#	Universal filter of Russian encodings version 2.1
#	created by Serge Winitzki (1997-1999). This is free software.
#	Home page: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/5735/1/
#	Features:
#	supported encodings: alt, iso, koi, lat, mac, win;
#	letters 'YO' and 'yo' correctly supported in all encodings;
#	strict 'Russkaja Latinica' conformance for the 'lat' encoding which
#	allows almost unambiguous repeated native<->latinized translations of text;
#	faster operation on Russian input (caveat: loads the whole file into memory);
#	determines the required encodings from invoked script's name (alt2koi etc.)
#	or from option string.
#	Command line options (all options are case-insensitive):
#	-alt2koi or -mac2win or whatever	select required encodings
#	Options for lat -> ... conversion:
#	-tex	do not translate text inside $..$, $$..$$ and \command names
#	-wisv	translate w as v (default w is tshcha)
#	-qisja	translate q as ja (default q is tshcha)
#	-usekh	translate kh as h (default kh='k''h')
#	Installation:
#	if needed, edit the first line to reflect your perl location (`which perl`);
#	put this script somewhere on the path with executable permission;
#	optionally make links to this script named alt2win, win2koi etc.
#	(The script can determine the source/target encoding from its *name*.)
#	e.g. copy this file to /usr/local/bin/323 and then say
#	cd /usr/local/bin; chmod 755 323
#	ln -s 323 alt2koi; ln -s 323 koi2alt; and so on (optional)
#	for all needed combinations of alt, iso, koi, mac, win, lat.
#	After all this, use as a filter. For example, `lat2koi < file1 > file2`
#	or else have to specify encoding as `323 -lat2koi < file1 > file2`
############################# start of script ##########################
#	Direct native encodings:

####################### main part of the script ########################

$lat_output="no";	#whether latinized output is requested. special flag.
$lat_input="no";	#same for input

$help='Universal converter of Russian encodings version 2.1
Created by Serge Winitzki, 1999. No warranty. This is free software.

   Supported encodings: alt, iso, koi, lat, mac, win
   Example usage:

	323 -alt2koi < inputfile > outputfile

   Or rename to "xxx2xxx" where xxx is one of the supported encodings and e.g.

	alt2koi < inputfile > outputfile

   Note: latinized encoding "lat" is implemented according to the "Russkaja
Latinica" scheme. See http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/5344/RL/ for
more details. Sample options for "lat" input:

	323 -lat2koi -usekh -wisv -qisja -tex < inputfile > outputfile

   See the script preamble for more information.

if ("@ARGV" =~ /-([aciklmnostw]{3})2([aciklmnostw]{3})/i) {
	$error="Incorrect encoding '$a1 -> $a2' on command line.";
} else {
	#decide the source and target encoding based on our name
	$name=`basename $0`;
	if ($name =~ /([aciklmnostw]{3})2([aciklmnostw]{3})/i) {	#this should match koi2win etc.
	$error="Incorrect usage of this script, see $0 for documentation.";

if ("@ARGV" =~ /help/i) {
	print $help . "\n";

	if ($a1 =~ /win/i) {
	} elsif ($a1 =~ /koi/i) {
	} elsif ($a1 =~ /alt/i) {
	} elsif ($a1 =~ /mac/i) {
	} elsif ($a1 =~ /iso/i) {
	} elsif ($a1 =~ /lat/i) {
       		$from="$ruskoi";	#this is because our latin table is for koi
	if ($a2 =~ /win/i) {
	} elsif ($a2 =~ /koi/i) {
	} elsif ($a2 =~ /alt/i) {
	} elsif ($a2 =~ /mac/i) {
	} elsif ($a2 =~ /iso/i) {
	} elsif ($a2 =~ /lat/i) {
		$to="$ruskoi";	#this is because our latin table is for koi


if ($to eq "nothing" or $from eq "nothing") {	#wrong options
	print "$error\n$0 -help for brief usage instructions.\n";
	exit 1;

undef $/;	#make it convert the whole file at once, usually much faster.

while() {	#main loop

#effectively we want to do e.g.
# eval ("tr/$ruswin/$rusalt/");	#because tr requires constant strings

	if ($lat_input eq "yes") {
		&translate_lat_to_koi();	#call special procedure operating on $_
	#now $_ contains all cyrillic text and we need to transform it
	eval ("tr/$from/$to/");	#we need to do this now
	#now $_ contains correctly transformed text
	if ($lat_output eq "yes") {
		&translate_koi_to_lat();	#call special procedure operating on $_

#################### end of main part of the script ####################

sub translate_koi_to_lat {

#use this procedure to replace each character in $_

#using Russkaja Latinica standard (by Alexy Khabrov and Serge Winitzki, 1995)

#first, break digraphs Y-A, Y-U, Y-O - just in case we get them in the text although they are ungrammatical. Insert the canonical breaking char \\.


#also break the sh-ch which should rarely happen but still


#second, transform letters that require combinations. Using "x" for "kha", "j'" for "i kratkoe, "shch" for "tshcha", "e'" for "e oborotnoe".


#then replace other letters


sub translate_lat_to_koi {	#operate on $_ only

		"Shch" => "\xFD",
		"shch" => "\xDD",
		"Yo" => "\xB3",
		"yo" => "\xA3",
		"Jo" => "\xB3",
		"jo" => "\xA3",
		"Zh" => "\xF6",
		"zh" => "\xD6",
		"J'" => "\xEA",
		"j'" => "\xCA",
		"J`" => "\xEA",
		"j`" => "\xCA",
		"Ch" => "\xFE",
		"ch" => "\xDE",
		"Sh" => "\xFB",
		"sh" => "\xDB",
		"E'" => "\xFC",
		"e'" => "\xDC",
		"E`" => "\xFC",
		"e`" => "\xDC",
		"`E" => "\xFC",
		"`e" => "\xDC",
		"Yu" => "\xE0",
		"yu" => "\xC0",
		"Ju" => "\xE0",
		"ju" => "\xC0",
		"Ya" => "\xF1",
		"ya" => "\xD1",
		"Ja" => "\xF1",
		"ja" => "\xD1",

	%malleable=(	# lowercase
		'~' => "\xDF",
		'`' => "\xD8",
		"'" => "\xD8",
		'@' => "\xDC",

	%malleable_uc=(	# uppercase
		'~' => "\xFF",
		'`' => "\xF8",
		"'" => "\xF8",
		'@' => "\xFC",

	$i=0;	#pointer into the input string ($_)
	$EnglishNow=0;	#state flag for the digestion machine
	#now need to set some options
	$want_tex = ("@ARGV" =~ /-tex/i) ? 1 : 0;
	$want_wisv = ("@ARGV" =~ /-wisv/i) ? 1 : 0;
	$want_qisja = ("@ARGV" =~ /-qisja/i) ? 1 : 0;
	$want_kh = ("@ARGV" =~ /-usekh/i) ? 1 : 0;
	#need to modify the tables now
	if ($want_kh) {
		$translit{"Kh"} = "\xE8";
		$translit{"kh"} = "\xC8";
	$output="";	#to hold the output text

	while ($i < length($_)) {	#loop through the input
		# The current char is substr($_,i,1).
		# Note that $i will not always advance by 1 and sometimes be changed inside &digest_some()
		my $doutput = &digest_some();
		$i += length($doutput);
		$output .= $doutput;
	$_ = $output;

sub digest_some {	# Return next output char(s), using $i as read-only position in $_ and using flags $want_tex and $want_wisv

# our state: $EnglishNow=2 if inside $$ or after '\ ', 1 if inside \command, 0 if in Russian.
# the '$' and \commands are all ignored unless $want_tex
	my $thischar = substr($_, $i, 1);	#just caching, aren't going to change it
	my $nextchar = substr($_, $i+1, 1);	#this may be changed

	if ($EnglishNow == 2) {
	  if ($want_tex) {
		if ($thischar . $nextchar eq '$$') {
			$EnglishNow= 0;
			return '$$';
		if ($thischar eq '$') {
			$EnglishNow= 0;
			return '$';
		# insert any additional switchers here
		if ($thischar . $nextchar eq '\\ ') {
			#switching back to Russian
			$EnglishNow= 0;
			$i += 2;	#incrementing $i here since not returning anything
			return "";
		# ok, English is still going on
		return $thischar;
	} # case of $EnglishNow == 2 is done	

	if ($EnglishNow == 1 and $want_tex) {
		if ($thischar eq ' ' or $thischar eq '\n') {	# terminates \command
			$EnglishNow= 0;
			return $thischar;
		if ($thischar . $nextchar eq '$$') {
			$EnglishNow= 2;
			return '$$';
		if ($thischar eq '$') {
			$EnglishNow= 2;
			return '$';
		if ($thischar eq '\\') {
			if ($nextchar =~ /[0-9A-z@\\\"\':]/) { # starts another \command right after this one
				$EnglishNow= 1;
				return $thischar;
		# didn't switch to Russian, continue without translation
		return $thischar;
	} # case of $EnglishNow == 1 is done
	if ($EnglishNow == 0) {
	  if ($want_tex) {
		if ($thischar . $nextchar eq '$$') {
			$EnglishNow= 2;
			return '$$';
		if ($thischar eq '$') {
			$EnglishNow= 2;
			return '$';
	  if ($thischar eq '\\') {
	  	if ($want_tex) {
			if ($nextchar =~ /[0-9A-z@\\\"\':]/) { # starts \command
				$EnglishNow= 1;
				return $thischar;
		if ($nextchar eq ' ') {	# switch to English now
			$EnglishNow = 2;
			$i += 2;
			return "";
		if ($nextchar eq '\\') {	# double backslash, skipping one
			$i += 1;
			return "\\";
		#we get a backslash in Russian mode and not followed by space
		#tex mode quirks and double backslashes are already done
		#so we should swallow it and go on with the next char
		$i += 1;
		return "";
	  }	# End of processing backslash char
		# all switches have been processed, now do Russian stuff
		# first, the 4-letter combination for "tshcha"
		if (substr($_, $i, 4) eq 'shch') {	#lowercase
			$i += 3;
			return $translit{'shch'};
		if (substr($_, $i, 4) =~ /shch/i) {	# uppercase: we now know it's not lowercase so any case combination works
			$i += 3;
			return $translit{'Shch'};
		#now looking for digraphs
		$digraph = $thischar . $nextchar;
		$digraph =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;	#now it's all lowercase
		if (defined($translit{$digraph})) {	# Found a digraph!
			if ($nextchar =~ /[A-Z]/ or $thischar =~ /[A-Z]/) {	# uppercase
				$thischar =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;	# Clobber, clobber
				$nextchar =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
				$digraph = $thischar . $nextchar;
			$i += 1;
			return $translit{$digraph};

		# now search for malleables
		if (defined($malleable{$thischar})) {	# Found a malleable.
			$prevchar = ($i>0) ? substr($_, $i-1, 1) : "";
			if ($thischar eq '`' or $thischar eq "'") {
				if (not ($prevchar =~ /[\@A-Za-z]/) and $nextchar =~ /[\@A-Za-z]/) {	# ' and ` at beginning of word are not translated
					return $thischar;
			if ($prevchar eq '\\') {
				return $thischar;	# ' and ` prefixed by \ are not translated
			if ($prevchar eq '^') {	# Special cases.
				return $malleable_uc{$thischar};
			if ($prevchar eq '_') {
				return $malleable{$thischar};
			if (($prevchar =~ /[A-Z \n\t]/ or length($prevchar) == 0) and $nextchar =~ /[A-Z \n\t]/) {
				return $malleable_uc{$thischar};
			return $malleable{$thischar};

		#if we are still here, we have a simple letter
		if ($want_qisja) {
			$thischar = ($thischar eq 'Q') ? $translit{'Ja'} : (($thischar eq 'q') ? $translit{'ja'} : $thischar);
		if ($want_wisv) {
			$thischar = ($thischar eq 'W') ? 'V' : (($thischar eq 'w') ? 'v' : $thischar);
		$thischar =~ tr/ABVGDEZIKLMNOPRSTUFXHCYWQJabvgdeziklmnoprstufxhcywqj/\xE1\xE2\xF7\xE7\xE4\xE5\xFA\xE9\xEB\xEC\xED\xEE\xEF\xF0\xF2\xF3\xF4\xF5\xE6\xE8\xE8\xE3\xF9\xFD\xFD\xEA\xC1\xC2\xD7\xC7\xC4\xC5\xDA\xC9\xCB\xCC\xCD\xCE\xCF\xD0\xD2\xD3\xD4\xD5\xC6\xC8\xC8\xC3\xD9\xDD\xDD\xCA/;
		return $thischar;

	} # case of EnglishNow == 0 is done


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