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Welcome to the LinuxFocus May/June 2002 issue

[march question] [tux in garden] GNU, the Free Software Foundation, Redhat and since some time even Linus Torvards are all in the USA. One could get the impression that Linux and free software is all "made in the USA". Last month's question, Linux around the world, showed some interesting results. It confirmed that Linux and free software is really an international movement. We are quite happy about this because it shows how important it is to have international websites and those who tell me that a purely English LinuxFocus magazine is sufficient are actually wrong.

This time we have really a quite large issue I have nothing more to add to that other than enjoy reading :-)

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The LinuxFocus Tip

How to get rid of the caps-lock key?
Do you hate it when you accidently hit the caps-lock key on your keyboard? Under X11 you can easily change the caps-lock key to any other key. You can change it e.g to Esc. Here are 2 ways to do this:

  1. Create a .Xmodmap file in your home directory with the following content:
    !lf-tip: change Caps_Lock to Escape
    clear lock
    keycode 66 = Escape

    Log out and in again.
  2. An alternative solution is to run the 2 commands:
    xmodmap -e "clear lock"
    xmodmap -e "keycode 66 = Escape"
    To run these commands all the time at startup of X11 add them to your .xinitrc or /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc file
You can check the current key modifiers with the commands:
xmodmap -pm
xmodmap -pke

To see which key code is generated by which key you can start the program xev. Dependent on the type of keyboard caps-lock could be on a different keycode (not 66). You can see the keycode number by using xev.

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