The TeX Catalogue License Definitions: OPL

Open Publication License

This software is copyright and you are explicitly granted a license that gives you the legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the publication, including for commercial redistribution. However, such distributed material must identify the original, and all subsequent, authors and publishers prominently and include a pointer to the original unmodified document.

Note. There are circumstances that make this a non-free license, that is, circumstances under which the materials cannot be included in TeX Live. This is a free license only if the author does not exercise any of the "LICENSE OPTIONS" listed in Section VI of the license. If either of the options is invoked then the license becomes non-free.

Further information about this type of license is available from Open Content and general information is available about the TeX Catalogue License Categories.

Last Modified 2007/08/19 Jim Hefferon, CTAN

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