
Formal Psychological Models of Categorization and Learning

Catlearn is an archive of formal models of categorization and learning, plus benchmark datasets to test them against. It’s also an archive of simulations using those models. It’s free and open source software … and always will be.

Catlearn is a package for R, and is very easy to install within that environment. For a tutorial introduction to catlearn, and the Open Models initiative more generally, see Wills et al. (2017). There is also lots of information about catlearn on its website.

Installing the stable version

Make sure you’re running the latest version of R and then type:


and then


Installing the latest (unstable) version

If you’re not sure what “unstable” means in this context, you probably want to install the stable version instead. If you’re sure you want the unstable version, first install devtools and its dependencies. Then run:


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