The TeX Catalogue Online


Generate Japanese-style crop marks

  • gentombow.sty: Generate crop marks (called ‘tombow’ in Japanese) for practical use in self-publishing. It provides the core ‘tombow’ feature if not available.
  • pxgentombow.sty: Superseded by gentombow.sty; kept for compatibility only.
  • bounddvi.sty: Set papersize special to DVI file. Can be used on LaTeX/pLaTeX/upLaTeX (with DVI output mode) with dvips or dvipdfmx drivers.

The author is Hironobu Yamashita. The package is Copyright © 2016-2018 Hironobu Yamashita.

License: bsd3 Version dated: 2018-05-17 Catalogued: 2018-05-17

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