Working with lfproQC package

To attach the package in R studio


To find the best combination of normalization and imputation method for the dataset

yeast <- best_combination(yeast_data, yeast_groups)

PCV values result

yeast$`PCV Result`
#>   Combinations PCV_mean_Group1 PCV_mean_Group2 PCV_median_Group1
#> 1      knn_vsn      0.01899332      0.02098271       0.010103608
#> 2    knn_loess      0.01894030      0.02092748       0.010089302
#> 3      knn_rlr      0.01841752      0.02035559       0.009524317
#> 4      lls_vsn      0.01907642      0.02125475       0.010014649
#> 5    lls_loess      0.01899846      0.02115904       0.010010652
#> 6      lls_rlr      0.01848859      0.02060921       0.009467251
#> 7      svd_vsn      0.02130958      0.02291101       0.010168022
#> 8    svd_loess      0.02120246      0.02279454       0.010125946
#> 9      svd_rlr      0.02073089      0.02227780       0.009539828
#>   PCV_median_Group2 PCV_sd_Group1 PCV_sd_Group2 Overall_PCV_mean
#> 1       0.010248687    0.02510652    0.03202079       0.01988242
#> 2       0.010229406    0.02512094    0.03200966       0.01982868
#> 3       0.009623503    0.02514387    0.03196261       0.01928309
#> 4       0.010188587    0.02607649    0.03436493       0.02003469
#> 5       0.010086266    0.02601915    0.03419267       0.01995005
#> 6       0.009555411    0.02608782    0.03424729       0.01942093
#> 7       0.010275416    0.02666718    0.03180185       0.02203013
#> 8       0.010245751    0.02653714    0.03162730       0.02191917
#> 9       0.009641606    0.02668266    0.03171780       0.02142605
#>   Overall_PCV_median Overall_PCV_sd
#> 1        0.010176707     0.02806882
#> 2        0.010154654     0.02807341
#> 3        0.009586895     0.02806629
#> 4        0.010100157     0.02952776
#> 5        0.010037649     0.02942941
#> 6        0.009528427     0.02948794
#> 7        0.010243535     0.02886470
#> 8        0.010174640     0.02871838
#> 9        0.009595804     0.02883757

PEV values result

yeast$`PEV Result`
#>   Combinations PEV_mean_Group1 PEV_mean_Group2 PEV_median_Group1
#> 1      knn_vsn      0.06928119       0.2240044        0.01451975
#> 2    knn_loess      0.06934554       0.2236549        0.01372566
#> 3      knn_rlr      0.06940930       0.2287259        0.01407422
#> 4      lls_vsn      0.06557431       0.1924492        0.01415163
#> 5    lls_loess      0.06569981       0.1951490        0.01365153
#> 6      lls_rlr      0.06571568       0.1987836        0.01373442
#> 7      svd_vsn      0.11093175       1.1061681        0.01461283
#> 8    svd_loess      0.11068496       1.0775794        0.01377477
#> 9      svd_rlr      0.11086912       1.0912673        0.01410799
#>   PEV_median_Group2 PEV_sd_Group1 PEV_sd_Group2 Overall_PEV_mean
#> 1        0.03569579     0.2318642     0.7077972         3.724615
#> 2        0.03094776     0.2310270     0.7145988         3.718879
#> 3        0.03079165     0.2316963     0.7240438         3.654317
#> 4        0.03066763     0.2131602     0.6289284         3.950675
#> 5        0.02723237     0.2130089     0.6455851         3.926824
#> 6        0.02745115     0.2131217     0.6525758         3.873370
#> 7        0.03798477     0.7564404     3.3158990         4.086699
#> 8        0.03479958     0.7511748     3.2081410         4.048987
#> 9        0.03431090     0.7542221     3.2545234         4.004299
#>   Overall_PEV_median Overall_PEV_sd
#> 1          0.3327141       13.04018
#> 2          0.3281350       12.99852
#> 3          0.2951418       12.92005
#> 4          0.3292249       14.94162
#> 5          0.3272115       14.78315
#> 6          0.2939210       14.78547
#> 7          0.3395755       12.49347
#> 8          0.3411323       12.34334
#> 9          0.3048646       12.34118

PMAD values result

yeast$`PMAD Result`
#>   Combinations PMAD_mean_Group1 PMAD_mean_Group2 PMAD_median_Group1
#> 1      knn_vsn       0.09646213        0.1345474         0.05987853
#> 2    knn_loess       0.09574330        0.1301592         0.05668150
#> 3      knn_rlr       0.09615877        0.1318876         0.05645906
#> 4      lls_vsn       0.09431624        0.1230112         0.05962906
#> 5    lls_loess       0.09353270        0.1203137         0.05666601
#> 6      lls_rlr       0.09397122        0.1199652         0.05586186
#> 7      svd_vsn       0.09526975        0.1532618         0.06110608
#> 8    svd_loess       0.09452733        0.1513812         0.05670321
#> 9      svd_rlr       0.09502991        0.1507820         0.05702269
#>   PMAD_median_Group2 PMAD_sd_Group1 PMAD_sd_Group2 Overall_PMAD_mean
#> 1         0.07721333      0.1203723      0.1884689         0.5311463
#> 2         0.07440246      0.1217955      0.1841856         0.5280928
#> 3         0.07107893      0.1211655      0.1899826         0.5067583
#> 4         0.07004497      0.1120849      0.1615279         0.5415995
#> 5         0.06831660      0.1134873      0.1599695         0.5375127
#> 6         0.06530233      0.1127784      0.1621876         0.5169754
#> 7         0.07911398      0.1104997      0.2632386         0.4580580
#> 8         0.07647156      0.1120496      0.2613974         0.4546155
#> 9         0.07120029      0.1112492      0.2637285         0.4335150
#>   Overall_PMAD_median Overall_PMAD_sd
#> 1           0.2514293       0.8692545
#> 2           0.2488485       0.8708762
#> 3           0.2218097       0.8683267
#> 4           0.2494979       0.9427988
#> 5           0.2451474       0.9376984
#> 6           0.2194960       0.9390322
#> 7           0.2516930       0.6016608
#> 8           0.2505181       0.6019441
#> 9           0.2232107       0.6003317

Best combinations

yeast$`Best combinations`
#>   PCV_best_combination PEV_best_combination PMAD_best_combination
#> 1              knn_rlr            lls_loess               lls_rlr

To visualize the normality by different exploratory plots

1. By boxplot

#> Using Majority protein IDs as id variables

2. By density plot


3. By correlation heatmap


4. By MDS plot


5. By QQ-plot


Differential expression analysis

To Calculate the top-table values

top_table_yeast <- top_table_fn(yeast$knn_rlr_data, yeast_groups, 2, 1)

To visualize the different kinds of differentially abundant proteins, such as up-regulated, down-regulated, significant and non-significant proteins

By MA plot

de_yeast_MA <- MAplot_DE_fn(top_table_yeast,-1,1,0.05)
de_yeast_MA$`MA Plot`

By volcano plot

de_yeast_volcano <- volcanoplot_DE_fn (top_table_yeast,-1,1,0.05)
de_yeast_volcano$`Volcano Plot`

Both of the above plots give same result.

To obtain the overall differentially abundant proteins result

de_yeast_MA$`Result `

To find the up-regulated proteins


To find the down-regulated proteins


To find the other significant proteins


To find the non-significant proteins


The overall workflow of working with the ‘lfproQC’ package

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