HVT: Collection of functions used to build hierarchical topology preserving maps

Zubin Dowlaty, Shubhra Prakash, Sangeet Moy Das, Shantanu Vaidya, Praditi Shah, Srinivasan Sudarsanam, Somya Shambhawi, Vishwavani


1. Abstract

The HVT package is a collection of R functions to facilitate building topology preserving maps for rich multivariate data analysis, see Figure 1 as an example of a 3D torus map generated from the package. Tending towards a big data preponderance, a large number of rows. A collection of R functions for this typical workflow is organized below:

  1. Data Compression: Vector quantization (VQ), HVQ (hierarchical vector quantization) using means or medians. This step compresses the rows (long data frame) using a compression objective.

  2. Data Projection: Dimension projection of the compressed cells to 1D,2D or Interactive surface plot with the Sammons Non-linear Algorithm. This step creates topology preserving map (also called an embedding) coordinates into the desired output dimension.

  3. Tessellation: Create cells required for object visualization using the Voronoi Tessellation method, package includes heatmap plots for hierarchical Voronoi tessellations (HVT). This step enables data insights, visualization, and interaction with the topology preserving map useful for semi-supervised tasks.

  4. Scoring: Scoring new data sets and recording their assignment using the map objects from the above steps, in a sequence of maps if required.

  5. Temporal Analysis and Visualization: A Collection of new functions that leverages the capacity of the HVT package by analyzing time series data for its underlying patterns, calculation of transitioning probabilities and the visualizations for the flow of data over time.

The HVT package allows creation of visually stunning tessellations, showcasing the power of topology preserving maps. below is an image depicting a captivating tessellation of a torus.

Figure 1:  Heatmap Visualization of a Torus with 900 Cells

Figure 1: Heatmap Visualization of a Torus with 900 Cells

2. Vignettes

Following are the links to the vignettes for the HVT package:

  1. HVT Vignette: Contains descriptions of the functions used for vector quantization and construction of hierarchical voronoi tessellations for data analysis.

  2. HVT Model Diagnostics Vignette: Contains descriptions of functions used to perform model diagnostics and validation for HVT model.

  3. HVT Scoring Cells with Layers using scoreLayeredHVT: Contains descriptions of the functions used for scoring cells with layers based on a sequence of maps using scoreLayeredHVT.

  4. Temporal Analysis and Visualization: Leveraging Time Series Capabilities in HVT: Contains descriptions of the functions used for analyzing time series data and its flow maps.

3. Version History

HVT (v24.5.2) | What’s New?

2nd May, 2024

In this version of HVT package, the following new features have been introduced:

  1. Updated Nomenclature: To make the function names more consistent and understandable/intuitive, we have renamed the functions throughout the package. Given below are the few instances.
  1. Restructured Functions: The functions have been rearranged and grouped into new sections which are highlighted on the index page of package’s PDF documentation. Given below are the few instances.
  1. Enhancements: The pre-existed functions, hvtHmap and exploded_hmap, have been combined and incorporated into the plotHVT function. Additionally, plotHVT now includes the ability to perform 1D plotting.

  2. Temporal Analysis

Below are the new functions and its brief descriptions:

HVT (v23.11.02)

17th November, 2023

This version of HVT package offers functionality to score cells with layers based on a sequence of maps created using scoreLayeredHVT. Given below are the steps to created the successive set of maps.

  1. Map A - The output of trainHVT function which is trained on parent data.

  2. Map B - The output of trainHVT function which is trained on the ‘data with novelty’ created from removeNovelty function.

  3. Map C - The output of trainHVT function which is trained on the ‘data without novelty’ created from removeNovelty function.

The scoreLayeredHVT function uses these three maps to score the test datapoints.

Let us try to understand the steps with the help of the diagram below

Figure 2: Data Segregation for scoring based on a sequence of maps using scoreLayeredHVT()

Figure 2: Data Segregation for scoring based on a sequence of maps using scoreLayeredHVT()

HVT (v22.12.06)

06th December, 2022

This version of HVT package offers features for both training an HVT model and eliminating outlier cells from the trained model.

  1. Training or Compression: The initial step entails training the parent data using the trainHVT function, specifying the desired compression percentage and quantization error.

  2. Remove novelty cells: Following the training process, outlier cells can be identified manually from the 2D hvt plot. These outlier cells can then be inputted into the removeNovelty function, which subsequently produces two datasets in its output: one containing ‘data with novelty’ and the other containing ‘data without novelty’.

4. Installation of HVT (v24.5.2)

devtools::install_github(repo = "Mu-Sigma/HVT")

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