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Re: Caution: Newbie online.

Gary -

     I figure one thing which I can add to the Linux community, and thereby 
the hundreds of others who have helped me over the last 14 years with free 
or cheap software, is to do something for the community.  Regarding Linux, 
my goal is to help get Linux to the point that butchers, backers, and 
candle-stick makers can install it and use it.  Already I've found Linux to 
be more forgiving and robust than Windows95/98/NT.  I expected that.  I am 
pleased it was as I expected.  But, of course I'm a geek and should be 
expected to be able to install and understand enough about troubleshooting 
to get it to work well enough that I can use it.

     Point me at an "old LinuxDoc file" so that I can get an idea of what 
you are talking about.  I will certainly have to learn DocBook, but let's 
start there and see what trips me first.  (Failure is a more attentive 
teacher than is success.  <smile>)

- Nelson Ingersoll

At 11/15/99 08:28 PM , you wrote:
> >>>>> "N" == Nelson Ingersoll <ningersoll@codenet.net> writes:
>     N> Any thoughts from anyone where I might focus my waning years of
>     N> talent for the benefit of Linux?  (Gawd, you opened yourself up
>     N> there Mac!)
>There's been talk of translating the old LinuxDoc files to DocBook,
>and perhaps your kind offer to do the actual gruntwork may be just
>what we need to push us through the transition.  The work involves
>trying to port the docs, then sifting through to find the things the
>translator software doesn't like --- it may be an excellent way for
>you to get a chance to at least browse the whole opus of documents,
>and if you can then go over the docs to fix up content by adding the
>xref tags and other appropriate markup, it's a double bonus.
>I don't speak for the LDP, but to me, your offer sounds like a win-win
>situation. What sayeth the preachers?
>Gary Lawrence Murphy <garym@linux.ca>: office voice/fax: 01 519 4222723
>TCI - Business Innovations through Open Source : http://www.teledyn.com
>Canadian Co-ordinators for Bynari International : http://www.bynari.com
>Moderator, Linux Education Group: http://www.egroups.com/group/linux-ed

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