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The package dRiftDM was developed to assist psychological researchers in applying and fitting diffusion models to empirical data within the R environment. Its most important feature is the ability to handle non-stationary problems, specifically diffusion models with time-dependent parameters. The package includes essential tools for standard analyses, such as building models, estimating parameters for multiple participants (individually for each participant), and creating summary statistics. The pre-built models available in the package include:

Users can flexibly create custom models and utilize the dRiftDM machinery for estimating them.

Starting with version 0.2.0, model predictions (i.e., first-passage times) are derived by numerically solving the Kolmogorov-Forward Equation or a coupled set of integral equations, based on code provided by Richter et al. (2023, Journal of Mathematical Psychology).


Compared to the previous version 0.1.1, versions >0.2.0 make greater use of the S3 object system. Additionally, beginning with version 0.2.0, models use “flex_prms” objects to handle parameters across conditions.

If you wish to install the older version (0.1.1), you can use:

devtools::install_github("bucky2177/dRiftDM", ref = "0.1.1")


You can install the development version of dRiftDM from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

The CRAN version can be installed with:



We are in the process of publishing a tutorial with more detailed instructions (see the respective OSF pre-print). For now, here is an example of how to fit the Diffusion Model for Conflict Tasks to some synthetic data using bounded Nelder-Mead:

#>  ---------------------------------------------------- 
#> / Welcome to dRiftDM 0.2.1 Please report any bugs or \
#> \ unexpected behavior                                /
#>  ---------------------------------------------------- 
#>       \
#>        \
#>         ^__^ 
#>         (oo)\ ________ 
#>         (__)\         )\ /\ 
#>              ||------w|
#>              ||      ||
dmc_model <- dmc_dm(dx = .002, dt = .002, t_max = 1.2)
obs_data(dmc_model) <- dmc_synth_data
#> Class(es): dmc_dm, drift_dm
#> Current Parameter Matrix:
#>        muc   b non_dec sd_non_dec  tau a    A alpha
#> comp     4 0.6     0.3       0.02 0.04 2  0.1     4
#> incomp   4 0.6     0.3       0.02 0.04 2 -0.1     4
#> Unique Parameters:
#>        muc b non_dec sd_non_dec tau a A alpha
#> comp   1   2 3       4          5   0 6 7    
#> incomp 1   2 3       4          5   0 d 7    
#> Special Dependencies:
#> A ~ incomp == -(A ~ comp)
#> Custom Parameters:
#>        peak_l
#> comp     0.04
#> incomp   0.04
#> Deriving PDFs:
#>   solver: kfe
#>   values: sigma=1, t_max=1.2, dt=0.002, dx=0.002, nt=600, nx=1000
#> Observed Data: 300 trials comp; 300 trials incomp
est_model <- estimate_model(
  drift_dm_obj = dmc_model, # a model
  lower = c(2, 0.4, 0.2, 0.005, 0.02, 0.02, 2), # lower boundary - search space
  upper = c(6, 0.8, 0.5, 0.050, 0.12, 0.30, 7), # upper boundary - search space
  verbose = 2, # print out each evaluation
  use_de_optim = F, use_nmkb = T # use Nelder-Mead for demonstration

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