pcvr pcvr Logo

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R functions for use with plantCV output


A stable version of pcvr can be installed from CRAN


Alternatively, the development version of pcvr can be installed using remotes/devtools install_github as shown below. Note that the default behavior in devtools/remotes is to only install true dependencies. Several functions in pcvr use specific packages that would otherwise not be needed for most work, notably the brms supporting functions. To install suggested packages (see DESCRIPTION file) add dependencies=T to the install_github function call.

devtools::install_github("danforthcenter/pcvr", build_vignettes=T) # to install without building vignettes set the build_vignettes argument to F or exclude it.


Please see the bellwether vignette for a general introduction to pcvr. In the future we expect to have more vignettes and to specialize each to some degree.

vignette("bellwether", package="pcvr")
# or 


Please report bugs and make feature requests with issues in this repository.

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