
CRAN status Lifecycle: stable CRAN RStudio mirror downloads

The isobxr package is a set of R tools designed to perform and explore stable isotope box modelling of open or closed systems. It allows users to develop isotopic box models of their system of interest, explore the behavior of these systems in both static (e.g., at steady state) or dynamic modes (e.g., in reaction to a perturbation) and build complex scenarios.
The package also comes with tools to sweep the space of parameters in both static and dynamic modes, and find the parameter values allowing to fit simulations with observations.

Check the isobxr website for more information on isobxr and introduction to its rationale.


Released version

The isobxr package is now on the CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network) and can be found on its isobxr CRAN page.

It is available as a released package and can be installed directly from CRAN by calling:


Development version

The isobxr package is available as a source package in its development version from the GitHub isobxr master repository.

The isobxr development version can be installed as follows:

devtools::install_github("ttacail/isobxr/isobxr", build_vignettes = TRUE) # FALSE if no pandoc/Rstudio 

The full description of installation process can be found here.

Principles and tutorials

The documentation about underlying theory and isobxr use is available at the isobxr website.

Cite isobxr

The isobxr should be cited when used in scientific publications. You can retrieve the citation formats by calling:


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