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Re: mini-HOWTO on IPMasq+Napster

Except for the part in the HOWTO-HOWTO where I say to use SGMLTools v 1.0.9 ;)
(Ow..ow..hey quit it.  Sorry!)

The 2.x release doesn't support LinuxDoc, and 1.x doesn't support DocBook.
Or at least that's my understanding.

The HOWTO-HOWTO is written to support LinuxDoc, meaning 1.x (I used 1.0.9
as a reference). As DocBook gets used more in the LDP, this will change.
Meaning I aughta get started on that now.

I guess the real question is:  are you writing in DocBook, or LinuxDoc?
If DocBook, send it to me and I can take a look at it.

Under 2.0, the sgmlcheck command is nsgmls, with a syntax of:

nsgmls -sv [-c <catalog>] <file>

If all works, you'll just get a version statement.


"John E. Danner" wrote:
> Ok, I've got the HOWTO written, and checked the HOWTO-HOWTO and followed the
> instructions on how to get it into SGML format.  I'm pretty sure I did it
> correctly, so I downloaded the SGMLtools v2.0.2, compiled it and what not;
> however, when I run the 'sgmltools' command and try to output my HOWTO to
> html, ps...it isn't formatting correctly (I'm getting some odd errors about
> some tags I used, but I followed the HOWTO-HOWTO to a capital T)...can anyone
> give me some pointers or suggestions.  I tried using 'sgmlcheck', but for
> some reason don't seem to have that program???
> Thanks!
> John E. Danner
> Guylhem Aznar wrote:
> > On Sun, Feb 20, 2000 at 01:01:24AM -0800, Joshua Poet Drake wrote:
> > > I would read it :)
> >
> > So would I.
> >
> > Please write the HOWTO and submit it to ldp-submit.
> >
> > --
> > Guylhem P. Aznar                               http://www.linuxdoc.org
> > guylhem \@/ metalab.unc.edu             http://metalab.unc.edu/guylhem
> > "They who can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary
> > safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."  -----  Benjamin Franklin
> >
> >   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >    Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature
> --
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