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Re: I want to write a Linux+Solaris-HOWTO

I would really like to read this (mini-)HOWTO!

I have tried installing Linux and Solaris onto one box (actually Windows NT, Linux, and Solaris), it did not work.

I am looking forward to reading this.


Max Berger <max.berger@xslt.de> wrote:
>I have just Installed Solaris on my Linux Box and I think is was hard
>enough to write a HOWTO or a mini-HOWTO about this.
>Max Berger
>e-mail: max.berger@xslt.de
>XSLT:     http://www.xslt.de/         ACPI4Linux: http://phobos.fs.tum.de/acpi/ 
>FBR-Info: http://www.fs.tum.de/FSMPI/ Sysop:      http://wwwbrauer.in.tum.de/
>9CF77B603671BB18 D5110085483230BB ftp://phobos.fs.tum.de/pub/pgp/max.berger.asc 
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