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Re: sgml-tools for Linuxdoc

On Fri, 17 Dec 1999 dave@lafn.org wrote:

> Many months ago I submitted a bug report to the Debian Distribution
> regarding sgml-tools.  I complained about too many blank lines.  Finally,
> someone (Taketoshi Sano) is responding to this.  When I told him we
> were still requiring sgml-tools (linuxdoc) for Howtos he checked LDP's
> website.  Unfortunately, our site at first gives the erroneous
> impression that we are accepting DocBook for Howtos but then later
> corrects that.  I complained about this before and I now have an
> example of the confusion it may cause.  But the main purpose of this
> post is not to complain about our website (although improvement is
> needed).   
> Taketoshi Sano has volunteered to fix real bugs in the Debian Package
> for sgml-tools.  This is good news since then one can automatically
> covert it to a Redhat rpm package, making it easy for authors to use
> it:

I would advise against the last step. Just make the patches available (or
better: update the packages itself). Many people like to roll RPM from
source or are even forced to do so.


Hugo van der Kooij; Oranje Nassaustraat 16; 3155 VJ  Maasland
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