Introduction to cdid

David Benatia



Features of the cdid library

What it supports:

Current limitations:

Getting started

Installing the library requires using remotes at the moment because we cannot submit the package on CRAN yet (Happy holidays!). The command is

remotes::install_github("joelcuerrier/cdid", ref = "main", build_vignettes = TRUE, force = TRUE)

Balanced data

#Load the relevant packages
library(did) #Callaway and Sant'Anna (2021) 
library(cdid) #Bellego, Benatia, and Dortet-Bernadet (2024)
## Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'cdid':
##   method     from
##   print.MP   did 
##   summary.MP did
## Attaching package: 'cdid'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:did':
##     DIDparams, MP
#Generate a dataset: 500 units, 8 time periods, with unit fixed-effects. 
# The parameter sigma_alpha controls the unit-specific time-persistent unobserved
# heterogeneity.
data0=fonction_simu_attrition(N = 500,T = 8,theta2_alpha_Gg = 0.5, 
                              lambda1_alpha_St = 0, sigma_alpha = 2, 
                              sigma_epsilon = 0.1, tprob = 0.5)

# The true values of the coefficients are based on time-to-treatment. The treatment
# effect is zero before the treatment, 1.75 one period after, 1.5 two period after,
# 1.25 three period after, 1 four period after, 0.75 five period after, 0.5 six  
# period after, etc.

#We keep all observations, so we have a balanced dataset
data0$S <- 1

#Look at the data
##     id date          Y           X date_G S
## 496  1    1  1.0375153 -0.50916654      0 1
## 497  2    1  1.6642546  0.90485255      0 1
## 498  3    1  5.4180717  0.10405218      0 1
## 499  4    1  2.3776851 -1.07075107      0 1
## 500  5    1  2.2881996  1.15012013      0 1
## 501  6    1  5.7148449  0.92078829      0 1
## 502  7    1  3.1825990  0.90263073      0 1
## 503  8    1 -0.3141815  1.21615254      0 1
## 504  9    1  0.6587048  1.88246516      0 1
## 505 10    1  1.2679689  1.20559750      0 1
## 506 11    1  4.5992371  0.38356416      0 1
## 507 12    1  2.9192416  0.26520075      0 1
## 508 13    1  2.7608238  0.86819721      0 1
## 509 14    1  2.5006867  1.31001699      0 1
## 510 15    1  0.9133735 -0.03968035      0 1
## 511 16    1  5.7266600  0.81569113      0 1
## 512 17    1  3.0689819  1.96726726      0 1
## 513 18    1 -1.8001064  0.89171991      0 1
## 514 19    1  3.4962817  0.30157933      0 1
## 515 20    1  1.2549496  0.72405483      0 1

The dataset is a dataframe with 3960 observations and 6 columns: \(id\) to keep track of unit ids, \(date\) to keep track of time periods, an outcome variable \(Y\), a predictor \(X\), a treatment date \(date\_G\) (zero for control group), and a sampling dummy \(S\) used to keep track which observations are used in the estimation. There are 495 unique id, and 8 time periods.

#run did library on balanced panel
did.results = att_gt(
  idname = "id",
  gname = "date_G",
  xformla = ~X,
  data = data0,
  weightsname = NULL,
  allow_unbalanced_panel = FALSE,
  panel = TRUE,
  control_group = "notyettreated",
  alp = 0.05,
  bstrap = TRUE,
  cband = TRUE,
  biters = 1000,
  clustervars = NULL,
  est_method = "ipw",
  base_period = "varying",
  print_details = FALSE,
  pl = FALSE,
  cores = 1

#run cdid with 2step weighting matrix
result_2step = att_gt_cdid(yname="Y", tname="date",

#run cdid with identity weighting matrix
result_id = att_gt_cdid(yname="Y", tname="date",
## Call:
## att_gt(yname = "Y", tname = "date", idname = "id", gname = "date_G", 
##     xformla = ~X, data = data0, panel = TRUE, allow_unbalanced_panel = FALSE, 
##     control_group = "notyettreated", weightsname = NULL, alp = 0.05, 
##     bstrap = TRUE, cband = TRUE, biters = 1000, clustervars = NULL, 
##     est_method = "ipw", base_period = "varying", print_details = FALSE, 
##     pl = FALSE, cores = 1)
## Bellego C., Benatia D., and V. Dortet-Bernadet (2024). "The Chained Difference-in-Differences." Journal of Econometrics. doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2023.11.002.
## Group-Time Average Treatment Effects:
##  Group Time ATT(g,t) Std. Error [95% Simult.  Conf. Band]  
##      3    2   0.0183     0.0275       -0.0618      0.0984  
##      3    3   1.7586     0.0319        1.6657      1.8515 *
##      3    4   1.4714     0.0235        1.4030      1.5398 *
##      3    5   1.2372     0.0276        1.1567      1.3177 *
##      3    6   0.9510     0.0266        0.8735      1.0285 *
##      3    7   0.7746     0.0255        0.7003      0.8488 *
##      3    8   0.5150     0.0229        0.4481      0.5818 *
##      4    2  -0.0283     0.0405       -0.1463      0.0898  
##      4    3   0.0322     0.0279       -0.0491      0.1136  
##      4    4   1.6992     0.0329        1.6034      1.7950 *
##      4    5   1.4894     0.0338        1.3909      1.5878 *
##      4    6   1.2562     0.0310        1.1658      1.3466 *
##      4    7   1.0153     0.0364        0.9092      1.1213 *
##      4    8   0.7839     0.0310        0.6935      0.8742 *
##      5    2  -0.0164     0.0305       -0.1054      0.0726  
##      5    3  -0.0162     0.0284       -0.0991      0.0666  
##      5    4   0.0219     0.0351       -0.0806      0.1243  
##      5    5   1.7020     0.0291        1.6171      1.7869 *
##      5    6   1.4653     0.0281        1.3834      1.5472 *
##      5    7   1.2536     0.0299        1.1666      1.3407 *
##      5    8   1.0071     0.0432        0.8811      1.1332 *
##      6    2  -0.0147     0.0372       -0.1232      0.0937  
##      6    3   0.0364     0.0351       -0.0660      0.1388  
##      6    4  -0.0364     0.0301       -0.1240      0.0513  
##      6    5  -0.0125     0.0317       -0.1048      0.0799  
##      6    6   1.7606     0.0353        1.6576      1.8636 *
##      6    7   1.5163     0.0330        1.4202      1.6125 *
##      6    8   1.2603     0.0292        1.1752      1.3454 *
##      7    2  -0.0489     0.0267       -0.1266      0.0288  
##      7    3   0.0042     0.0248       -0.0681      0.0765  
##      7    4  -0.0294     0.0212       -0.0911      0.0322  
##      7    5   0.0276     0.0293       -0.0577      0.1130  
##      7    6   0.0022     0.0323       -0.0920      0.0963  
##      7    7   1.7774     0.0284        1.6945      1.8603 *
##      7    8   1.4987     0.0267        1.4209      1.5765 *
##      8    2   0.0106     0.0363       -0.0953      0.1164  
##      8    3  -0.0170     0.0332       -0.1137      0.0797  
##      8    4  -0.0063     0.0361       -0.1114      0.0988  
##      8    5  -0.0059     0.0319       -0.0989      0.0870  
##      8    6   0.0299     0.0296       -0.0563      0.1162  
##      8    7  -0.0034     0.0351       -0.1056      0.0988  
##      8    8   1.7633     0.0412        1.6432      1.8833 *
## ---
## Signif. codes: `*' confidence band does not cover 0
## P-value for pre-test of parallel trends assumption:  0.7097
## Control Group:  Not Yet Treated,  Anticipation Periods:  0
## Estimation Method:  Inverse Probability Weighting
# Remark that standard errors are smaller for most ATT(g,t) when using cdid
## Call:
## att_gt_cdid(yname = "Y", tname = "date", idname = "id", gname = "date_G", 
##     xformla = ~X, data = data0, control_group = "notyettreated", 
##     alp = 0.05, bstrap = TRUE, cband = TRUE, biters = 1000, clustervars = NULL, 
##     est_method = "2-step", base_period = "varying", print_details = FALSE, 
##     pl = FALSE, cores = 1)
## Bellego C., Benatia D., and V. Dortet-Bernadet (2024). "The Chained Difference-in-Differences." Journal of Econometrics. doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2023.11.002.
## Group-Time Average Treatment Effects:
##  Group Time ATT(g,t) Std. Error [95% Simult.  Conf. Band]  
##      3    1  -0.0184     0.0280       -0.1026      0.0657  
##      3    3   1.7588     0.0326        1.6611      1.8565 *
##      3    4   1.4670     0.0246        1.3933      1.5408 *
##      3    5   1.2375     0.0287        1.1515      1.3235 *
##      3    6   0.9509     0.0266        0.8709      1.0308 *
##      3    7   0.7724     0.0263        0.6936      0.8513 *
##      3    8   0.5146     0.0205        0.4531      0.5762 *
##      4    1  -0.0180     0.0148       -0.0624      0.0264  
##      4    2  -0.0083     0.0126       -0.0460      0.0295  
##      4    4   1.7023     0.0247        1.6283      1.7764 *
##      4    5   1.4911     0.0317        1.3960      1.5863 *
##      4    6   1.2708     0.0259        1.1930      1.3486 *
##      4    7   1.0318     0.0299        0.9419      1.1216 *
##      4    8   0.7827     0.0286        0.6969      0.8686 *
##      5    1   0.0016     0.0043       -0.0114      0.0145  
##      5    2   0.0027     0.0029       -0.0061      0.0115  
##      5    3   0.0024     0.0052       -0.0132      0.0181  
##      5    5   1.7127     0.0202        1.6522      1.7733 *
##      5    6   1.4733     0.0205        1.4119      1.5346 *
##      5    7   1.2630     0.0188        1.2066      1.3195 *
##      5    8   1.0113     0.0241        0.9390      1.0837 *
##      6    1   0.0116     0.0046       -0.0021      0.0252  
##      6    2   0.0038     0.0035       -0.0068      0.0144  
##      6    3   0.0214     0.0075       -0.0012      0.0440  
##      6    4   0.0056     0.0023       -0.0013      0.0125  
##      6    6   1.7324     0.0234        1.6622      1.8026 *
##      6    7   1.5131     0.0279        1.4293      1.5968 *
##      6    8   1.2524     0.0205        1.1910      1.3138 *
##      7    1   0.0150     0.0088       -0.0114      0.0413  
##      7    2  -0.0016     0.0019       -0.0074      0.0042  
##      7    3   0.0007     0.0010       -0.0024      0.0038  
##      7    4  -0.0085     0.0057       -0.0254      0.0085  
##      7    5   0.0000     0.0012       -0.0037      0.0037  
##      7    7   1.7792     0.0140        1.7373      1.8211 *
##      7    8   1.4893     0.0149        1.4446      1.5340 *
##      8    1  -0.0007     0.0036       -0.0115      0.0100  
##      8    2   0.0034     0.0035       -0.0072      0.0140  
##      8    3  -0.0024     0.0043       -0.0153      0.0106  
##      8    4  -0.0134     0.0050       -0.0284      0.0016  
##      8    5  -0.0133     0.0063       -0.0322      0.0055  
##      8    6   0.0048     0.0036       -0.0060      0.0157  
##      8    8   1.7780     0.0207        1.7161      1.8400 *
## ---
## Signif. codes: `*' confidence band does not cover 0
## P-value for pre-test of parallel trends assumption:  0.0001117182
## Control Group:  Not Yet Treated,  Anticipation Periods:  0
## Estimation Method:  2-step
## Call:
## att_gt_cdid(yname = "Y", tname = "date", idname = "id", gname = "date_G", 
##     xformla = ~X, data = data0, control_group = "notyettreated", 
##     alp = 0.05, bstrap = TRUE, cband = TRUE, biters = 1000, clustervars = NULL, 
##     est_method = "Identity", base_period = "varying", print_details = FALSE, 
##     pl = FALSE, cores = 1)
## Bellego C., Benatia D., and V. Dortet-Bernadet (2024). "The Chained Difference-in-Differences." Journal of Econometrics. doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2023.11.002.
## Group-Time Average Treatment Effects:
##  Group Time ATT(g,t) Std. Error [95% Simult.  Conf. Band]  
##      3    1  -0.0161     0.0304       -0.1051      0.0729  
##      3    3   1.7595     0.0329        1.6631      1.8559 *
##      3    4   1.4704     0.0236        1.4013      1.5395 *
##      3    5   1.2359     0.0269        1.1571      1.3146 *
##      3    6   0.9511     0.0293        0.8654      1.0368 *
##      3    7   0.7739     0.0259        0.6980      0.8498 *
##      3    8   0.5147     0.0227        0.4482      0.5812 *
##      4    1  -0.0037     0.0353       -0.1070      0.0996  
##      4    2  -0.0329     0.0289       -0.1175      0.0516  
##      4    4   1.6983     0.0311        1.6073      1.7893 *
##      4    5   1.4881     0.0357        1.3836      1.5926 *
##      4    6   1.2569     0.0294        1.1708      1.3430 *
##      4    7   1.0156     0.0354        0.9118      1.1193 *
##      4    8   0.7842     0.0317        0.6913      0.8771 *
##      5    1   0.0113     0.0279       -0.0706      0.0931  
##      5    2  -0.0062     0.0310       -0.0969      0.0845  
##      5    3  -0.0203     0.0348       -0.1224      0.0817  
##      5    5   1.7020     0.0311        1.6109      1.7931 *
##      5    6   1.4654     0.0264        1.3881      1.5427 *
##      5    7   1.2523     0.0316        1.1598      1.3449 *
##      5    8   1.0046     0.0417        0.8825      1.1267 *
##      6    1   0.0273     0.0337       -0.0713      0.1260  
##      6    2   0.0109     0.0319       -0.0826      0.1044  
##      6    3   0.0486     0.0318       -0.0445      0.1416  
##      6    4   0.0122     0.0306       -0.0774      0.1017  
##      6    6   1.7610     0.0376        1.6510      1.8710 *
##      6    7   1.5164     0.0346        1.4151      1.6178 *
##      6    8   1.2595     0.0297        1.1726      1.3464 *
##      7    1   0.0456     0.0285       -0.0380      0.1292  
##      7    2  -0.0062     0.0242       -0.0771      0.0647  
##      7    3   0.0014     0.0248       -0.0711      0.0740  
##      7    4  -0.0295     0.0259       -0.1054      0.0464  
##      7    5  -0.0026     0.0315       -0.0949      0.0896  
##      7    7   1.7772     0.0305        1.6878      1.8666 *
##      7    8   1.4992     0.0232        1.4311      1.5672 *
##      8    1  -0.0054     0.0353       -0.1086      0.0979  
##      8    2   0.0018     0.0367       -0.1056      0.1092  
##      8    3  -0.0132     0.0347       -0.1149      0.0886  
##      8    4  -0.0221     0.0344       -0.1227      0.0785  
##      8    5  -0.0274     0.0315       -0.1198      0.0650  
##      8    6   0.0034     0.0346       -0.0979      0.1047  
##      8    8   1.7633     0.0405        1.6448      1.8817 *
## ---
## Signif. codes: `*' confidence band does not cover 0
## P-value for pre-test of parallel trends assumption:  0.6624945303
## Control Group:  Not Yet Treated,  Anticipation Periods:  0
## Estimation Method:  Identity

Now that we have the ATT(g,t) for all three methods, we can compare aggregate parameters using the following commands

# Aggregation <- aggte(MP = did.results, type = 'dynamic') <- aggte(MP = result_2step, type = 'dynamic') <- aggte(MP = result_id, type = 'dynamic')
# Print results
## Call:
## aggte(MP = did.results, type = "dynamic")
## Reference: Callaway, Brantly and Pedro H.C. Sant'Anna.  "Difference-in-Differences with Multiple Time Periods." Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 225, No. 2, pp. 200-230, 2021. <>, <> 
## Overall summary of ATT's based on event-study/dynamic aggregation:  
##     ATT    Std. Error     [ 95%  Conf. Int.]  
##  1.1276        0.0119     1.1042       1.151 *
## Dynamic Effects:
##  Event time Estimate Std. Error [95% Simult.  Conf. Band]  
##          -6   0.0106     0.0350       -0.0843      0.1054  
##          -5  -0.0326     0.0222       -0.0927      0.0276  
##          -4  -0.0062     0.0190       -0.0576      0.0453  
##          -3  -0.0018     0.0145       -0.0412      0.0376  
##          -2  -0.0059     0.0136       -0.0427      0.0310  
##          -1   0.0097     0.0125       -0.0243      0.0437  
##           0   1.7446     0.0136        1.7079      1.7813 *
##           1   1.4884     0.0128        1.4536      1.5232 *
##           2   1.2512     0.0150        1.2107      1.2916 *
##           3   0.9875     0.0194        0.9351      1.0399 *
##           4   0.7787     0.0201        0.7242      0.8332 *
##           5   0.5150     0.0238        0.4504      0.5795 *
## ---
## Signif. codes: `*' confidence band does not cover 0
## Control Group:  Not Yet Treated,  Anticipation Periods:  0
## Estimation Method:  Inverse Probability Weighting
#Remark that standard errors are smaller, notably so for the 2step estimator
## Call:
## aggte(MP = result_2step, type = "dynamic")
## Reference: Callaway, Brantly and Pedro H.C. Sant'Anna.  "Difference-in-Differences with Multiple Time Periods." Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 225, No. 2, pp. 200-230, 2021. <>, <> 
## Overall summary of ATT's based on event-study/dynamic aggregation:  
##     ATT    Std. Error     [ 95%  Conf. Int.]  
##  1.1285        0.0107     1.1076      1.1495 *
## Dynamic Effects:
##  Event time Estimate Std. Error [95% Simult.  Conf. Band]  
##          -7  -0.0007     0.0034       -0.0101      0.0086  
##          -6   0.0090     0.0041       -0.0022      0.0203  
##          -5   0.0030     0.0020       -0.0026      0.0086  
##          -4  -0.0017     0.0014       -0.0057      0.0022  
##          -3  -0.0027     0.0042       -0.0142      0.0089  
##          -2  -0.0030     0.0065       -0.0210      0.0151  
##           0   1.7442     0.0102        1.7161      1.7723 *
##           1   1.4867     0.0101        1.4588      1.5145 *
##           2   1.2546     0.0119        1.2217      1.2876 *
##           3   0.9939     0.0170        0.9470      1.0409 *
##           4   0.7771     0.0192        0.7241      0.8300 *
##           5   0.5146     0.0226        0.4523      0.5769 *
## ---
## Signif. codes: `*' confidence band does not cover 0
## Control Group:  Not Yet Treated,  Anticipation Periods:  0
## Estimation Method:  2-step
## Call:
## aggte(MP = result_id, type = "dynamic")
## Reference: Callaway, Brantly and Pedro H.C. Sant'Anna.  "Difference-in-Differences with Multiple Time Periods." Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 225, No. 2, pp. 200-230, 2021. <>, <> 
## Overall summary of ATT's based on event-study/dynamic aggregation:  
##     ATT    Std. Error     [ 95%  Conf. Int.]  
##  1.1272        0.0118     1.1042      1.1503 *
## Dynamic Effects:
##  Event time Estimate Std. Error [95% Simult.  Conf. Band]  
##          -7  -0.0054     0.0328       -0.0980      0.0873  
##          -6   0.0232     0.0249       -0.0473      0.0937  
##          -5   0.0039     0.0170       -0.0441      0.0519  
##          -4   0.0005     0.0150       -0.0419      0.0429  
##          -3  -0.0019     0.0148       -0.0436      0.0399  
##          -2  -0.0093     0.0123       -0.0441      0.0255  
##           0   1.7447     0.0137        1.7061      1.7833 *
##           1   1.4880     0.0129        1.4514      1.5246 *
##           2   1.2505     0.0150        1.2081      1.2928 *
##           3   0.9869     0.0196        0.9315      1.0424 *
##           4   0.7785     0.0198        0.7224      0.8347 *
##           5   0.5147     0.0227        0.4503      0.5790 *
## ---
## Signif. codes: `*' confidence band does not cover 0
## Control Group:  Not Yet Treated,  Anticipation Periods:  0
## Estimation Method:  Identity

Unbalanced data

Let us now do the same but with an unbalanced panel dataset.

#Generate a dataset: 500 units, 8 time periods, with unit fixed-effects (alpha)
data0=fonction_simu_attrition(N = 500,T = 8,theta2_alpha_Gg = 0.5, 
                              lambda1_alpha_St = 0, sigma_alpha = 2, 
                              sigma_epsilon = 0.1, tprob = 0.5)

#We discard observations based on sampling indicator S
data0 <- data0[data0$S==1,]

#run did
did.results =  att_gt(
  idname = "id",
  gname = "date_G",
  xformla = ~X,
  data = data0,
  weightsname = NULL,
  allow_unbalanced_panel = FALSE,
  panel = FALSE,
  control_group = "notyettreated",
  alp = 0.05,
  bstrap = TRUE,
  cband = TRUE,
  biters = 1000,
  clustervars = NULL,
  est_method = "ipw",
  base_period = "varying",
  print_details = FALSE,
  pl = FALSE,
  cores = 1

#run cdid with 2step weighting matrix
result_2step = att_gt_cdid(yname="Y", tname="date",

#run cdid with identity weighting matrix
result_id = att_gt_cdid(yname="Y", tname="date",
#Note the precision gains
## Call:
## att_gt(yname = "Y", tname = "date", idname = "id", gname = "date_G", 
##     xformla = ~X, data = data0, panel = FALSE, allow_unbalanced_panel = FALSE, 
##     control_group = "notyettreated", weightsname = NULL, alp = 0.05, 
##     bstrap = TRUE, cband = TRUE, biters = 1000, clustervars = NULL, 
##     est_method = "ipw", base_period = "varying", print_details = FALSE, 
##     pl = FALSE, cores = 1)
## Bellego C., Benatia D., and V. Dortet-Bernadet (2024). "The Chained Difference-in-Differences." Journal of Econometrics. doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2023.11.002.
## Group-Time Average Treatment Effects:
##  Group Time ATT(g,t) Std. Error [95% Simult.  Conf. Band]  
##      3    2  -0.2381     0.3802       -1.3972      0.9211  
##      3    3   2.1285     0.3718        0.9952      3.2618 *
##      3    4   1.7048     0.4093        0.4570      2.9526 *
##      3    5   1.8590     0.4304        0.5470      3.1710 *
##      3    6   1.5577     0.4366        0.2270      2.8885 *
##      3    7   1.0118     0.3933       -0.1870      2.2107  
##      3    8   1.1837     0.3939       -0.0171      2.3846  
##      4    2   0.1676     0.4592       -1.2322      1.5674  
##      4    3   0.3427     0.4486       -1.0249      1.7103  
##      4    4   1.6564     0.5137        0.0905      3.2224 *
##      4    5   1.3559     0.4325        0.0376      2.6742 *
##      4    6   1.5466     0.5311       -0.0725      3.1657  
##      4    7   1.3461     0.4887       -0.1436      2.8357  
##      4    8   1.2161     0.3851        0.0420      2.3901 *
##      5    2  -0.1077     0.7223       -2.3095      2.0941  
##      5    3   0.7784     0.7322       -1.4537      3.0105  
##      5    4  -0.3655     0.6700       -2.4080      1.6769  
##      5    5   2.6003     0.6686        0.5621      4.6385 *
##      5    6   1.6121     0.6104       -0.2487      3.4729  
##      5    7   1.8961     0.6918       -0.2126      4.0049  
##      5    8   1.2898     0.6432       -0.6710      3.2505  
##      6    2  -0.2072     0.5333       -1.8328      1.4183  
##      6    3   0.0161     0.5532       -1.6702      1.7024  
##      6    4   0.2298     0.6010       -1.6023      2.0618  
##      6    5   0.0950     0.6550       -1.9017      2.0918  
##      6    6   1.6410     0.5121        0.0798      3.2021 *
##      6    7   1.7781     0.5653        0.0550      3.5013 *
##      6    8   2.0181     0.5634        0.3006      3.7355 *
##      7    2   0.3906     0.7141       -1.7863      2.5674  
##      7    3  -0.0790     0.5789       -1.8437      1.6857  
##      7    4   0.1251     0.6254       -1.7814      2.0317  
##      7    5  -0.2276     0.6918       -2.3365      1.8813  
##      7    6   0.4632     0.5537       -1.2246      2.1510  
##      7    7   1.3587     0.5433       -0.2975      3.0149  
##      7    8   1.7903     0.5054        0.2495      3.3310 *
##      8    2  -0.4526     0.5854       -2.2371      1.3320  
##      8    3   0.3770     0.5910       -1.4247      2.1786  
##      8    4   0.1857     0.5961       -1.6314      2.0028  
##      8    5   0.5065     0.5635       -1.2112      2.2241  
##      8    6  -0.1824     0.5977       -2.0044      1.6396  
##      8    7  -0.2489     0.6269       -2.1600      1.6622  
##      8    8   1.8350     0.6339       -0.0975      3.7674  
## ---
## Signif. codes: `*' confidence band does not cover 0
## P-value for pre-test of parallel trends assumption:  0.97337
## Control Group:  Not Yet Treated,  Anticipation Periods:  0
## Estimation Method:  Inverse Probability Weighting
## Call:
## att_gt_cdid(yname = "Y", tname = "date", idname = "id", gname = "date_G", 
##     xformla = ~X, data = data0, control_group = "notyettreated", 
##     alp = 0.05, bstrap = TRUE, cband = TRUE, biters = 1000, clustervars = NULL, 
##     est_method = "2-step", base_period = "varying", print_details = FALSE, 
##     pl = FALSE, cores = 1)
## Bellego C., Benatia D., and V. Dortet-Bernadet (2024). "The Chained Difference-in-Differences." Journal of Econometrics. doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2023.11.002.
## Group-Time Average Treatment Effects:
##  Group Time ATT(g,t) Std. Error [95% Simult.  Conf. Band]  
##      3    1   0.0679     0.0118        0.0314      0.1044 *
##      3    3   1.7812     0.0235        1.7085      1.8539 *
##      3    4   1.4826     0.0124        1.4443      1.5209 *
##      3    5   1.2726     0.0171        1.2197      1.3256 *
##      3    6   0.9400     0.0166        0.8885      0.9916 *
##      3    7   0.8012     0.0142        0.7573      0.8450 *
##      3    8   0.4987     0.0146        0.4535      0.5439 *
##      4    1  -0.1172     0.0215       -0.1837     -0.0507 *
##      4    2  -0.0725     0.0108       -0.1059     -0.0391 *
##      4    4   1.6902     0.0216        1.6232      1.7572 *
##      4    5   1.3226     0.0182        1.2663      1.3789 *
##      4    6   1.1866     0.0259        1.1063      1.2668 *
##      4    7   0.9646     0.0236        0.8917      1.0376 *
##      4    8   0.6788     0.0237        0.6053      0.7522 *
##      5    1   0.0281     0.0110       -0.0061      0.0623  
##      5    2   0.1029     0.0113        0.0678      0.1380 *
##      5    3   0.0537     0.0123        0.0155      0.0919 *
##      5    5   1.7718     0.0109        1.7381      1.8056 *
##      5    6   1.5217     0.0125        1.4829      1.5605 *
##      5    7   1.2101     0.0119        1.1733      1.2468 *
##      5    8   1.0782     0.0133        1.0369      1.1195 *
##      6    1   0.0000     0.0193       -0.0598      0.0598  
##      6    2  -0.0279     0.0169       -0.0802      0.0244  
##      6    3   0.0961     0.0174        0.0423      0.1500 *
##      6    4  -0.1992     0.0179       -0.2545     -0.1439 *
##      6    6   1.6180     0.0202        1.5555      1.6805 *
##      6    7   1.4415     0.0164        1.3909      1.4922 *
##      6    8   1.1778     0.0189        1.1192      1.2363 *
##      7    1  -0.0588     0.0159       -0.1081     -0.0095 *
##      7    2  -0.0403     0.0137       -0.0827      0.0022  
##      7    3  -0.0196     0.0114       -0.0549      0.0157  
##      7    4  -0.0129     0.0158       -0.0619      0.0361  
##      7    5  -0.0902     0.0185       -0.1475     -0.0329 *
##      7    7   1.7156     0.0189        1.6570      1.7742 *
##      7    8   1.5285     0.0154        1.4809      1.5761 *
##      8    1   0.1377     0.0226        0.0676      0.2077 *
##      8    2   0.0502     0.0159        0.0009      0.0995 *
##      8    3   0.0809     0.0188        0.0226      0.1392 *
##      8    4  -0.0412     0.0184       -0.0982      0.0158  
##      8    5   0.0740     0.0229        0.0030      0.1449 *
##      8    6   0.1242     0.0206        0.0603      0.1881 *
##      8    8   1.8980     0.0274        1.8132      1.9828 *
## ---
## Signif. codes: `*' confidence band does not cover 0
## P-value for pre-test of parallel trends assumption:  0
## Control Group:  Not Yet Treated,  Anticipation Periods:  0
## Estimation Method:  2-step
## Call:
## att_gt_cdid(yname = "Y", tname = "date", idname = "id", gname = "date_G", 
##     xformla = ~X, data = data0, control_group = "notyettreated", 
##     alp = 0.05, bstrap = TRUE, cband = TRUE, biters = 1000, clustervars = NULL, 
##     est_method = "Identity", base_period = "varying", print_details = FALSE, 
##     pl = FALSE, cores = 1)
## Bellego C., Benatia D., and V. Dortet-Bernadet (2024). "The Chained Difference-in-Differences." Journal of Econometrics. doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2023.11.002.
## Group-Time Average Treatment Effects:
##  Group Time ATT(g,t) Std. Error [95% Simult.  Conf. Band]  
##      3    1  -0.0254     0.0328       -0.1211      0.0702  
##      3    3   1.7594     0.0444        1.6298      1.8890 *
##      3    4   1.4888     0.0332        1.3920      1.5856 *
##      3    5   1.2262     0.0281        1.1444      1.3081 *
##      3    6   0.9125     0.0338        0.8140      1.0110 *
##      3    7   0.7831     0.0358        0.6786      0.8877 *
##      3    8   0.5122     0.0302        0.4241      0.6003 *
##      4    1  -0.0239     0.0633       -0.2088      0.1609  
##      4    2  -0.0734     0.0365       -0.1799      0.0332  
##      4    4   1.6734     0.0527        1.5196      1.8272 *
##      4    5   1.4696     0.0498        1.3242      1.6150 *
##      4    6   1.2621     0.0465        1.1265      1.3977 *
##      4    7   0.9711     0.0478        0.8315      1.1107 *
##      4    8   0.7824     0.0435        0.6555      0.9093 *
##      5    1   0.0168     0.0391       -0.0973      0.1308  
##      5    2   0.0581     0.0330       -0.0383      0.1546  
##      5    3   0.0054     0.0311       -0.0853      0.0961  
##      5    5   1.6640     0.0284        1.5811      1.7468 *
##      5    6   1.4700     0.0370        1.3620      1.5780 *
##      5    7   1.2105     0.0294        1.1249      1.2962 *
##      5    8   1.0682     0.0432        0.9423      1.1942 *
##      6    1   0.0302     0.0388       -0.0831      0.1435  
##      6    2   0.0348     0.0379       -0.0759      0.1455  
##      6    3   0.0551     0.0405       -0.0630      0.1731  
##      6    4  -0.0106     0.0424       -0.1343      0.1130  
##      6    6   1.7572     0.0580        1.5880      1.9263 *
##      6    7   1.5040     0.0395        1.3888      1.6192 *
##      6    8   1.2899     0.0379        1.1792      1.4006 *
##      7    1  -0.0031     0.0321       -0.0968      0.0906  
##      7    2  -0.0047     0.0281       -0.0866      0.0772  
##      7    3   0.0041     0.0259       -0.0715      0.0796  
##      7    4  -0.0066     0.0337       -0.1050      0.0918  
##      7    5  -0.0532     0.0389       -0.1668      0.0604  
##      7    7   1.7418     0.0381        1.6306      1.8531 *
##      7    8   1.5147     0.0338        1.4161      1.6133 *
##      8    1   0.0036     0.0549       -0.1566      0.1638  
##      8    2  -0.0277     0.0372       -0.1364      0.0809  
##      8    3   0.0098     0.0512       -0.1397      0.1593  
##      8    4  -0.0422     0.0372       -0.1509      0.0665  
##      8    5  -0.0240     0.0418       -0.1458      0.0979  
##      8    6   0.0017     0.0444       -0.1279      0.1312  
##      8    8   1.7798     0.0479        1.6401      1.9194 *
## ---
## Signif. codes: `*' confidence band does not cover 0
## P-value for pre-test of parallel trends assumption:  0.4719657727
## Control Group:  Not Yet Treated,  Anticipation Periods:  0
## Estimation Method:  Identity
# Aggregation
# There are other ways to aggregate, see the did library <- aggte(MP = did.results, type = 'dynamic') <- aggte(MP = result_2step, type = 'dynamic') <- aggte(MP = result_id, type = 'dynamic')
#Note the precision gains
## Call:
## aggte(MP = did.results, type = "dynamic")
## Reference: Callaway, Brantly and Pedro H.C. Sant'Anna.  "Difference-in-Differences with Multiple Time Periods." Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 225, No. 2, pp. 200-230, 2021. <>, <> 
## Overall summary of ATT's based on event-study/dynamic aggregation:  
##     ATT    Std. Error     [ 95%  Conf. Int.]  
##  1.5077        0.1936     1.1283      1.8871 *
## Dynamic Effects:
##  Event time Estimate Std. Error [95% Simult.  Conf. Band]  
##          -6  -0.4526     0.5680       -2.0262      1.1211  
##          -5   0.3833     0.4289       -0.8048      1.5714  
##          -4  -0.0339     0.3478       -0.9974      0.9297  
##          -3   0.1529     0.3174       -0.7264      1.0322  
##          -2   0.1255     0.3110       -0.7361      0.9871  
##          -1   0.0064     0.2239       -0.6138      0.6267  
##           0   1.8525     0.2140        1.2596      2.4453 *
##           1   1.6546     0.2268        1.0265      2.2828 *
##           2   1.8346     0.2740        1.0755      2.5937 *
##           3   1.4177     0.2692        0.6719      2.1635 *
##           4   1.1034     0.2774        0.3348      1.8720 *
##           5   1.1837     0.3764        0.1409      2.2265 *
## ---
## Signif. codes: `*' confidence band does not cover 0
## Control Group:  Not Yet Treated,  Anticipation Periods:  0
## Estimation Method:  Inverse Probability Weighting
## Call:
## aggte(MP = result_2step, type = "dynamic")
## Reference: Callaway, Brantly and Pedro H.C. Sant'Anna.  "Difference-in-Differences with Multiple Time Periods." Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 225, No. 2, pp. 200-230, 2021. <>, <> 
## Overall summary of ATT's based on event-study/dynamic aggregation:  
##     ATT    Std. Error     [ 95%  Conf. Int.]  
##  1.1078        0.0083     1.0916      1.1241 *
## Dynamic Effects:
##  Event time Estimate Std. Error [95% Simult.  Conf. Band]  
##          -7   0.1377     0.0239        0.0702      0.2051 *
##          -6  -0.0030     0.0158       -0.0476      0.0417  
##          -5   0.0138     0.0124       -0.0212      0.0487  
##          -4  -0.0166     0.0082       -0.0397      0.0065  
##          -3   0.0281     0.0116       -0.0048      0.0610  
##          -2  -0.0204     0.0113       -0.0523      0.0114  
##           0   1.7439     0.0107        1.7137      1.7742 *
##           1   1.4572     0.0099        1.4292      1.4852 *
##           2   1.2144     0.0103        1.1853      1.2434 *
##           3   0.9866     0.0128        0.9503      1.0229 *
##           4   0.7462     0.0156        0.7021      0.7904 *
##           5   0.4987     0.0145        0.4578      0.5396 *
## ---
## Signif. codes: `*' confidence band does not cover 0
## Control Group:  Not Yet Treated,  Anticipation Periods:  0
## Estimation Method:  2-step
## Call:
## aggte(MP = result_id, type = "dynamic")
## Reference: Callaway, Brantly and Pedro H.C. Sant'Anna.  "Difference-in-Differences with Multiple Time Periods." Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 225, No. 2, pp. 200-230, 2021. <>, <> 
## Overall summary of ATT's based on event-study/dynamic aggregation:  
##     ATT    Std. Error     [ 95%  Conf. Int.]  
##  1.1233        0.0155     1.0929      1.1536 *
## Dynamic Effects:
##  Event time Estimate Std. Error [95% Simult.  Conf. Band]  
##          -7   0.0036     0.0566       -0.1485      0.1557  
##          -6  -0.0157     0.0246       -0.0818      0.0503  
##          -5   0.0129     0.0231       -0.0492      0.0749  
##          -4   0.0042     0.0185       -0.0455      0.0538  
##          -3   0.0119     0.0198       -0.0411      0.0650  
##          -2  -0.0262     0.0157       -0.0683      0.0159  
##           0   1.7317     0.0185        1.6819      1.7815 *
##           1   1.4897     0.0166        1.4450      1.5344 *
##           2   1.2482     0.0182        1.1992      1.2972 *
##           3   0.9750     0.0256        0.9063      1.0436 *
##           4   0.7828     0.0269        0.7107      0.8549 *
##           5   0.5122     0.0309        0.4292      0.5952 *
## ---
## Signif. codes: `*' confidence band does not cover 0
## Control Group:  Not Yet Treated,  Anticipation Periods:  0
## Estimation Method:  Identity

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