
The goal of fetchSalesforceR is to help R users to access Salesforce digital marketing data via Windsor.ai API in a convenient way from R.

Windsor.ai allows to get marketing data from any platform. It beautifully simplifies the complexity of dealing with multiple platforms, unlocking unified, valuable information in a format that matters to you. For more details checkout onboard.windsor.ai.


You can install the development version of fetchSalesforceR from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")



You need to get a free API key to access windsor.ai’s APIs. Register your account first and add a data source like Salesforce and then get the API key. For more details check out our official API documentation and this article. Get the API key at https://onboard.windsor.ai. You have a 30 days trial for free.


The package currently has only one function fetch_salesforce which will return a data.frame provided that all of the arguments are supplied to it:



my_salesforce_data <-
  fetch_salesforce(api_key = "your api key",
           date_from = Sys.Date()-100,
           date_to = Sys.Date(),
           fields = c("campaign", "clicks",
                      "spend", "impressions", "date")) 

'data.frame':   14 obs. of  5 variables:
 $ campaign   : chr  "retageting APAC" "retargeting UK&CO" "retageting APAC" "retargeting UK&CO" ...
 $ clicks     : num  4 0 5 7 0 0 4 2 3 0 ...
 $ spend      : num  2.57 2.48 2.39 2.54 0.94 0.71 2.59 2.12 2.43 0.13 ...
 $ impressions: num  806 693 819 689 299 190 682 688 822 135 ...
 $ date       : chr  "2022-09-28" "2022-09-28" "2022-09-29" "2022-09-29" ...

Will return a data.frame with Salesforce marketing data.

For more details see the API documentation at https://windsor.ai//api-fields/.

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