
R-CMD-check Codecov test coverage

You need to extract some specific information from your Rmd or Qmd file? {lightparser} is designed to split your Rmd or Qmd file by sections into a tibble: titles, text, chunks. It stores them as a tibble, so you can easily manipulate it with {dplyr} or {purrr}. Later, you can rebuild a Rmd or Qmd from the tibble.


You can install the development version of lightparser from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


Full documentation website on:


Split your Rmd or Qmd file into a tibble:


file <- system.file(
  package = "lightparser"

tbl_rmd <- split_to_tbl(file)
#> # A tibble: 35 × 8
#>    type    label       params       text     code  heading heading_level section
#>    <chr>   <chr>       <list>       <named > <lis> <chr>           <dbl> <chr>  
#>  1 yaml    <NA>        <named list> <lgl>    <lgl> <NA>               NA <NA>   
#>  2 inline  <NA>        <lgl [1]>    <chr>    <lgl> <NA>               NA <NA>   
#>  3 block   development <named list> <lgl>    <chr> <NA>               NA <NA>   
#>  4 inline  <NA>        <lgl [1]>    <chr>    <lgl> <NA>               NA <NA>   
#>  5 heading <NA>        <lgl [1]>    <chr>    <lgl> Descri…             1 Descri…
#>  6 inline  <NA>        <lgl [1]>    <chr>    <lgl> <NA>               NA Descri…
#>  7 block   description <named list> <lgl>    <chr> <NA>               NA Descri…
#>  8 inline  <NA>        <lgl [1]>    <chr>    <lgl> <NA>               NA Descri…
#>  9 heading <NA>        <lgl [1]>    <chr>    <lgl> Read d…             1 Read d…
#> 10 inline  <NA>        <lgl [1]>    <chr>    <lgl> <NA>               NA Read d…
#> # ℹ 25 more rows

Combine the tibble into a Rmd or Qmd file:

file_out <- tempfile(fileext = ".Rmd")
out <- combine_tbl_to_file(tbl_rmd, file_out)

Read the file re-created with combine_tbl_to_file() to verify it is a proper Rmd

cat(readLines(file_out), sep = "\n")
#> ---
#> title: dev_history.Rmd for working package
#> output: html_document
#> author: statnmap
#> date: '2023-10-12'
#> editor_options:
#>   chunk_output_type: console
#> ---
#> ```{r development}
#> #| include: no
#> library(testthat)
#> ```
#> <!--
#> # Description of your package
#> This will fill the description of your package.
#> -->
#> ```{r description}
#> # --> for parse tests
#> fusen::fill_description(
#>     pkg = here::here(),
#>     fields = list(
#>         Title = "Build A Package From Rmarkdown file",
#>         Description = "Use Rmarkdown First method to build your package. Start your package with documentation. Everything can be set from a Rmarkdown file in your project.",
#>         `Authors@R` = c(
#>             person("John", "Doe", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0000-0000-0000"))
#>         )
#>     )
#> )
#> # Define License with use_*_license()
#> usethis::use_mit_license("John Doe")
#> ```
#> # Read data
#> <!-- Store your dataset in a directory named "inst/" at the root of your project -->
#> <!-- Use it for your tests in this Rmd thanks to `load_all()` to make it available
#> and `system.file()` to read it in your examples 
#> -->
#> ```{r development-2}
#> # Set error=TRUE for checks() if needed
#> # Run all in the console directly
#> # Create "inst/" directory
#> dir.create(here::here("inst"))
#> # Example dataset
#> file.copy(system.file("nyc_squirrels_sample.csv", package = "fusen"), here::here("inst"))
#> ```
#> # Calculate the median of a vector
#> Here is some inline R code : `r 1+1`
#> ```{r function}
#> #' My median
#> #'
#> #' @param x Vector of Numeric values
#> #' @inheritParams stats::median
#> #'
#> #' @return
#> #' Median of vector x
#> #' @export
#> #'
#> #' @examples
#> #' my_median(2:20)
#> my_median <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE) {
#>     if (!is.numeric(x)) {
#>         stop("x should be numeric")
#>     }
#>     stats::median(x, na.rm = na.rm)
#> }
#> ```
#> ```{r examples}
#> my_median(1:12)
#> ```
#> ```{r tests}
#> test_that("my_median works properly and show error if needed", {
#>     expect_error(my_median("text"))
#> })
#> ```
#> # Calculate the mean of a vector
#> ## Use sub-functions in the same chunk
#> ```{r function-1}
#> #| filename: the_median_file
#> #' My Other median
#> #'
#> #' @param x Vector of Numeric values
#> #' @inheritParams stats::median
#> #'
#> #' @return
#> #' Median of vector x
#> #' @export
#> #'
#> #' @examples
#> my_other_median <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE) {
#>     if (!is.numeric(x)) {
#>         stop("x should be numeric")
#>     }
#>     sub_median(x, na.rm = na.rm)
#> }
#> #' Core of the median not exported
#> #' @param x Vector of Numeric values
#> #' @inheritParams stats::median
#> sub_median <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE) {
#>     stats::median(x, na.rm)
#> }
#> ```
#> ```{r examples-1}
#> my_other_median(1:12)
#> my_other_median(8:20)
#> my_other_median(20:50)
#> ```
#> ```{r tests-1}
#> test_that("my_median works properly and show error if needed", {
#>     expect_true(my_other_median(1:12) == 6.5)
#>     expect_error(my_other_median("text"))
#> })
#> ```
#> ```
#> not a R chunk that should be kept in vignette, but not in code
#> ```
#> ```{r development-1}
#> #| eval: no
#> # Run but keep eval=FALSE to avoid infinite loop
#> # Execute in the console directly
#> fusen::inflate(flat_file = "dev/dev_history.Rmd")
#> ```
#> # Inflate your package
#> ```{r}
#> # duplicate empty name
#> ```
#> ```{r}
#> # duplicate empty name
#> ```
#> You're one inflate from paper to box.
#> Build your package from this very Rmd using `fusen::inflate()`
#> - Verify your `"DESCRIPTION"` file has been updated
#> - Verify your function is in `"R/"` directory
#> - Verify your test is in `"tests/testthat/"` directory
#> - Verify this Rmd appears in `"vignettes/"` directory

Similar work

{lightparser} is a light version of {parsermd} that has not been updated for a long time, and which is not compatible with the latest versions of C++ compilers. {lightparser} does not rely on C++ compilation.

Code of Conduct

Please note that the lightparser project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.

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