpv3OperationsInetAddrType in the index of this
           REFERENCE "RFC 5798"
           ::= { vrrpv3AssociatedIpAddrEntry 1 }

       vrrpv3AssociatedIpAddrRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       RowStatus
           MAX-ACCESS   read-create
           STATUS       current
             "The row status variable, used according to
             installation and removal conventions for conceptual

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             rows.  To create a row in this table, a manager sets
             this object to either createAndGo(4) or
             createAndWait(5).  Setting this object to active(1)
             results in the addition of an associated address for a
             virtual router.  Setting this object to notInService(2)
             results in administratively bringing down the row.

             Destroying the entry or setting it to destroy(6)
             removes the associated address from the virtual router.
             The use of other values is implementation-dependent.

             Implementations should not allow deletion of the last
             row corresponding to an active row in

             Refer to the description of vrrpv3OperationsRowStatus
             for typical row creation and deletion scenarios."
           ::= { vrrpv3AssociatedIpAddrEntry 2 }

   --  VRRP Router Statistics

       vrrpv3RouterChecksumErrors OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       Counter64
           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
           STATUS       current
               "The total number of VRRP packets received with an
               invalid VRRP checksum value.

               Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
               at re-initialization of the management system, and at
               other times as indicated by the value of

           REFERENCE "RFC 5798, Section 5.2.8"
           ::= { vrrpv3Statistics 1 }

       vrrpv3RouterVersionErrors OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       Counter64
           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
           STATUS       current
               "The total number of VRRP packets received with an
               unknown or unsupported version number.

               Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
               at re-initialization of the management system, and at

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               other times as indicated by the value of

           REFERENCE "RFC 5798, Section 5.2.1"
           ::= { vrrpv3Statistics 2 }

       vrrpv3RouterVrIdErrors OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       Counter64
           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
          STATUS       current
               "The total number of VRRP packets received with a
                VRID that is not valid for any virtual router on this

               Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
               at re-initialization of the management system, and at
               other times as indicated by the value of

           REFERENCE "RFC 5798, Section 5.2.3"
           ::= { vrrpv3Statistics 3 }

      vrrpv3GlobalStatisticsDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     TimeStamp
          MAX-ACCESS read-only
          STATUS     current
            "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at
             which one of vrrpv3RouterChecksumErrors,
             vrrpv3RouterVersionErrors, and vrrpv3RouterVrIdErrors
             suffered a discontinuity.

             If no such discontinuities have occurred since the last
             re-initialization of the local management subsystem,
             then this object contains a zero value."

          ::= { vrrpv3Statistics 4 }

   --  VRRP Router Statistics Table

       vrrpv3StatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF Vrrpv3StatisticsEntry
           MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
           STATUS       current
               "Table of virtual router statistics."
           ::= { vrrpv3Statistics 5 }

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       vrrpv3StatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       Vrrpv3StatisticsEntry
           MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
           STATUS       current
               "An entry in the table containing statistics
               information about a given virtual router."
           AUGMENTS    { vrrpv3OperationsEntry }
           ::= { vrrpv3StatisticsTable 1 }

       Vrrpv3StatisticsEntry ::=
           SEQUENCE {

       vrrpv3StatisticsMasterTransitions OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
           STATUS       current
               "The total number of times that this virtual router's
               state has transitioned to master state.

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               Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
               at re-initialization of the management system, and at
               other times as indicated by the value of
           ::= { vrrpv3StatisticsEntry 1 }

      vrrpv3StatisticsNewMasterReason OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX        INTEGER {
               notMaster (0),
               priority  (1),
               preempted (2),
               masterNoResponse (3)
           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
           STATUS       current
              "This indicates the reason for the virtual router to
              transition to master state.  If the virtual router
              never transitioned to master state, the value of this
              object is notMaster(0).  Otherwise, this indicates the
              reason this virtual router transitioned to master
              state the last time.  Used by vrrpv3NewMaster
           ::= { vrrpv3StatisticsEntry 2 }

       vrrpv3StatisticsRcvdAdvertisements OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       Counter64
           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
           STATUS       current
               "The total number of VRRP advertisements received by
               this virtual router.

               Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
               at re-initialization of the management system, and at
               other times as indicated by the value of

           ::= { vrrpv3StatisticsEntry 3 }

       vrrpv3StatisticsAdvIntervalErrors OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       Counter64
           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
           STATUS       current
               "The total number of VRRP advertisement packets
               received for which the advertisement interval is

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               different from the vrrpv3OperationsAdvInterval
               configured on this virtual router.

               Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
               at re-initialization of the management system, and at
               other times as indicated by the value of

           ::= { vrrpv3StatisticsEntry 4 }

       vrrpv3StatisticsIpTtlErrors OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       Counter64
           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
           STATUS       current
               "The total number of VRRP packets received by the
               virtual router with IPv4 TTL (for VRRP over IPv4) or
               IPv6 Hop Limit (for VRRP over IPv6) not equal to 255.

               Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
               at re-initialization of the management system, and at
               other times as indicated by the value of
           REFERENCE "RFC 5798, Section"
           ::= { vrrpv3StatisticsEntry 5 }

      vrrpv3StatisticsProtoErrReason OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX        INTEGER {
               noError (0),
               ipTtlError (1),
               versionError  (2),
               checksumError (3),
           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
           STATUS       current
               "This indicates the reason for the last protocol
               error.  This SHOULD be set to noError(0) when no
               protocol errors are encountered.  Used by
               vrrpv3ProtoError notification."
           ::= { vrrpv3StatisticsEntry 6 }

       vrrpv3StatisticsRcvdPriZeroPackets OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       Counter64
           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
           STATUS       current

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               "The total number of VRRP packets received by the
               virtual router with a priority of '0'.

               Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
               at re-initialization of the management system, and at
               other times as indicated by the value of
           REFERENCE "RFC 5798, Section 5.2.4"
           ::= { vrrpv3StatisticsEntry 7 }

       vrrpv3StatisticsSentPriZeroPackets OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       Counter64
           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
           STATUS       current
               "The total number of VRRP packets sent by the virtual
               router with a priority of '0'.

               Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
               at re-initialization of the management system, and at
               other times as indicated by the value of
           REFERENCE "RFC 5798, Section 5.2.4"
           ::= { vrrpv3StatisticsEntry 8 }

       vrrpv3StatisticsRcvdInvalidTypePackets OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       Counter64
           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
           STATUS       current
               "The number of VRRP packets received by the virtual
               router with an invalid value in the 'type' field.

               Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
               at re-initialization of the management system, and at
               other times as indicated by the value of
           ::= { vrrpv3StatisticsEntry 9 }

       vrrpv3StatisticsAddressListErrors OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       Counter64
           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
           STATUS       current
               "The total number of packets received for which the
               address list does not match the locally configured
               list for the virtual router.

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               Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
               at re-initialization of the management system, and at
               other times as indicated by the value of
           ::= { vrrpv3StatisticsEntry 10 }

       vrrpv3StatisticsPacketLengthErrors OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       Counter64
           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
           STATUS       current
               "The total number of packets received with a packet
               length less than the length of the VRRP header.

               Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
               at re-initialization of the management system, and at
               other times as indicated by the value of
           ::= { vrrpv3StatisticsEntry 11 }

      vrrpv3StatisticsRowDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     TimeStamp
          MAX-ACCESS read-only
          STATUS     current
             "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at
             which any one or more of this entry's counters
             suffered a discontinuity.

             If no such discontinuities have occurred since the last
             re-initialization of the local management subsystem,
             then this object contains a zero value."
          ::= { vrrpv3StatisticsEntry 12 }

      vrrpv3StatisticsRefreshRate OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     Unsigned32
          UNITS "milliseconds"
          MAX-ACCESS read-only
          STATUS     current
            "The minimum reasonable polling interval for this entry.
             This object provides an indication of the minimum
             amount of time required to update the counters in this
          ::= { vrrpv3StatisticsEntry 13 }

   --   Notification Definitions
   --   Notifications may be controlled using SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB

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       vrrpv3NewMaster NOTIFICATION-TYPE
           OBJECTS      {
           STATUS       current
               "The newMaster notification indicates that the sending
               agent has transitioned to master state."
           ::= { vrrpv3Notifications 1 }

       vrrpv3ProtoError NOTIFICATION-TYPE
           OBJECTS      {
           STATUS       current
               "The notification indicates that the sending agent has
               encountered the protocol error indicated by
           ::= { vrrpv3Notifications 2 }

   --  Conformance Information

    vrrpv3Compliances  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vrrpv3Conformance 1 }
    vrrpv3Groups       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vrrpv3Conformance 2 }

   -- Compliance Statements

       vrrpv3FullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
           STATUS current
              "The compliance statement"
           MODULE -- this module
           MANDATORY-GROUPS  {
           OBJECT        vrrpv3OperationsPriority
           WRITE-SYNTAX  Unsigned32 (1..254)
           DESCRIPTION  "Setable values are from 1 to 254."
           ::= { vrrpv3Compliances 1 }

       vrrpv3ReadOnlyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
           STATUS current

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              "When this MIB module is implemented without support
              for read-create (i.e., in read-only mode), then such
              an implementation can claim read-only compliance.
              Such a device can then be monitored, but cannot be
              configured with this MIB."

           MODULE -- this module
           MANDATORY-GROUPS  {

           OBJECT        vrrpv3OperationsPriority
           MIN-ACCESS    read-only
           DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

           OBJECT        vrrpv3OperationsPrimaryIpAddr
           MIN-ACCESS    read-only
           DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."
           OBJECT        vrrpv3OperationsAdvInterval
           MIN-ACCESS    read-only
           DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

           OBJECT        vrrpv3OperationsPreemptMode
           MIN-ACCESS    read-only
           DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

           OBJECT        vrrpv3OperationsAcceptMode
           MIN-ACCESS    read-only
           DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

           OBJECT        vrrpv3OperationsRowStatus
           MIN-ACCESS    read-only
           DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

           OBJECT        vrrpv3AssociatedIpAddrRowStatus
           MIN-ACCESS    read-only
           DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

           ::= { vrrpv3Compliances 2 }

   -- Conformance Groups

       vrrpv3OperationsGroup   OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS  {

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           STATUS current
              "Conformance group for VRRPv3 operations."
           ::= { vrrpv3Groups 1 }

       vrrpv3StatisticsGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS  {
           STATUS current
              "Conformance group for VRRPv3 statistics."
           ::= { vrrpv3Groups 2 }

       vrrpv3StatisticsDiscontinuityGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS  {
           STATUS current

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              "Objects providing information about counter
           ::= { vrrpv3Groups 3 }

       vrrpv3InfoGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS  {
           STATUS current
              "Conformance group for objects contained in VRRPv3
           ::= { vrrpv3Groups 4 }

       vrrpv3NotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
           NOTIFICATIONS {
           STATUS current
              "The VRRP MIB Notification Group."
           ::= { vrrpv3Groups 5 }


11.  Security Considerations

   There are a number of management objects defined in this MIB module
   with a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write and/or read-create.  Such
   objects may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network
   environments.  The support for SET operations in a non-secure
   environment without proper protection can have a negative effect on
   network operations.  These are the tables and objects and their

   The objects vrrpv3OperationsPriority, vrrpv3OperationsPrimaryIpAddr,
   vrrpv3OperationsAdvInterval, vrrpv3OperationsPreemptMode,
   vrrpv3OperationsAcceptMode, vrrpv3OperationsRowStatus, and
   vrrpv3AssociatedIpAddrRowStatus possess the read-create attribute.
   Manipulation of these objects is capable of affecting the operation
   of a virtual router.

   Examples of how these objects could adversely affect the operation of
   a virtual router include:

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   o An unauthorized change to vrrpv3OperationsPriority can affect the
     priority used in master election, resulting in this router either
     becoming master when it should not, or in some other router being
     elected by preference.  While this will disrupt the operator's
     plans, it will only replicate the unfortunate failure of multiple
     routers, and any router that does become master will be capable of
     filling that role.

   o Modification of vrrpv3OperationsPrimaryIpAddr would cause the
     configured router to take on an incorrect IP address if it becomes
     master, which would be potentially very disruptive to the network

   o A malicious change to vrrpv3OperationsAdvInterval could either
     result in the configured router flooding the network with
     advertisements when it becomes master, or the new master not
     advertising frequently enough such that some routers do not learn
     about the new master.

   o vrrpv3OperationsPreemptMode controls whether this router will
     preempt another master router.  Setting it inappropriately will at
     worse cause one router to be master against the operator's plans,
     but that router will still be qualified to operate as a master.

   o Setting the vrrpv3OperationsAcceptMode could prevent an
     IPv6-capable VRRP router from accepting packets addressed to the
     address owner's IPv6 address as its own even if it is not the IPv6
     address owner.  Although the default for this object is false(2),
     unauthorized setting of this object to false might restrict the
     function of some parts of the network.

   o The vrrpv3OperationsRowStatus object that could be used to disable
     a virtual router.  While there are other columns that, if changed,
     could disrupt operations, they cannot be changed without first
     changing the RowStatus object.

   SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 did not include adequate security.
   Even if the network itself is secure (for example by using IPsec),
   there is no control as to who on the secure network is allowed to
   access and GET/SET (read/change/create/delete) the objects in this
   MIB module.

   Implementations MUST provide the security features described by the
   SNMPv3 framework (see [RFC3410]), including full support for
   authentication and privacy via the User-based Security Model (USM)
   [RFC3414] with the AES cipher algorithm [RFC3826].  Implementations
   MAY also provide support for the Transport Security Model (TSM)

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RFC 6527                    VRRP Unified MIB                  March 2012

   [RFC5591] in combination with a secure transport such as SSH
   [RFC5592] or TLS/DTLS [RFC6353].

   Further, deployment of SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 is NOT
   RECOMMENDED.  Instead, it is RECOMMENDED to deploy SNMPv3 and to
   enable cryptographic security.  It is then a customer/operator
   responsibility to ensure that the SNMP entity giving access to an
   instance of this MIB module is properly configured to give access to
   the objects only to those principals (users) that have legitimate
   rights to indeed GET or SET (change/create/delete) them.

12.  IANA Considerations

   The MIB module in this document uses the following IANA-assigned
   OBJECT IDENTIFIER values recorded in the SMI Numbers registry:

        Descriptor        OBJECT IDENTIFIER value
        ----------        -----------------------

        vrrpv3MIB           { mib-2 207 vrrpv3MIB VRRPV3-MIB }

   This document obsoletes RFC 2787.  Therefore, IANA has deprecated
   value 68 under 'mib-2', which is assigned to VRRP-MIB.

13.  Normative References

   [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
             Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC2578] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., and J. Schoenwaelder,
             "Structure of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2)",
             STD 58, RFC 2578, April 1999.

   [RFC2579] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., and J. Schoenwaelder, "Textual
             Conventions for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2579, April 1999.

   [RFC2580] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., and J. Schoenwaelder,
             "Conformance Statements for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2580, April

   [RFC2863] McCloghrie, K. and F. Kastenholz, "The Interfaces Group
             MIB", RFC 2863, June 2000.

   [RFC3413] Levi, D., Meyer, P., and B. Stewart, "Simple Network
             Management Protocol (SNMP) Applications", STD 62, RFC 3413,
             December 2002.

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   [RFC4001] Daniele, M., Haberman, B., Routhier, S., and J.
             Schoenwaelder, "Textual Conventions for Internet Network
             Addresses", RFC 4001, February 2005.

   [RFC5798] Nadas, S., Ed., "Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)
             Version 3 for IPv4 and IPv6", RFC 5798, March 2010.

14.  Informative References

   [RFC2338] Knight, S., Weaver, D., Whipple, D., Hinden, R., Mitzel,
             D., Hunt, P., Higginson, P., Shand, M., and A. Lindem,
             "Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol", RFC 2338, April 1998.

   [RFC2787] Jewell, B. and D. Chuang, "Definitions of Managed Objects
              for the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol", RFC 2787,
             March 2000.

   [RFC3410] Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D., and B. Stewart,
             "Introduction and Applicability Statements for Internet-
             Standard Management Framework", RFC 3410, December 2002.

   [RFC3414] Blumenthal, U. and B. Wijnen, "User-based Security Model
             (USM) for version 3 of the Simple Network Management
             Protocol (SNMPv3)", STD 62, RFC 3414, December 2002.

   [RFC3826] Blumenthal, U., Maino, F., and K. McCloghrie, "The Advanced
             Encryption Standard (AES) Cipher Algorithm in the SNMP
             User-based Security Model", RFC 3826, June 2004.

   [RFC5591] Harrington, D. and W. Hardaker, "Transport Security Model
             for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)", RFC
             5591, June 2009.

   [RFC5592] Harrington, D., Salowey, J., and W. Hardaker, "Secure Shell
             Transport Model for the Simple Network Management Protocol
             (SNMP)", RFC 5592, June 2009.

   [RFC6353] Hardaker, W., "Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport
             Model for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)",
             RFC 6353, July 2011.

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15.  Acknowledgments

   Kripakaran Karlekar and Brain Jewell helped in design and initial
   drafts of this specification.  This specification is based on RFC
   2787.  The authors of RFC 2787 are Brian Jewell and David Chuang.
   The author would also like to thank Bert Wijnen, Dave Thaler, Joan
   Cucchiara, Mukesh Gupta, Steve Bates, Adrian Farrel, Ben Campbell and
   Joel M. Halpern for taking time to review the document and provide
   valuable guidance.

Author's Address

   Srinivas Kalyan Tata
   313 Fairchild Dr.
   Mountain View, CA 94043

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