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natserv NatureServe R client

NatureServe is a non-profit organization that provides wildlife conservation related data to various groups including the public.

All functions in this package are prefixed with ns_ to prevent collision with other pkgs.

You no longer need an API key.

See also the taxize book ( for a manual on working with taxonomic data in R, including with NatureServe data.


Stable version from CRAN


Development version

ns_search_comb(text = "robin", page = 0, per_page = 5)
#> $results
#> # A tibble: 5 x 14
#>   recordType elementGlobalId uniqueId nsxUrl elcode scientificName
#>   <chr>                <int> <chr>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>         
#> 1 SPECIES             100637 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Copsychus sau…
#> 2 SPECIES             102323 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus grayi  
#> 3 SPECIES             102179 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus migrat…
#> 4 SPECIES             105536 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus migrat…
#> 5 SPECIES             105850 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus rufopa…
#> # … with 22 more variables: formattedScientificName <chr>,
#> #   primaryCommonName <chr>, primaryCommonNameLanguage <chr>,
#> #   roundedGRank <chr>, nations <list>, lastModified <chr>,
#> #   speciesGlobal$usesaCode <lgl>, $cosewicCode <lgl>, $saraCode <lgl>,
#> #   $synonyms <list>, $otherCommonNames <list>, $kingdom <chr>, $phylum <chr>,
#> #   $taxclass <chr>, $taxorder <chr>, $family <chr>, $genus <chr>,
#> #   $taxonomicComments <chr>, $informalTaxonomy <chr>, $infraspecies <lgl>,
#> #   $completeDistribution <lgl>, gRank <chr>
#> $resultsSummary
#>                            name value
#> 1                          page     0
#> 2                recordsPerPage     5
#> 3                    totalPages    26
#> 4                  totalResults   126
#> 5                 species_total   103
#> 6                         total    23
#> 7                       classes     0
#> 8                    subclasses     0
#> 9                    formations     0
#> 10                    divisions     0
#> 11                  macrogroups     1
#> 12                       groups     1
#> 13                    alliances     3
#> 14                 associations    18
#> 15 terrestrialEcologicalSystems     0

See the vignette ( for more examples.



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