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Re: [oswg-dis] Re: getting OSWG doc sources

On Feb 8, 10:53am, Deb Richardson wrote:
> Subject: Re: [oswg-dis] Re: getting OSWG doc sources
> Greg Ferguson wrote:
> > fyi - this has been done. Thanks Deb (and the OSWG).
> No probs :)  Again, sorry that it took me so long to get back to you
> about it.  Our maintainer is currently in California, so your account
> should be set up by the end of the day.
> I also invite the LDP to post project & documentation announcements to
> the OSWG "weblog" (http://www.oswg.org:8080/oswg/).  The posting form is
> here:
> http://www.oswg.org:8080/oswg/addPostingForm

Excellent. We'll have some upcoming news wrt DocBook and the work
Jorge Godoy has been doing that will make for a news-worthy post!

I know I said this before, but the new OSWG site looks great.

> There is, of course, no reason that the LDP and the OSWG cannot work
> cooperatively to support and promote one another.  The purposes of the
> projects do not conflict, and we really don't "compete" at all.
> I would like to take this opportunity to make a clean break from the
> past and past conflicts between our projects and to really start
> discussing how the we can work together towards helping one another
> improve free and Open Source documentation as a whole.

Great news. I agree 100%. IMO, anyone that thinks otherwise should take
a "step back", and a deep breath(!); I believe they will come to the
same conclusions.

best regards,

Greg Ferguson     - s/w engr / mtlhd         | gferg@sgi.com
SGI Tech Pubs     - http://techpubs.sgi.com  | 410-785-2334 
Linux Doc Project - http://www.linuxdoc.org  |

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