
Updated April 2023

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[13] S. Pimmasarn, N. K. Tripathi, S. Ninsawat, et al. “Applying LiDAR to Quantify the Plant Area Index Along a Successional Gradient in a Tropical Forest of Thailand”. In: Forests 11.5 (2020), p. 520. DOI:

[14] D. M. Ebengo, F. de Boissieu, C. Lavalley, et al. “Simulating Spectral Heterogeneity In Tropical Forest Canopy Reflectance With 3d Radiative Transfer Modeling”. In: 2019 10th Workshop on Hyperspectral Imaging and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS). IEEE. 2019, pp. 1-5. DOI:

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[21] J. Dauzat, C. Madelaine-Antin, J. Heurtebize, et al. “How Much Commercial Timber in Your Plot, How Much Carbon Sequestrated in the Trees, How Much Light Available for Undercrops? Terrestrial LIDAR is the Right Technology For Addressing These Questions”. In: 3rd European Agroforestry Conference-Book of Abstracts; Gosme, M., Ed. 2016, pp. 121-124. <URL:>.

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