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Re: DocBook versions

On Jul 31,  5:21pm, Sandy Harris wrote:
> Subject: DocBook versions
> I have a fairly large collection of HTML docs for FreeS/WAN:
> http://www.freeswan.org
> and it is time to produce a DocBook Howto incorporating much
> of that text and adding some. Primary goals would be:
> 	at least HTML and Postscript output
> 	   (preferably more)
> 	acceptable to at least one of LDP and OSWG
> 	   (preferably both)
> 	single source to maintain
> My question is which DocBook version to target. I'm tempted
> to go to XML since 5.0 will be XML-only, but last I looked
> LDP web page said 3.1 SGML and that seems to be what current
> tools support.
> So 3.1? 4.0 SGML? 4.0 XML?

We support 3.1 at this time. By the time your HOWTO is ready, we
will have added support for DocBook 4.1.

XML support is still under investigation.


Greg Ferguson     - s/w engr / mtlhd         | gferg@sgi.com
SGI Tech Pubs     - http://techpubs.sgi.com  | 
Linux Doc Project - http://www.linuxdoc.org  |

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