Geospatial Queries using Pymongo in R

Lampros Mouselimis


Since I submitted the geojsonR package I was interested in running geospatial MongoDB queries using GeoJson data. I decided to use PyMongo (through the reticulate package) after opening two Github issues here and here. In my opinion, the PyMongo library is huge and covers a lot of things however, my intention was to be able to run geospatial queries from within R.

The GeoMongo package

The GeoMongo package allows the user,

I was able to reproduce the majority of geospatial MongoDB queries ( System Requirements : MongoDB (>= 3.4) and Python (>= 3.5) ) using a number of blog posts on the web, however I’ll take advantage of the following two in order to explain how one can use the GeoMongo package for this purpose:

queries based on first example blog post

When inserting data using the geomongo R6 class the user has the option (via the TYPE_DATA parameter) to either give a character string (or vector), a list, a file or a folder of files as input. To start with, I’ll use the following character strings ( they appear in the first example blog post , the "_id" ’s were removed),


# important : the property-names of each geojson object should be of type character string

loc1 = '{
          "name" : "Squaw Valley",
          "location" : {
              "type" : "Point",
              "coordinates" : [

loc2 = '{
        "name" : "Mammoth Lakes",
        "location" : {
            "type" : "Point",
            "coordinates" : [

loc3 = '{
        "name" : "Aspen",
        "location" : {
            "type" : "Point",
            "coordinates" : [

loc4 = '{
        "name" : "Whistler",
        "location" : {
            "type" : "Point",
            "coordinates" : [

# create a vector of character strings

char_FILES = c(loc1, loc2, loc3, loc4)           

Before inserting the data one should make sure that MongoDB is running on the Operating System. Information on how to install MongoDB can be found here.

The geomongo R6 class will be initialized and a database and collection will be created,

init = geomongo$new(host = 'localhost', port = 27017)    # assuming MongoDB runs locally

getter_client = init$getClient()                          # get MongoClient()

init_db = getter_client[["example_db"]]                   # create a new database

init_col = init_db$create_collection("example_col")       # create a new collection

After the preliminary steps, one can continue by inserting the char_FILES object to the relevant database / collection using the geoInsert method. The TYPE_DATA parameter equals here to dict_many meaning it can take either a list of lists (nested list) or a character vector of strings,

init$geoInsert(DATA = char_FILES,              # input data
               TYPE_DATA = 'dict_many',        # character vector of strings as input
               COLLECTION = init_col,          # specify the relevant collection
               GEOMETRY_NAME = "location")     # give the 'geometry name' of each geo-object

One can now run various commands to check the correctness of the inserted data,

init_db$collection_names()    # prints out the collection names of the relevant database
init_col$find_one()          # prints one of the inserted geometry objects

[1] "Point"

[1] -120.24   39.21

[1] "Squaw Valley"
init_col$count()          # prints the number of the inserted geometry objects
[1] 4

I’ll continue reproducing some of the geo-queries of the first example blog post from within an R-session.

The first query is about the number of locations in the state of Colorado, where Colorado is approximated as the below GeoJson square,

  "type": "Polygon",
  "coordinates": [[
    [-109, 41],
    [-102, 41],
    [-102, 37],
    [-109, 37],
    [-109, 41]

and the corresponding MongoDB query would be,

...   location: {
...     $geoIntersects: {
...       $geometry: {
...         type: "Polygon",
...         coordinates: [[
...           [-109, 41],
...           [-102, 41],
...           [-102, 37],
...           [-109, 37],
...           [-109, 41]
...         ]]
...       }
...     }
...   }
... })

This query can be translated in R in the following way:

query_geoIntersects = list('location' = 
                             list('$geoIntersects' = 
                                    list('$geometry' = 
                                             type = "Polygon", 
                                             coordinates = 
                                                   c(-109, 41), 
                                                   c(-102, 41), 
                                                   c(-102, 37), 
                                                   c(-109, 37), 
                                                   c(-109, 41)

and the find METHOD of geoQuery function will be used to return locations which are within the boundaries of Colorado,

loc_intersect = init$geoQuery(QUERY = query_geoIntersects,      # query from previous chunk
                              METHOD = "find",                  # the method to use
                              COLLECTION = init_col,            # the collection to use

                              GEOMETRY_NAME = "location",       # the geometry name to use
                              TO_LIST = FALSE)                  # returns a data.table


The output can be returned either as a list or as a data.table,

# data.table format

   location.type location.coordinates1 location.coordinates2  name                       id
1:         Point               -106.82                 39.18 Aspen 5984a0b742b2563fb5838f6c

The next few code chunks will show how to return documents that are within a certain distance of a given point using the geoWithin and centerSphere operators (locations with a square of circumradius 300 miles centered on San Francisco, approximately latitude 37.7, longitude -122.5).

# MongoDB query

...   location: {
...     $geoWithin: {
...       $centerSphere: [[-122.5, 37.7], 300 / 3963.2]
...     }
...   }
... })

and the corresponding query in R,

geoWithin_sph = list('location' = 
                       list('$geoWithin' = 
                            list('$centerSphere' = 
                                     c(-122.5, 37.7), 300 / 3963.2)

# no need to specify again the "COLLECTION" and "GEOMETRY_NAME" parameters
# as we use the same initialization of the R6 class with the previous query

res_geoWithin_sph = init$geoQuery(QUERY = geoWithin_sph,
                                  METHOD = "find")
# example output

   location.type location.coordinates1 location.coordinates2  
1:         Point               -118.90                 37.61
2:         Point               -120.24                 39.21

            name                       id
   Mammoth Lakes 5984a0b742b2563fb5838f6b
    Squaw Valley 5984a0b742b2563fb5838f6a

One can read more about the magic number 3963.2 (radius of the Earth) either in the first example blog post or in the MongoDB documentation.

Here one can also plot the output locations using the leaflet package,

map_dat <- leaflet::leaflet()

map_dat <- leaflet::addTiles(map_dat)

map_dat <- leaflet::addMarkers(map_dat, 
                               lng = unlist(res_geoWithin_sph$location.coordinates1), 
                               lat = unlist(res_geoWithin_sph$location.coordinates2))

The next query utilizes the aggregate method to return the locations sorted by distance from a given point,

# MongoDB query

...   $geoNear: {
...     near: {
...       type: 'Point',
...       coordinates: [-122.5, 37.1]
...     },
...     spherical: true,
...     maxDistance: 900 * 1609.34,
...     distanceMultiplier: 1 / 1609.34,
...     distanceField: 'distanceFromSF'
...   }
... }])

and the corresponding query in R,

query_geonear = list('$geoNear' = 
                       list(near = 
                                type = "Point", 
                                coordinates = 
                                  c(-122.5, 37.1)
                            distanceField = "distanceFromSF", 
                            maxDistance = 900 * 1609.34,
                            distanceMultiplier = 1 / 1609.34, 
                            spherical = TRUE)

func_quer_geonear = init$geoQuery(QUERY = query_geonear, 
                                  METHOD = "aggregate")

# example output

   distanceFromSF location.type location.coordinates1 location.coordinates2   
1:       190.8044         Point               -120.24                 39.21  
2:       201.0443         Point               -118.90                 37.61 
3:       863.9478         Point               -106.82                 39.18        

           name                           id
   Squaw Valley     5984a0b742b2563fb5838f6a
  Mammoth Lakes     5984a0b742b2563fb5838f6b
          Aspen     5984a0b742b2563fb5838f6c

queries based on the second (MongoDB) documentation example

I picked this documentation example in order to show how someone can use the command METHOD besides the find and aggregate methods.

First I’ll build a new collection (places) and then I’ll insert the example data,

places_col = init_db$create_collection("places")       # create a new collection
# important : the property-names of each geojson object should be of type character string

place1 = '{
          "name": "Central Park",
          "location": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -73.97, 40.77 ] },
          "category": "Parks"

place2 = '{
         "name": "Sara D. Roosevelt Park",
         "location": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -73.9928, 40.7193 ] },
         "category": "Parks"

place3 = '{
       "name": "Polo Grounds",
       "location": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -73.9375, 40.8303 ] },
       "category": "Stadiums"

# create a vector of character strings

doc_FILES = c(place1, place2, place3)

init$geoInsert(DATA = doc_FILES,               # insert data
               TYPE_DATA = 'dict_many',        # character vector of strings as input
               COLLECTION = places_col,        # specify the relevant collection
               GEOMETRY_NAME = "location")     # give the 'geometry name' of each geo-object

# outputs the collection names

# example output

[1] "places"      "example_col"

places_col$count()          # number of geojson objects in collection
[1] 3

After the data is inserted one can now query the data using the command METHOD.

Worth mentioning for this particular method are the differences between MongoDB and PyMongo. The following code chunk shows the MongoDB runCommand,

     geoNear: "places",
     near: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ -73.9667, 40.78 ] },
     spherical: true,
     query: { category: "Parks" }

which corresponds to the following query in GeoMongo (similar to PyMongo),

Args_Kwargs = list("geoNear", "places",

                   near = list("type" = "Point", "coordinates" = c(-73.9667, 40.78)),

                   spherical = TRUE,

                   query = list("category" = "Parks"))

Information about the various parameters of the command method can be found in the PyMongo documentation.

Then the GeoMongo command method takes the parameters in the same way as the find or aggregate methods,

init$geoQuery(QUERY = Args_Kwargs, 
              METHOD = "command", 
              COLLECTION = places_col, 
              DATABASE = init_db,             # additionally I have to specify the database

              TO_LIST = FALSE)

which returns only the ‘Parks’ (of the category property name) from the input documents,

   obj.category obj.location.type obj.location.coordinates1 obj.location.coordinates2  
1:        Parks             Point                  -73.9700                   40.7700        
2:        Parks             Point                  -73.9928                   40.7193 

             dis                       id
             Central Park 1147.422 5985b4d242b2563fb5838f6e
   Sara D. Roosevelt Park 7106.506 5985b4d242b2563fb5838f6f

The following two blog posts include also a variety of geospatial queries ( here and here ).

More details about the geomongo R6 class and each method (read_mongo_bson(), geoInsert(), geoQuery()) can be found in the Details and Methods of the package documentation.

When to input data in bson rather than in json format (applies to the geomongo R6 class)

When inserting data to MongoDB there are cases where the id appears in the following format,

# data taken from :

example_dat = '{"_id":
                "name":"Morris Park Bake Shop"}'

bson_col = init_db$create_collection("example_bson")       # create a new collection

Inserting the example_dat in the bson_col will raise an error,

init$geoInsert(DATA = example_dat,             # insert data
              TYPE_DATA = 'dict_one',          # single list as input
              COLLECTION = bson_col,           # specify the relevant collection
              GEOMETRY_NAME = "location",      # give the 'geometry name' of each geo-object
              read_method = "geojsonR")
# example output

Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords) : 
  InvalidDocument: key '$oid' must not start with '$'

This error is explained also in a similar StackOverflow question

In such a case, one has to change the read_method to mongo_bson to correctly insert the data,

init$geoInsert(DATA = example_dat,             # insert data
              TYPE_DATA = 'dict_one',          # single character string as input
              COLLECTION = bson_col,           # specify the relevant collection
              GEOMETRY_NAME = "location",      # give the 'geometry name' of each geo-object
              read_method = "mongo_bson")

Finally, we can check the correctness of the inserted data,

# example output

[1] 1

# example output


[1] "Point"

[1] -73.85608  40.84845

[1] "Morris Park Bake Shop"

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