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ravelRy is an R package that provides access to the Ravelry API.

Ravelry describes itself as a place for knitters, crocheters, designers, spinners, weavers and dyers to keep track of their yarn, tools, project and pattern information, and look to others for ideas and inspiration.

Hex sticker yarn icon by Eucalyp via Flaticon.


You can install the development version of ravelRy from Github with:


Getting started

  1. Set up a Ravelry developer account at https://www.ravelry.com/pro/developer.
  2. Create an app with basic authentication: read only access.
  3. Set RAVELRY_USERNAME and RAVELRY_PASSWORD in your .renviron file or via the console with the ravelry_auth() function.

ravelry_auth(key = 'username')
ravelry_auth(key = 'password')

An example

Retrieve a list of free patterns for baby hats.


search_results <- search_patterns(query = 'hat', page_size = 5, availability = 'free', fit = 'baby')
#> # A tibble: 5 x 7
#>   free      id name    permalink  designer.id designer.name pattern_sources
#>   <lgl>  <int> <chr>   <chr>            <int> <chr>         <list>         
#> 1 TRUE  124400 Sockhe… sockhead-…       21767 Kelly McClure <df[,59] [3 × …
#> 2 TRUE  464893 Garter… garter-ea…       40686 Purl Soho     <df[,59] [1 × …
#> 3 TRUE  991743 Done i… done-in-o…       57164 Jennifer Pio… <df[,59] [2 × …
#> 4 TRUE  528611 Classi… classic-c…       40686 Purl Soho     <df[,59] [2 × …
#> 5 TRUE  585110 Quick … quick-omb…       82906 Emily Dormier <df[,59] [1 × …

Get pattern details for those ids.

patterns <- get_patterns(ids = search_results$id)
#> # A tibble: 5 x 50
#>   comments_count created_at currency difficulty_aver… difficulty_count
#>            <int> <chr>      <chr>               <dbl>            <int>
#> 1            156 2009/05/2… ""                   1.52             4887
#> 2             89 2014/01/2… "USD"                2.41             2449
#> 3             23 2014/10/2… "USD"                1.84             1158
#> 4             76 2015/06/0… ""                   2.21              712
#> 5              1 2020/01/0… "USD"                2.25                4
#> # … with 45 more variables: downloadable <lgl>, favorites_count <int>,
#> #   free <lgl>, gauge <chr>, gauge_divisor <int>, gauge_pattern <chr>,
#> #   generally_available <chr>, id <int>, name <chr>, pdf_url <chr>,
#> #   permalink <chr>, price <chr>, projects_count <int>, published <chr>,
#> #   queued_projects_count <int>, rating_average <dbl>, rating_count <int>,
#> #   row_gauge <chr>, updated_at <chr>, url <chr>, yardage <int>,
#> #   yardage_max <int>, personal_attributes <chr>, sizes_available <chr>,
#> #   product_id <chr>, currency_symbol <chr>, ravelry_download <lgl>,
#> #   download_location <list>, pdf_in_library <lgl>,
#> #   volumes_in_library <chr>, gauge_description <chr>,
#> #   yarn_weight_description <chr>, yardage_description <chr>,
#> #   pattern_needle_sizes <list>, notes_html <chr>, notes <chr>,
#> #   packs <list>, printings <list>, yarn_weight <list>, craft <list>,
#> #   pattern_categories <list>, pattern_attributes <list>,
#> #   pattern_author <list>, photos <list>, pattern_type <list>

More examples can be found here.

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