This is a package for building CSS-ible HTML tables in an easy and intuitive way. These are compatible with any application that accepts HTML (e.g. shiny, rmarkdown, Outlook, PowerPoint, Word). The main function tableHTML will convert a data.frame or matrix or any other object that can be converted into a data.frame into an HTML table. Using the function on R Studio will print the table on the viewer otherwise it will use the default browser. The default tables are built without any CSS in order to allow for full flexibility in design.

In order to see the most basic example with tableHTML you could type:

mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2

Removing Row Names

To remove row names from the HTML table you can type:

tableHTML(mtcars, rownames=FALSE)
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2

Adding a table class

The class argument sets the class name for the table. The default will be of the form table_xxx (random 4-digit number). This makes it easier to add css to it in case there are multiple tables.

mytable <- tableHTML(mtcars)
# Classes 'tableHTML', 'html', 'character'  atomic [1:1] 
# <table class=table_1901 border=1 style="border-collapse: collapse;">
# <tr>
#   <th id="tableHTML_header_1"> </th>
#   <th id="tableHTML_header_2">mpg</th>
#   <th id="tableHTML_header_3">cyl</th>
# truncated...

And with a custom class:

mytable <- tableHTML(mtcars, class='myClass')
# Classes 'tableHTML', 'html', 'character'  atomic [1:1] 
# <table class=myClass border=1 style="border-collapse: collapse;">
# <tr>
#   <th id="tableHTML_header_1"> </th>
#   <th id="tableHTML_header_2">mpg</th>
#   <th id="tableHTML_header_3">cyl</th>
# truncated...

Adding Second Headers that span multiple columns

In case you would like to add second headers that span multiple columns you can do it by providing a list in the second_header argument. The first element will contain the column spans (i.e. a numeric atomic vector) whereas the second element will contain the names (i.e. a character atomic vector).

For example:

tableHTML(mtcars, second_headers = list(c(3, 4, 5), c('col1', 'col2', 'col3')))
col1 col2 col3
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2

Adding Row Groups that span multiple rows

In case you would like to add row groups that span multiple rows you can do it by providing a list in the row_groups argument. The first element will contain the row spans (i.e. a numeric atomic vector) whereas the second element will contain the names (i.e. a character atomic vector).

For example:

          rownames = FALSE, 
          row_groups = list(c(10, 10, 12), c('Group 1', 'Group 2', 'Group 3')))
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Group 1 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Group 2 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Group 3 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2

Change the widths

Obviously, the above tables are far from appealing since they have no css. So we can start styling them now. A very important feature is to be able to control the column widths. You can do this with the widths argument.

The widths argument specifies the columns’ width in pixels. It needs to have the same length as the number of columns (if rownames is TRUE, rownames are also considered a column). If second headers exist these will stretch according to their underlying columns’ widths.

As an example:

          widths = rep(100, 12), 
          second_headers = list(c(3, 4, 5), c('col1', 'col2', 'col3')))
col1 col2 col3
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2

Change the border

By default the table border is set to 1. If you set to 0 it will remove all the lines (the grid) completely. Setting it to an integer greater than 1 will increase the size of the table’s outside border.

tableHTML(mtcars, border = 0)
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2

Adding a caption

If you want a caption (title) for your table you can add one with the caption argument.

tableHTML(mtcars, caption = 'This is  a table')
This is a table
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2

Collapse the table

By default tableHTML collapses the table, so that there is no spacing between cells. You can change this behaviour by using the collapse argument.

tableHTML(mtcars, collapse = 'separate')


In order to use a non-collapsed table on shiny you need to use the collapse = 'separate_shiny' argument. shiny uses bootstrap 3 by default which uses table {border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing:0;} in its css. collapse = 'separate_shiny' will use the !important keyword in HTML which overwrites the default bootstrap 3 styling. Web developers argue that using !important can be dangerous since it overwrites previously set styles, so only use it on shiny or other web applications where tables are collapsed by default.

tableHTML(mtcars, collapse = 'separate_shiny')
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2


If collapse is either separate or separate_shiny then you can use the spacing argument to change the spacing between the cells. This only works if collapse is separate or separate_shiny otherwise it is not taken into account. You can use one or two length distances. If two length distances are used, the first specifies the horizontal spacing and the second one the vertical spacing.

tableHTML(mtcars, collapse = 'separate_shiny', spacing = '2px')
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2


tableHTML(mtcars, collapse = 'separate_shiny', spacing = '5px 2px')
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2


By default tableHTML will escape < and > because they open or close the table’s tags if they are part of the text of the data.frame, which results into missing text. For example you can see the difference below:

df <- data.frame(a = c('abcd<efgh'))
tableHTML(df, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE)

tableHTML(df, escape = TRUE, rownames = FALSE)

In order to fix this, the argument escape is set to TRUE by default. < and > will be replaced with &#62 and &#60. However, if you would like to include clickable links in your HTML table you should not escape by setting escape = FALSE.

add_css_* family

These functions add inline CSS to the HTML table. The package has been developed so that the functions are chained with the %>% (pipe) operator which comes from the magrittr package. You can chain as many of those as you want when building your HTML table. The CSS code is added within the HTML table. This is ok for simple table styling but for more complex CSS styles (like the hover selector) it would still require a separate css file (we will see how to work with those in shiny later on).


In order to add css to specific table rows you need to use the add_css_row function. The function has three arguments:

  1. tableHTML: A tableHTML object (created by tableHTML())
  2. css: A list of two elements with the corresponding css. The first element of the list should be an atomic vector with the style definitions (e.g. background-color). The second element will be an atomic vector with the same length as the first element, which will contain the style definitions’ values (e.g. red).
  3. rows: A numeric atomic vector with the indices of the rows on which the style definitions will be applied. headers and second_headers are also part of the rows. Default is NULL which means that it will be applied to all rows.

For example:

mtcars %>%
  tableHTML(widths = c(140, rep(45, 11))) %>% 
  add_css_row(css = list(c('background-color', 'border'), c('lightblue', '2px solid lightgray')))
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2


And adding row indices manually:

mtcars %>%
  tableHTML(widths = c(140, rep(45, 11))) %>% 
  add_css_row(css = list(c('background-color', 'border'), c('lightblue', '2px solid lightgray')),
              rows = 2:33)
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2


It is very common in HTML tables to highlight odd rows with one color and even rows with another. We can achieve this with the rows argument and the helper funtions from the tableHTML package odd and even.

mtcars %>%
  tableHTML(widths = c(140, rep(45, 11))) %>% 
  add_css_row(css = list('background-color', '#f2f2f2'),
              rows = odd(1:33)) %>%
  add_css_row(css = list('background-color', '#e6f0ff'),
              rows = even(1:33))
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2


In order to add css to specific table columns you need to use the add_css_column function. The function will add css to the columns, but not to the headers and second_headers. To add css to those you would need to use add_css_header and add_css_second_header respectively. In HTML terminology add_css_row modifies the td tag. The function has three arguments:

  1. tableHTML: A tableHTML object (created by tableHTML())
  2. css: A list of two elements with the corresponding css. The first element of the list should be an atomic vector with the style definitions (e.g. background-color). The second element will be an atomic vector with the same length as the first element, which will contain the style definitions’ values (e.g. red).
  3. columns: A character/numeric atomic vector with the names/indices of the columns where the style definitions will be applied on. At least one column name/index must be provided. If the rownames are included the column name is implied to be “rownames” and the index 0. If row groups are included the column name is implied to be “row_groups” and the index -1.

For example:

mtcars %>%
  tableHTML(widths = c(140, rep(45, 11))) %>% 
  add_css_column(css = list(c('background-color', 'border'), c('lightblue', '3px solid lightgray')), 
                 columns = c('cyl', 'hp', 'rownames'))
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2


Keep in mind that if you apply the same style to both rows and columns, column styles will overwrite row styles:

mtcars %>%
  tableHTML(widths = c(140, rep(45, 11))) %>% 
  add_css_row(css = list('background-color', '#f2f2f2')) %>%
  add_css_column(css = list('background-color', 'lightblue'), 
                 columns = c('cyl', 'hp', 'rownames')) 
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2

In general inner tag style definitions will overwrite outer tag style definitions.

For example:

mytable <- tableHTML(mtcars)
print(mytable, viewer = FALSE)
<table style="border-collapse:collapse;" class=table_2079 border=1>
  <th id="tableHTML_header_1"> </th>
  <th id="tableHTML_header_2">mpg</th>
  <th id="tableHTML_header_3">cyl</th>

add_css_row will add the style definitions in <tr> whereas add_css_header will add the css in <th>. Since the <th> tag is within the <tr> tag, the style definitions of th will overwrite those of tr. This is only true for the same style definitions i.e. if you specify a background-color for both the first row and the headers.


This function is used to add different css values of the same css definition across the column of the table. For example if you want to specify different colours for each one of the rows of a column, this is the right function.

The function accepts only one column but as usual you can chain multiple add_css_rows_in_columns.

 tableHTML(mtcars) %>%
   add_css_rows_in_column(css = list('background-color', 
                                    rep(c('red', 'green'), each = 16)),
                         column = 'mpg')
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2

Here we chain two columns together

 tableHTML(mtcars) %>%
   add_css_rows_in_column(css = list('background-color', 
                                    rep(c('red', 'green'), each = 16)),
                         column = 'mpg') %>%
   add_css_rows_in_column(css = list('background-color', 
                                    rep(c('green', 'red'), each = 16)),
                         column = 'cyl')
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2

This can be chained with add_css_column or any of the rest of the add_css* functions as seen previously.

 tableHTML(mtcars) %>%
   add_css_column(css = list('border', '3px solid blue'),
                  columns = c('mpg', 'disp', 'rownames')) %>%
   add_css_rows_in_column(css = list(c('background-color'), 
                                    rep(c('red', 'green'), each = 16)),
                         column = 'mpg')
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2


This function is used to create editable columns. This is done in HTML so the underlying data in your data.frame will not change. This is meant to be used with shiny or JavaScript in your application / dashboard / website.

 tableHTML(mtcars) %>%
   add_editable_column(columns = 'mpg')
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4
6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1
Mazda RX4 Wag
6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1
Datsun 710
4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1
Hornet 4 Drive
6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0
Hornet Sportabout
8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0
6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0
Duster 360
8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0
Merc 240D
4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0
Merc 230
4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0
Merc 280
6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0
Merc 280C
6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0
Merc 450SE
8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0
Merc 450SL
8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0
Merc 450SLC
8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0
Cadillac Fleetwood
8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0
Lincoln Continental
8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0
Chrysler Imperial
8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0
Fiat 128
4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1
Honda Civic
4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1
Toyota Corolla
4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1
Toyota Corona
4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0
Dodge Challenger
8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0
AMC Javelin
8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0
Camaro Z28
8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0
Pontiac Firebird
8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0
Fiat X1-9
4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1
Porsche 914-2
4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1
Lotus Europa
4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1
Ford Pantera L
8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1
Ferrari Dino
6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1
Maserati Bora
8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1
Volvo 142E
4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1


In order to add css to specific table headers you need to use the add_css_header function. The function has three arguments:

  1. tableHTML: A tableHTML object (created by tableHTML())
  2. css: A list of two elements with the corresponding css. The first element of the list should be an atomic vector with the style definitions (e.g. background-color). The second element will be an atomic vector with the same length as the first element, which will contain the style definitions’ values (e.g. red).
  3. headers: A numeric atomic vector with the indices of the headers where the style definitions will be applied on. At least one header index must be provided.

For example:

mtcars %>%
  tableHTML(widths = c(140, rep(45, 11))) %>% 
  add_css_header(css = list('background-color', 'lightgray'), headers = c(1, 4))
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2


In order to add css to specific table second headers you need to use the add_css_second_header function. The function has three arguments:

  1. tableHTML: A tableHTML object (created by tableHTML())
  2. css: A list of two elements with the corresponding css. The first element of the list should be an atomic vector with the style definitions (e.g. background-color). The second element will be an atomic vector with the same length as the first element, which will contain the style definitions’ values (e.g. red).
  3. second_headers: A numeric atomic vector with the indices of the second headers where the style definitions will be applied on. At least one second header index must be provided. For example:
mtcars %>%
  tableHTML(widths = c(140, rep(45, 11)), 
            second_headers = list(c(3, 4, 5), c('col1', 'col2', 'col3'))) %>% 
  add_css_second_header(css = list(c('background-color', 'border'), 
                                   c('lightgray', '3px solid green')),
                        second_headers = c(1, 3))  
col1 col2 col3
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2


In order to add css to the caption you need to use the add_css_caption function. The function has two arguments:

  1. tableHTML: A tableHTML object (created by tableHTML())
  2. css: A list of two elements with the corresponding css. The first element of the list should be an atomic vector with the style definitions (e.g. background-color). The second element will be an atomic vector with the same length as the first element, which will contain the style definitions’ values (e.g. red).
mtcars %>%
  tableHTML(widths = c(140, rep(45, 11)), 
            caption = 'This is a table') %>% 
  add_css_caption(css = list(c('color', 'font-size', 'text-align'), c('blue', '20px', 'left')))  
This is a table
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2


In order to add css to both the headers and second headers (if any) you could use the add_css_thead function. The function has two arguments:

  1. tableHTML: A tableHTML object (created by tableHTML())
  2. css: A list of two elements with the corresponding css. The first element of the list should be an atomic vector with the style definitions (e.g. background-color). The second element will be an atomic vector with the same length as the first element, which will contain the style definitions’ values (e.g. red).
mtcars %>%
  tableHTML() %>% 
  add_css_thead(css = list('background-color', 'lightgray')) 
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2


In order to add css to all the table apart from the headers or second headers you could use the add_css_tbody function. The function has two arguments:

  1. tableHTML: A tableHTML object (created by tableHTML())
  2. css: A list of two elements with the corresponding css. The first element of the list should be an atomic vector with the style definitions (e.g. background-color). The second element will be an atomic vector with the same length as the first element, which will contain the style definitions’ values (e.g. red).
mtcars %>%
  tableHTML() %>% 
  add_css_tbody(css = list('background-color', 'lightgray')) 
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2


Note: As mentioned above inner tag styling overwrites the same outer tag styling. In this case tr (add_css_row), and td (add_css_column) styling will overwrite the same styling specified in thead or tbody.

To demonstrate this with an example:

mtcars %>%
  tableHTML() %>% 
  add_css_thead(css = list('background-color', 'lightgray')) %>%
  add_css_row(css = list('background-color', 'blue'), rows = 1)
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2


mtcars %>%
  tableHTML() %>% 
  add_css_tbody(css = list('background-color', 'lightgray')) %>%
  add_css_row(css = list('background-color', 'blue'), rows = c(4, 6))
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2


In order to add css to the whole table you need to use the add_css_table function. The function has two arguments:

  1. tableHTML: A tableHTML object (created by tableHTML())
  2. css: A list of two elements with the corresponding css. The first element of the list should be an atomic vector with the style definitions (e.g. background-color). The second element will be an atomic vector with the same length as the first element, which will contain the style definitions’ values (e.g. red).
mtcars %>%
  tableHTML() %>% 
  add_css_table(css = list('background-color', 'lightgray')) 
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2


<table> is the outest tag in an HTML table which means that any same style definitions in any other tags will overwrite the table tag’s style definitions in the same way as described in the above cases.

All together

An example to put everything in action:

mtcars %>%
  tableHTML(widths = c(140, rep(45, 11)),
            second_headers = list(c(3, 4, 5), c('team1', 'team2', 'team3')),
            caption = 'Table of Cars',
            footer = 'Figure 1. Stats for famous cars') %>% 
  add_css_second_header(css = list(c('height', 'background-color', 'font-size'), 
                                   c('40px', ' #e6e6e6', '30px')),
                        second_headers = 1:3) %>%
  add_css_header(css = list(c('height', 'background-color'), c('30px', ' #e6e6e6')),
                 headers = 1:12) %>%
  add_css_row(css = list('background-color', '#f2f2f2'),
              rows = even(1:34)) %>%
  add_css_row(css = list('background-color', '#e6f0ff'),
              rows = odd(1:34)) %>%
  add_css_column(css = list('text-align', 'center'), 
                 columns = names(mtcars)) %>%
  add_css_caption(css = list(c('text-align', 'font-size', 'color'), c('center', '20px', 'black'))) %>%
  add_css_footer(css = list(c('text-align', 'color'), c('left', 'black')))
Table of Cars Figure 1. Stats for famous cars
team1 team2 team3
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2


This is a function that can help you with very specific tasks that cannot be accompliced with the above functions (e.g. adding a css style to a specific cell) or with fixing a potential bug that we don’t know about (in which case please report it on the issues) page. The function has been developed so that it works with the chaining paradigm. The function uses sub or gsub internally in order to replace an HTML string pattern with another.

mtcars %>%
 tableHTML(widths = c(140, rep(45, 11))) %>%
 replace_html(' <td id="tableHTML_column_1">21</td>', 
              '<td id="mpg" style="background-color:lightyellow">21</td>')
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2


Note: A good way to work with this function is to print the table (print(tableHTML(mtcars), viewer = FALSE)), see how the part you want to change is written and change that with the appropriate HTML text.

Export tableHTML as a picture

If you would like to export a tableHTML as a picture, you can use the function tableHTML_to_image(). This makes tableHTML compatible with MS Word and PDF (when rendering rmarkdown as pdf or word for example). It can be also be used with plain markdown and rmarkdown but we recommend keeping the tables as HTML when working with an html document.

Note: In order for the image to be taken properly you need to have phanton_JS installed which you can install by running once the following on your console: webshot::install_phantomjs(). tableHTML uses webshot under the hood to take the picture.

mtcars %>%
  tableHTML() %>%


The package was built to give the absolute freedom to users to design their own HTML tables the way the want. However, we have included three categories of themes (scientific, rshiny-blue and colorize) to give the users a way to build nice looking tables very fast.

You can find out more about the themes and the functions to use in our themes vignette.

Hover and other CSS selectors

These are not supported in inline HTML but they can be added through CSS files. We can see how to do this in shiny below.

tableHTML and shiny

Now that we know about how to use the function’s arguments let’s see how we can use tableHTML with shiny. The implementation is really simple since internally tableHTML uses htmltools::HTML to convert the table into an HTML object. Simply using render_tableHTML and tableHTML_output will be enough.

Let’s see an example

 ui = fluidPage(
    #leave some spacing
    column(width = 1),
 server = function(input, output) {
  output$mytable <- render_tableHTML(

Or with a more complex example:

 ui = fluidPage(
    #leave some spacing
    column(width = 1),
 server = function(input, output) {
  output$mytable <- render_tableHTML(
   mtcars %>%
     tableHTML(widths = c(140, rep(45, 11)),
               second_headers = list(c(3, 4, 5), c('team1', 'team2', 'team3'))) %>%
     add_css_second_header(css = list(c('height', 'background-color', 'font-size', 'text-align'),
                                      c('40px', ' #e6e6e6', '30px', 'center')),
                           second_headers = 1:3) %>%
     add_css_header(css = list(c('height', 'background-color', 'text-align'),
                               c('30px', ' #e6e6e6', 'center')),
                    headers = 1:12) %>%
     add_css_row(css = list('background-color', '#f2f2f2'),
                 rows = even(1:34)) %>%
     add_css_row(css = list('background-color', '#e6f0ff'),
                 rows = odd(1:34)) %>%
     add_css_column(css = list('text-align', 'center'),
                    columns = names(mtcars))

shiny and CSS

As we said previously CSS selectors cannot be used within HTML so if you use shiny you would need to include a separate CSS file. Before we start with shiny and CSS let’s see the rules applied by tableHTML. tableHTML creates ids for columns, headers and second headers and gives the table a specific class name as it was mentioned previously.

The rules are like this:

Let’s see this in practice. We create a CSS file e.g. mycss.css where we will write our css code. Then we load this in R shiny in the following way: In the directory where we saved the ui.R file and the server.R file we also create a www/ folder where we save our .css file. In our case that is named mycss.css. We include this file in R using includeCSS:

   #leave some spacing
   column(width = 1),
   #include css file in shiny

function(input, output) {
   output$mytable <- render_tableHTML(
    tableHTML(mtcars, second_headers = list(c(3, 4, 5), c('col1', 'col2', 'col3')))

Note: You can find out more about CSS and shiny here.

You can also check the make_css function of the package which helps you create a css file and use that within shiny.

In order to add a vertical column line we can use the column ids created by tableHTML. To add a vertical red line at mpg column, our css file would look like this:

#tableHTML_column_1 {
    border-left: 5px solid red;

Our HTML table will look like this:

col1 col2 col3
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2

In order to change the background color of one of the headers (e.g. the second) our CSS would look like this:

#tableHTML_column_1 {
    border-left: 5px solid red;

#tableHTML_header_2 {
    background-color: green;
col1 col2 col3
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2

And in order to change the color of the first second_header our css would look like:

#tableHTML_column_1 {
    border-left: 5px solid red;

#tableHTML_header_2 { 
  background-color: green; 

#tableHTML_second_header_1 { 
    background-color: steelblue; 
col1 col2 col3
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.62 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.32 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.44 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.46 20.22 1 0 3 1
Duster 360 14.3 8 360 245 3.21 3.57 15.84 0 0 3 4
Merc 240D 24.4 4 146.7 62 3.69 3.19 20 1 0 4 2
Merc 230 22.8 4 140.8 95 3.92 3.15 22.9 1 0 4 2
Merc 280 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3 1 0 4 4
Merc 280C 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9 1 0 4 4
Merc 450SE 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SL 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6 0 0 3 3
Merc 450SLC 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18 0 0 3 3
Cadillac Fleetwood 10.4 8 472 205 2.93 5.25 17.98 0 0 3 4
Lincoln Continental 10.4 8 460 215 3 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4
Chrysler Imperial 14.7 8 440 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4
Fiat 128 32.4 4 78.7 66 4.08 2.2 19.47 1 1 4 1
Honda Civic 30.4 4 75.7 52 4.93 1.615 18.52 1 1 4 2
Toyota Corolla 33.9 4 71.1 65 4.22 1.835 19.9 1 1 4 1
Toyota Corona 21.5 4 120.1 97 3.7 2.465 20.01 1 0 3 1
Dodge Challenger 15.5 8 318 150 2.76 3.52 16.87 0 0 3 2
AMC Javelin 15.2 8 304 150 3.15 3.435 17.3 0 0 3 2
Camaro Z28 13.3 8 350 245 3.73 3.84 15.41 0 0 3 4
Pontiac Firebird 19.2 8 400 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2
Fiat X1-9 27.3 4 79 66 4.08 1.935 18.9 1 1 4 1
Porsche 914-2 26 4 120.3 91 4.43 2.14 16.7 0 1 5 2
Lotus Europa 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.9 1 1 5 2
Ford Pantera L 15.8 8 351 264 4.22 3.17 14.5 0 1 5 4
Ferrari Dino 19.7 6 145 175 3.62 2.77 15.5 0 1 5 6
Maserati Bora 15 8 301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6 0 1 5 8
Volvo 142E 21.4 4 121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6 1 1 4 2

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