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Listar command results: help

>> |------------------------- Failed addresses follow: ---------------------|
Unknown command.

>> mikeedwards@mike2.globalnet.co.uk ... loop detection: maximum hop count
>> exceeded
Unknown command.

>> |------------------------- Message text follows: ------------------------|
Unknown command.

>> Received: from mail.tepensions.co.uk[] by mail.tepensions.co.uk
Unknown command.

>> with smtp
Unknown command.

>> id <m13avTP-0000GSC@mail.tepensions.co.uk>
Unknown command.

>> for <unknown>; Mon, 18 Sep 2000 07:36:19 --100
Unknown command.

>> X-Len: 6414
Unknown command.

>> X-Envelope-To: mikeedwards@mike2.globalnet.co.uk
Unknown command.

>> Received: from sand.global.net.uk ([])
Unknown command.

>> by spool2.mail.global.net.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.05 #7)
Unknown command.

>> id 13Zvbv-0007Ns-00
Unknown command.

>> for mikeedwards@mike2.globalnet.co.uk; Fri, 15 Sep 2000 14:32:59 +0100
Unknown command.

>> Received: from mail.tepensions.co.uk ([])
Unknown command.

>> by sand.global.net.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.05 #1)
Unknown command.

>> id 13Zvbq-0001vl-00
Unknown command.

>> for mikeedwards@mike2.globalnet.co.uk; Fri, 15 Sep 2000 14:32:55 +0100
Unknown command.

>> Received: from mail.tepensions.co.uk[] by mail.tepensions.co.uk
Unknown command.

>> with smtp
Unknown command.

>> id <m13Zw6j-0000FVC@mail.tepensions.co.uk>
Unknown command.

>> for <mike.edwards>; Fri, 15 Sep 2000 14:04:49 --100
Unknown command.

>> X-Len: 5689
Unknown command.

>> X-Envelope-To: mikeedwards@mike2.globalnet.co.uk
Unknown command.

>> Received: from relay2.mail.gxn.net ([])
Unknown command.

>> by spool1.mail.global.net.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.05 #7)
Unknown command.

>> id 13Ymob-0002A8-00
Unknown command.

>> for mikeedwards@mike2.globalnet.co.uk; Tue, 12 Sep 2000 10:57:21 +0100
Unknown command.

>> Received: from sand.global.net.uk (sand.global.net.uk [])
>> by relay2.mail.gxn.net (8.8.8/8.7.3) with ESMTP id KAA04980 for <mikeedwards@mike2.globalnet.co.uk>;
>> Tue, 12 Sep 2000 10:12:32 GMT
Unknown command.

>> Received: from mail.tepensions.co.uk ([])
Unknown command.

>> by sand.global.net.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.05 #1)
Unknown command.

>> id 13Yk54-0008Pp-00
Unknown command.

>> for mikeedwards@mike2.globalnet.co.uk; Tue, 12 Sep 2000 08:02:11 +0100
Unknown command.

>> Received: from mail.tepensions.co.uk[] by mail.tepensions.co.uk
Unknown command.

>> with smtp
Unknown command.

>> id <m13YkZ0-0000BkC@mail.tepensions.co.uk>
Unknown command.

>> for <mike.edwards>; Tue, 12 Sep 2000 07:33:06 --100
Unknown command.

>> X-Len: 4759
Unknown command.

>> X-Envelope-To: mikeedwards@mike2.globalnet.co.uk
Unknown command.

>> Received: from relay2.mail.gxn.net ([])
Unknown command.

>> by spool1.mail.global.net.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.05 #7)
Unknown command.

>> id 13YVqx-0000Hj-00
Unknown command.

>> for mikeedwards@mike2.globalnet.co.uk; Mon, 11 Sep 2000 16:50:39 +0100
Unknown command.

>> Received: from sand4.global.net.uk (sand4.global.net.uk [])
>> by relay2.mail.gxn.net (8.8.8/8.7.3) with ESMTP id QAA00379 for <mikeedwards@mike2.globalnet.co.uk>;
>> Mon, 11 Sep 2000 16:05:42 GMT
Unknown command.

>> Received: from mail.tepensions.co.uk ([])
Unknown command.

>> by sand4.global.net.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.12 #1)
Unknown command.

>> id 13YVr8-0005oR-00
Unknown command.

>> for mikeedwards@mike2.globalnet.co.uk; Mon, 11 Sep 2000 16:50:51 +0100
Unknown command.

>> Received: from mail.tepensions.co.uk[] by mail.tepensions.co.uk
Unknown command.

>> with smtp
Unknown command.

>> id <m13YWeT-0000B8C@mail.tepensions.co.uk>
Unknown command.

>> for <mike.edwards>; Mon, 11 Sep 2000 16:41:49 --100
Unknown command.

>> X-Len: 3826
Unknown command.

>> X-Envelope-To: mikeedwards@mike2.globalnet.co.uk
Unknown command.

>> Received: from [] (helo=sand.global.net.uk)
Unknown command.

>> by spool1.mail.global.net.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.05 #7)
Unknown command.

>> id 13WYkM-0006ZG-00
Unknown command.

>> for mikeedwards@mike2.globalnet.co.uk; Wed, 6 Sep 2000 07:31:46 +0100
Unknown command.

>> Received: from mail.tepensions.co.uk ([])
Unknown command.

>> by sand.global.net.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.05 #1)
Unknown command.

>> id 13WYkK-0002Kx-00
Unknown command.

>> for mikeedwards@mike2.globalnet.co.uk; Wed, 6 Sep 2000 07:31:45 +0100
Unknown command.

>> Received: from spool2.mail.global.net.uk[] by mail.tepensions.co.uk
Unknown command.

>> with esmtp
Unknown command.

>> id <m13WUXR-00009DC@mail.tepensions.co.uk>
Unknown command.

>> for <mike.edwards@tepensions.co.uk>; Wed, 6 Sep 2000 02:02:09 --100
Unknown command.

>> Received: from murphy.debian.org ([])
Unknown command.

>> by spool1.mail.global.net.uk with smtp (Exim 2.05 #7)
Unknown command.

>> id 13WT4X-00040I-00
Unknown command.

>> for mike.edwards@tepensions.co.uk; Wed, 6 Sep 2000 01:28:13 +0100
Unknown command.

>> Received: (qmail 16158 invoked by uid 38); 6 Sep 2000 00:28:05 -0000
Unknown command.

>> X-Envelope-Sender: linux-il-admins@cs.huji.ac.il
Unknown command.

>> Received: (qmail 16124 invoked from network); 6 Sep 2000 00:28:04 -0000
Unknown command.

>> Received: from cs.huji.ac.il (
Unknown command.

>> by murphy.debian.org with SMTP; 6 Sep 2000 00:28:04 -0000
Unknown command.

>> Received: from localhost ([] helo=cs.huji.ac.il)
Unknown command.

>> by cs.huji.ac.il with esmtp (Exim 3.15 #1)
Unknown command.

>> id 13WT4G-0005kG-00
Unknown command.

>> for ldp-announce@lists.debian.org; Wed, 06 Sep 2000 03:27:57 +0300
Unknown command.

>> Received: from cs.huji.ac.il by cs.huji.ac.il (LISTAR/0.124a);
Unknown command.

>> Wed, 06 Sep 2000 03:27:56 +300 (IDT)
Unknown command.

>> Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2000 03:27:56 +300 (IDT)
Unknown command.

>> From: Listar Mailing List Manager <listar@cs.huji.ac.il>
Unknown command.

>> To: ldp-announce@lists.debian.org
Unknown command.

>> Message-ID: <listar-09062000032756.22085.1@cs.huji.ac.il>
Unknown command.

>> X-listar-antiloop: cs.huji.ac.il
Unknown command.

>> Subject: List 'linux-il' closed to public posts
Unknown command.

>> Resent-Message-ID: <PWgFwD.A.U8D.V-Yt5@murphy>
Unknown command.

>> Resent-From: ldp-announce@lists.debian.org
Unknown command.

>> X-Mailing-List: <ldp-announce@lists.debian.org> archive/latest/221
Unknown command.

>> X-Loop: ldp-announce@lists.debian.org
Unknown command.

>> Precedence: list
Unknown command.

>> Resent-Sender: ldp-announce-request@lists.debian.org
Unknown command.

>> Resent-Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 01:28:13 +0100
Unknown command.

>> X-Envelope-From: real-mike.edwards@mail.tepensions.co.uk
Unknown command.

>> X-Envelope-From: real-mike.edwards@mail.tepensions.co.uk
Unknown command.

>> Resent-Bcc:
Unknown command.

>> X-Envelope-From: real-mike.edwards@mail.tepensions.co.uk
Unknown command.

>> X-Envelope-From: real-mike.edwards@mail.tepensions.co.uk
Unknown command.

>> You receive this message because you sent mail to the Linux-IL
Unknown command.

>> mailing list without being subscribed to it. Your mail was
Unknown command.

>> forwarded to the list moderator, and will be approved when the
Unknown command.

>> moderator has time, if he finds your mail appropriate for this
Unknown command.

Unknown command.

>> Please subscribe to the Linux-IL mailing list by sending mail to
Unknown command.

>> Linux-IL-request@cs.huji.ac.il with the command "subscribe" or
Unknown command.

>> "subscribe your@e-mail.address" in the subject. You will receive
Unknown command.

>> a message with a cookie, which you will have to send back to the
Unknown command.

>> request address.
Unknown command.

>> If you already are subscribed to this list from a different
Unknown command.

>> address, but want to post from this address, please subscribe
Unknown command.

>> from this address, and then send mail to the request address
Unknown command.

>> Linux-IL-request@cs.huji.ac.il with the command "set VACATION" in
Unknown command.

>> the subject. The VACATION flag means that you don't want to
Unknown command.

>> receive mail to this address, though the subscription enables you
Unknown command.

>> to sent mail to Linux-IL from this address.
Unknown command.

>> The Linux-IL mailing list is run by Listar mailing list manager.
Unknown command.

>> For the list of all Listar commands and flags, send mail to
Unknown command.

>> listar@cs.huji.ac.il with the following commands in the body of
Unknown command.

>> the message:
Unknown command.

>> help
File sent.

>> commands
Retrieving command list

This is a quick reference of the Listar commands active locally.
These are in no particular order, and are generated from the local
parser command table.

          Syntax: -- 
          RFC-defined message/signature divider, ends processing of

          Syntax: end
          Ends processing of Listar commands

          Syntax: predigest [<list>]
          Retrieves the current digest issue in whatever state it is
          currently in.

          Syntax: info [<list>]
              or: info (admin only)
          Retrieves the info for a list.

          Syntax: faq [<list>]
              or: faq (admin only)
          Retrieves the FAQ for a list.  Members only.

setrole (ADMIN)
          Syntax: setrole <address> <position> (admin only)
          Sets the position of a user for user tracking in 'review'

setname (ADMIN)
          Syntax: setname <address> <name> (admin only)
          Sets the name for a user for user tracking in 'review'

          Syntax: which
          Display lists to which you are subscribed

          Syntax: who [<list>]
          Display membership for a list

          Syntax: help
          Send user the Listar helpfile

          Syntax: lists
          Send list of mailing lists available on this site.

          Syntax: commands
          Send list of available commands, providing a 'cheat sheet'
          for Listar users.  This takes into account any local plugins.

          Syntax: flags
          Send list of available flags, providing a 'cheat sheet' for
          Listar users.  This takes into account any local plugins.

          Syntax: files
          Send list of installed list config files.   Modules are not
          required to register a file in order to use it, so hidden
          config files might be present.

          Syntax: modules
          Send list of installed plugins.  Plugins are not required
          to list themselves in this registry, so hidden plugins may
          be present.

          Syntax: review [<list>]
          Displays current list statistics.

          Syntax: stats [<list>]
              or: stats [<address>] (admin only)
          Displays current account configuration and statistics.

admin2 (ADMIN)
          Syntax: admin2 <list> (admin only)
          Request administrator mode and fill out wrapper.

admin (ADMIN)
          Syntax: admin <list> (admin only)
          Request administrator mode.

adminvfy (ADMIN)
          Syntax: adminvfy <list> <cookie> (admin only)
          Begin administrator mode.

become (ADMIN)
          Syntax: become [<address>] (admin only)
          Becomes another user, or cancels a become.

setfor (ADMIN)
          Syntax: setfor <address> <flag> (admin only)
          Changes settings for another user.

unsetfor (ADMIN)
          Syntax: unsetfor <address> <flag> (admin only)
          Changes settings for another user.

getconf (ADMIN)
          Syntax: getconf <file> (admin only)
          Requests an admin configuration file.

putconf (ADMIN)
          Syntax: putconf <list> <cookie> (admin only)
          Replaces an admin configuration file.

adminend (ADMIN)
          Syntax: adminend (admin only)
          Marks end of admin mode.

          Syntax: setaddy <address>
          Reset address to same user on a sub-domain

          Syntax: leave [<list>]
              or: leave <user> (admin only)
          Alias for unsubscribe.

          Syntax: join [<list>]
              or: join <user> (admin only)
          Alias for subscribe

          Syntax: add [<list>]
              or: add <user> (admin only)
          Alias for subscribe

          Syntax: remove [<list>]
              or: remove <user> (admin only)
          Alias for unsubscribe.

          Syntax: del [<list>]
              or: del <user> (admin only)
          Alias for unsubscribe.

          Syntax: subscribe [<list>]
              or: subscribe <user> (admin only)
          Subscribe to a list

          Syntax: unsubcribe [<list>]
              or: unsubscribe <user> (admin only)
          Unsubscribe from a list

          Syntax: appunsub <list> <address> <cookie>
          Confirm unsubscription from list

          Syntax: appsub <list> <address> <cookie>
          Confirm subscription to list.

          Syntax: set [<list>] <flag>
          Sets a user variable.

          Syntax: unset [<list>] <flag>
          Unsets a user variable.

          Syntax: get [<list>] <file>
          Retrieve a specific file.

          Syntax: index [<list>]
          List available files.

>> flags
Retrieving flag list

This is a quick reference of the Listar flags active locally.
These are in no particular order, and are generated from the
local flag table.

          User wants to receive digested version of list.

          User wants to receive digested version of list AND normal
          posts.  This flag should be set INSTEAD of DIGEST, not in
          addition to.

PREAPPROVE (only settable by an ADMIN)
          User's posts are automatically approved when user posts to
          a moderated list.

NOPOST (only settable by an ADMIN)
          User cannot post to list while this flag is set.  Used for
          disciplinary purposes.

DIAGNOSTIC (only settable by an ADMIN)
          User is for diagnostics only, don't receive list traffic.

MODERATOR (only settable by an ADMIN)
          User is a moderator.

MYOPIC (only settable by an ADMIN)
          Administrative user does not receive admin postings.

SUPERADMIN (only settable by an ADMIN)
          User is a super-administrator.

ADMIN (only settable by an ADMIN)
          User is an administrator.

          User is on vacation; don't send mail until flag unset.

          Send small note that message was successfully received when
          messages are posted to list or sent to moderator.

          Should subscriber receive copies of their own posts?

          User won't show up in membership listing of list unless viewed
          by an admin.

PROTECTED (only settable by an ADMIN)
          User will never be unsubscribed by bouncer.

CCERRORS (only settable by an ADMIN)
          User wishes to have bounces cc'd to them.  Only has meaning
          for admins.

REPORTS (only settable by an ADMIN)
          User wishes to have reports sent to them.  Only has meaning
          for admins.

>> end
Command set concluded.  No further commands will be processed.

Listar v0.124a - job execution complete.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to ldp-announce-request@lists.debian.org
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmaster@lists.debian.org

mirror server hosted at Truenetwork, Russian Federation.