
R-CMD-check CRAN status

Using the java script library rough.js to draw sketchy, hand-drawn-like maps
(Checkout ggrough for turning general ggplot objects into sketchy drawings and roughnet for networks)


You can install the developers version of roughsf with:

# install.packages("remotes")


roughsf() takes a list of sf objects as input. The layers are drawn in order as they appear in the list. MULTI* geometries are not supported and should be casted beforehand. Aesthetics need to be specified explicitly as columns in the sf objects.

The following attributes are supported for POLYGONS:

The following attributes are supported for LINESTRINGS:

The following attributes are supported for POINTS:

Default values are used if one of the attributes is not found.

Values need to be specified explicitly and cannot be inferred from other columns (This needs to be done in a preparatory step)

ger <- rnaturalearth::ne_countries(scale = "medium", country = "Germany", returnclass = "sf")
ger <- st_cast(ger, "POLYGON")
ger$fill <- "#CD2626"
ger$stroke <- 2
ger$fillweight <- 0.5

# MULTIPOLYGON (and also MULTILINESTRING) are not supported
ger <- st_cast(ger, "POLYGON")

cities <- data.frame(name = c("Berlin", "Munich", "Hamburg", "Cologne"))
cities$geometry <- st_sfc(
  st_point(c(13.4, 52.5200)), st_point(c(11.582, 48.1351)),
  st_point(c(9.9937, 53.5511)), st_point(c(6.9603, 50.9375))
cities <- st_sf(cities)
st_crs(cities) <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"
cities$size <- 15
cities$color <- "#000000"
cities$label <- cities$name
cities$label_pos <- "e"

roughsf::roughsf(list(ger, cities),
                 title = "Sketchy Map of Germany", caption = "drawn by @schochastics",
                 title_font = "48px Pristina", font = "30px Pristina", caption_font = "30px Pristina",
                 roughness = 1, bowing = 1, simplification = 1,
                 width = 800, height = 1000, 

Plots can be saved as png with the save_roughsf() function.

More Examples

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