


aihuman provides statistical methods for analyzing experimental evaluation of the causal impacts of algorithmic recommendations on human decisions developed by Imai, Jiang, Greiner, Halen, and Shin (2023).

The data used for this paper, and made available here, are interim, based on only half of the observations in the study and (for those observations) only half of the study follow-up period. We use them only to illustrate methods, not to draw substantive conclusions.


You can install the development version of aihuman from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("sooahnshin/aihuman", dependencies = TRUE, build_vignettes = TRUE)

If you have trouble with compilation on macOS, you may want to check this link.

Usage 1: Evaluation Based on Principal Stratification

The package provides main functions for the methods proposed by Imai, Jiang, Greiner, Halen, and Shin (2023) based on principal stratification.

Category Function Type Main Input Output Paper Notes
descriptive PlotStackedBar() vis. e.g., data(psa_synth) ggplot Fig 1 dist. of \(D_i\)
descriptive CalDIMsubgroup() est. e.g., data(synth) dataframe Sec 2.4 diff-in-means
descriptive PlotDIMdecisions() vis. output of CalDIMsubgroup() ggplot Fig 2 (left)
descriptive PlotDIMoutcomes() vis. output of CalDIMsubgroup() for each outcome ggplot Fig 2 (right)
main AiEvalmcmc() est.(c/h) e.g., data(synth) mcmc Sec S5
main CalAPCE() est.(c/h) output of PSAmcmc() list Sec 3.4
main APCEsummary() est. output of CalAPCE() dataframe Sec 3.4 APCE
main PlotAPCE() vis. output of APCEsummary() ggplot Fig 4
strata CalPS() est. $P.R.mcmc of CalAPCE() dataframe Eq 6 \(e_r\)
strata PlotPS() vis. output of CalPS() ggplot Fig 3
fairness CalFairness() est. output of CalAPCE() dataframe Sec 3.6 \(\Delta_r(z)\)
fairness PlotFairness() est. output of CalFairness() ggplot Fig 5
optimal CalOptimalDecision() est. output of AiEvalmcmc() dataframe Sec 3.7 \(\delta^\ast(\mathbf{x})\)
optimal PlotOptimalDecision() vis. output of CalOptimalDecision() ggplot Fig 6
comparison PlotUtilityDiff() vis. output of CalOptimalDecision() ggplot Fig 7 \(g_d(\mathbf{x})\)
comparison PlotUtilityDiffCI() vis. output of CalOptimalDecision() ggplot Fig S17
crt SpilloverCRT() est. court event hearing date, \(D_i\), \(Z_i\) daraframe Sec S3.1
crt PlotSpilloverCRT() vis. output of SpilloverCRT() ggplot Fig S8
crt power SpilloverCRTpower() est. court event hearing date, \(D_i\), \(Z_i\) dataframe Sec S3.2
crt power PlotSpilloverCRTpower() vis. output of SpilloverCRTpower() ggplot Fig S9
frequentist CalAPCEipw() est. e.g., data(synth) dataframe Sec S7
frequentist BootstrapAPCEipw() est. e.g., data(synth) dataframe
frequentist APCEsummaryipw() est. outputs of CalAPCEipw() and BootstrapAPCEipw() dataframe
frequentist (RE) CalAPCEipwRE() est. e.g., data(synth) dataframe
frequentist (RE) BootstrapAPCEipwRE() est. e.g., data(synth) dataframe

vis. = visualization; est. = estimation; c/h = computation-heavy. You may use CalAPCEparallel() instead of CalAPCE() throughout the analysis.

For more details, see the aihuman package vignette, vignette("aihuman", package = "aihuman").


## Using synthetic data with small run
sample_mcmc <- AiEvalmcmc(data = synth, n.mcmc = 10)
#> 10/10 done.
subgroup_synth <- list(1:nrow(synth),
                       which(synth$Sex == 0),
                       which(synth$Sex == 1),
                       which(synth$Sex == 1 & synth$White == 0),
                       which(synth$Sex == 1 & synth$White == 1))
sample_apce <- CalAPCE(data = synth, 
              = sample_mcmc, 
                       subgroup = subgroup_synth)
# You can also use the parallelized version: check CalAPCEparallel()
sample_apce_summary <- APCEsummary(sample_apce[["APCE.mcmc"]])
         y.max = 0.25, 
         decision.labels = c("signature", "small cash", "medium cash", "large cash"), 
         shape.values = c(16, 17, 15, 18), 
         col.values = c("blue", "black", "red", "brown", "purple"), 
         label = FALSE)

Usage 2: Evaluation With Minimal Assumptions

The package provides main functions for the methods proposed by Ben-Michael, Greiner, Huang, Imai, Jiang, and Shin (2024) based on a minimal set of assumptions.

Category Function Type Output Figure #
Human+AI v. Human compute_stats_aipw() est. dataframe
Human+AI v. Human plot_diff_human_aipw() vis. ggplot Fig 1
AI v. Human compute_bounds_aipw() est. dataframe
AI v. Human plot_diff_ai_aipw() vis. ggplot Fig 2, 5, S4
Preference plot_preference() vis. ggplot Fig 3, S5
Agreement table_agreement() est ggplot
Agreement plot_agreement() vis. ggplot Fig S1
Overrides plot_diff_subgroup() vis. ggplot Fig S2, S3
Policy learning See the vignette vis. ggplot Fig 4

For more details, see the ablity vignette, vignette("ability", package = "aihuman").


## set default ggplot theme
theme_set(theme_bw(base_size = 15) + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)))

## Human+AI v. Human
  Y = NCAdata$Y,
  D = ifelse(NCAdata$D == 0, 0, 1),
  Z = NCAdata$Z,
  nuis_funcs = nuis_func,
  true.pscore = rep(0.5, nrow(NCAdata)),
  l01 = 1,
  subgroup1 = ifelse(NCAdata$White == 1, "White", "Non-white"),
  subgroup2 = ifelse(NCAdata$Sex == 1, "Male", "Female"),
  label.subgroup1 = "Race",
  label.subgroup2 = "Gender",
  x.order = c("Overall", "Non-white", "White", "Female", "Male"),
  p.title = NULL, = -0.3, p.ub = 0.3

## AI v. Human
  Y = NCAdata$Y,
  D = ifelse(NCAdata$D == 0, 0, 1),
  Z = NCAdata$Z,
  A = PSAdata$DMF,
  z_compare = 0,
  nuis_funcs = nuis_func,
  nuis_funcs_ai = nuis_func_ai,
  true.pscore = rep(0.5, nrow(NCAdata)),
  l01 = 1,
  subgroup1 = ifelse(NCAdata$White == 1, "White", "Non-white"),
  subgroup2 = ifelse(NCAdata$Sex == 1, "Male", "Female"),
  label.subgroup1 = "Race",
  label.subgroup2 = "Gender",
  x.order = c("Overall", "Non-white", "White", "Female", "Male"),
  zero.line = TRUE, arrows = TRUE, y.min = -Inf,
  p.title = NULL, = -0.3, p.ub = 0.3

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