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Re: [oswg-dis] Re: reader comments & reviews

On mer, 02 fév 2000, Terry Dawson à écrit

>When authors don't even bother to subscribe to the mailing list (they
>could have all been on ldp-discuss, but it wasn't considered important
>to move them across), and don't contribute to discussion and begin
>taking their documentation elsewhere you've got to start wondering how
>you're measuring success.

I follow this discussion for a week or so and don't think it is very
constructive. If all the authors whould subscribe to this list it should
be more usefull and less wordy. I don't think I will remain a long time on
such a list if nothing change. may be I come at a bad moment...

Le site ci-dessous est surtout consacré à Linux, mais aussi aux nouvelles de
science fiction écrites par moi, à la pédagogie de la dao et à plein d'autres
choses que vous allez manquer si vous n'y allez pas voir!
jdanield@free.fr, jdanield@club-internet.fr, jdanield@linux-france.org

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