README for novel extras

This folder contains items that may be helpful, but are not essential to operation of the novel document class. Version 2.1.

File novel-example.tex is a fake short novel. If you wish to compile it, place a copy in your user home folder (or other place where you have read/write privilege) and compile it there.

File novel-decoglyphs.pdf shows the decorative characters in the NovelDeco.otf file, along with the codes needed to retrieve them.

IMPORTANT: The techniques described in these scripts, are rarely needed nowadays (late 2023).

This zip archive contains Windows batch scripts, and Linux/OSX BASH scripts, for automatic image conversion.

The scripts are meant to ensure that your use of images complies with commercial printing standards. In particular, they provide a method for converting color cover artwork to CMYK at 240% ink limit, in a PDF/X-1a:2001 file.

Complete usage instructions are documented within the zip archive.

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