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Re: Informal survey (was Re: Banner ads)

On Sat, Oct 23, 1999 at 10:58:52AM -0700, Jim Pick wrote:
>      [  ] core team's consultation back to rest of project
>           before doing things 

I'll take 2 examples : ldp-submit and moving from ldp-l to ldp-discuss.

- ldp-submit was decided after a very short consultation, and was
immediately ready.

- moving from ldp-l to ldp-discuss took month and caused major problems.

When we had no response from metalab, deciding to move to another site
caused many problems, but 2 days later everything was available on

I'm not saying we must always act without consultation, but sometimes
you need that, or the problem will never end.

>      [  ] responsiveness to new document submissions

Will watch this one carefully since now everything is processed in less
than 7 days. But it stills needs improvements.

>      [  ] web site design

Cooler. Documentation should be attractive to beginners.

>      [  ] "attitude" of core team

Please develop this.
Evil, nasty, greedy, uncooperative, egoist?

>      [  ] image of LDP project

Improving. Was worst this summer with slashdot articles.

>      [  ] existance of the new public mailing lists
>      [  ] level and quality of discussion on mailing lists

By far better than old private one.

>      [  ] ease of working with project

Improving. ftp will complete ldp-submit soon.

>      [  ] project organization

Should be more formal.

>      [ ] I will no longer be contributing
>     [ ] Mixed - Including closed source documents

Just tell us if you want the LDP to blow up.

> Yes, let's leave this for Monday.  Perhaps I'll give 3D Technology a
> call them and see if I can sweet talk them into something more low-key
> than a banner ad.  If we had to forgo their prizes, I'm sure I could
> scare up the equivalent from VA or Penguin or somewhere else.

If you can help us finding prizes for contests, and money for expos,
please help us.

Guylhem Aznar, Linux Documentation Project: http://www.linuxdoc.org
PGP key: http://oeil.qc.ca/~guylhem ; Email: guylhem \@/ oeil.qc.ca
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