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Re: mailing list archives

On Jan 25, 11:31am, Gregory Leblanc wrote:
> Subject: Re: mailing list archives
> Greg Ferguson wrote:
> >
> > Currently the mailing list archives we have stored on the web site
> > consume 48M of disk space (and growing). We've had a couple inquiries
> > from the mirror site owners about possibly excluding these archives
> > from the mirror process (doing so at this time would break a couple
> > references from the mailinfo.html page).
> >
> >    - Are the archives necessary on the mirror sites, or should they
> >      simply be referenced from the "master" site (www.linuxdoc.org)?
> >      Yes, it would be slower; but I'm trying to get a read on how
> >      much they are actually used.
> >
> >    - Should we clean-up the archives we have; perhaps create an
> >      of the current archives(?!), which in turn would not be mirrored?
> >
> > Any thoughts/comments?
> How are the archives stored at this point?  I very rarely use the
> archives, becuse I keep the relavent messages on my machine, and replies
> tend to end up at the right place.

There are HTML (list-oriented/thread-oriented) indexes for each
mailing list relevant to the LDP. Each chunk of mail is then stored
in HTML and is referenced from that index. You can click-thru to
follow threads, etc. The indexes can be accessed them from:


Specifically we have:

    www.linuxdoc.org/archives/ldp-discuss/maillist.html  (large; >400K)

(or substitute the mirror site you use for www.linuxdoc.org).

> Perhaps we could have a complete archive at the master site, with
> only the latest 3 months or something mirrored?

Yes, I was thinking that may be appropriate. I wanted to hear
what the group thought.

Cutting off at a particular time frame could (potentially) break
up the threads of discussion, so we would have to massage the
files properly to indicate this (or reference the master site
if one wished to see "the rest of the discussion"...something
along those lines).


Greg Ferguson     - s/w engr / mtlhd         | gferg@sgi.com
SGI Tech Pubs     - http://techpubs.sgi.com  | 410-785-2334 
Linux Doc Project - http://www.linuxdoc.org  |

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