Import model outputs

Benjamin Guiastrennec

07 January, 2025

The xpose_data function

The function xpose_data() collects all model output files and table and organizes them into an R object commonly called xpdb for xpose data base.

xpdb <- xpose_data(runno = '001')

Imported files


To make full use of the functionality offered by xpose the following NONMEM output files should be available:

When importing the files, xpose will return messages to the console and inform of any issue encountered during the import.

xpdb <- xpose_data(runno = '001')

Looking for nonmem output tables
Reading: sdtab001, catab001, cotab001, patab001 [$prob no.1]

Looking for nonmem output files
Reading: run001.cor, run001.cov, run001.ext, run001.grd, run001.phi

These messages can be silenced with the option quiet = TRUE.


xpose is compatible with the $TABLE FIRSTONLY option of NONMEM. The option FIRSTONLY only output the first record for each ID and hence can be used to decrease the size of output tables having no time-varying columns. During tables import xpose will merge FIRSTONLY tables with regular tables allowing seamless use of columns from FIRSTONLY in plots.

Compressed tables

xpose makes use of the readr which offers the advantages of 1) rapidly import big tables and 2) automatically import compressed table (e.g. to increase storage capacity.

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Structure of the xpdb object

A typical xpdb object contains 8 levels namely:

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