Chapter 3. Using Certificates in Applications

Table of Contents
3.1. Securing Internet Protocols.
3.1.1. Using a certificate with mod_ssl in apache
3.1.2. Using a certificate with IMAPS
3.1.3. Using a certificate with POPS
3.1.4. Using a certificate with Postfix
3.1.5. Using a certificate with Stunnel
3.1.6. Generate and Sign a key with Microsoft Key Manager
3.2. Securing E-mails.
3.2.1. Generate and use an s/mime certificate
3.2.2. To use this certificate with MS Outlook
3.2.3. To use this certificate with MS Outlook Express
3.2.4. To use this certificate with Netscape Messenger
3.2.5. To use this certificate with Evolution
3.2.6. To use this certificate with Balsa
3.2.7. To use this certifcate with KMail
3.3. Securing Files
3.4. Securing Code
3.5. IPSec

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