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Question: ICMP - Supressing Messages in 2.1.82 Kernel

Forum: The Linux Kernel Hackers' Guide
Keywords: ICMP request IPV4 broadcast
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 20:26:25 GMT
From: Brent Johnson <>

On our local network we are using a terminal server which uses something called "Win-S" - it intentionally sends an ICMP (ping) request to the broadcast address - because thats what its supposed to do (i dont know the details of why).

Because of this I keep getting a message like: ipv4: (1 messages suppresed. Flood?) send an invalid ICMP error to a broadcast.

How can I stop this error message from being displayed?


1. None: Change /etc/syslog.conf by Balaji Srinivasan newest

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