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LinuxFocus: Январь 1998

Учитесь программировать 3D Графику

This issue of LinuxFocus brings to you the first articles in a series that explores the 3D programming possibilities of Linux. From libraries intallation to hardware support and various API interfaces!


In previous numbers...

Coming in the future to your friendly Screen:

  • Miguel A Sepulveda will continue the GLUT and OpenGL series, he will tell us more about GLUT windows managment and more about polygone rendering.
  • Phil Ross will write about the programming peculiarities of 3Dfx cards.
  • Juan M Sepulveda and Phil Ross take on the job of comparing Photoshop and Gimp's functionality.
  • Various authors will describe the X environment and the utilities available

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LinuxFocus Staff

Project Coordinator/English Editor: Miguel Angel Sepulveda
Spanish Editor: Ismael Ripoll
Swedish Editor: Stefan Ottosson
French Editor: John Perr
Turkish Editor: Metin Demilrap
Italian Editor: Antonio Esposito and Nicola Monticchiari
Graphics & Web Gurus: Sepulveda's (Juan, Esperanza, Miguel Angel), Victor Jalencas.
Writers: Phil Ross, David Guerrero, Jose Quesada, Jose M Laveda, Manuel Trujillo, Luis Colorado, Manuel Soriano, Ismael Ripoll, Emiliano A Lesendre, Omar A Armas.
Translations/Proofs: Hugo Lastras, Jorge G Villalonga, David Lynes, Emre Demilrap, Daniel Robbins and all of the above.
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