
#> Attaching package: 'lubridate'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:tsibble':
#>     interval
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     date, intersect, setdiff, union
bar_plot(ansett, "year(Week)", "Passengers", size = 16)

bar_plot(ansett, "year(Week)", "Passengers", size = 16, label_pos = "both")

bar_plot(ansett, "year(Week)", "Passengers", size = 16, label_pos = "both", repel = TRUE)

bar_plot(ansett, "year(Week)", "Passengers", size = 16, rescale_y = 1.5, label_pos = "both")

bar_plot(ansett, "year(Week)", "Passengers", "Class")

bar_plot(ansett, "year(Week)", "Passengers", "Class", "Airports")

bar_plot(ansett, "year(Week)", "Passengers", "Class", "Airports",
         facet_scales = "free_y")

bar_plot(ansett, "year(Week)", "Passengers", "Class", "Airports",
         facet_scales = "free_y", repel = TRUE)

bar_plot(ansett, "year(Week)", "Passengers", "Class", label_pos = "both")

bar_plot(ansett, "year(Week)", "Passengers", "Class", label_pos = "both", label_inside = "share")

bar_plot(ansett, "year(Week)", "Passengers", "Class", label_pos = "both", label_inside = "both")

bar_plot(ansett, "year(Week)", "Passengers", "Class", label_pos = "both", label_inside = "both",
         coord_flip = TRUE)

bar_plot(ansett, "Airports", c("Share of Passengers" = "Passengers"), "Class", position = "fill")

bar_plot(ansett, "Airports", "Passengers", "Class", label_pos = "both")

bar_plot(ansett, "Airports", "Passengers", "Class", label_pos = "both", repel = TRUE)

bar_plot(ansett, "Airports", "Passengers", "Class", label_pos = "both", repel = TRUE, angle = 90)

bar_plot(ansett, "Airports", "Passengers", "Class", label_pos = "both", repel = TRUE, angle = -90)

bar_plot(mtcars, "factor(cyl)", "1", "am", position = "dodge")

bar_plot(mtcars, "factor(cyl)", "1", "am", position = "dodge", coord_flip = TRUE)

bar_plot(mtcars, "factor(cyl)", "1", "am", position = "dodge", coord_flip = TRUE, rescale_y = 2)

bar_plot(mtcars, "factor(cyl)", "1", "am", position = "dodge", coord_flip = TRUE, angle = -90)

bar_plot(mtcars, "factor(cyl)", "1", "am", position = "dodge", coord_flip = TRUE, angle = 90)

bar_plot(ansett, "Airports",
         c(Passengers = "ifelse(Class == 'Economy', Passengers, -Passengers)"),
         "Class", label_pos = "both")

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