Changes in version 1.18 *************************************************************************
NEW FEATURES o add a new argument “cndkernel” in the function “qsammon”, when the class of “x” is “cndkernmatrix” o add a new argument “qkernel” in the function “qsammon”, when the class of “x” is “qkernmatrix”

FIXES o fixed error in the function “qsammon”: in feature space, we should use the square root of qkernmatrix instead of Euclidean distance o fixed error messages which the function “qsammon” prints. The position of these two messages (“Warning : MaxHalves exceeded.” and “Optimisation terminated - TolFun exceeded.”) should be exchanged ********************************************************** Changes in version 1.19 ********************************************************** NEW FEARURES o added a new cnd kernel function called “norcnd”,the kernel function denotes K(x,y) = ||x-y||^2 **********************************************************

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