/* vim: set sw=8 ts=8 si : */
* Author: Guido Socher, Copyright: GPL 
* Clock frequency     : 4,000000 MHz
* Copyright: GPL
#include <sig-avr.h>
#include <interrupt.h>
#include <io.h>

volatile static unsigned char analog_busy; 
volatile static int analog_result; 

/* the following function will be called when analog conversion is done */
	unsigned char adlow,adhigh;
	adlow=inp(ADCL); /* read low first !! */
	adhigh=inp(ADCH); /* read low first !! */

/* return analog value of a given channel. You must enable interrupt with
* sei() in the main program */
int convertanalog(unsigned char channel) 
        /* enable analog to digital conversion in single run mode
        *  without noise canceler function. See datasheet of at90s4433 page 55 
        * We set ADPS2 and ADPS0 to have a clock division factor of 32.
        * This is needed to stay in the recommended range of 50-200kHz 
        * ADEN: Analog Digital Converter Enable
        * ADIE: ADC Interrupt Enable
        * ADIF: ADC Interrupt Flag
        * ADCSR: ADC Control and Status Register
        * ADPS2..ADPS0: ADC Prescaler Select Bits

	outp(channel&0x08,ADMUX); /* write only the lower 3 bits */
	/*  start conversion */
	while(analog_busy); /* wait for result */

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