rgl2gltf: Read and write .gltf and .glb files

This R package contains functions to read, write and display .gltf and .glb files containing 3D models, following the official spec at khronos.org . It also contains functions to convert rgl scenes and mesh3d objects to and from glTF objects.

It is still in active development. Please add issues or pull requests if something important to you is missing.

A pkgdown website is here: https://dmurdoch.github.io/rgl2gltf/dev/

To install from CRAN, run


To install the development version, run


Sample code:


gltf <- readGLB("https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Sample-Models/blob/master/2.0/2CylinderEngine/glTF-Binary/2CylinderEngine.glb?raw=true")
mesh <- as.mesh3d(gltf)
snapshot3d(webshot = FALSE, filename = "man/figures/engine.png")

Most of this package is written by Duncan Murdoch and licensed under GPL 2.0.

Sample files in inst/glb and inst/localtests are unmodified copies of files from https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Sample-Models/tree/master/2.0, and have details of copyright and licenses listed there. All have permissive licenses, some requiring acknowledgment.

Files in inst/localtests are in the Github repository, but are not included in the package tarball.


Files src/mikktspace.c and src/mikktspace.h are written by Morten S. Mikkelsen and used under the permissive license included within them, with slight modifications for C99 compatibility.

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