

The goal of denguedatahub is to provide the research community with a unified dataset by collecting worldwide dengue-related data, merged with exogenous variables helpful for a better understanding of the spread of dengue and the reproducibility of research.

Check out the website at https://denguedatahub.netlify.app/


You can install the development version of denguedatahub from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:

#> Attaching package: 'tsibble'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, union
#> # A tibble: 6 × 3
#>   country      level_of_risk       region
#>   <fct>        <fct>               <fct> 
#> 1 Angola       Sporadic/Uncertain  Africa
#> 2 Benin        Sporadic/Uncertain  Africa
#> 3 Burkina Faso Frequent/Continuous Africa
#> 4 Burundi      Sporadic/Uncertain  Africa
#> 5 Cameroon     Sporadic/Uncertain  Africa
#> 6 Cape Verde   Sporadic/Uncertain  Africa

Sri Lanka Weekly Dengue Cases

#> # A tibble: 6 × 6
#>    year  week start.date end.date   district    cases
#>   <dbl> <dbl> <date>     <date>     <chr>       <dbl>
#> 1  2006    52 2006-12-23 2006-12-29 Colombo        71
#> 2  2006    52 2006-12-23 2006-12-29 Gampaha        12
#> 3  2006    52 2006-12-23 2006-12-29 Kalutara       12
#> 4  2006    52 2006-12-23 2006-12-29 Kandy          20
#> 5  2006    52 2006-12-23 2006-12-29 Matale          4
#> 6  2006    52 2006-12-23 2006-12-29 NuwaraEliya     1


world_annual |>
  filter(region=="Afghanistan") |>
#>       long      lat group order      region subregion code year incidence
#> 1 74.89131 37.23164     2    12 Afghanistan      <NA>  AFG 1990     23371
#> 2 74.89131 37.23164     2    12 Afghanistan      <NA>  AFG 1991     25794
#> 3 74.89131 37.23164     2    12 Afghanistan      <NA>  AFG 1992     29766
#> 4 74.89131 37.23164     2    12 Afghanistan      <NA>  AFG 1993     32711
#> 5 74.89131 37.23164     2    12 Afghanistan      <NA>  AFG 1994     34268
#> 6 74.89131 37.23164     2    12 Afghanistan      <NA>  AFG 1995     35823
#>   dengue.present
#> 1            yes
#> 2            yes
#> 3            yes
#> 4            yes
#> 5            yes
#> 6            yes

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