Admiral Extension for Vaccines

CRAN status Test Coverage

Vaccine extension package for ADaM in R Asset Library {admiral}


To provide a complementary (to {admiral}) toolbox that enables users to develop vaccine specific domains.


The package is available from CRAN and can be installed by running install.packages("admiralvaccine").

To install the latest development version of the package directly from GitHub use the following code:

if (!requireNamespace("remotes", quietly = TRUE)) {

remotes::install_github("pharmaverse/admiraldev", ref = "devel") # This is a required dependency of {admiralvaccine}
remotes::install_github("pharmaverse/admiral", ref = "devel") # This is a required dependency of {admiralvaccine}
remotes::install_github("pharmaverse/admiralvaccine", ref = "devel")


The latest version of the package works with the latest versions of the packages stated in DESCRIPTION.

If a previous version of the package should be used, it is recommended to use latest version of the dependencies at the point of time when the previous version of {admiralvaccine} was released.



{admiralvaccine} is expected to complement {admiral} and provide functions to help with the creation of the efficacy endpoints required for vaccine ADaMs.

References and Documentation

R Versions

Here’s a summary of our strategy for this package related to R versions:


We use the following for support and communications between user and developer community:

{admiralvaccine} R Package Collaboration: Pfizer, GSK and J&J

mirror server hosted at Truenetwork, Russian Federation.