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Feedback- more broken links

i saw another one in the same area... the page for the bad link was:

and the link was "howto" available formats: "html index with dates,

after i sent the first out.  can you pass this on too?

| Richard A. Painter            Phone 719 495 7054                             |
| Painter Engineering, Inc.     Mailto:r.painter@ieee.org                      |
| 8470 Swan Rd.                 Visit our Web site:                            |
| Black Forest, CO 80908        http://home.earthlink.net/~painterengineering  |
|                                                                              |
| Systems & Software Engineering + LAN WAN Networking + INTERNET TCP-IP + X.25 |
| Real-time Transaction Processing + System & Software Testing, Verification & |
| Audits + Web Hosting & Design + Database Design & Applications + Benchmarks  |
| Course & Workshop Development & Delivery + Financial and Medical Software    |
| Integration + Security + Middleware + EDI + Cryptography + Firewalls + UNIX  |
| Linux + Windows                                                              |
|                                                                              |
| What is popular is not always right and what is right is not always popular. |
|                                                        - Howard Cosell       |
|                                                                              |
| Chance favors the prepared mind!                  Illegitimi non carborundum |

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