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Re: experimental release of linuxdoc-tools (based on sgml-tools1.0.9)


 at "16 May 2000 21:51:31 -0400",
  Adam Di Carlo <adam@onshore.com> writes:

> Taketoshi Sano <sano@debian.org> writes:
> > I have put a source archive of modified sgml-tools 1.0.9
> > with the name of linuxdoc-tools.
> Why?  Seems like this would cause confusion at this point..

Because I have heard that current sgml-tools v1 & v2 do
cause the confusion among users / writers in LDP.

I think "sgml-tools" should mean the work provided by Cees,
and it has been v2, the tools for DocBook.

I am afraid that if I release the new "sgml-tools" 1.0.10, 
or newer version, then users / writers will get into more
confusion. The bug-fixed version of sgml-tools v1, will
keep to be the tools for LinuxDoc DTD, so Linuxdoc-Tools
are better name for it to avoid the confusion, I think.

But if you, Adam, or Cees, advise me to use the name of
"SGML-Tools-V1", then I will follow you. 
Please let me know how I should do.

> > But I found that it does not keep backward-compatibility (this
> > is the main reason to maintain the tool for Linuxdoc DTD), and
> > it may break the user's scripts, so I revered their name to
> > original sgmlcheck and sgml2xxxx.
> Better to retain backwards compat., yes.


> > When users will be familiar with the option "--backend / -b" and
> > will not rely on old "sgml2xxx" commands, then these commands
> > can be dropped, I hope.
> I dunno -- retaining backwards compatability should be something we
> do...  I don't see the need to change it.

I think if users of Linuxdoc DTD will be familiar with the way
of SGMLTools-2 or SGMLTools-Lite, then it will work for them
when they finally decide to move on the DocBook DTD.

# Maybe minor thing, since people who use DocBook DTD not always
# use the SGMLTools-2, and some prefer to use jade/openjade itself
# via scripts written by themselves. But I wish to express the 
# respect for Cees, so I followed the way of SGMLTools-2.

BTW, preveious one has a bug in sgmlcheck, so I replace it
with the newer version.

They can be download from the same location, for the time being.

Files are:

  (source archive, including Debian related staff)
     541765 May 17 14:58 linuxdoc-tools_0.3.6-1.tar.gz 

  (Debian only files)
        575 May 17 15:05 linuxdoc-tools_0.3.6-1.dsc
        929 May 17 15:05 linuxdoc-tools_0.3.6-1_i386.changes
     217906 May 17 15:00 linuxdoc-tools_0.3.6-1_i386.deb

  Taketoshi Sano: <sano@debian.org>,<sano@debian.or.jp>,<kgh12351@nifty.ne.jp>

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