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Logo biomod2

Species distribution modeling,
calibration and evaluation,
ensemble modeling


install.packages("biomod2", dependencies = TRUE)

devtools::install_github("biomodhub/biomod2", dependencies = TRUE)

All changes between versions are detailed in News.

NEW video tutorial in Videos !

biomod 4.2-6 - Improved OptionsBigBoss and new model

Please feel free to indicate if you notice some strange new behaviors !

What is changed ?

What is new ?

Main workflow

biomod 4.2-5 - Modeling options & Tuning Update

What is changed ?

What is new ?

biomod 4.2 - Terra Update

What is changed ?

biomod 4.1 is now available

/!\ Package fresh start… meaning some changes in function names and parameters. We apologize for the trouble >{o.o}<
Sorry for the inconvenience, and please feel free to indicate if you notice some strange new behaviors !

What is changed ?

What is new ?

But… why ?

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